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LTR-18-0141 Stephen Comley, We the People a National Whistleblowers Protection, Letter Seabrook Evacuation Plan
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/2018
From: Comley S
We The People
To: Gilpin K, Kristine Svinicki
NRC/Chairman, State of MA, Dept of State Police
Shared Package
ML18094B068 List:
Download: ML18094B067 (67)


{{#Wiki_filter:Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin March 16, 2018 Superintendent of the MA State Police Certified Return Receipt Requested 470 Worchester Road Framingham, MA 01702 Superintendent, Kerry A. Gilpin, My name is Stephen B. Comley Sr., founder of We The People (WTP) a National Whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organization. I am requesting to meet with you as soon as possible. I want to thank you and your Chief of Staff, Detective Lieutenant Brian O' Riordan, after being contacted by Lisa Morales, Executive Assistant to MA Secretary of Public Safety, Daniel Bennett, in my behalf for instructing Trooper Cristina J. Lucin #3634, Fraud Identification Unit, to retrieve notes from a meeting I had September 2, 2016 with her and then Deputy Superintendent (now retired) Francis Hughes. This meeting took place at the Newbury MA State Police Barracks and was attended by other officials including John Giarrusso, Nuclear Section Chief of the MA Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) . After reading Trooper Cristina J. Lucin's letter of February 14, 2018, (enclosure A) containing her recollections and memory of the September 2, 2016, meeting, I was shocked. Not only was Trooper Lucin's memory of what others and I said and revealed at this meeting not complete or accurate, but Trooper Lucin states in her recollection, any documentation I provided at this meeting, which I have copies of, are now missing. This information included certified letters, important documents, DVDs, and WTP's letter of my July 4, 2014, to Glenn T. Dentel, then Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Chief of Division of Reactor Projects, _Branch 3, 2100 Renaissance Boulevard, Suite 100, King of Prussia, Penn. 19406-2713. WTP's letter to the NRC of 7-4-2014, included enclosures outlining Cover-Ups by the NRC of unsafe conditions at the Seabrook Nuclear Plant and current inadequacies of Seabrook Station's Evacuation Plan. WTP also provided Deputy Hughes, with their permission, the names of WTP's brave informants connected to the present GAG ORDERS on the MA State Police and the NH National Guard. It is irresponsible to me and many of your colleagues on the State Police, who I talk with routinely, why or how Trooper Lucin could have forgotten I revealed the identities of WTP's informants connected to the GAG ORDERS to Deputy Francis Hughes and others at this meeting including Mr. Giarrusso of MEMA. My contacts at the NRC are also wondering why no one reported from MEMA's office to FEMA or the NRC what took place during the meeting of 9-2-16. In addition, why hasn't anyone from Maura Healey's Legal Team or from Governor Charlie Baker's office reported to FEMA and the NRC what they are aware of in connection with these GAG ORDERS on the MA State Police and NH National Guard? WTP and others cannot understand why you haven't Superintendent Kerry A. Gilpin, Governor Charlie Baker or MA Attorney General, Maura Healey "who" WTP reported these GAG ORDERS on different occasions called for a complete investigation of what took place at this meeting of September 2, 2016. It certainly appears I am the only person who can or is willing to reveal what was said and what copies of information and documents I provided at this meeting. I certainly will make myself available to you or anyone else as long we agree to the date, time, right circumstances, so I can give my recollections of what I knew took place at the this meeting September 2, 2016, at the Newbury MA State Police Barracks.

