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Ltr Contract:Task Order 3,entitled National Sealed Source & Device Registry Sys Under Contract NRC-02-95-001
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1998
From: Wiggins E
To: Parker S
CON-FIN-J-5055, CON-NRC-02-95-001, CON-NRC-2-95-1 NUDOCS 9810130085
Download: ML20154G191 (14)




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Jupiter Corporation RECElVED ATTN: Sheila Parker Director, Contract Administration OCT 0 31998 Suite 900, Wheaton Plaza North 2730 University Boulevard Wheaton, MD 20902 CONTRACTS



Dear Ms. McCarthy:

In accordance with Section G.4(c) of the subject contract, entitled " Task Order Award," this letter definitizes Task Order No. 3 with an established cost ceiling of $174,448.00. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work and the contractor's revised technical proposal dated September 17,1998.

Task Order No. 3 shall be in effect from October 1,1998 through September 30,1999 with a cost ceiling of $174.448.00. The amount of $161,676.00 represents the total estimated reimbursable costs and the amount of $12,772.00 represente the fixed fee.

The amount currently obligated under this task order is $80,000.00.

The obligated amount shall at no time shall exceed the cost ceiling. When and if the amount (s) paid and payable to the contractor hereunder shall equal the obligated amount, the contractor shall not be obligated to cont;nue performance of the work unless and until the Contracting Officer shall increase the amount obligated with respect to this task order.

Accounting data for the subject task order is as follows:

B&R No.: 85015122010 Job Code No.: J5055 Appropriation No.: 31X0200 BOC No.: 252A Amount Obligated: 580,000.00 R. Scott Moore is considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder.

The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.3, Key Personnel.

ffCQ j g 9810130085 980930 PDR CONTR NRC-02-95-OO1 PDR C C)dN

2 Contract No. NRC-02-95-001 Task Order No. 3


. ~

Your contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters: Penny Kinney Project Officer

.(301) 415-7805 Contractual Matters: Anita Hughes Contract Specialist j (301) 415-6526 .

The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.,

I' including the contract ceiling amount of $714,746.00.

Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three (3) copies of this document in the space provided and return two (2) copies to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Ms. Anita Hughes, Division of Contracts and Property Management, T-712, ADM/DCPM/CMB2, Washington, D.C. 20555. You should retain the third copy for your records.

If you have any questions regarding this task order, please contact Anita Hughes, Contract Specialist, on (301) 415-6526.

Sincerely, Erois J. Wiggins, Contracting Officer Contract Management Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration


As stated ACCEPTED:

Shelia C. Parke f, . a/k Name -

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Director, Contracts and Administration


Title Septembst 30,l998 Date h w- P _v.a

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  1. JUPITER CORPORATION JCN J5055, ARC 02-95-001 NATIONAL SEALED SOURCE AND DEVICE REGISTRY SYSTEM TASK ORDER NO. 3 1.0 Backarounri The Materials Safety Branch is responsible for the National Sealed Source and Device Registry (NSS&DR) of radioactive sealed sources and devices. The NSS&DR contains a listing of all approved sealed sources and devices (both NRC and Agreement States) as registered on a registration certificate. The information contained in the certificate is used for licensing approvals, inspections, and incident response. These certificates are a licensing / inspection tool which contains information about whether a device or sealed source is approved for licensing, under what environments and conditions the product has been approved for use, and also provides descriptive information about the design, prototype testing, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, external radiation levels and labeling. In addition, one or more drawings may be attached to the document to give users a picture of the product and safety related components.

The certificates are typically 2 to 12 pages long and contain an average of 2 attachments. The hard copies of these certificates are contained in approximately 12 to 15 linear feet of 3 inch wide 3-ring notebooks.

All States (agreement and Non-Agreement) also issue registration certificates for sealed sources or devices containing Naturally occurring or Accelerator-produced Radioactive Material (NARM). Copies of these registration certificates are provided to IMNS by the States. IMNS does not perform a review of these certificates, but does incorporate these certificates into the national registry. Copies are forwarded to the NRC Regional Offices, Agreement States, and appropriate Federal and international agencies as a service to the States.

l l The registry system is used by NRC Headquarters, NRC Regional Offices, the i Agreement States, Canada, International Atomic Energy Agency, other feceral and l international agencies, and manufacturers and distributors of the products. This accounts for over 100 users. The system is used daily by the various users. In addition, this system supports the License Fee Billing System and management reports.

