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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App D.Documents in App E Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/08/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Gunter P
Shared Package
ML20125B066 List:
FOIA-91-579 NUDOCS 9212090193
Download: ML20125B063 (5)


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, _ U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION N,4C to A Rt out>t esvMisk Hth)

I Aes $ FOlA - oi s79

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INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST Tait eeeee JUN - 81992 DOCKL t NUMBE Ns) t// apfAaNel f.E 00'.$T t R Mr. Paul Gunter PART 1.-. AGENCY RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED (Sce checked boxes /

No agency records subject to the request have been located.

No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.

Requested records are available through another public distribution progam. See Comrnents section.

Agency records subject to the request that are identifled in Appendix (es) are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room. 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendixtes) --- are being made available for public inspection and copying et the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC. in a folder under this FOI A number.

The nonproprietary version of the proposaHs) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation Mth a memtew of rny staff is now being made available for public inspection and copying at the N RC Public DocurEnt Room,2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOI A number, Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendim(es) may be inspected and copied at the N RC Local Public Document Room identified in the Comments .ection.

Enclosed es information on how you rnar obtain access to and its charges for copyeng records located et t'se NRC Public Document Room,2120 L bt reet, N.W., Washington, DC.

y Agency records subject to the request are enclosed. * ( Appendix D)

Records subject to the request have been referred to another Federal agencybes) for review and direct response to you.

Fees You will be billed by the NRC for fees totaling $

You will receive a refund from the NRC in the amount of $

In view of NRC's respot se tc this request no further action is being taken on appe,sl letter dated ,No PART 11. A -lNFORMATION WITHHELD F ROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain information in the requested records l being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part 11, B, C, or d D. Any released porinons of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made evallable for public y inspection and copyhig In the NRC Public Document Room,21:0 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a folder under this FOI A number.


  • A copy of the report identified on enclosed Appendix D is enclosed. The records identified on enclosed Appendix E are being withheld in their entirety, The review of additional records responsive to your request is continuing.

9212090193 920608 PDR FOIA GUNTER91-579 PDR


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INFOftMATION ACT (FOlA) f1EOUEST FOIA - J g ,3 3993 (CON 11NUAtlON)91-579

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T 11 B__-. ape.t.*C-A1H.L f- xl MPfl0NS Hetords subsect to the fequest that are desc riL>ed in the ercluted Appendin(est E are t>eing withheld in their ercrety or en giort uridet the Lmomption Nods) and for the sesenn(s) pwn tielow persvant to 5 U.S C. 652(b) and 10 Cf R 9.17(a) of NRC regulations.

t . Yte weitaiend sMoemetion v geopviv cie6sd+d piesuant to Isecutive Ordw. Itsomsmon il 1 tie w.thheid ofcumahon esteses spielt to the edernei pe86 ant *8 sutes er.d runt edines of NRC d nemphon t)

'I. The withheld enfo#mstion es kperef.t eHy esempted loom publ+L d stlosu*e by stetute erwhtstett it semption h

$ectio*ig141146 of the Atomic f nergy Act, which fwohibas the diet.oevee of flestrerted Date 08 Iorme+fy Meetsected Deta {47 U.$ C. 2161.)l66L

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The infuemeten is considered to be conf4tentist buer+se (peopnetetyi enfmmeigm the enformehon et connutered to tse prop #eteey enfortnatmn pustwent to 10 Cf ft # 7160tdHil the enfuernetum nos submened and *eteeved m ton'ulem e pwtvant to 10 Cf f4 i 40edrili l6, The withheid esformation coris ets of mietegent y tw anneagency #er,ords that are tiot available Hieovgh d4stovety dveing litigetsovi (E mempt6cn 6). Apphomble Prieslove:

w b.,et..e e,m e.e,e ce ,,,edet.s.onai ,, f ,menon wouid te, io mn.ied one open eed f,en, e,c .,.nt,e ,,i .es es.enn., to the de ue..t,ee p.t.ess Wtee#6 recorrie s's withheld et thou enutety, the for to sie nwetne ab8y mtert wined anth the p#edw a,onei anteurt.ateun there also are no #eenonably seyepotsie fMtual X setburi tot euse the redeese of the fet te would peernet en md=ett mouset into the peedeotenal penress of the egenty Attcuney weet spodus.t gersvilege (Doc uments geepaved by en aHorne, m rranseresplet*un of lit #Ueben i

_ . Attorney.chent prtellege[tConfectenbei tummutinatens between en attorney and hin'her chant.)