Page 2 of We The People's letter of March 16, 2018 to Commander Kerry A. Gilpin of MA State Police. Many of us have been reading about the ongoing investigation of "MA State Police Troopergate Scandal." As you and Governor Baker know, this involved former MA State Police Colonel Richard McKean and his second in-command, Deputy Superintendent Francis Hughes, who, by the way, I have respect for. They both retired apparently due to altered MA State Police reports involving a Judge's d*aughter who was found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol and negligent operation of a motor vehicle. WTP's informants from the MA State Police inform me, "McKean and Hughes fell on the sword to protect higher ups." I know for a fact Governor Baker ignored these GAG ORDERS on our MA State Police, who not only protect and serve us, but who protect Governor Baker when he is at the State House and at his home. I myself informed Mr. Baker twice these informants were told by their superiors not to questi'on and/or discuss any concerns relative to the viability or effectiveness of the approved Seabrook Nuclear Plant's Evacuation Plan. The second time was more recently in 2017. During both of these conversations, I revealed to Mr. Baker that MA Senate Minority Leader, Bruce Tarr, Assistant MA House Minority Leader, Bradford Hill and then Essex County Sherriff, Frank Cousins Jr., had endorsed WTP's call for the NRC to hold a hearing for First Responders. Both times Mr. Baker's response to me was, "Mr. Comley, I will meet with these officials about your safety concerns". WTP has recently been informed Governor Baker has never met with Sen. Tarr, Rep. Hill or with former Sherriff Cousins about these important safety issues. Given my years of protecting whistleblowers the longer these courageous informants connected to these GAG ORDERS are ignored by high officials the more danger they and their families could be in. Since WTP brought this and other troubling information to light, over 200 other MA and NH State Police, together with other first responders from local Police and Fires Stations, have stated to me there is no way the Seabrook Nuclear Plant can be evacuated safely and timely in the event of a nuclear disaster, especially during the summer months including July 4 and Labor Day. Even now during the winter months on weekends, traffic is mostly at a standstill because of the new Seabrook Shopping Center which lies along Routes 1 and 95 on land just in front of Seabrook Station. WTP has reported this activity several t imes to State Troopers stationed at the MA State Police Barracks in Newbury. WTP wants to make you and your office aware since meeting with MA AG, Maura Healey, on two different occasions, Maura Healey elected to create a 4 member Legal Team, which includes her Chief of Staff, Mike Firestone. Maura Healey setup this Legal Team to supposedly investigate WTP's concerns of unsafe conditions at Seabrook Station and Cover-Ups by the NRC of Counterfeit Substandard Nuclear Parts bu ilt into most, if not all, U.S. Plants, including Seabrook. WTP's informants and I are still waiting, once again, to meet with the MA AG's Legal Team . The last time I met with them was October 18, 2017 . When I arrived I was surprised to find out my request to be placed under oath was not granted. WTP's informants and I will agree to meet with MA AG Healey and her Legal Team only if we are placed under oath, so everything becomes a public record. Please review MEMO (Enclosure B) from Senator Tarr's Chief of Staff, AJ Paglia, to Alicia Rebello-Pradas, Deputy Chief, Policy and Government Division Office of Massachusetts Attorney General, and one of the 4 Member Legal Team. Mr. Paglia expressed in this MEMO WTP's extreme frustration with the process since providing the Legal Team sufficient and applicable facts to investigate Seabrook's Evacuation Plan.