The current automated system only tracks and allows retrieval of the basic information (key fields) contained on the first page of the certificate (e.g., registry number, model number, isotope, manufacturer). The user can search on any of these key fields and obtain the registry number which is then used to find the hard copy certificate which nas been suoplied to them from NRC. This is a burdensome adrninistrative process to keep

' up with the distribution of the hard copy registration certificates to all the various users.

In addition, the current system is not very efficient since users have to retrieve a hard copy from a location which may not be located near their workstation. Another problem users complain about is that it is not a "real-time" system. Users do not know if their file

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l is up-to-date, and therefore, tend to bypass the system and call the Materials Safety Branch directly for the faformation. These telephone interruptions reduce the time that could be used to conduct product reviews: . ,.-

Currently, two automated systems are available: one system is a mainframe system at the National Institutes of Health in job control language and the other is a PC system written in dBASE and Clipper. There are approximately 3,100 records in the system with an annual growth of about 100 records per year. Each certificate is approximately 40 kilobytes with an estimated 1-3 gigabytes of storage for all documents and drawings.

The main body of the document is created in Wordperfect text. Drawings may be attached as PCX files. It is anticipated that the current process of documeni and drawing creation will continue unchanged.

The goal of this Task Order is to complete development and implementation of the NSS&DR System. The three key components:

1. Modernize the current automated systems, including all elements from the Registry of Sealed Sources and Devices,
2. Establish access to the new system for external users, including NRC Regional Offices, Agreement States, and the public, and l

l 3. Support the transition to the use of the NSS&DR System as NRC's official i Registry of Sealed Sources and Devices. l l

2.0 Objective

! This Task Order requires the contractor to develop and implement an automated " turn-key" system that would satisfy the following:


1. meet NRC information tracking needs, l

! 2. access to text is less than 30 seconds and graphics less than 1 minute.


3. a Windows based system that is user friendly,
4. accessible by the parties described in the background with minimal cost and able to support 10 internal and 5 or more external concurrent users and meet the NRC nety'ork security and access standards, These standards will be provided, upon request, by the NRC TM.

j S. allow a search on key fields on the first page of the document, and allow all information and graphics to be retrieved for viewing or printing including the drawings,

, 6. contain information necessary to support and interface with License Fee Billing System,


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7. data must be able to be transformed across various platforms so that it can tie-in with the IMNS B0siness Process Reengineering (BPR) past efforts, the License Fee Billir.g System, and ADAMS, N
8. allow more efficient use of resources for maintaining and using the system,
9. be compatible with existing NRC hardware and operating systems,
10. have automatic backup and security options,
11. allow the data to be transferred onto electronic media (e.g., CD ROM) that can be transferred to various users,
12. allow modification, deletion, and addition of data by only authorized NRC users,
13. allow users to download and print to file the data,
14. provide standard reports that the user can view and print,
15. provide a log of the users currently on the system plus be able to provide historical data on users,
16. have d 13 validation for data entry where practical,
17. allow batch updates of the additions, modifications and deletions during non-peak hours,
18. have built in procedures to automatically log-out specified users (those users that are logged on and have not pressed a key within a specified time period), and
19. end user documentation and on-line context sensitive help.

3.0 NRC Comoutina Envirpnment The contractor shall develop the application to work within the NRC Client-Server environment which includes, but is not limited to the following:

Client-Server Hardware / Software Platform Workstation: 486/20MHz or better workstation with a minimum of 8MB of RAM and 25MB of free hard disk space.

SERVER: IBM RS/6000 models 370/62MHz and 570/50MHz with 32MB/1GB system memory and 400MB/7.2 GB fixed disk storage saleable to 36.2GB/58.6GB with external disk expansion unit.



Graphical User Interface: Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/NT Software Engineering: Po'werBuilder.

DSS /EIS: MICROSOFT ACCESS CASE: Sterling Concepts Key (formerly known as Knowledgeware Application Development Workbench (ADW]) planning, analysis, design, and construction modules.

Data Communications: Novell Netware supporting muc.spie concurrent protocols (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX), and SYBASE System 10 (DLL, Netlib) using AIX.

