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Certificate of Compliance 9178,Rev 3,for Model Nupac 7/100. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109178
Issue date: 05/22/1985
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20128M777 List:
NUDOCS 8506030086
Download: ML20128M806 (4)


7m_______________________m_________m.______ "




a. Tnis certificate is issued to certify inat ine packaging and contents described in item s below. meets tne appiicable safety standards set fortn in Titie io. code l l of Federai Regulations. Part 71," Packaging of Radioactive Matenals for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Matenal Under Certain Conditions." l
b. This c ertificate does not reiieve the consignor from compiiance with any requirement of the regulations of tne u.s. Department of Transportation or otner N l  :

appia amie reguiatory agencies. inciuding ine government or any country inrougn or into tne package wiii be transported. E j E W

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f I  ; Nuclear Packaging, Inc. NUPAC application dated October 29, 1982, E

1010 South 336th Street as supplemented. lg Federal Way, WA 98003 --


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. c. oOCkErNuuinn C ' . ' 71-9178 .

i  : 4. CONDITIONS ~

s ~ ' > ,

l l This certificate is conditional upon fulfiiling tne requirements of 10 CFR Part 71, as applicable, and'the conditions specified below s~ E (a) - Packaging - Q 7, 3 g

g d (1) Model No.: NUPAC 7/100 7 N G, _

_J '

,m -

l Description N

M (2)


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N <

h:q Steel. encased lead shi.elded cask for low specific activity material, _


] The cask is are right circular- cylinder with a 75.5-inch ID by 40.75-

~ ~

lg 1 inch IH-cavity.. The walls'of the casks contain a lead thickness of ~


1 3.00 inches encased ~in 0.38-inch- thick 1nner-steel shell and 0.88-inch N

!1 thick' outer steelsshell.iThe to'p cover and cask bottom are made up of N two steel plates' ranging 11n thick' ness from 2.0 to 3'.5' inches. The l j , primary cask lid;is secured to the: cylindrical cask body by eight,

1 1-1/4-inch- rachet bin'ders. An-optional ~ secondary lid is centered in lyp U the primary lid and is , secured' to the primary lid with eight, 3/4-inch I
1 studs and nuts. Each lid is provided with a Neoprene gasket seal. I The cask may be provided with 'an optional 12 gau'ge stainless steel E j

N liner (seal welded along all edges), an optional lid vent line with pipe plug, and an optional 3/4-inch drain line and pipe plug. The l



1 cask is provided with fourrequally spaced lifting / tie-down devices. p 1 The primary lid is provided with three lifting lugs and the optional ll secondary lid is provided with one lifting lug. The cask has a gross E _

j.1 weight of 48,900 pounds. l 4

1 E j (b) Drawing g 1 E '

1 The package is fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packaging, Inc. Drawing E 1 No. X-20-204D, Sheets 1 and 2, Revision No. D. i 1 W 1 li 1 lE i n 1 N y 8506030086 850522 N 1


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, Page' 2.- Certificate No. 9178 - Revision No. 3 - Docket No. 71-9178 l E
5. (b) Contents I
r. N  :

.(1) Type and fom ~of material N

= N Dewatered, solids, or solidified waste, meeting the requirements [

l .

' (1) for low specific activity material, in secondary containers; or f (ii) Activated solid components meeting the requirements for low o specific activity material, in secondary containers. 5 (2) Maximum quantity of material per package g; N: -

Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may contain g the;fiss,il_e , material does not exceed the N E

fissile limits in 10material

\V providedy$The ' decay: heat [ loadE is CFR 67J.53.1 *

6. (a) For any package con iilbstances which could l


radiolytically gene rate $aising combustiblewater gases, and/or deteminationorganic must be made by y

tests and measdreiients or by analysis of a representative package such that l N the following MFi_t_eria are met over a period of time thht is twice the H

<  : expected shipment

  • time:


'/'> I

! D7 Dih /b (i) The hydrogen generatedwust_be 1.imited(to;a molar quantity that would l

y '

be no'more than 5%?by,v'olume;(or)equiv'alent limits foi' other inflam- p g

mable; gases) of thetsecondary contaigerfgas void iflpresent at STP (i.e,,*no more than20.063_ l'f l4.7 psia and 70 F); or N I

(ii) The I'" secondaryledn%%

f) tainerbanUifaiskTcavit '45tf r


, l ?.

es/h tjatt I 1

to assu're that%xygenifus't! be limite' d to 5%f~musti by volunie~ be inerted with a diluent in those portions  !