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PAR 111. D. APPE AL RIGHTS TM dwet by each denving othev' vientified in Peri li.C may be nopealet to the Appetiets Off,cist utentit=1 t*ere. Acy sucu aprest must he made in wettine w' thin 'l0 days of exe+pt

[ of this retpores. Apf* sis most l'e Nuessel,66 app'optiste. to the ( nKutive D4 rector for Opeestiore. to the Secretary of the Commmen, of to the laspectne General, U S Nudw i r.epuistory Commasons Wash.netca, DC 70566. and should c wty state on the emoor= end m the iettet that it es an *Aptset from e . In<tiet FOIA Decisen "

l N7C FORM 464 (Port 21(1-91l U S. NUCiEAR REGUL ATORY COMMI$$10N i

o , _ , ,

r .-

1. 3/92 Licensing Topical Report Generic Evaluations of GE Boiling Water Reactor Power Uprate, (Vol. 1), NEDO-31984, (non-proprietary version).


V" .


1. 2/7/91 Memo for Ledyard B. Marsh from Robert C.

Jones, subject ' Request for Additional Information Regarding: NEDC-31897P,-

Generic Guidelines for GE Boiling Water Reactorm Power Uprate,* (1 pg.) with  :

enclosures Request for Additional .

Information, (2 pga.) - EXEMPTION 5.

2. 3/18/91 Mumo for L. B. Marsh from James A.-

Norberg, subject: 'EMEB Comments on GE I Proposed Guidelines f or BWR Power Uprate, " ' ~

(2 pgs.) - EXEMPTION 5.

3. 3/27/91 Memo fcr L. B. Marsh from Ashok Thadani, subject: " Review nf Gerneral Electric Proposed Guidelines for BWR Power Uprate Submittel,* (1 pg.) - EXEMPTION 5. ,
4. 4/4/91 Memo for S. R',chardson from L. B. Marsh,  :

subject: ' Tentative Schedule for BWR Power Uprate Program Development, * (1 pg. )

with attachment s BWR Power Uprate Program .

Development Plan, (2 pga.) - EXEMPTION S.  ;

5. 4/18/91 Memo f or Druce Boger f rom Frank J. Congel, subject: ' Comments on _BWR . Power Uprate .  ;

Program," (1 pg. ) 'with _ enclosurest Comments of the Risk- Applications Branch,-

'(2 pga.); Comments of the- Radiation Protection Branch, ( 2 - pga. _): - EXEMPTION: S.-

6. 8/11/91 Memo for Ladyard B. Marsh from James A.

Norberg, subject: 'Revie.'of=Rev.-1 to GE Licensing Topical Report NEDC-31897P,

' Generic Guidelines for GE .BWR : Power'-

~ Uprate, ' (1 pg. ) with_ enclosure Comments  ;

on Appendix K, Methods and' Aamumptions for Piping, (1 pg.) - EXEMPTION _S.-

%_ _ . - . . _ -,_._ , _ __a.,._ ,_ _.., _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ , _ . - _ ___ ____..__a_:.._

W * .o

7. 8/21/91 Memo f or L. B. March f rom Robert C. Jones, subject: ' Review of GE Topical Report NEDC 31897P-1 on Generic Guidelines for GE BWR Powe r Uprate, * (1 pg.) - EXEMPTION 5.
8. 8/30/91 Memo f or L. D. Marsh f rom C. E. McCracken, subject: ' Review of Rev. 1 to GE Licensing Topical Report HEDC-31897,

' Generic Guidelines for GE. BWR Power Uprat e, ' (2 pgs.) - EXEMPTION 5.

9. 9/11/91 Memo for Ledyard B. Marsh from Frank J.

