ML20126G043 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 12/23/1992 |
To: | |
References | |
NUDOCS 9301040034 | |
Download: ML20126G043 (1) | |
-. . . . .- - ._ - - . .
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' ~ N f C FOftM 250 NRC LICE NSE NO.
- -"> h(li lnasucesseextines 01 oulv 1995 G
, ' Entteh States of Amerita xSNM02530}
Amendment No. 02 p
gl Nuclear Regulatory Commision gl
-! Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, es emended,and the Energy to the liconese authorizing the emport of the materials and/or production Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilitation facilities listed below, wbject to the terms and conditions
' Commission imuod purmant thereto, and in rollence on statements and herein. g) espresentations heretofore made by the beenee, e licones is hereby issued
,, il Siemens Power Corporation Naut Siemens AG Brennelementwerk Hanau NAME h
Li AooRESS 2101 Horn Rapids Road AnoRESS Abt. PV-8, Postfach 110060 ri Richland, WA 99352-0130 Rodenbacherchaussu 6 D-6450 Hanau 11 E]
I, f
lq Attn:- L. 3. Maas, Manager Regulatory Compliance Federal Republic of Germany
[; ,
[q (Uranium will be used in fuel fabrication for g;) <
it use in light water reactors in EURATOM) g
4 INTERMEDIATE CONSIONEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY pj k O f Naut - Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation 1
(1 hi El Pollersand-Industriepark Sud y( AooRESS Postfach 1465 -
[H '
4450 Lingen/ EMS gl Federal Republic of Germany p; E;
W p:
4 APPUCANT'S REF. NO. Ltr. dtd. 11/02/92 COuwrRY Or utTiuATE oEsTiNATiON Federal Republic of g{
. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR P ACILITIES N f4 The licensee is authorized to export 10,000.0 kilograms uranium-235, contained in 200,000.0 kilograms uranium, enriched to 5.0 w/o maximum, in k_
' G the form of uranium oxide powder or-pellets. [
b; 4 This license is amended to show licensee's name change from Siemens Nuclear p:
Power Corporation to Siemens Power Corporation, k-
{K ! All other conditions remain unchanged. .
////////////////////// ///////////////////////////E ND// //////////// //////////////////////// // / f.
nnnnnn E 9301040034 921223 g PDR XPORT PDR E XSNM-2530 F 5
NIither this license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or S AUTH RIZEo RC REPRESENTATIVE otherwise tra.'sferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy N Act of 1954, as amended and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.
( This iicen= is subject to the right of recapture or controi by sect 6on ios of Ronald D. Hauber, Assistant Director :
g the Atomic Energy Act of 1954,as amended and to all of the other provi- for Exports,- Security, and Safety Cooperation j g sions 'of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to ' ell valid rules and Office of International Programs -
s reguistions of th. Nuclear Reguistory Commission. b~
L ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ --._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D ATE_O_____ F ISSU AN C E i EXPORT LICENSE I
1 SIEMENS hl O k November 2,1992
// OCWf8' U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. Ronald D. Hauber, Assistant Director Exports, Security, and Safety Cooperation international Programs Mali Stop 3H 5 Washington DC 20555 1
Dear Mr. Hauber:
Re: 1. Export License XSNM02545
] 2. Letter, L J. Maas to R.D. Hauber, " Corporate Name Change,' dtd July 29,1992 Siemens Power Corporation requests that the referenced export license be amended to increase the amount of U and U 235 to be exported by 49,500kg and 2,000 kg, respectively. The material will satisfy added customer requirements for three reloads plus extra assemblies for the KRB llc Power Plant located in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The total amount authorized by the license ,would increase to 6,100 kg U-235 contained in 151,500 kg total uranium. The origin of the m'aterialis unknown at this time, 4
in addition, per the enclosed referenced letter, please change Siemens Nuclear Power Corporation to Siemens Power Corporation on our existin0 export licenses: XSNM-02161,02398, 02456, 02457. 02530, 02545, 02546, and 02643 (all for EURATOM); XSNM-02531 (for Sweden XSNM-02524 (for Taiwan); and XNSNM-02533 (UF facilities). 6 heel retums to EURATOM enrichment If you have questions, please contact me at (509) 375-8663.
Very truly yours.
James B. ' dgar Staff Engineer, Licensing JBE:pm 7.jyn,933YS l.lHi JBE:92:186/ File , .1.1 l'd0d X 3 LV;0lV 195 E Siemens Power Corporation
,sn Nuclear Division Engineering r.;id Manufacturing Facility '!N30 2101 Hom Rapas Roac. PO Box 130 Richland. WA 99352-0130 Tel: (509) 375 8100 Fax: (509) 3758402 s A Co -
$-t-?&767 T /
C_ L-
% # Cfg92'Hi23 SPC. 509-3{-B402 P.2
, 4>. ,Q - .
SIEMENS' l' xsamom m o ilCOWV July 29,1992 -
be: G. S. Welch -
File /1.8 i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm!ssion ,
4 Attn: Ronald D. Hauber, Assistant Director -
, Exports, Security, and Safety Cooperation international Programs, Mall Stop 3H-5 Washington D.C. 20555 i
Corporation Name Change -
Dear Mr. Hauber:
This is to advise you that the name of Siemens Nuclear Power Corporation (Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation prior to August 1,1991) was changed to Slemens Power Corporation on July 10,1992. The name was changed to reflect the company's expanded -
! role in providing both nuclear and non nuclear products and servloes to the electrical utility industry. Please advlso us if there are any speelfic nottfloations and/or forms that we must
- complete to accomplish a name change actlan wtthin your agency /organizatlon. Otherwise ,
- - we will assume that this letter will suffice as o'ur official notification. ,
- Our updated listlng should now be as follows
- .
Slemens Power Corporation
, Attn: L J. Maas, Manager
- Regulatory Compliance 2101 Hom Rapida Road
.' Richland WA 99352 0130 We appreciate your assistance in this matter. I can be contacted on 609-375 8537 ff you ,
need additiona! Information.
j Very truly yours, , .
0Y% "
L J. Maas, Manager ,
Regulatory Compliance 90l!V0033VS 7.1NI LIM;cip N LJM:92:038 ZP:OlV t&aR 26, ..
RAMPAXNO. 9.TT Siemens Power Corporation : O PM d o[ l Nucisar Dinslen Engineering and Manufacturing Fac! iffy 2101 Hom Rapids Road, PO Box 130 Richland. WA 99352 0130 Tot (509) 376 8100 Fax: (509) 375-8402 i $ 0]0 ??
)(9\[fn09dhCG y
November 20,1992 ll00WV j l
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission t Attn: Mr. Ronald D. Hauber, Assistant Director j Exports, Security, and Safety Cooperation - International Programs j Mail Stop 3H-5 Washington DC 20555
Dear Mr. Hauber:
Re: Letter, J. B. Edgar to R. D. Hauber, dated November 2,1992 Enclosed please find a check for $4420 to cover the export license amendment requests in the referenced letter.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (509) 375-8663.
Very truly yours,
. f( '
James Edgar Staff Engineer, Licensing JBE:pm JBE:92:201 1
g m D B VS 7.1HI
. 's . .'. E ! X 3 ZP: OlV l039ll 26.
Siemens Power Corporation S [1 Nuclear Division Engineering and Manufactunng Facihty '
2101 Horn Rands Road. PO Box 130 Richland, WA 99352 4130 Tel: (509) 375-8100 Fax: (509) 375-8402