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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App D & E Documents.App D Documents Available in Pdr.App E Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/26/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Bauman L
Shared Package
ML20148P464 List:
FOIA-87-803 SECY-83-251, NUDOCS 8801290140
Download: ML20148P457 (4)


1 S. NUCLEA% REGUL', TOM COMMISSION  %=c 'o a atoutst wverarsi eff. ..e.,,%


/ F01A-87-803

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  • ussossi tyn i

E .m S RESPONSETO F EE OM OF to% X7t*at I leaen't

( . e . . ., ,/- INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEur

. g g g jgg8 mit wo. .o-I.EQUl$IIR Ms. Linda Bauman PART l RECORDS RELIASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checaed bonest No agency recoras swbrect to the roovest have been located l

No additonal egency records subpect to the roovest have been located Agency escoids owbrect to the reqmt that are centded e Appendia are already avadaNo for putdec racecten and *coyng e the NRC Pwbbc Document Room, 1717 H Street N W, Washngton DC Agency records sobrect to the roovest that are 4entded e Accenden a*e bemg maoe avadaNe for owtd.c inspecten and cooveng in the NRC PwNic Document X Room.1717 H Street. N W., Washmgton. DC. m a foeder unoer the FOI A numter and rocwester name The nonpropnetary version of the proposaksi that vow agreed to accept m a te'ephone conve saten uth a memter of my staM e now boeg made avaieNo for pww.c esc,ecten and c3yvsg at the NRC Pwtdec Docurrent Room,17i7 H Street. N W . WasNngton, DC. m a folder under ths FotA nurnber and requester name Enclosed is eformaton on how you may octae access to and the cha ges for copyeg reco es piaced e the NRC Puts.c Docwment Room.1717 H Street. N W., Washrston. D Agency records k.brect to t*e roovest are enclosed Any applicaNe charge for cop es 9 the records prov4ed and payment prosedwr es are noted m the comments secten c

Records swbpset to the roovest beve been re orred to another Fece si agencytesi for revew and direct rescoese to you in ve* of NRC e resoorse to the %est no further scton e beeg tauen on appeel 4t er dated 1 PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBUC DISCLOSURE Certan eformaton m t*e rooves.ed records e beng uthhe'd frorr. pubhc deciosu er pursuant to the FOIA esemptons descreed e and 'or the reasons stated in Part 11. sec-K tons 8. C. and D. Any reeased portone of the documents for *N;h only part of the record a wtheid a'e berg made avadatde for owN.c mopection and copyeg e the NRC Pwbiec Document Room.1717 H Street. N W,, Washegton. DC e a folder under this FOIA numter and roowester name C ,- .ts l

l l

1 1

5 44%RE. D*#ECTOR 01' W 08  % 5^%DaEconDS


l 8801290140 880126 PDR FOIA PDR DAUMAN87-803 NIC FORM 44 :Pa t n rSe l



N PAUT 115- AM.41 CABLE FOIA EXEMPTIONS CC:ords subject t) the request that are descritad in the enclosed Appendtes E ,,,3 ,;n, ,133 ,,,in ,3,;, n,;,,,y ,,in p.,,uno ,, poi ,

Exemptions and for the reasons set forth below pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 10 CrR 9 5(a) of NRC Regulatons.

1. The wthheid mformaton e proper'y clasved pursuant to Eiecutne Oroer 12356 tDEMPTION li 2 The wthheid eformonen reates soiWy to the internal personnel rules and procedures of NRC. (EXEMPTION 2)
3. The wthhead eformat>on e specdicaey enemoted from putec dociosure by statute indicated. IEXEMPTION 3)

Secton 141145 o' the Atomic Erwegy Act whch prombts the decioswre of Restr cted Oata or Former+y Restncted Data 142 U S C. 21612185L Sect.on 147 of the Atomic Energy Act prohbts the daciosvre of Unclass. fed Safegwards information (42 U S C. 2167L

4. The wthheid informaton e a trade secret or commercel or feancial eformaton test rs becg uthheid for the ressorws) recated (EXEMPTION 4)

The in'ermetion e conwyod to te confoontal buseess (propretary' informaton.

