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Draft Soil Decontamination Criteria for Decommissioning of United Nuclear Corp Resources Co Facility
Person / Time
Site: 07000820
Issue date: 01/31/1981
NUDOCS 8103300285
Download: ML20126G656 (41)


{{#Wiki_filter:._ .i t ' UN L JAlv gg 4 g, g "%j, $g . UNITED STATES j h s- (($ g s TJUCLEAR REGULATORY COT.'. MISSION gj ;p WAse:wcTop rm {g Y %.m P

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6)pf DOCKET ll0.: 70-820 LICENSEE: United Nuclear Corporation e urces Company FACILITY: Scrap Recovery Facility

   .                        Wood River Junction Rhode Island


S0IL DECONTAf11 NATION CRITERIA FOR THE DEC0!GISSIONING 0F THE UNC'S FACILITY I. Backcround By letter dated April 29, 1980, United Nuclear Corporation Resources Company (UUC) informed NRC that it had decided to terminate the scrap recovery operations at its facility at Wood River Junction, Rhode Island. From 1H3 until the present time, this facility was used to recover high-anrichs d uranium from scrap materials. A preliminary decontamination schecule was presented by UNC (see Appendix A). At the present time, the-decontamination of the buildings and equipment is in process. HEC provides

             " Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Ralease for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for Byproducts, Source or Special Huclear !!aterials," (see Appendix B). In the absence of specific criteria for contaminated land at the UNC site, NRC has established the following proposec target criteria fcr land cleanup at the UNC site.

II. Development of Proposed Soil Decontamination Criteria A. Ceneral Description of the UNC's Operation The recovery facility handled and processed various types of high-enricned nuclear fuel scrap to reclaim the uranium. The recovery process included various pretrcatment steps which served one or more of the following functions: reduction of the bulk of the scrap (by oxidation of carbon or organic materials); removal of fuel element cladding; and change of the physical or chemical form to increase the rate of dissolution in the later steps. The uranium, and associated materials were then dissolved in  ; nitric and/or hydrofluoric acid, depending upon the type of material. In i each case, the uranium was extracted into a keroscae-tributyl phosphate solution and re-extracted into water. Ammonia was added to precipitate solid ar. onium diuranate (ADU). The ADU was then filtered, dried, and heated to tenvert it to.U 03 g which was packaged for offsite shipment. 8108800 M -

o, n The facility processed five general c:tegories of scrap:

1. Uranium-Zirconium Scrap gener ted from the fabrication of u anium-zirconium alloy fuels having zirconium alloy (Zircaloy) cladding. The scrap consisted of pieces of long, flat plates (or complete plates) containing a U-Zr alloy fuel core. In some cases, the uranium was contained in a ceramic material ihbedded in a zirconium matrix. Removal of the ceramic material required dissolution in hydroflu ric acid. This scrap occasionally required a dissolut en pretreatment with caustic to remove the metal cladding.
2. Uranium-Aluminum Scrap similar to the U-Zr scrap. Dissolution required a mercury-catalyzed nitric acid reaction.
3. Carbon Scrap generate. from the production of fuel elments for hign temperature gas cooled reactors. Uraniu oxide prticles were imbedded in a carbon (graphite) r- ix. The graphite was removed by cal ination in oxygen, e uranium oxide was then dissolved in nitric acid.
4. Thorium Scrao, consisting of unciad pellets or :les containing uranium oxide. Dissolution was i:  :/hydrofl uori c acid. The thorium was not recovered but was d for burial at an approved site,
5. Miscellaneous Scrap consisting generally of " loa-level" uranium contaminated materials generatcd during fuel processing. Typical examples were cleanup liquids, rags, paper towels, plastic gloves, residue from cleanup of processing hoods, purification sidestreams (contaminated organic) and insoluble uranium-bearing material from previous recovery attempts either by UNC or elsewhete.

Pretreatment steps included incir.eration, calcination, grinding, oxidation-reduction. In addition, fuels from low-pcwsr experimants were occasionally r c:essed batchwise.

The above operation resulted in the peneration of gaseous, liquid and solid wastes consistinc of radiological and chemical effluents.

B. Potential Pathways for 1.and Contcmina. ion of the UNC Site and the Ea'racteristics 'of the Nuclides IIFo~ lied The routine release and accidental releases (if any) of gaseous effluents f am past plant operations resulted in the deposition of radio-nuclides on soil surfaces which accumulated as a function of time. The leakage of t E onsite lagoons where liquid ustes were stored has caused some soil and grcundwater contamination. Spillage of lagoon liquid due to high wind has also resulted in soil contamination around the lagoon area. In addition, the onsite burial of radioactive wastet may have resulted in additicnal soil contamination.

o " t

                                                                      !    ! ha h f   im 1 W The important radionuclides involved in the soil contamination at the site consist of:
1. U-238, U-235 and U-234 generated from uranium scrap recovery cperations.
2. Th-232, Ra-228 and Th-228 generated from thorium scrap recovery operations.
3. Mixture of fission products generated from processing sli5 htly irradiated fuel from low power experiments. _The liquid wastes containing fission products are stored in the onsite lagoons and onsite storage tank. Many of the fission products were short-lived isotopes. Current, independent analysis by NRC (see Appendix C) on radionuclides in the lagoons ar.d storage tank indicated the presence of Sr-90 (t1/2 = 28.6 t r) and Cs-137 (t1/2 = 30.2 yr) in significant quantities that ar important for dose assessment. Other fission products, bec se they are short-lived or in minute quantities, are not cont' ered to be significtnt in the contribution of indivicual dot Signi ficant r:dionuclides, such as Th-230 and Ra-225 which a: also found in the lagoons, are also important for dose assessa .