1 J

of theg%packag~eihich 9p couldj G hav[epiy,drogen 3

H t

l For any package delive%d_C4dkydMh'3?'

redSto afcarrier sfor,transportethe secondary container I

]:) must be prepared ,for shipme'nttin .the same< manner in which detemination for gas generaticn'is made. Shipment) period begins when;the package is prepared R


) .(sealed) and mustibe-completed within twice the, expected shipment time. y

'/ \^

) .


'1 (b) For any package shipped 91 thin:10 days of preparation, or within 10 days p il after venting of drums or 'other secondary containers, the determination in W j (a) above need 'not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not a pply. l 3 ,7 1 E 1 7. Maximum gross weight of the contents, secondary containers, and shoring is y 1 limited to 13,000 pounds. N 1 N  :

1 8. Except for close fitting contents, shoring shall be placed between secondary I j containers and the cask cavity to minimize movement during nomal conditions of transport.

lg 1 l

l lE 1 9. The lid and shield plug lifting lugs shall not be used for lifting the cask, and !N ,

I shall be covered in transit. IN 1 i i j 10. The cask shall .be provided with either (or both) a drain line or a lid vent line l as shown in the drawing in order to provide a method to leak test the package.

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conosisuus (continuxc) k, 1

1 l ' Page 3 - Certificate No. 9178 - Revision No. 3 - Docket No. 71-9178 lll I i l -c :.

I I 11. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: 1 l ,

g (1) Prior to each shipment, the packaging Neoprene lid seals must be inspected.

p The seals must be replaced with new seals if inspection shows any defects I or every twelve (12) months, whichever occurs first. Cavity drain and vent N lines shall be sealed with appropriate sealant applied to the pipe plug

'I threads.

l '

(ii) The cask must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of Section 8.0 ls N

of the application. In addition, the cask shall be leak tested at least-every twelve (12) ronths in 2:fordance with Appendix 8.4 of the application.

g to R <- U NC(I/r, il ill 12. The cask body and each cask lid all be marked-in accordance with 10 CFR 671.85(c). N N c v' NQ* N l 13. The package authorizeddy this certificate shall' be transpcrted on a motor  !

q vehicle, railroad carPaircraf t, inland watercraft, or hold or deck of a seagoing g N li

,il vessel assigned y foRthe M sole use of the licensee. O,'s 4 R lN 14. The package authoii' zed by.this certificate is hereby approved"for use under the  !

N l8 general licens 'rir'ovisionk- of31 CFR 971._12. / 6 / e E 50 /W  %' E ll ' Expiration dateu March 317:1988.- k*W3 O g

g 15.

N. , g( Jua g[?]

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!il }-== (M C% kd,/<  %

,lj g Qd1 D ,qREFERENCES7 j ,.T'.'N [, E g


+40 % %tji4(i1J #

Nuclear Packaging, Incgapp1,1c3 tion dated October}29,1982*f:

$ Fj l q M M&@ld MlGL (1 !y g 1 Supplements dated: Feb'ruary 18; andfarch .24',1983*M'.,

v u w :: .n O i N l

  • See Docket File No.- 71 19,159, L'j ; .O .

. J q+ b g

,y yn 1,


g g

4~ 4 ;., p .


o e r

!i N e l

Charles . a Dona , Chief ly


q Transportation Certification Branch l Division of Fuel Cycle and p 1 Material Safety, NMSS E .

1 E E

lE Date: MAY 2 21985 lI E il jh I ,E I 'N lE I,I a lE I;

ll N I R I W n &

I If I N I i


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Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record 'l Combustible Gas Mixtures f Conditions were imposed on packages containing water and/or organic substances to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases over the shipping ' period to preclude the possibility of significantly reducing the packaging effectiveness due to explosion. .

Part of'the conditions included " must be determined by tests and measurements of a representative package whether- or not...."

There is no reason to believe that calculational methods could not be used .as means of determining gas generation. So as not to preclude a valid-analysis, part of the condition to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases is revised to read " must be detemined.

by' tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package J whether or not...."

The analytic approach involves detemining the hydrogen generated in the waste by radiolysis based on the absorbed dose of the waste over a given period of time. To satisfy the condition to preclude a combustible mixture, the period since closure and twice the shipping time must be considered. The calculation requires that the properties of the waste are known. - These properties may be determined from test and measurement of representative waste foms or from data that is applicable to the waste fom. The determination should be dacumented and retained as part of the records for the shipment.

b Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and -

Material Safety, NMSS Date: MAY 2 2 HE W