The informaton is considered to be propretcy eformaten pursuant to 10 CFR 2.79CHdM1L The informaton was submrtted and recorved in confidence from a source pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790s.dH21.

5. The wthbed informaton cons,sts of eteragency or intrassency records that are not avaaabie through descovery dureg htigaton. Dociosure of predeceonal information X woved tend to chbt the open and frank enchange of ceas essertet to the dece<atne process. Where records are wthheed 6n thew entrety, the facts are meitncatdy etertened eth the predeceonal eformaton. There ateo are no reasoestdy segregetdo factual portons because the rWease of the facts would permet an rerect enquny eto the prooeceional process of the egency. (EXEMPTION 51 6 The w*thheid cformation e enempted from pubiic dociosure tecevse its doctosure would re$uit in a cierty unwarranted evason of personal pmsey. (DEMP110N 61
7. The wthbed eformaton conosts of evestigatory recoros compied for tan enforcement purposes and a beeg wthhed for the rossants) edicated. (DEMPTION 71 0 sclosure would riterfere uth en enforcement proceedeg because et could reveal the scope, directon, and focus of enforcerterit efforts. and thus could possery enow them to take acton to sn.esd potentes wrongdoing or a n:daten of NRC reqwsr oments from evestgators. (EXEMPT @N 7tAH Deciosure would constitute an un*erranted invason of personal prwacy iDEMPTION 7tCH The informaton consets of names of indrvvus and other eformaton the decioswo of which wood reveal ident,tes of con 6 der tal sources (DEMPTION 760H PART 11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS i Dursuant to 10 CFR 9 9 and 'or 9.15 of the U S Nucieer Regulatory Commisson regu:stens. st has toen ostermined that the eformation ethhead e esempt from producten or doctosw e.

e enG that ets prodweten or decicouro e contrey to tre putec mterest. The persons responsbe for the denet are those crecets identrfed teow as denveg officals and the Drector.

Omsson of Rules and Records. Omco of Adminstration, for any denets that may be appealed to the Enocueve Derector for Operations tooi DENYING OFFICAL TITLE / OF FICE RECORDS DENIED APPELLATE OFFICIAL Mr. John C. Hoyle Assistant Secretary of E-1 sec m m <=

the Commission X 1

l l

l l

l PART ll 0- APPEAL RIGHTS The denial by each denying official identried in Part II.C may be appealed to the Appeitate Official identified in that section. Any such appeal must be in veting and must be made ethin 30 days of receipt of this response. Appeals must be addressed as appropriate to the Esecutive Director for Ope <ations or to the Secretary of the Co. Thor, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20565, and should clearly state on the enve4 ope and in the letter that it is an "Appeal from an bitial FOIA Decision.


l Re: FOIA-87-803 APPENDIX D

1. 9/8/82 Memorandum for Connissioner Ahearne from William J. 1 Dircks, subject: Memorandum of Understanding Between the Department of Labor and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(8 pages)  ;

2. 6/24/83 SECY-83-251 - Status Report on Development of Working Arrangements Implementing the Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Labor. (14 pages)
3. 9/13/83 Letter from John T. Collins to Alfred A. Ramsey. (3 pages)


1 l


- - - m-- --w- r* - -mg- y,,,=

Re: FOIA-87-803 ,


1. 6/1/82 Memorandum and enclosures, William J. Dircks to Chairman Palladino, Departmentsubject: Memorandum of Labor. of Understanding (10 pages) Exemption 5. (with pages 9 the and 10 are not within scope of request) l l

l l

l i



-)i rec to r

'iffica of Administration hM-d $01

.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l 2.* N dashington, D.C. 20210 PO WilOM IT MAY CONCERN ,


'u r s ua n t to the Freedom of Information Act (FOJA, 5 U.S.C. 552,) th-iovernment Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and gency records and information, including but not limited to notes, etters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calenders, tapon, ranscripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions.