The characteristics of the above-mentioned radionucl' s are summarize 3 in Table 1 (see page 11). C. Proposed Interim Criteria for Soil Decontanination As shown in Table 1, the major nuclides expected in scil consist of U-238, U-235, U-234, in-230, Ra-226, Th-232, Ra-225, Th-228, Sr-?O and Cs-137. They emit alpha, gamma and beta radiation. Most of the soil centamination at the UNC site is believed from the lagoon leakage. The radionuclides are expe:ted to be mostly in soluble form; however, other soil contamination may involve insoluble radionuclides. In establishing soil Je:ontamination criteria, NRC staff has applied the following rationale and objectives:

a. The radiation exposure to individuals using the land rust be within cur.ent NRC nnd EPA radiation exposure guidelines including the requirement that these exposures be as low as reasonably ac hievabl e .
b. These criteria must be consistent with criteria currently being applied or developed for similar type situations.

The staff has also taken into consideration the natural background concentration of radionuclides in soil (see discussion in following sections) e

(w 46 that must be distinguishable from these levels without requiring unnecessarily large costs associated with sampling and analysis and for demonstrating a conpliance as compared to the cleanap cost. After considering all pertinent factces, the staff h:.s derived target criteria, as listed in Table 2 for the Table 2 also lists other existing irrediate clearms of the contaminated land. criteria or guidance for comparison. The target criteria represent the objectives which the land cleanup ei-forts shoule strive to obtain end below wMch no additional cleanup is necessary. Ot'er alternative criteria higher than ths: target criteria are not acceptable w,thout a detailed cost-benefit c onsi de ra tion. . D. 9tural Background Consideration The gross-alpha, beta and uranium concentrations in background soil samples taken near and at the UNC site during 1963 (preoperaticnal) are suc~arized in Table 3. The results provide some background characteristics of radioactivity in soil in the area; however, more detailed information, such as the background level on external radiation and concentrations of Th-232, Th-223, Ra-22P, Cs-137 and Sr-90 in background soil samples, is needed to assit. Eroper values for soil decontamination censiderations at the UNC site. Swiinferr.ation is not available. Therefore, LSC will be requested to prcvide NRC with needed information in order to assign proper credit from baccground contribution. Based on the available background information as sumarized in 1 Table 3, which ,las taken from the licensee's Environmental Report in 1974 the average gross-alpha, beta and uranium concentrations in soil at tFe vicinity of the USC area are 4.0 pCi/g, 8.5 pCi/g and 0.09 pCi/g, respectively. E. Coraliance riith the Proposed Interim Target Criteria .

1. ---ornal E. Radiation 1

The direct radit; ion dcse rate reasured with instrurents af;er the c'econtamination cparation to demonstrate compliance with the enernal radiation criteria. For surveying and recording purposes, the affected area should be divided into grids about 30' x 30'. In order to meet tne target criteria, the following c:nditions have to be met; f External radiation (gamma dose rate in air one meter above ground level) not to exceed 10 ur/hr (not including back-ground) for a diffuse source area (a contaminated area greater than 30' x 30') and not to exceed 20 pr/hr (not including background) for a discrete area (a contaminated area smaller than 30' x 30' .

B a n n r-f}Yl au

2. Inhalation of Rady, and Its Daughter To demonstrate compliance for the inhalation of radon and its daughters at a limit of 0.005 WL, which was used as target criteria in NRC's
       " Staff Technical Position for Interim Land Cleanup Criteria for Uranium Mill Sites"2, the rador.-222 flux (abor background) at the soil-air interface should not exceed a flux equivaler,t to that which would result from a soil concentrc tion of 3 pCi/g of radium-225 (excluding backgrcund). Table 4 pr:>v;:ss the poter.tial exposure levels from radon inside a structure built cn the contaminated land.
3. I_nhalation of Particulates The i ividual dose received from inhalation of resuspended particulates from soil is dependent cn the solubility of radionuclides in sM1 and the particle sizes.- Taoles 5-7 sum:arize the dose comitment re:;1 ting from inhalation of resuspended radionuclides from con aninated soil.

Tabics 5-7 are ba.ed on a unit concentration,1 pCi/g of each radionuclide in tie soil . The solubility of r;dionuclides is classified as Y, W and D c" :ccr.ds in accordance to the ICRP Task Group repor or Luno Dynamics.3 The

r. spended particles are assumed to have an activity median aerodynanic
 . diar eter (AMAD) of 1,.m. The dry der.sity of soil is assumed to be 2.5 g/cm3 .

The resuspension factor is assumed to be 5 x 10-9 m-1, in agreement with the aprr ach taken by EPA ir, their proposed decontamir.ation criteria for trans-unniu, nuclides in soil .' For ccopliance with the propcsed criteria for the inhalation patntiay, the licensee snould deteirine th: solubility classification of the icen 'fied nuclides in soil. After decontamination, representative surface rail sigles shall b: collected and analyzed to determine the average concen-

       ' "tions of radionuclides in soil . Isotopic analysis in soil will be required ur'. :ss the licensee can demonstrate : hat other analysis, such as direct gamma or gross-alpha, beta measurement can be used to substitute for isotopic a na l,"s i s . The licensee will be rec,uired to submit a detailed plaa :o describe and 2.onstrate new to c:rply with the above criteria. The adequacy of the pian .ill be reviewed by hRC.

An example shown on page 17 su..marizes the calculation to dear:: rate ccmpliance i,ith the inhalation criteria.

4. Incestion of Radionuclides For the ingestion pathway, the staff conservatively assumes that all the focd is grown or produced on tae contaminated land. Table 12 su=arizes the d se commitment fre., injestion of beef, milk and vegetable crops contaminated via resuspension or by root uptake. Figures are based on a unit concentration of 1 pCi/g of each radionuclide in the soil.

t for compliance with the proposed cri.teria for the incestion pathway, reprecentative soil samples shall be collected and analyzed as described in Section 3. III. Su=3 ry For the decomissioning of the UNC site, the staff has set target criteria for soil for land cleanup of the UNC site. The criteria for soil decentar.ination as summarized in Tab': 2 require UNC to remove scil in the affe::ed area such that the external radiation (whole-body) dose shali not exceed 10,ar/hr above background; inhalation of radionuclides in air particulates dose not exceed 1 mrad /yr above background (lunc or bone dose); inhalation of radon and daughters dose not exceed 0.005 WL (working level) bronchi dose above back;round; and food ingestion dose not excted 3 mrad /yr (bone dose) above background. These criteria are consistent witF those currently being applied or developed for similar type situations. The licensee shall be ' required to submit a detailed decomissioning - plan covering the land decontamination action to demonstrate compliance with the proposed tarcet criteria. Upon completion of decontamination, the licensee shall provide the Commission with a close-out survey report to

   -      show that the decontaminated area reets the target criteria. Prior to de: r.~issioning the site, a verification survey will be conducted by I;RC to verif;, the findings and to assure that the affected land is cleaned up to acceptable levels prior to the release of the site for unrestricted use.