Page 3 of We The People's letter of March 16, 2018 to Commander Kerry A. Gilpin of MA State Police. During my meeting with the Legal Team 10-18-2017, I provided them with lots of WTP's documents, including a copy of a transcript of a Tape-Recording of one of WTP's NRC informants. This was just one of the many Tapes Former President George H. W. Bush hired the U. S Department of Justice (DOJ) to seize. President Bush's pick at this time for his U. S. Attorney General was Richard Thornburg. Mr. Thornburg was the Governor of Pennsylvania during the Cover-Up of the Three Mile Accident (TMI) in 1979 and WTP has and can prove evidence of this scandal. Mr. Thornburg was given the assignment by the Reagan/Bush Administration in 1988 to conduct a witch hunt of WTP's NRC informants. Bush's DOJ, had me under 2 Federal Subpoenas in MA Federal Court for over 6 years with the charge of "Conspiring to Topple the NRC with Roger Fortuna, Deputy (former) Director of the NRC's Office of Investigations." DOJ was never able to prove existence of any Tape-Recordings they said I might have until a year ago, when I decided to call Mr. Richard Barkley, who I know and respect and incidentally works for the NRC. decided to admit to Mr. Barkley I did indeed have tap,es but would not release any of them to the NRC, DOJ or the FBI. Unlike President Trump I can prove why I do not trust those agencies. Robert Mueller knows of me when he was a U.S. Attorney in MA while I was in Federal Court. Just maybe Special Council Mueller would be willing to work with WTP's informants and me in bringing the truth to the American People about cover-ups of safety by the NRC and the Nuclear Industries. Commander Gilpin, I also want to make you and your office aware WTP has been successful in getting officials within and outside the 10 mile radius of the Seabrook Nuclear Plant to endorse WTP's call for the NRC to support a hearing on Seabrook's Evacuation Plan . This includes the Cities of Newburyport and Amesbury, The Towns of Newbury, Salisbury and Merrimac and the 2 Towns of Georgetown and Ipswich outside the radius . All 7 have written letters (Enclosure C) endorsing WTP's call for the NRC to hold a hearing for first responders. The only MA Town of the 6 within the 10 mile Radius of Seabrook Station who has not written a letter to the NRC is the Town of West Newbury. It should be noted, West Newbury's Police Chief and members of the Fire Department do not object for NRC to hold this hearing. Many first responders throughout the State of MA and beyond are asking why hasn't Commander of the MA State Police, Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Governor Charlie Baker, MA AG, Maura Healey, MA Secretary of Public Safety, Daniel Bennett, endorsed what 7 MA Cities/Towns have done in calling for a NRC Hearing? This NRC Hearing will give past and former first responders, who also have families to protect, the opportunity to testify whether they believe the Seabrook Evacuation Plan can be implemented safely and timely in the event of Seabrook Nuclear Disaster especially during the summer months. I want to point out the City of Newburyport and the Town of Salisbury have previously called for the shutdown of the Seabrook Plant. WTP is a Nuclear Safety Advocate and is not calling for the shutdown of Seabrook Station. WTP, instead, is calling for the NRC to hold this first responder's hearing so everyone 0 who lives on t he Seacoast is assured a safe evacuation is possible before a nuclear accident occurs. To date, I have not received a written or telephone response from Governor Charlie Baker or from any of his many staff members I have contacted concern ing my request to meet with him directly about endorsing We The People's call for the NRC to hold a first responders hearing. But I am still hopeful I will hear from Governor Baker so I can meet with him soon.

Page 4 of We The People's letter of March 16, 2018 to Commander Kerry A. Gilpin of the MA State Police In addition to State representatives WTP have contacted elected officials in the Wash.ington Establishment to endorse this NRC Hearing for First Responders. This has included President Trump's newly appointed NRC Chairwoman, Kristine L. Svinicki. Others in the Beltway includes U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Congressman Joseph Kennedy Ill and U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton. WTP still has not received a reply from any of these U.S. Senators or Congressmen whether they will meet with me or endorse WTP's call for this NRC Hearing. WTP has also contacted all of the NH Senators, most ofthe NH State Representatives, newly elected Governor Chris Sununu and NH Attorney General, Gordon J. MacDonald. As of this date, the only NH responsible elected leaders who have endorsed WTP's call for the NRC to hold this first responder's hearing are, Rep. Peter Schmidt of Dover and Former NH Rep. and Civil defense Director, Roberta Pevear (Enclosure D) who both have written to the NRC and MA AG, Maura Healey to endorse WTP's call for a First Responders' Hearing. I am also providing you with various media articles, letters and a recent interview of me by Merrimac Cable (Enclosure E) having to do with Seabrook Station's Evacuation Plan. We The People is hopeful I will have the opportunity and honor to meet with you soon, Commander Kerry A. Gilpin. This meeting will give you the opportunity to discuss We The People's concerns about the unsafe conditions at the Seabrook Nuclear plant and the failure of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to protect the safety of the citizens of MA, NH and beyond . I know, Commander Gilpin, you would much rather help prevent a Nuclear Disaster from occurring at Seabrook Station than reacting to one. Founder of We The People a National Whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organization CC: MA Sen. Bruce Tarr, MA Rep. Bradford Hill, former Essex County Sherriff, Frank Cousins, Jr., MA AG., Maura Healey, Governor Charlie Baker, MA Secretary of Public Safety, Mr. Daniel Bennett, Nuclear Section Chief of MEMA, Mr. John Giarrusso, NRC Nuclear and Environmental Engineer, Mr. Richard Barkley, NRC Chairwoman, Kristine L. Svinicki, U.S. Sen. Ed Markey, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Congressman, Joseph Kennedy 111, U.S. Congressman, Seth_Moulton, NH Rep. Peter Schmidt, Former NH Rep. Roberta Pevear, NH Governor Sununu and NH AG, Gordon MacDonald.