Congel, subject: ' Review of Rev. 1 to GE Licenn>ng Topical Report HEDC 31897P-1,'

(1 pg.) with enclosure:

Questions / Comments HEDC-3189P-1, (2 pgs.)



. 1 Nuclear Information and Resource Service 142416th Street, N.W., Suite 601, Washington, D.C. 20036 0 02) 328 4002 CC 0F luiOLAll0N December 17, 1991 p d I' Mr. Do'nY o H. Grimsley Q &{k

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~j q p /j Division of Rulco and Records *****"* 'CY # r a Offico of Administration and Resources Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 EfigDQR_QF INFOMAT_Lo1 LACT _EI@ESI

Dear Mr. Grimsloy:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 522, as amended and 10 C.F.R. 9.8 of the Commission's regulations, the Nuclear Information and Resourco Service requests the following documents regarding Formi 2, NRC Docket No.50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43; 1.) General Electric Topical Report, NED C-31897P-1

" Generic Guidelines for General Electric Dolling Water Reactor Power Uprate," June 1991 (LTR1) 2.) General Electric Topical Report. NED C-31984P

" Generic Evaluations of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Power Uprate," July 1991 (LTR2) 3.) Formi 2 Licensing Report,91-150 " Power Uprato Safety Analyses for Formi 2," September 1991 4.) General Electric Report, NED C-31982P "Formi 2

/ SAFER /GESTR-IDCA Loss of Coolant Accident,"

July 1991 Please consider " documents" to include reports, utudies, test results, correspondence, memoranda, meeting no"es, meeting minutos, working papers,w graphs, charts, diagrams, notes and summarios of l

conversations and interviews, computer records and

! any other form of written communications including

internal NRC memoranda.

l Pursuant to this request, please provido all l

documents prepared or utilized by, in the possession l

of, or routed through the NRC related to items 1-4.

l dedicated to a wund non rn, clear enernplicy oto9Holqq .

cH' f-

%. f

. S e .

k yf  % suant to and in compliance with 10 C.F.R. 9.41 of the

" m 6 mion's regulations governing requests for waiver of fees,

'ho Nuclear Information and Resource Service, heroin after

.oferred to as H RS, puts forth the following information.

NIRS seeks the requested information solely to contribute to 4: and help shape the public debate on nucicar issues.

NIRS intends to use the information in order to advance the concerns for public understanding arid safety.

NIRS is qualified to make use of the requested information.

The staff has demonstrated the ability to interpret information and communicate that information in a form comprehensible to the general public. Members of the NIRS staff have published articles in such national journals as Iho Progtengly_g, Huc1 Ear j I.iMR , HRWdu and The_1htlletin_oLAtomic.Jicientiata.

HIRS has a working relationship with physicists, engincors, medical doctors and other respected professionals who contribute to the full understanding of technical records.

The information sought by NIRS, is not, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain.

The general public has displayed great intorest in nuclear issues and the requested information will certainly increano the public's understanding of this matter.

NIRS has demonstrated its ability and commitment to inform the public on all important nuclear locues. NIRS regularly publishes a trado journal for which this information will be of uso, the Intglenr_tionits . Since 1978, NIRS has boon providing information on nuclear issues to the public, the press, memborn of Congrosc, state and local government officials as well as hundreds of citizens groups across the country. NIRS provides this information free of chargo and has neither a commercial nor a private interest in the agency records sought.

Under the amended fee waiver standard, NIRS is clearly cntitled to a full waiver of all search, review and duplication fees. This standard calls for such a waiver, "if disclosure of the information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to the public understanding of the operation or activities of the government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requestor." 5 U.S.C. 552 (a) (4)

(A) (iii).

In light of the foregoing, NIRS' request meets this standard on its face. NIRS has no commercial interest in this matter, but rather seeks this information to help the general public better understand the role of government in regulating the nuclear industry.

For all the reasons cited above, NIRS' request falls squarely within the Congressional intent in enacting the Freedom of Information Act and the foo waiver provision. We, therefore, ask that the Commission grant a full waiver for this FOIA request.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. If you have any questions in regards to this request, please feel free to contact mo.

Sincoroly, u

, $pter om&W_ 1

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