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( 9 x 1 x 8 x i x 0 0 1 x 5 3 1 5 7 1 l 4 1 4 7 6, 4 7 9 . . a . . . 8 0 l 4 1 2 7 1 1 5 1 2 3 l s e 6 2 8 8 7 d 0 3 i 8 5 4 3 2 3 2 2 0 l 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 9 1 c 2 2 2 - - - - - - - u - - - h a h a h r s N U U U, T R T R T S C

- f u-"'S ' Table 2 Proposed Criteria for Soil Decontamination at the UNC Site Exposure Target Other Existing Pathway Criteria Criteria or Guidance External Radiation 10 pr/hr 20 pr/hr indoor (b)-EPA (whole body) (35 mrem /yr)(a) interim cleanup standard for Inactive Uranium Processing Site; 500 mren/yr-10 CFR 20; 170 mrem /yr-FRC Guidance; 400-900 mrem /yr-Surgeon General's Guidance; 25 mrem /yr-40 CFR 190. Inhalation of Particulates 1 mrad /yr 1500 mrem /yr-10 CFR 20 (lung, bone) (10 mrem /yr)(f) 25 mrem /yr-40 CFR 190 1 mrad /yr-EPA Transuranic Guidance (c) Inhalation of Redon 0.005 WL 0.033 WL-10 CFR 20 Dauchters (750 mrem /yr)(d) 0. 01- 0.05 WL-Surgeon General's (bronchi) Guidance; 0.005-0.02 WL-EPA (C) Florida Phosphate (G' idance 0.02-DOE Criteria 0 Food Ingestion 3 mrad /yr 3000 mrem /yr-10 CFR 20 (bene) (30 mrem /yr)If) 25 mrem /yr-40 CFR 190 3 mrad /yr-EPA Transuranic Guidance (c) (a) This value does not include background, the 35 mren/yr includes shielding factor of 0.5 for general population and residence time 80%. (b) 40 CFR Part 192 - Federal Register, April 22, 1980 (c) Proposed criteria (d) Based on projected working level inside structure of 0.005 WL (e) Froposed criteria (f) Eased on quality factor of 10

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A ' Table 4 I2) Potential Exposures from Radon inside Structures on Contanineted Land Soil Conc. Rn-222 Flux Dose

                                             -Working Levels (WL' (b) rem / year (c) pCi/9     Ra     pCi/m'-sec          RangeW1          Average                           .

1.0 0.33-1.0 0.0002-0.000 0.002 0.25 3.0 1.0-3.0 0.0007-0.024 0.006 0.75 5.0 1. 7- 5. 0 0.0024-0.04 0.012 1.25 10.C 3.3-10 0.0048-0.08 0.020 2.5 Radon Concentrations Inside Structures The rad 0n-222 concentrations inside structures fror diffusion of radon fro-ur.:eriying soil may be estimated by the following calculation: C = t A5 VX where: C = radon-222 concentration (pCi/n?)

= radon-222 flux (pCi/m2-sec) 2 A = area cver which flux enters structure (n )

5 = #iux reduction fac: r in entering structure . V = volume of structure (m ) 3 a = effective rem;'.al rate of radon-222 f.rca the structure


(a) Cal c ul a ti o r.s ba s e d o n B = 0.1 - 0. 5, A = l - 2 h r 1, A/V = 0.41, and 1 pCi/1 Rn-222 = .005 WL. (b) Average value based on nidpoint of the range of input parameters. (c) Calculated on the basis of 25 WLM/ year per WL (continuous exposure) and a dose conversion factor of 5 rem per wo-king level month.

et e p-1i 1 n Lk 3 Table 5 Dose Conmitments Resulting from Inhalation of Resus, nded Radionuclides from Contaminated Soil. Figures Based on a Unit Concentration of 1 pCi/g of Each Nuclide in the Soil (Clearance Rate Class Y, Particle Size ( AF.AD) = 1 un) Fadienuclide Dose (nillirem oer year) Lunc Eone U-238 2.8E-l* 2.6E-3 U-235 3.lE-1 2.8E-3 U-234 3.8E-1 2.9E-3 Th-232 3.8E-1 6.8E-1 Th-230 3.2E-1 6.lE-1 Th-2:5 9.6E-1 6.5E-2 Ra-228 8. l E-1 5.9E-2 Ra-226 7.3E-1 2.5E-2

        $r-90                                   4.0E-3                        3.7E-3 Cs-137                                  1. 5 E-3                      3.5E-5
        -2.EE-1 = 2.8 x 10'
]te : It is assumed that the first centimeter of surface soil is subject to resuspension.4 Example: U-238 (Y compound) 2 1 pCi (soil conc) x 10-6 uti x 2.5_g (soil density x 1 cm (surface soil) x 104cm pCi cm3 1 m' 3

x 5 x 10-9 1/m (resuspension factor) x 7300 m /yr (breathing rate) x 80!; (percent of occupancy) x 390 x 10 3mrem /pCi = 0.28 nrem/yr

   -                                                                                                                       5).Ci;S b Table 6                               l5515' I Dose Commitments Resulting from Inhalation of Resuspended Radionuclides from Contaminated Soil. Figures Based on a Unit Concentratio of 1 pCi/g of Each I!uclide in the Soil (Clearance Fate Class W, Particle Size (AMAD) = 1 pm)

