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License for Boeing Co to Export 7,180 Lbs Depleted U in Form of Counterweights to China
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/18/1980
From: Peterson M
4-1635-79R-0318, 4-1635-79R-318, NUDOCS 8002290135
Download: ML20126A994 (2)


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14 3 i- (To be used as counterweights for installation in Sceing 747 correccial 9 b

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~d 7,130.00 Pounds of Depleted Uranium In the form of counterweights. (3,180 p, pouncs to be -installed as counterweigh;s N~


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'N The following condition app'iies to the export:

.@ The export cf the first shipment of decleted uranium scare counter.veights $@t

~h shall be limited to 1,000 ::cunds anc future shipments of tre remaining gr l 1

$ 3,000 pounds of spares are only authori:ed as recuirec. p

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'd Concition 6 en Face Two of :nis license applies :o this exocr . [.

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Conditions ' ice-ae Num,cer m -/-vimo M O l

Condition 1 - 0:ensee sr.:'i m,e utn me L ast:ms C..r:cer or tre restmester two cocies, in ceci.

tiof1 t0 inC5e recuired, Of the .:n'ppe's xpOrt ./ ec,C rc t ie r, c overing ecch ex: r ene mark ene of suen c pies for trcnsmi! cl to tre U.S. Nuclear Regu. I "c- '.~. ~ ~ m s s k. .n A ~ : . - ~~ ~ . (~

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m comp ry er ce p ced er, ne Shipper s exper* set crchens fer experts:

.nis sn.pment is ce,ng ncee pursucn: to s;e:mc ,ocense numcer ,specine licensa nurnber ':ec et ilocation of Cusiorns oHice where license is filed).

c ;dete license was filedL Th:s license ex .res en (expiration date of

'icenser. :nd *Fe urs ..;;ed ec;cnce '.e c :rg cr Hs b:ense is su'f en! to

. I c:ve* e en cescr ce : n tms cec.0*0 : .. )

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Condition 2 - Ex;cr s c r:rhec i, ::ny ::ar ry er cest:nct :r esce;! Coun ry Orc. cps C, 5, W 4 X. Y, c- 2 n :cr* 270. 3,.pc:er ert Nc.1. Of e C - c erens:ve Expc * $:recu:e of the U.$. :'ecor' ment cf Ccmmerce.


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Concition 3 - This literse :: vers cray the nuc'ecr c:ntent cf the meterici. '

C o ni c. . t.ron * - ine m :er.c o te escorted u-der : hts :eme src. * <b.~e in acc:rearce mth

  • he ph st::: :t::eccce re:. eme . s ':r 5:ec c' r.: e: me er ! n 10 C9 73. j l

Condition 5 - Scec:c' ru:.e:r etene! cu hcri:ec for e pe : -der r s I cense <.nch r.ct be

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er:ee: n O. . .. crO ~s Or .,s curies v,r.cne ver .s .ess or,.p . t;;O n . U m c. n, r e m um ,

233, Cr :2. 350 c :- 4 ef ct:nic-, 235. I Condition 6- Th:s scen:e : tner::es evc:r en v ene d:es net c t'c :e tre rece et cryt.cei PCsses!'C". C' use Cf tr e r.U ' e O r *10 e "c I .

C o n c. .ih. on < - meu ucersee sne,!. cc c:e e c . suomit un N..,.

% c: ~ ,-  ;;< ec:r sn.c ner* cf 6 . r source mete' c, ex crtec u-eer inis ocertse, l

Condition 8 The i;censee she'; cc<se 9e NEC sn ne eve-t trere 5 nav derge m the dedgn:. l

icn c; the : ~peny wW :re r. : e * ~c'e :ci te be ex::-te: unc . .

l th's h:6rse, :' Ony NOaOe in ine ICCc!.Cn e' *e Oc6ctinc Oper0!:c , c; 'ecst 1 i

three wea s or !c ne s: rec.aec c :e et- e v ee rt. ,

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