Document Management Software: PCDOCS Open in addition, the contractor shall develop the application so that it is conc.:, tent with other document initiatives throughout the agency, specifically, the new agency-wide document management system ADAMS (Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System) being designed to replace the current NUDOCS system.

4.0 Technical and Other Soecial Qualifications Reauired The contractor shall provide all the necessary personnel to perform the analysis, design, data modeling, physical database design, application development, testing, implementation, training, data conversion, legacy system retirement and support for the computer-based NSS&DR System described in this Task Order.

Anticipated personnel categories include the following:

System Analyst / Engineer Database Architect Telecommunications /LAN Specialist Programmer Project Manager Technical Writer 5.0 Level of EffoIt The level of effort for this Task Order is estimated to be 1 staff year.

6.0 Period of Performance The period of performance for the work specified in this Task Order shat! begin on the date of execution of this Task Order and shall continue until September 30,1999.

7.0 Scooe of Work 7.1 General Scope - N i

This Task Order 3 is a continuation of the Task Order 2 which expired on December 31, 1997 due to insufficient funds. The contractor provided drafts of 5 deliverables on the

. basis of the Task Order 2, Modification 5 dated September 30,1997. As noted in Section 8, deliverables submitted under Task Order 2 shall be revised / updated to incorporate Task Order 3 activities and to address Technical Monitor (TM) comments.

The contractor shall begin by reviewing previously completed work in order to regain a close working familiarity with the NSS&DR System progress to date.

The following documents, which were developed under Task Order 2, shall be revised on an ongoing basis as necessary, by incorporating the TM comments and corrections as a part of this Task Order: (1) the draft Data Conversion Verification Routines and Exception Listing document dated November 14,1997, (2) the Software and Hardware Requirements Specification document, (3) the Data Mapping, Business Rules, and Default Values for Data Conversion document, (4) the draft System Design document dated December 31,1997.

The contractor shall continue development of the programs to ensure adequate functionality to meet NRC needs, including data entry, report generation, search / retrieval, online help, and extemal utility modules. The program shall provide On-Line context sensitive Help and an optional On-Line Quick Tour which walks the new user through the screens and system mechanics. The program shall provide for integration with the NRC ADAMS application to allow retrieval of selected documents from the NRC ADAMS system. The program shall contain information necessary to support and interface with the License Fee Billing System, and shall provide for integration with the NRC License Fee Billing System to support agency billing requirements. In the search / retrieval module, the user should be able to perform a search and if a match is found, be able to view and print the entire certificate. If more than one match is found, then a table is to be generated from 'vhich the uscr can choose one or more certificates to view or print. The search / retrieval module shall also allow search on active-inactive certificate, previous vendor name, previous custom user name, and substring vendor name.

The programs are to be of a modular design and well dos...mented. Upon con'pletion of each module, the cortractor shall provide the modules to the NRC TM for functionality testing and acceptan- All modules are to be provided to NRC in both source code and executable files av rding to OClO guidelines. Development of additional modules shall be continued while awaiting acceptance of previcusly submitted modules. Since the application is to reside on the NRC LAN, the application must provide for dynamic drive allocation. Application tools used to develop the programs, data dictionary (s), and DBMS are to be provided to NRC upon completion or termination of this Task Order.

The contractor shall provide the program codes (i.e., PowerBuilder libraries [pbis, pbds, etc.), dynamically linked libraries, database programs, etc.) in whatever state of completion at the beginning and at the conclusion of this Task Order. This includes any PowerBuilder libraries (pbts, pbds, etc ) dev iloped or used, excluding those provided

with PowerBuilder, any dynamically linked libraries (dlls), database programs (i.e., data conversion routines), working executable files, and any other applicable codes. The dlls, if created in PowerBuilder, are to also be.provided in their uncompiled form (pbls).

The codes shall oe well documented so that other programmers can understand the logic and functionality of the codes.

The contractor shall provide a Conversion Plan to the TM which shall define any business rules employed, mappings (including year 2000 conversion) from the legacy database to the new database, and the default values for new fields. Coded values shall always have a corresponding lookup table and during conversion should be verified ~ a gainst these tables and an exception listing provided. The contractor shall develop Data Conversion Verification routines, and perform data conversion. It is anticipated that the conversion will require minimum effort as the data has already been brought down from the mainframe and placed in database format. The contractor shall identify data that is inconsistent or provides ambiguity in the new data model, if any.