Dose (millirem cer year) Ra di o r. jide Luno . Bone U-238 2.9E-2 6.7E-3 U-235 3.1E-2 7.0E-3 U-234 3.3E-2 7.3E-3 Th-232 2.8E-2 1.8E-0 Th-2 30 3.2E-2 1.6E-0 Th-225 1. 4 E- 1 4.0E-1 Ra-228 1.5E-2 8.1E-2 Ra-225 3.6E-2 1.8E-2 S r- 90 4.2E-4 4. 7 E- 3 Cs-137 1.6E-4 3.6E-5 l l l l

[3sies1I L I0!5),l). E Table 7 Dose Commitments Resulting from Inhalation of Resuspended Radionuclides from Contaminated Soil. Figures Based on a Unit Concentration of 1 pCi/g of Each duclide in the Soil (Clearance Rate Clasr D, Particle Size (AliAD) = 1 m) Dose (nilliren oer year) Eadienuclide Luno Eone U-238 5.1E-4 2.6E-2 U-235 5.1E-4 2.6E-2 U-234 5.lE-4 2.8E-2 Th-232 (a) (a) Th-230 (a) (a) Th-228 (a) (a) Re-228 4.4E-6 1.5E-1 Ra-226 1.3E-3 3.7E-1 Sr-90 2.9E-6 8.8E-3


Cs-137 8.1E-6 3.5E-5 l l (a) ICh?-30 classifies thorium corpounds as Y and t, type.6 i l l l

_ 14


Table 8 l l 1 5 Dose Conversion Factors from Inhalation of  ! Radionuclides (Clearance Rate Class Y, Particle l Size AMAD = 1 um) Radienuclides Dose Conversion Factors (Rem /pCi-Inhaled) Lung- Bone U-238 390 3.6 U-235 420 3.8 U-234 450 3.9 Th-232 51 7 930 Th-230 440 830 Th-228 1310 89 Ra-228 1100 81 Ra-226 1000 33.9 Sr-90 55 5.1 Cs-137 2.0 0.048 l Tre cose conversion factors are derived based on the ICRP Task Group Lung Cyr ami c's 3 and computer code "DACRIfi" developed by Battelle Pacific l'orthwest Laboratories. D i . 1

Table 9 Dose Conversion Factors from Inhalation of Radionuclides (Clearance Rate W, Particle Size AKAD = 1 um) Radionuclides Dose Conversion Factors (Rem /uCi Inhaled) Luno Bone U-238 40 9.2 U-235 42 9.6 U-234 45 10 Th-232 33 2,500 Th-230 44 2,200 Th-228 191 E50 F.a - 225 20 112 Ra-226 49.6 24.8 Sr-90 0.58 6.4 Cs-137 0.22 0.049 O

                                                -                                                  l
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                                                                                        . ),Rn tE-Table 10                                            )

l Dose Conversion Factors from Inhalation of Radionuclides (Clearance Rate D, Particle Size' AKAD = 1 um) Radionuclides Dose Conversion Factors (Rem /uCi Inhaled) Lung Bone U-238 0.7 35 U-235 0.7 36 U-234 0.7 13 Th-232 (a) (a) Th-230 (a) (a) Th-228 (a) (a) Ra-228 0.006 210 Ra-226 1.7 51 0 S r- 90 0.004 12 Cs-137 0.011 0.049 (a) ICRP-30 classifies thorium compounds as Y and W type. 6

                                                ; 17 -

DOF gHpdp - Ej 315"$3 l Exanole l The following is an example for the demonstration of compliance of the l inhalation criteria. Assume that after decontamination of soil, the averace l concentrations of radionuclides in soil (after subtracticn from background) l and their solubility classification are as follows: Table 11 Cencentration (oCi/a) Radionuclide 5 Comocund 1; C:n::unc l Compegni U-238 0.5 0.5 0.5 U-235 --- --- --- U-234 0.5 0.5 0.5 Th-232 --- 0.5 0.5 Th-230 --- 0.5 0.5 Th-228 --- 0.5 0.5 Ra-228 --- 0.5 --- Pa-226 --- 0.5 --- Sr-90 2.0 --- --- Cs-137 2.0 --- .--- Then using values from Teoles 5-7, ti,e lung dose would t _: ( r.rer./y r) U-238 0.5(0.00051) + 0.3i0.029) ' O.5(0.25) = 0.15 U-234 0.5(0.00051) + 0.5(0.033) + 0.5(0.35) = 0.21 Th-232 --- 0.5(0.028) + 0.5(0.3E) = 0.20 Th-230 --- 0.5(0.032) 0.5(0.32) = 0.18 Th-228 --- 0.5(0.140) 0.5(0.96) = 0.55 Ra-228 --- C.5(0.015) --- = 0.01


Rc-226 --- 0.5(0.C36) ---


Sr-90 2.0(0.0000029) --- ---


Cs-137 2.0(0.0000081) --- ---

       -                                                                 Total . 33 trem/yr

Table 11 cont'd. is The bor.e dose would be: (aret/yr) U-238 0.5(0.026) + 0.5(0.0067) + 0.5(0.0026) = 0.02 U-234 0.5(0.028) + 0.5(0.0073) + 0.5(C.0029) = 0.02 Th-232 ---

                                   + 0.5(1.8)          + 0.5(0.68)         =    1.3 Th-230             ---
                                   + 0.5(1.6)          + 0. 5 (0. 61 )     =    1.1

Th-228 ---

                                   + 0.5(0.40)         + 0.5(0.065)             ---

P,a-228 -- + .5( 0.081 ) --- = 0.04 Ra-226 ---

  • 0.5(0.01 8) --- = 0.01 Sr-90 2.0(0.0088) --- --- = 0.02
                                                                            =   ---

