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Ltr Contract:Task Order 1,under Contract NRC-02-98-009
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/10/1998
From: Pool S
To: Hwang R
CON-FIN-J-5248, CON-NRC-02-98-009, CON-NRC-2-98-9 NUDOCS 9809180125
Download: ML20151Y150 (6)


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5 y WASHINGTON. D. C. 20555

%,...../ SEP 0 8 898 j Advanced Technoicgies and Laboratories Intemational, Inc.

Attn: Ms. Ray-way Hwang 20521 Century Blvd., Suite 200 Germantown, MD 20874 j



Dear Ms. Hwang:

In accordance with Section G.5, Task Order Procedures. of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No.1. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

Task Order No.1 shall be in effect from September 14,1998 to September 13,1999. The total cost plus fixed fee for this task order is $61,782, in which the amount of $58,285 represents the reimbursable costs, and the amount of $3,497 represents the fixed fee.

Funds in the amount of $20,000 are obligated to incrementally fund this task order.  ;

Accounting data for this task order is as follows:

.B & R N o.: 85015121010

- BOC: 252A FIN No.: J5248 A P P N N o.: 31X0200 FFS: 5098R110 OBLIGATED AMOUNT: $20,000 The following individual (s) are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:

Jou Hwang The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.2, Kev Personnel.

.Your contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters: Donna Umbel- Project Officer 301/415-7819 Dr. Santiago Parra - Task Order Technical Monitor i 301/415-6433 gQ g i ~< . 4 q 4 at ,

.. . a 1.

9909180125 990910 i PDR CONTR k MtC-02-98-OO9 PDR V

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L ATL Any contractual matters should be referred to me on'301/415-8168. The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract. Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official who is authorized to bind your organization, l- execute three copies of this document in the spaces provided below and retum two fully executed copies to me. You should retain the third copy for your records.

Sincerely, l


, . ,7 .

t . oo , C6 racti Division of Contracts and ( g Officer Property Management


As stated 1


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/50 / I TITLE 9-ro ' -ff DATE l

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TASK ORDER STATEMENT OF WORK Criticality and Radiation Safety Contract Number: N RC-02-98-009 Contract


FCSS Regulatory Guidance Task Order Contract - Task Area 3 Task Order Number: 1

1. Obiective The objective of this task is to update Regulatory Guide 4.15 Quality Assurancefor Radiological Afonitoring Programs-Effluent Streams and the Environment; Regulatory Guide 4.16 Afonitoring and Reporting Radioactivitv in Releases ofRadioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluentsfrom Nuclear Fuel Processing and Fabrication Plants and Uranium Hexafluoride Production Plants; and Regulatory Guide 8.10, Operating Philosophyfor Afaintaining Occupational Radiation Exposures As low As is Reasonably Achievable. Monitoring systems need to be updated to reflect new codes, specifications, and methodologies. The contractor will be required to recommend changes to regulatory guides and regulations to meet current NRC standards.
2. Level of Effort For planning purposes, it is estimated that this project will take approximately 0.3 full time equivalent (FTE) to complete.
3. Period of Performance The period of performance for the work specified in this task order shall commence on the effective date of this task order and shall continue for approximately 12 months.
4. Scope of Work The contractor shall provide technical assistance to NMSS/FCSS/FRIB in recommending revisions to the following regulatory guides:

a) Regulatory Guide 4.15, Quality Assurancefor Radiological Afonitoring Programs-Effluent Streams and the Environment b) Regulatory Guide 4.16, Afonitoring and Reporting Radioactivity in Releases of Radioactive Afaterials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluentsfrom Nuclear Fuel Processing and Fabrication Plants and Uranium Hexafluoride Production Plants 3.1-1


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c) Regulatory Guide 8.10. Operating Philosophyfor Alaimaimng Occupational Radiation Exposures As low As Is Reasonably Achievable The scope of this efTort involves the following:

a) Update references by making recommendations for revising regulations to current regulations, particularly 10 CFR Parts 20,70, and 76. .

b) Develop one of the following: (1) a brief regulatory analyses or value/ impact statements for inclusion in the revised guides or (2) an inclusion of references to existing analyses for the previous version of the guides, or (3) an inclusion of references to a current and valid existing analysis that was prepared for a related rule which includes the impacts  ;

associated with the draft guides. Regulatory analysis should include a cost benefit l estimate on backfitting the facilities to meet this new regulatory requirement. .

