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Forwards QA Program Insp Rept 99900513/85-01 on 850107-11 & Notice of Nonconformance
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/11/1985
From: Zech G
To: Bailey F
Shared Package
ML20128L675 List:
REF-QA-99900513 NUDOCS 8507250086
Download: ML20128L670 (2)


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,j WASHINGTON D. C. 20555

%,,,,,# July 11, 1985 Docket No. 99900513/85-01 Teledyne Engineering Services ATTN: Mr. F. C. Bailey President 130 Second Avenue Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 Gentlemen:

This refers to the inspection conducted by Mr. R. P. McIntyre of this office on Janua~., 7-11, 1985, of your facility at Waltham, Massachusetts, and to ~

the discussions of our findings with Mr. A. Johnson and members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection .

The purpose of this inspection was to review your Quality Assurance Program in the areas of computer code verification,-computer code error handling procedures, and pipe support design calculations.

Areas examined during the inspection and our findings are discussed in the enclosed report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of an examina-tion of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector.

During the inspection it was found that the implementation of your QA program failed to meet certain NRC requirements. Two areas of concern were iden-tified during this inspection. The first involves the failure to ensure that calculations are adequately verified. The second involves the failure to properly document instances-in which engineering judgement is being uti-lized in pipe support design calculations. The specific findings and re-ferences to the pertinent requirements are identified in the enclosures to this letter.

Please provide us within 30 days from the date of this letter a written l statement containing: (1) a description of steps that have been or will be l taken to correct these items; (2) a description of steps that have been or will be taken to prevent recurrence; and (3) the dates your corrective actions and preventive measures were or will be completed. Consideration may be given to extending your response time for good cause shown.

The response requested by this letter is not subject ~to the clearance pro-cedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.

?DR 850711~ -

99900513 EECTELEE PDR.


. 4, Teledyne Engineering Services In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Comission's regulations, a copy of this ?etter and the enclosed inspection report will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room.

Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Sincerely, Gary G. Zech, Chief Vendor Program Branch Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor.

and Technical Training Center Programs Office of Inspection and Enforcement


1 Appendix A - Notice of Nonconformance 2_ Appendix B - Inspection Report No. 99900513/85-01 3 Appendix C - Inspection Data Sheets-(6 pages)

Distribution R. McIntyre, IE J. Craig, IE G. Zech, IE B. K. Grimes, IE J. Stone, IE R. Vollmer, IE E. Adensam, NRR P. McKee, IE J. Milhoan, IE TVA - Watts Bar NRR PM for Watts Bar Region.II Section Chief for Watts Bar Resident Inspector Watts Bar l l _


  • See previous concurrence VPB/IE SC/VPB/IE B /IE D/QAVT/IE
  • RMcIntyre:gmk *JCraig *BKGrimes 5/ /85 5/ /85 h*g/85


5/ /85