The contractor shall provide a Test Plan and Procedure document to the TM which specifies, at a minimum, the plans and procedures they will use to test functiona!

validity, interface integrity, information content, and performance of the programs / modules including stress testing, security and implementation process using existing database in SS&D or Office of State Program. The Test Plan shallinclude the modules to be tested, the test environment, and the expected results. The Test Plan shall be approved by the TM prior to use, and all modules and the completed program are to be tested in accordance with the test plan. The contractor shall provide the Test Plan and Procedure document and Test Plan Results document with each module / program that is completed and sent to NRC for approval. The Test Plan and Procedure document is expected to be a "living" document. Upon completion of the system, the contractor shall provide a document containing all the module names, the test plans and procedures used, the tests performed, the expected results, the actual test results, and documentation of any discrepancies for each module / program of the system.

The contractor shall provide an Implementation Plan to the TM, which specifies, at a minimum, the planned rollout of the application to the various sites and users by numbers, the parallel process, if any, and the transition from and the retirement of the legacy system.

The contractor shall develop NSS&DR Sy8 tem documents detailing the use of the completed system, including operating manual (including data entry guide) and user's guide. The contractor shall provide a Systems Administrator's Guide as part of the operating manuai. Using the guide, the contractor shall provide the NRC System Administrator and Back-up NRC System Administrator training prior to implementation, including training in all aspects of use, data entry, administration, and maintenance of the system. The contractor shall provide follow-up System Administration training to assure the ability of NRC Systems Administrators to administer the deployed system including granting and revoking different security rights. The contractor shall provide a License Fee Billing Systems User's Guide as part of the operating manual which details all use of the system in license fee billing system support. Using the guide, the contractor shali provide the License Fee Billing System User training prior 'o

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I implementation, not to exceed a to+al of two persons. The contractor shall develop an End-User training plan arid training curriculum for review by the NRC TM. Once the


completed system has been approved, the contractor shall provide end-user training for approximately % to 1 day to users of the system. The audience w;il not exceed 20 users and one session is anticipated..

j I The contractor shall provide system support, including any maintenance, software fixes, or additional training that may be required for a period of up to six (6) months after the

} system has been delivered to the NRC, upon the NRC TM's request.

The contractor shall perform the database administrations (DBA) functions for the application and provide the script files for the login and user ID's, stored procedures table definitions, views and index definitions. These script files will be able to generate the underlying DBMS structure.

The contractor shall develop and provide NRC with automated installation procedures.

These will be used to implement the system during the application rollout.

The contractor shall work collaboratively with the NRC TM, telecommunications and network specialists, License Fee personnel, and other specialists, as necessary to l ensure that the proposed systems are compatible with the existing infrastructure.

All software deliverables transferred electronically shall be scanned using current virus scanning software for viruses by the contractor, and verified to be free of viruses prior to delivery to the NRC.

The contractor shall ensure that all hardware and software components work and

operate as designed and work on the fully automated and integrated system.

The contractor shall ensure that all hardware components purchased for performing services under this contract and. located at the contractor's facility are completely assembled and in working condition upon return delivery to NRC.

OPTIONAL SUBTASKS If either of the subtasks below are required, a proposal will be requested ar.d this task order will be modified so that these services can be provided.

The contractor shall, at the direction of the TM, correct data that is inconsistent or provides ambiguity in the new data model. The contractor shall provide database i administration support during data correction.

The contractor shall, at the direction of the TM, continue development of the system to 2 provide implementation via Web Access, including interface integrity testing of front end applications, security testing of front end applications, stress testing of front end applications, and internal NRC and extemal direct user access of NSS&DR System via NRC Homepage. This module shall be developed in accordance with the same development, testing, and documentation criteria as the previous modules.

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7.2 Specific Scope The fopp .g work breakdown shows a~relatively detailed description of the work to be accomplished in this Task Order.