Cs-137 2.0(0.000035) --- --- To ta '. 2.50 mrem /yr i i h

a. Q9 Mhrakh )a. . Table 12 Dose Commitment Resulting from Ingestion (Vegetation, Esef, Milk) of Radionuclide from Contaminated Soil. Figures Based on a Unit Concen-tration of 1 pCi/g of Each Nuclide in the Soil (the First 15 ca of Soil) Radionuclides Bone Dose ( ) (mren/yr) U-238 1.9 U-235 1.9 U-234 2.2 Th-232 2.1 Th-220 2.0 Th-228 0.4 Ra-222 4.5 Ra-225 8.9 Sr . ) 8.8 Cs-137 0.23 l (a) The follotting sections provide detailed ingestion dose calculati:ns. 9

                                                                                                    .e*s 1
   '                                                                                         '        "  l i;.$

Dose Calculations for Incestion Pathviay

l. Ingestion dose from vegetable intake -

Root uptake  ; 5 1 x 10-6 pCi/g (conc. in ooil) x Cf (see Table 13) x 1.94 x 10 9/yr. (veg. intake) x dose conversion factor (rem /pci; see Table 14) x 1 x 10 3milli rem / rem

          = 50 yr, dose commitment (millirem).

Resuspension 1 x 10-6 pCi/g x 2.50 x 10 g of soil /m2 x 5 x 10-9m-I (resuspension 7 ' ~ factor) x 10- m/sec (deposition factor) x 3.15 x 10 sec/yr x C m -cay (Table 15) x dose conversion factor (rem /pCi) x 1 x 10 (milli rem / rem)

          = dose
2. Ingestion dose from meat intake -

Root uptake 1 x 10-6 Ci/g x Cf (pasture grass; Table 13) x 1 x 10 g/ day (grass eaten) x d/kg (F ;f Table 16) x 94kg/ year (meat intake) x dCF (~ rem /pCi) x 1 x 10 (millirem / rem) = dose Resusoension 1 x 10-6 uCi/g x 2.50 x 10'g of soil /m2 x 5 x 10-9 m-I (resuspension 7 factor) x 10-2 m/sec (deposi t ion factor) x 3.15 x 10 sec/yr x f x dCF (rem /pCi) x 103 (millirem / rem) = dose 1 l l

   .                                    ; 21 -
                                                                              ,   b
3. Ingestion dose from milk intake -

Root uptake


1 x 10 pCi/g x Cf (Table 13) x 1.0 x 10 4g/ day (grass intake) x d/1 (Fg; Table 16) x 0.31 1/d of milk x 365 d/yr x dCF (rem /uCi; Table 14) x 103 (millirem / rem) = dose Resuspension 1 x 10-6 pCi/g x 2.50 x 104g of soil /m2 x 5 x 10-9m-I (resuspension - 7 factor) x 10-2m/sec (deposition factor) x 3.15 x 10 sec/yr x ,' -{ay x d:F (rem /uCi) x 103 (millirem / rem) = dose

Table 13 The plant / soil bicaccumulation factors (Bjy))a or concentration factor (Cf ) soil to plant Concentration factor (C ) Concentration factor (C )a Radionuclide Pasture grass (Bjy)) f Edible Produce (Biv2)f


b S r- 90 1.2 1. 7 E- 2 Cs-137 1.5E-1 9.3E-3


Ra-226 9.7E-2 3.lE-4 b

      -228                               9.7E-2                       3.lE-4 b Th-228                                2.7E-3                       3.5E-4
      -230                               2.7E-3                       3.5E-4
      -232                               2.7E-3                       3.5E-4 U-234                                 8.5E-3                       2.9E-4
    -235                                 8.5E-3                       2.9E-4
    -238                                 8.5E-3                       2.9E-4 60.ef. - AIRDOS-EPA - EPA 520/1-79-009.7 Tables 9 and 10.

8 bref. - Cf are taken from NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 12 The staff used NCRP-45 for some of the basis for the selection of appropriate l piant-soil transfer parameters. l l l l

U nr J EM b2g= l Table 14 Factors (rer/pCi)" Ingestion Dose Conversic Radionuclide Bone Sr-90 1.2 Cs-137 6.82E-2 Ra-226 22

          -226                                              11 Th-228                                                  ~3
          -230                                              il ^
          -2E U-234
         -235                                               i
         -238                                               If a                               C ORf,'L/NUREG/T!i-190 V1 and Y2'

6 O.. F. 1%

                                                                      ,U:is'i   i Table 15. Radionuclide intake rates      [f)/d me Above Surface food              Milk          Beef Radionuclide 1.20             0.295         0.04 Sr-90 1.20             2.08          0.26 Cs-137 Ra-226                    1.20             2.37          2.44
         -228                   1.20             2.37          2.44
                                                    -3         0. 01 Th-228                   1.18            <10 1.20             0.001         0.01 4
         -232                   1.20             0.002          0.03 U-234                   1.20             0.08           0.023 1.20              0.08          0.023
          -235                                                               .

1.20 0.08 0.023

          # Ref. -- ORNL-4992, Table 2-8. (IO)
   <                                                         m-US   '$,
 .                                                                ' .W' u4 Table 16 Estimates of transfer coefficients" for milk and meat Radionuclide         Milk (FM)               Meat (Ff )

(day / liter) day /ko Sr-90 8.0E-3 6.0E-4 Cs-137 1. 2 E- 2 4.0E-3 Ra-226 5.9E-4 5.1E-4 Ra-228 5.9E-4 5.1E-4 Th-228 5.0E-6 2.0E-4 Th-230 5.0E-6 2 . '0 E-4 Th-232 5.0E-6 2.0E-4 U-234 5.0E-4 3.4E-4 U-235 5.0E 4 3.4E-4 U-233 5.0E-4 3.4E-4 a Ref. - NRC Reg. Guide 1.109 and NRC Task RH 802-4 l l

 '                                                                                  {T;ft4 e3 References
1. Environmental Information on the Rhode Island Uranium Recovery Plant -

United Nuclear Corporation, UNC-EI-1, December 1974.