ngineering analyses, drawings, fil.s, graphs, charts, maps, photogt -

greements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, booh ,

elephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffe., a-ny other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status rrmm '. ,

nd any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connec'.1- ' . - i il ny and all correspondence between the Deaprtment of Labor and the tL ogulatory Commission about. implementing, modifing, or amending the 4 1 -

n the Federal Register, Vol. 47, No. 233 of Friday Dec. 1982 (see a': .-

luclear Regulatory Commission / Department of Labor Wage & Hour Divisi ,

temorandum of Understanding between NRC and DOL, Employee Protectior..

his request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9. 3 a il

.nd the NRC Nanual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved Octobc:t

., 1980) whether they currently exist in the NRC offical, "working" nvestigative or other files, or at any other location, including priva..e

.esidences. ,

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b)'and the NRC Manual, supra,.

ind covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed after ',

chis request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not- ;

timited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or -

l emoved, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in tv .u.

action'with and/or issued in order to implement the action (s).

1 e


s-a GAP regi reen be cons)pn .deredt,0as thn t ribelywnivn.I.

priina becnuno "rindIng the inforination can bruiof i.t ting the genernI pub.Iie, "5 U.S.C.

552 (a) (1) (n). Ga r' i n n non-profit, non partinan public interest orgniil za tion concerned wi th honnn t and open governinent. Through pul'lic outrench, the Project pronieten whistloblowers an agents of governinesit accountability. Through it Enviroinental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP of f ers asoistance to local public interest and citizens groups and intervenors in the concern f or saf et.y at nuclear power plants.

WD are requestling this inforination as part of an ongoing inonitoring project of the DOB's efforts to protect public health and saf ety at and near nucient processing plants and radioactive waste facilities. 1 For any :locuinents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA ,

0xtinpli on , please provide an index iteinizing and describing the docunients )

or portions of docuinents withhold. 'the index should provide a detailed '

justir.icntion of your groundn f or claisning each exeniption, explaining why )

nach exeinpt. ion is relevant to the docuinent or portion of the document  !

withheld. This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (1), 484 F.2d 820 l (C.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. ~577 G 5 }I) . l i'

Ha look forward to your responne to this request within ten (10) working days.  ;

Sincerely, od h n.w t= l Linda Ba unia n FOIA Coordinator

  • Hidwest Office 4

. 1

.. l s

/1, p .

Federal Registi Vol. 47. Nc. 233 / Friday. December 5 42 / Notices _

@PN 3458 l F ')

-: - I clu BINderal/ State programs;bputs (Reorganlution Act). as amended. 42 b. NRC and DOL agree to cooperste U.S.C. 6451, into GNbnd Ptr:onalIncome with each other to the fuuest extent estimates', eccoor7]c analysis. fund 1 Back p salble in every case of alle ed allocct% and program administration discriminallon Lnvolving emp oyees of dependent upon tbsm. Section 210 of the Reorgenization Act Comm!ssion lJcensee s. applicants. or .

prohibits any employer.induding a contractors or subcontrectors of '


Reksfotemente Nudeat Regulatory Commission Cornmisslon licensees or applicants. I e Employment Standards licensee, applicant or a contractor or NRC wiU take au reasonable steps to Admittistration subcontractor of a Commission licenses assist DOL in obtalning access to Request for Employment Information or appljeant, from discriminating agalnst licensed facilities and any necessary l CA 1027 any employee with respect to his or her security clearances. Each agency agrees On occasion cornpensation, terms, conditions or to shan and promote access to all l Businesees or institutions privileges of employment because the information it obtalna concerning a

' l l 9

Small business or organiution , employee asststed or participated. or la particular aUegation and, to the extent l SIC: All about to anist or partJcipate,in any permitted by law, wiu protect the 2000 responses; 250 burden hours; 1 form manner in any action to carry out the confidentiality of information identiBed