1. Restart Contract
a. Review previously completed work
b. . Revise previously delivered documents
2. Data Conversion
a. Data Mapping, Business Rules, and Default Values Data document final version
b. Data Conversion Verification Routines and Exception Listing document
c. Perform data conversion
d. Provide Database Administration Support
3. Basic System Development
a. Revisions to search / retrieval module to include search on active-inactive, previous vendor name, previous custom user name, and substring vendor name
b. Development of data entry module
c. Development of report generation module
d. Development of integration with the NRC FileNet application which allows retrieval of selected documents from the new NRC ADAMS system
e. Development of integration with the NRC License Fee Billing System to support agency billing requirements 4 Enhanced System Development a Development of utility module
b. Development of on-line context sensitive help module and an optional On-Line Quick Tour which walks the new user through the screens and system mechanics
c. Development of external utility programs
5. Testing of System
a. Test environment of front end applications
b. Test plans of front end applications
c. Test modules of front end applications
d. Functional validity testing of front end applications
e. Test result reports 6.' Documentation
a. Final system design document.- '
b. NSS&DR system operations manual
c. NSS&DR system user's guide i
d. NSS&DR system data entry guide
e. NSS&DR system adniinistrator's guide


7. Implementatior o,f NRC Users (HQ and Regional Offices)
a. Implementatibn plan developm.ent
b. Implementation testing of front end applications
c. Interface integrity testing of front end applications j

, d. Security testing of front end applications j e, Stress testing of front end applications I

f. Rollout of NSS&DR system to internal NRC users of LAN/WAN access I
g. Rollout of NSS&DR system to NRC Regional Offices of LAN/WAN access
h. Test results reports
8. NSS&DR System Transition Support
a. Transition to NSS&DR System
b. Retirement of SS&D System in LAN
c. Perform training for System Administrators, for License Fee Billing System Users, and for end-users
d. Provide database administration support for six months
9. Implementation via Web Access (see optional tasks under Section 7.1)
a. Interface integrity testing of front end applications
b. Security testing of front end applications
c. Stress testing of front end applications
d. Establish direct user access of NSS&DR System via Web page )
e. Rollout to Agreement States of NSS&DR System via Web page i
f. Rollout of NSSADR System on NRC Homepage
g. Test results reports  ;


10. Data Correcticn (see optional tasks under Section 7.1)
a. Correct data that is inconsistent or provides ambiguity in the new data model
b. Provide Database Administration Support during Data Correction 1

8.0 Deliverables / Schedule j l

8.1 General Scope j The contractor shall provide the revised versions of the Software ad Hardware Requirements Specification document and the Data Mapping, Business Rules, and Default Values for Data Conversion document.

The contractor shall provide the final versions of the Data Conversion Plan, the Design Specification document, and the Implementation Plan.

l The contractor shall provide the Test Plan and Procedure document and Test Plan Results document with each module / program that is completed and sent to NRC for approval. The Test Plan and Procedure document is expected to be a "living" document. Upon completion of the system, the contractor shall provide a document containing all the module names, the test plans and procedures used, the tests performed, the expected results, the actual test resuits, and documentation of any discrepancies for each module / program of the system.

l l

l The contractor shall provide all NSS&DR System documents detailing the use of the completed system, including operating manual, user's guide, data entry guide, and administrator's guide to the TM., The contract,or shall supply three (3) paper copies, an i electronic text version, and one camera ready copy for each document.

The contractor shall deliver a " turn-key" system that meets the design requirements and all final versions of the documents mentioned above 60 calendar days before the end of this Task Order.

The TM will provide comments, or approval on each deliverable within 20 calendar days of receipt from the contractor. The contractor shall provide a revised document incorporating any TM comments / corrections within 14 calendar days of receipt of the comments.

The contractor shall provide the program codes (i.e., PowerBuilder libraries (pbis, pbds, etc.), dynamically linked libraries, database programs, etc.) in whatever state of completion at the beginning and at the conclusion of this Task Order. This includes any PowerBuilder libraries (pbts, pbds, etc ) developed or used, excluding those provided with PowerBuilder, any dynamically linked libraries (dlls), database programs (i.e., data conversion routines), working executable files, and any other applicable codes. The dlls, if created in PowerBuilder, are to also be provided in their uncompiled form (pbis).

The codes shall be well documented so that other programmers can understand the logic and functionality of the codes.