2. Memorandum for Fuel Processing and Fabrication Branch - from Leland C. Rouse, Chief, Fuel Processing and Fabrication Branch, " Branch's Staff Technical Position for Interim Land Cleanup Criteria for Uranium Mill Sites," May 24, 1978.
3. Task Group of Committee 2, ICRP, Task Group on Luna Dynamics for Committee 11 of the ICRP, Health Physics, Vol. 12, 1966.
4. Persons Exposed to Transuranium Elements in the Environment - Federal Radiation Protection Guidance on Dose Limits - Federal Register, Vol. 42, No. 230, Wednesday, November 30, 1977.
5. J. R. Houston, D. L. Strengh, and E. C. Watson, DACRI'; - A Computer Program for Calculating Organ Dose from Acute or Chronic Radionucli des Inhalation, ENWL-B-389, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Rich 1c nd, Washington 1975.

E. International Commission on Radiological Protection Pur-  : ion 30 - Fergamon Press, July 1978.

7. AIRD05-EPA: A Computerized Methodology for Estimating E: onmental Concentrations and Dose to Man for Airborne Releases of Radionuclides, EPA 520/1-79-009, December 1979.

E. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 - Calculation of Ar.nual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, March 1976.

9. NUREG/CR-0150, Vol. I and II, Estimates of Internal Dose Equivalent to 22 Target Organs for Radionuclides Occurring in Routine Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, 1979.

1C. A Methodology for Calculating Radiation Doses from Radioactivity Released to the Environment, ORNL-4992, March 1976.

11. NRC Task RH 802 Calculational Models for Estimating Radiation Doses to Man from Airborne Radioactive Materials Resulting from Uranium Milling Operations.
12. NCRP Report No. 45 Natural Background Radiation in the United States, l November 15, 1975.


         $ 0
                                                                                  '\9. t;h@b .
 ..                                                                               . -\ u::w-t ADcendix A.

Decontamination-Decommissioning Plan for UNC's Scrap Recovery Facility and Site l l l l l 1 i

   . - .       . .. _ ~ . . ~ . .         . . . _ . . . - . _ _ . _    _

Us!C RECOVERY SYSTEfE5 g v o m 2 ra CEB 80-88 . o 7cc c S' 2 u .D o *: S

 ,g g       " '
                  - Dmsica cf Unded Nu:Icar Corporanen      One Na ro;29se'.t Trail                      Telep.y.eent 36;.7701 A UnC RESOURCES Company               Wc:c R:ver Juntbon. RF.0"e is!and C233' April 29, 1980                                                                      d.


  • l ! / p/
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s, c

                                                                                                                . ' h 's .%
  • W G)
                                                                                                              - %G ~:y r:     p,:,n     '(,~

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission fg' o.. ,, ,, A p? Mr. W. T. Crow, Section Leader g


Uranium Fuel Fabrication Section i y' ^g., r. ;' *, D C) , Fuel Processing and Fabrication Branch Division of Fuel Cvcle and :'aterial Safety D

                                                                                                              %h'*.I'D. ,

s N Washin'oton, DC 20555

                                                                                                            's / IE5. /g \ s Q ,.-

Dear Mr. Crow:

UNC Resources has. decided to teminate recovery of highly enriched uranium. Present planning calls for reprocessing of the small cuantity of scrap on hand by about July 1, 1980, followed by a concentrated progra.m of site decontamination. Total SNM inventory, with the exception of process lagoon residues, should be below five kilograms by early fall, 1980. Lagoon processing and decontamination are scheduled for completion by April 1, 1981. Under these circumstances, it is our understanding that license renewal and revision for the upgrade rule are not recuired. Accordingly, we are formalizing decontaminatien-decommissioning plans for. discussion with you. In addition, we have been in contact with other fomer licenseholders with decemmissioned f acilities in an effort to develop an effective and coherent progrcm. Overall decommissioning planning, including nuclear safety l and health physics aspects, is presently the responsibility of Mr. Robert Gregg; security aspects are under Richard Gigliotti. Either of these gentlemen or I will be happy i to meet with you and your staff at your early convenience, to discuss NRC recuirements and U::C planning. i Very truly yours, l U:;C RECOVERY SYSTEMS j' d T b-j ! rN l C. E. Bowers \ S .%

                                                                        ,9           i,= b h,
                                                                                        ^y =3 F.'

b .3


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 .I III. DECONTAMINATION PROGRAM                                     -           -





 ..                                                               DECOMMISSIONING PROGPJ.M A




1. S T.V.L" " r'.'a'_r O'u'c'~ V. '6'T *4 n*
  • r.C.L'I M.

_ - _ . _o'r""2 t. .r' '.n's"n.Tm, S". n' R'4 MAPPING, SURVEYING, AND DECON WCRK



                                     .o .r.r4 n.J .r uO m. a        . e       r.v . aid   .uw. r t.rnc-um     s ..:.a r r n-  .vu-a r v mv. e
                          .e. . . .v.r. .,,m
                                           .- r e. s O n v.
                  .T v. .                                      u. r uU u- . .T O.-

s A. PIDUCI TO < 5 KG U-235 (> 2 % ENRICHMENT) BASIS: ACCOUNTAEILITY EOOKS SHOW NO MCRE THAN 5 KG CN INVENTORY, AND ALL PROCESS EQUIPMENT FAS r r.>4 C .r rr c. _r D O n E ..a v .- (t,w, .a r nc- r .r, C re.3rD

                                                                                                                                . ...      Or2 h.,7
                                                                                                                                             -          ~. 3 r, er MEASURED AND INCLUDED IN THE ACCOUNTABILITY EOOKS).


                                                                                              -       - r               s j
a. + .: 1
       ,9 ,                            .
     ,                                                                                                    r.a Appendix B        y.

i;: m..

                                                               .                                        . H.j.'. .

7 tai gap e> s

                                                                                                                    - E9:
                    ' GUIDELINES FOR DECONTAMINATION OF FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT                                     qw ef PRIOR TO RELEASE FOR UNRESTRICTED USE -                             72n3
                                                                                                             '5. .