I c) Provide recommendations for updating, as appropriate and justifiable by regulatory analysis, Regulatory Guide 4.16 Afonitoring and Reporting Radioactivity in Releases of Radioactive Afaterials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluentsfrom Nuclear Fuel Processing and Fabrication Plants and Uranium Hexafluoride Production Plants, to the extent which it will affect licensed facilities. j d) Include in recommendations any recent development in radiological analytical methods for measurement of nuclides in the fuel enrichment and fabrication industry that provide acceptable alternatives to the methods endorsed by these guides.

5. NRC-Fumished Materials NRC shall provide the contractor with both paper and disk copy formatted in Wordperfect 6.1 (if available) of:-

a). Regulatory Guide 4.15, Quality Assurancefor Radiological Afonitoring Programs-Effluent Streams and the Environment 1

b) Regulatory Guide 4.16 Afonitoring and Reporting Radioactivity in Releases of Radioactive materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluentsfrom Nuclear Fuel Fracessing and Fabrication Plants and Uranium Hexafluoride Production Plants c) Regulatory Guide 8.10,0perating Philosophyfor Alaintaining Occupational Radiation Exposures As low As is Reasonably Achievable d) Title 10, Parts 20,70, and 76 of the US Code ofFederal Regulations 3.1-2 l



6. Meetings and Travel ,

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. All travel associated with this task order shall be approved in advance. All such travel shall result in trip reports. which may be issued separately or as part of the next monthly letter status l

. report. Copies of separately issued trip reports shall be submitted within 15 days of the l completion of travel. It is estimated that a minimum of 3 trips to NRC Headquarters will be needed for the purpose of: (1) discussions with NRC on work requirements of each task order, prior to commencing work: and (2) discussions with NRC on development of contractor products  ;

as circumstances warrant. When practical, telephone conference calls shall be held in lieu of  !

meetings at NRC Headquarters.

7. Deliverable Products / Schedule i

The contractor shall prepare all deliverables in Wordperfect 6.1, unless directed otherwise, and submit this to the NRC with a paper and disk copy as detailed in the schedule below. Draft products will be noted as such by use of a watermark. Final technical reports shall be presented to NRC in " camera-ready" form and ready for NRC publication. .;

a) Within 3 weeks after issuance of this task order, the contractor shall provide NRC a draft outline. of the recommended format and content for the revised guidance documents on the Regulatory Guide 4.15 and two weeks later for Regulatory Guide 4.16 and 8.10.

b) Within 3-4 weeks after receipt of(a) above, NRC shall review and provide comments to the contractor, Within 1-2 weeks after receipt of NRC comments in (b) above, contractor shall provide l c)

.Rnal document outline to NRC.

d). Within 2-5 weeks aRer completion of the fm' al outline in (c) above, contractor shall provide the NRC with the nest draft of the formal report containing recommended text for the document identified for development.

e) Within 3-6 weeks after NRC receipt of the draR document in (d) above, NRC will  !

provide comments to the contractor.

f) Within 2-4 weeks after contractor receipt of NRC comments in (e) above, contractor will  ;

provide NRC a revised draft retort document.

j' g) _ Within.3-6 weeks aRer NRC receipt of revised draf document in (f) above, NRC will p provide comments to the contractor.

l h) Within 2-4 weeks aRer contractor receipt of NRC comments in (g) above, contractor will l


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provide NRC the.fum/ renori.  !

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l G POOLW4MS9000mTASK_31 3.1-4