8.2 Specific Scope The contractor is to deliver the work listed in Sectior. 7.2 of this Task Order in accordance with the following estimated schedule. Items marked with an asterick (*) are optional at the direction of the TM.

Elemen1 Due Date from Estimated Task Order Start (10/01/98)

Front End Application Development 07/07/99 Final System Design Document 11/27/98 Draft Data Entry Module 01/07/99

- Development of Report Generation Module 01/11/99 Revisions to Search / Retrieval Module 01/08/99

. Active / Inactive / Archive Search

. Previous Vendor Name Search

. Previous Custom User Name Search

. Substring Vendor Name Search

- Substring Custom User Name Search

. Leaktest Frequency Search Development of Utility Module 02/15/99

- Development of Help Module 03/24/99

- Development of Data Entry Module 05/14/99

- Development of External Utility Module 04/21/99

- Development of License Fee Billing System Module 04/21/99

- Development of Module for Integration with ADAMS 05/14/99


- Draft Front End Application 05/17/99

- Final Front End Appifcation ,

07/07/99 Front End Testing and impit; mentation 08/04/99

- Test Environment of Front End Applications 12/04/98

- Test Plans of Front End Applications 12/18/98

- Test Modules of Front End Applications 01/15/99 Security Testing of Front End Applications 06/25/99 Interface Integrity Testing of Front End Applications 06/17/99

- Stress Testing of Front End Applications 07/14/99

- Functional Validity Testing of Front End Applica"ons 06/29/99 Test Results Reports 08/04/99

- Implementation Test Resuits Repotts 08/01/99 Web Access Development

  • 06/10/99

- Draft Direct Access Program 05/10/99 Final Direct Access Program 06/10/99

- Establish Direct User Access of NSS&DR System 06/10/99 Data Conversion 06/07/99

- Compliance with NRC Filename Standards 12/16/98  ;

Data Conversion Plan - Final Version 03/01/99  !

Implement Design of Database for NSS&DR System 03/12/99 l Perform Data Conversion 05/17/99 j

- Provide Database Administration Support 06/07/99 1 Data Correction

  • 09/30/99

- Provide Database Administration Support during 09/30/99 Data Correction

  • Documentation 08/01/99

- NSS&DR System Data Entry Guide 05/27/99

- NSS&DR System User's Guide 06/03/99

- NSS&DR System Operations Manual 07/08/99 NSS&DR System Administrator's Guide 07/15/99 System Design Document 08/01/99

- Revised Data Mapping, Business Rules, and 12/16198 Default Values Document

- Revised Data Conversion Verification 12/16/98 Routine / Exception Listing Document l

! Implementation 07/19/99 Implementation Plan Development 02/01/99 Implement Testing of Front End Applications 05/31/99

- Rollout of NSS&DR System to NRC Materials Safety Branch 06/23/99

- Rollout of NSS&DR System to NRC Regional Offices 07/05/99 and remaining NRC Headquarters

- Rollout of NSS&DR System to cxtemal Users 07/19/99

, 3 Transition 08/18/99 Complete Training fo'r System Administrators and License Fee 08/18/99 Billing System Users . .2 Transition to NSS&DR System 07/23/99

- Retirement of SSD&C System 07/26/99 r -

Complete Training of Enc' Users '08/18/99 Management 09/30/99 Restart Costs 12/11/98 Project Management and Reporting 09/30/99 l

9.0 Meetinos and Travel l The contractor will be expected to meet frequently with the NRC to perform various aspects of this Task Order and provide meeting minutes within 5 working days after j each meeting. NRC personnel will visit the contractor's facility for the majority of the meetings, therefore assume two visits per month to the NRC's headquarters. This Task Order is not expected to require the contractor to travei outside the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. This Task Order must be modified if any non-iocal travel is required.

10.0 Status Reoort  ;

1 The contractor shall orovide, in accordance with Sections F.3 and F.4 of the contract, l monthly technical progress report and financial status report. These reports shall )

include identification of any potential cost over-runs for task activities or delays in j schedule, and charts for estimated expenditure vs. actual expenditure at the end of each I month.

11.0 NRC Furnished Materials NRC will provide the existing data and data structures to the contractor upon request.

12.0 Technical Direction

Michele L. Bcgess is designated as the TM for this Task Order.