                                                                                                                       + +:.
-s U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Cc mission
                                                                                                                   .O. f Division ci ruel Cyc.le ano
                                                                                                               - gg Material Safety                                     ;,

jg-Washir.gten, D.C. 20555 -.: a; s s

                                                                                            &                   __". "* : I NDYE!'.3ER 1976
                                                                                                                     < :u :.
                                                                                                                     *? 5
                                                                                                                 ~ ;+F+      .

I N*,

m , m

          .                                                                                                                r.z_ _..


                                                                                                                           . r:--


  • m yy;..-
      .                                                                                                                      : o

a. The instructions in this cuide in conjunction with Table I specify the y radicactivity and radiation expcsure rate limits which shculd be used 6, in acccmplishing the decontamination and survey of surf aces or premises l{ ar.d equipment prior to abandonment or release for unrestricted use. E.E The limits in iable I co not apply to premises, equipment, or scrap E. .._ m centaining induced radioactivity ,,or which the rac.. io logical considera-ticns pertinent to their use may be different. The releeca n# wh IQ.j{ facilities er items from reculatorv control will be censidered on a case- .5 by-case basis. yw - it. . . .

1. The lice .see shall make a reasonable effer: tc eliminate residual @

c ontaminati on. e. . ,.

                                                     ~                                                                        _--.


2. P.adioactivity on equipment er surf aces shall not be covered by .5E baint 'ylatino, or other coverine t eterial unless contamination W _

levels, as cetermined by a survey and cocumentec, are belca ne e.=:. limits specified in t able I prior to applyinc the coverine. z A reasonable effort rast be made to minimize the contamination prior M to ure of any coveri nc. -

                                                                                                          .                   -if r:
2. The radicactivity on the interior surfaces of pipes, drain lines, E cr duc wcrk shall be cetermined by makinc measurenents at all traps, &

and c:ner appropriate access points, proviced that contamination "3 . at -hese locations is likely to be repre.sentative cf contamir,ation. . . .i. g Suriaces en -he interict c the pipes, drain lines, or ductwork. of premises, equipment, er scrap which are likely to be contaminated g.; but are of such size, construction, er locatica as to make the surf ace t ir. accessible for purposes of measurement shall be presumed to be centaminated in excess of the limits. [__

4. Up n recue'st, the Commissien may autherine a licensee to relincuish E "

pcssessica er centrol of premises, ecuipment, er scrap havinc surf aces ccn arinated witn materials in excess of the limits specified. Inis. rg

                                                                                                                              " ~~

may ir.ciuce, but woulc nct be limited to, special circumstances such as ra.-inc cf, transfer of premises to ancther organization M ccn-in.:ing wcn wi .h radicactive materials, or ccnversion cf f acilities tc a icnc- erm s: crate er stand:y status. Such retuests must: W l,

a. Previ de detailed, specific inf ormation cescritine the premises,
                                                                                                                                 'l  - -
epulpment er scrap, racitacti ve centamir. ants, anc ne nature, ~

e xte nt, and cegree cf resicual surface contamination.

b. provide a detailed health and safety analysis which reflects .
                                                                                                                                . ;~

that the resicJai amcunts of - aterials on surface areas, toce her ~~ with other ccasic'eraticns such as prospective use of the premises, _4 e;uipment er scrap, are unlikely to result in an unreastnable risk to the health and safety of the public.  ; i..~ e

  • e 9



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ya 2 . E.i 4...

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hi5ll R.*;;.

                                                ~                                                                                                                                                                   W.               a
5. Prior to release of premises for unrestricted use, the-licensee shall r.s i! !-

make a comprehensive radiation survey which establishes that contam- fi "

                      -         ination is within the limits specified in Table I.. A copy: of the                                                                                                                   iys survey ;. report shall' be filed with the Division. of Fuel. Cycle. and                                                                                                    .

Rh.. Material Safety, USilRC, Washington, D.C. 20555, and also the [.QM

                    .          . Director of the Regional. Office lof the.0f fice of . Inspection- and                                                                                                               E ".

Enforcement, USNRC, having jurisdiction. The report should be filed @E at 30 days . prior to the planned cate of abar.donment. ' The ' pf5

                             ., . survey report shall:                                                                                                                                                               [S-Si
                               .a.            3dentify the premises.
                                                                                                                                                                            .                          .              4.y.?!


          ,                                                                                                                                                                                                           5.E
b. Shcw that r.easonable effort has been made to eliminate resid'ual -
              .                              contami nation.                                                                                                                                                          vuis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      '" :1.2
c. Describe the scope of the survey and general procedures followed. T.b.,
d. ' State the findings of the survey in units specified in the y,$;

instructi on. .

                     ..                                                                                                                                                                                                . ;;g; Following review 'of the report; the !!RC will consider visiting the-                                                                                                                                 S.(
                ,        f acilities .to cor.fim the survey.                                                                                                                                    -


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I. ~'i: i Y;ji.j]l'Ms]jldhlN!!j}!jjjjjdjj}l

                          /                          illhll[j:Il!!!iiUIilli      ljliijl ] )) [ j{ [ j f [ h    hhh;((              INjjjii[djll TABLE 1                                  '

2 "The amount of removabic radioactive material per 100 cm2 of surface area should be determined by wiping that area with dry filter or sof t absorhent paper, applying moderate pressure, and assessing the amount of radioactive material on the uipe with an oppropriate instrument of known ef ficiency. When removable contamination on objects 0f less surfac@ area is determined, the pertinent levels should be reduced proportionally and the entire surface should be wiped. . . I The average and maximum radiattor, levels ~ associated with surface contamination resulting from beta-gamma cmitters


should not exceed 0.2 mrad /hr at 1 cm and 1.0 mrad /hr at 1 cm, respectively, measured through not more than 7 milli-grams per square centimeter of total absorber. ' e e


i . . t

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L Appendix C Radiological Concentrations in Water Saaples Collected and Analyzed by IRC in U!;C's Lagoons, Storage Tank and Monitoring Wells. (Samples Collected in July, August 1980) r l l l . l l .