%e form is used to coUect purposes of either the Reorgenlution as sensitive that has been supplied to it information regarding inlured Federal Act or the Atomle Energy Act of1954 by the other agency.

l cmployee's wage-earning capadty. ( o{le Energy Act), as amended. 42 Information is necessary for 2011 et seg.

determination of continued eligibility for ne NRC and DOL beve f.IGNRC'oEglalruponalble for * ".

syments under the complementary neponsibillties to the j implementation of this agreement le the FECA of forin formation concerning EMa of employee protection. DOL has compensation Executive Director for Operations; the )

previous exposure to harmful the responsibility under section 210 of DOL offldal ruponsible for substances 5 US 8101 et seg. Be Reorganizada Act to investigate implementation of this agreement la the employee complaints of discrimination Administrator. Wege and Hour Division, e Employment and Training and may, after an investigation and '

Administratien Working level point of contacts abau be beating, order a violetor to take eetablished and identined within 10 Experimental Downriver Ecccomic affirmative action to abate the violation, days after the effective date of this Readjustment Project reinstate the complainant to his or her m -321 agreement for both headquarters and former position with backpay, and One-tim surve7 award compensatory damages' Beld " "t1 "*

Individuals or householda including attorney fees. NRC, though g. Amendment and Termination 3,330 responsea: 2.178 hours0.00206 days <br />0.0494 hours <br />2.943122e-4 weeks <br />6.7729e-5 months <br />; one form without dueet a' uthority to provide a  %!s Agreement may be amended or

%Is study wiD be used to evaluate remedy to an employee, has modified upon written agrument by the effectiveness of a unique program independent authority under the Atom!c both parties to the for training. placement and relocation of Energy Act to take appropriate Agreement may be terminated upon unemployed experienced workers.nie enforcement action agelnet Comm!selon ninety (90) daya written notice by either licensees that violate the Atomjc Energy i information will provide critical party.

guidance in the development of futun Act, the Reorganlution Act, or polley and programs for displaced Commission requirements. Enforcement 8. Effective Date werkers. action may include license denial. nts agreement is efrective when signed at Washington. D C., this 26th day euspension or nyocadon or the signed by both parties. .-

of November. test imposltion of dv0 penalties. ,

Paul I.1armon, tb b es carry out Departma@h Officer. independe tl , the agencies agree that ' L *cvd* Du*ctorfor Operodons. Nuclear P' D" -

.""d "-** ** **l administrative ef!!dency and sound Angu/crory Miaa "8'8 *** a, ea +:7.a. a +aws enforcement polldes will be maximized

. Deted: Ocsober as, tas2.

b cooperation and the timely exchange Waasa M.Desr. . . .


  • t"I '**0".in anu of mutual i tenet.

. Adminhernear. Woge andNourD/rislan I COMMI Departmangeflabor.

g. Areas of Cooperstion . ._ pud =ewsm rs=4ts+sase==l DEPAR WN . Ja.DOLa NRC "8***'**'*'

Mge Dtytolon ^of any an==grees to promptly platas Sed with DOL no i

~ -

discriminat.oo within the amoening

.Section ofthe DEPARTIENT OF STATE of andUndustaneng]f Department o Reorg tion Act. wiD promptly2 -

Laboe* O,a Protection -f

' provide NRC a copy of the complalat, - (CM-4MS) decialons'and ordere associated with the L Purpose Investigation and any hearing on the SNdy Gap CMTT ome U.S.

n U.S. N  !

Organizanon W h intomanonal Commission hclear Radio Consuttative Committee (CCla);

C) and Regul the partment DbLw also keep NRC current!

cf Labor (DOL) enter into thl agreement informed on the status of any judicial . Muung to facilitate coordmation and . proceedings see, king review of an order %e Department of State announces cooperation concerning the employee of the Secretary oflaborissued that Study Group CMTT of the U.S.

protection provialone of Section 210 of pursuant to Section 210 of the -

Orgentution for the International Radio the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 Reorganization Act. Consultative Committee (CCIR) will 0

- - - - . - - - - - - - - - ~ - . - - -