A. Letter of February 14, 2018 to Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Superintendent from: Trooper Cristina J. Lucin

  1. 3634, Fraud Identification Unit.

B. MEMO to Alicia Rebello-Pradas, Deputy Chief, Policy & Government Division Office of MA AG from A. J. Pagl ia, Chief of Staff for Senator Bruce Tarr. C. Letters from 7 MA Cities/Towns endorsing WTP's Call for the NRC to hold a first responders hearing. D. Letters written by NH Reps to the NRC endorsing WTP's call for First Responders Hearing, E. Various media articles, quotes from NRC, letters & a DVD interview about Seabrook's Evacuation Plan. ( oue1i)

CHARLES 0. BAKt:R GOVt'.RZ,.OR c.S3"nnu/ Q,9,/r,.11/1/;~.a/1(1.11 </(~11/ KARYN E. POLITO LIEUTI:~Al\T GOVERNOR --/0 ,s.J(J1rh' 0.._;;-:>;;:,.::a :P'"1 &'lhor DANIEL BE~NETI SECRETARY GBr,.;1(}.11. 0'-f(f** ;tfS rJ..:.)1-10* COI.O~F.I. KF.RRY .\. (;!I.PIN c_G",_,1,'r,.,a r;/ 7 -'l, :i!O-/S

   ~t:l'F.RrNTF.~DF.~T To:                  Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Superintenden~/

Detective Lieutenant Brian O

  • Riordan. Chief of Staff i1'-f.-c.;

From: Trooper Cristina J. Lucin #3634, Fraud Identification Unit


Meeting_ with Stephen Comley (9/2/2016) I. Qn Wednesday, February 7, 2018, I was instructed to retrieve notes from a meeting which occurred on September 2"11 , 2016. Mr. Steven Comley, who had requested this meeting, contacted DLT O'Riordan in order to obtain a copy of notes from this meeting. I attended this meeting as part of my duties while assigned to the Office of the Superintendent, and are now currently assigned to the State Police Fraud Identification Unit. Despite my best efforts, I am unable to locate notes from this meeting. Therefore. the following report has been written from my hcst recolleclions and memory of that day.

2. On Friday, September 2"J, 2016, I attended a meeting at the State Police Newbury Barracks with an individual by the name of Stephen Comley. Mr: Comley is the founder of an organization called .. We the People, a non-pro lit organization he describes as a whistleblowcr organization. Mr. Comley ha<l come unannounced to the home of fonner Deputy Superintendent Francis Hughes. in Newbury, to discuss his concerns with the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant (located in Seabrook. New Hampshire). Deputy Hughes (rct.) subsequently agreed to set up a meeting with Mr. Comley and our state emergency management agency (MEMA) to give Mr. Comley an opportunity to voice his concerns with our state's emergency management personnel.
3. The meeting took place on September 2 11d. 2016 at the Newbury State Police Barracks and was attended by the following individuals:
a. Lieutenant Colonel Francis Hughes, Deputy Superintendent, Massachusetts State Police (retired)
b. Major Arthur Sugrue, Commanding Officer Troop "A", Massachusetts State Police (retired)
c. Lieutenant James Devlin, Massachusetts State Police
d. John Giarrusso, Planning/Preparedness/Nuclear Section Chief, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
e. Trooper Cristina Lucin , Massachusetts State Police
4. To my best recollection , the meeting was relatively short and consisted of Mr.