 -      -          ~   .--          . . - . .    . . -         ..   ,. .  . . . ,   ,


                                                                                             <'i l'-)f.c     Lagoon C             lapon D                               Lagoon G      IHIC Tank            Wel l -W-B                    Well W-3 Gross w*    (1. 2 4 0.1 ) E- 6    (1.440.1)E-6                      (3.5+0.2)E-6      (4.340.5)E-7     (3.540.1)E-7                (3.2+0.1)E-7 Gross n     (1.9+0.1)E-5          (1.740.1)E-5                       (1.5+0.1)E-5     ( 2.14 0.1 ) E-5 (4.9+0.4)E-8                (1.2+0.2)E-7 Th-232      (4.111.2)E-9          (1.910.1)E-7                       (4.110.2)E-7     (7.017.0)E-10    (0.0+4.0)E-11                (0.0+2.0)E-11 Th-230      (1.740.3)E-8          (6.950.1)E-6                       (2.8+0.l)E-S     (-2 + 2)E-9      (1.240.7)E-ll                (-1013.0)E-ll Th-228      (1.810.2)E-8          (9.510.6)E-6                       (1.810.2)E-7     (2.610.2)E-8     (1.210.6)E-10                (2.4+0.4)E-10 U-234        (2.6+0.1)E-7         (2.7t0.1)E-7                        (8.6+0.1)E-7    (1.540.1)E-7     (2.140.1)E-7                  (3.0+0.1)E-7 U-235        (8.610.3)E-9         (9.210.3)E-9                        (3.2fp.1)E-8    (6.3+0.0)E-9     (7.1+0.3)E-9                  (1.240.0)E-8 U-236        (4.012.0)E-10        (7.0&2.0)E-10                       (1.0+3.0)E-10   (2.0 &l .0) E-10 (2.140.2)E-9                  (1.1+0.2)E-9 Ra-226       (-3&2.0)E-9          (9.063.0)E-9                        (1.050.4)E-9    (1.0+3.0)E-9     (1. 8 t 0. 5 ) E-9            (1.0+0.3)E                         Sr-90        (2.210.2)E-6         (2.2+0.2)E-6                        (2.240.2)E-6    (1.4+0.2)E-6     (1.0&5.0)E-9                  (1.0+5.0)E-9 Cs-137       (2.6iG1)E-6          (2:380.1)E-6                        (2.010.l)E-6    (1. 510.1 ) E-6 Ac-228       (4.610.0)[-7         (3.380.0)E-7                                        (3.210.0)E-7 Th-203       (9.3i2.0)E-8         (4.0+2.0)E-8                         (7.042.0)E-8   (7.0&2.0)E-8 K-40         (1.140.1)E-6         ( 1. 0 i o.1 ) E-6                                  (6.011.0)E-7 Pb-212                            (7.012.0)E-8
                       * +25% systematic error due to solids.

e . . d a UtilTED flVCl EAR

                                                     , . , ( .( t Analysis         T-1              T-6               W-12            W-il      Lagoon A/B       PW-1 Cross   *

(3:2)E-10 (2.0io.2)C-8 (3.560.2)E-8 (2.440.4)E-9 (2.660.2)E-7 (6+2)E-10 Gross 6 -(3'3)C-9 (4.9'2.0)E-7 (9.0&4.0)E-7 (1.6iO.1)E-7 (8.7so.4)C-6 (-5+3)E-9 Cs-137 (2.060.8)[-8 (4.0&3.0)E-9 (5.066.0)E-9 (1.219 0)E-6 Ac-220 (-6&3)E-8 (7.053.0)E-8 (213)E-8

Th-208 (6.082.0)E-8 (5.062.0)E-8 K-40 (2il)E-7 (1.219 8)E-7 (1.119 9)E-7 (3.611.0)E-7 (2.2il.0)E-7 Pb-212 (3.0&l.0)E-8 (2.0+2.0)E-8 .

Po-214 (2.0i2.0)E-8 Bi-214 (3.0il.0)E-8 Pa=234m (1.6'p.6)E-6 Ma-54 (2.11p.7)E-8 l l

  • 125% systematic error ine to solids.

i l l l l l l l .


p ,

                                                                                                                          'f UNITED NilCLEAR                                                       '
                                                               "',!M Analysis          PW-2                     W-D                W-8A        T-2            T-3             76-U Gross.~*       (9.013.0)E-10           (1.210.2)E-9      (1.110.1)E-7  (3.7+0.4)E-9  (3.040.2)E-8     (5.8+0.6)E-9 Gross 6        (3.412.0)E-9            ( '113)E-9         (2.4+0.1)E-7 (2.3+0.4)E-8  (1.14 0.1 ) E-6  (1.1+0.1)E-7 Cs-137         (1.610.8)E-8                               (-916)E-9    (1.011.3)E-8  (1.110.8)E-8     (4.216.5)E-9 Ac-228         (2.412.0)E-8            (-213)E-8                       (8.3011.7)E-8 (4.4011.4)E-8 Th-208                                                                 (4.511.6)E-8  (2.011.9)E-8    -(4.411.7)E   K-40           (9.018.0)E-8                                            (2.411.0)E-8                   (1.611.0)E-7 Pb-212         (5.011.0)E-8                               (2.411.2)E-8               (1.4961.1)E-8    (6.1+1.2)E-8              ;

Pb-214 (2.012.0)E-8 . f Bi-214 (Sil)E-8

  • 125% systematic error due to solids.
  -:                                  m              -                                                              ,
                                                                                              .     :~


                             ,Ae(lh Analysis                   77-B          77-0                                                                 ,

Gross ~* (1.8+0.2)E-8 (1.1+0.1)E-8 Gross 6 (4.2+0.2)E-7 (4.060.2)E-7 - Cs-137 (3.8+1. 3) E-8 Ac-228 (1.5+2.2)E-9

  • 425% systematic error due to solids. .

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