The following is a summary of the report received from the licensee:
On 4/7/2020 a trained technician was in the process of performing the bi-annual inventory/shutter checks when he reported that an Ohmart gauge (Model Number ED-6, Serial Number 65902, 100 mCi, Cs-137) located on 9B DTU (Deslime Thickener U/Flow) in the Deslime basement had a frozen shutter mechanism, rendering the shutter non-operable. The technician notified the Radiation Safety Officer who then instructed the technician to replace the gauge with the stuck shutter with a spare gauge. However, the replacement will not take place until the line it is on goes down for repair (estimated May 1, 2020). If the line goes down prior to this time, the licensee will replace the gauge at that time.
The licensee noted that they have had events similar to this in the past and have not had an exposure to any individuals. The licensee additionally noted that in the event of an emergency, the
gauge will be removed, placed on a piece of
lead and brought into storage.