Comley providing letters written by Mr. Comley to various politicians, various reports about Seabrook Nuclear Power plants, and articles referencing Mr. Comley' s activities.

5. Deputy Hughes (retired) re-communicated to Mr. Comley that the Massachusetts State Police have preparedness plans in place for a variety of facilities and disasters, which are constantly being reviewed. He also agreed to review the documentation submitted by Mr. Comley. Mr. Comley expressed some concern that members of the Massachusetts State Police \:vere being silenced" regarding their knowledge of flaws in the Seabrook Power Plant. All parties involved assured Mr. Comley that it was definitely not the case, that any concern regarding emergency management was welcome from both the public and department men~qers .
6. Mr. Giarrusso provided Mr. Comley his contact information after the meeting was concluded.

Respectfull~, r1bmitY'7 7

                                                \'f(L!)µ               0       1f3iJci Trooper C r i ~ L~cin #3634 Fraud Identification Unit
                                                                                                         /;/jC m4e ©nmmonfuealf~ nf~assurquseffs MASSACHUSETTS SENATE OFFICE OF THE MINORITY LEADER                               "

STATE HousE, RooM 308 BOSTON, MA 02133-1053 TEL. (617) 722-1600 E. TARR MEMO SENATOR BRUCE FAx: (617) 722-1310 MINORITY LEADER BRUCE . TARR@'MASENATE.GO V First Essex nnd Middlesex www. MAsENATE.cov TO: Alicia Rebello-Pradas, Deputy Chief, Policy & Government Division Office of Massachusetts Attorney General FROM: AJ Paglia, Chief of S t a ~ DATE: February 1, 2018 RE: Stephen B. Comley Sr. / "We the People" - Seabrook Nuclear Plant It is my understanding that your office has met with Stephen B. Comley Sr., a constituent from the Town of Rowley and founder of "We the People,, (a national whistleblower/nonprofit organization), in regards to his concerns/allegations related to the evacuation plans filed by the Seabrook Nuclear Plant. In addition to his interaction with your office, Mr. Comley continues to contact our office on a regular basis in regards to this issue. He insists that he's been provided information from several confidential public safety sources (Massachusetts and New Hampshire}, alleging that the current/adopted evacuation plan filed by the Seabrook Nuclear Plant is ineffective during the swnmer months. Over the past two years, Mr. Comley's concerns/allegations relative to this issue have been shared with local officials and constituents within the required IO mile radius ( extending into Massachusetts). As a result, constituent inquiries regarding the viability of the plan have significantly increased. In some cases, relative concerns have been docwnented in writing, in response to Mr. Comley briefing a nwnber of Boards of Selectmen (Within the 10 mile radius) during open/televised meetings. ' I further note, aside from the attention generated from the press and cable access television related to such, Mr. Comley has recently purchased prime commercial billboard space on Rt. I in the Town of Salisbury. This billboard is very large and clearly calls the validity of evacuation plan/zone into question. Simply put, over the past two years, an increased number of individuals/officials within the IO mile radius continue to question viability of the approved evacuation plans. Given that our office lacks the authority/ability to investigate Mr. Comley's allegations, taking a position on such (based on Mr. Comley's allegations) would be unfair and irresponsible. However, despite my numerous representations of such to Mr. Comley, he continues to provide our office with 1

volwnes of infonnation in support of his position. Although he indicates understanding our position, he contends that your office asserts having no jurisdiction in these matters. During my more recent conversations with Mr. Comley, I indicated that I've been in contact with your office and it was my understanding that his documents, concerns and allegations were being reviewed. However, Mr. . Comley expressed extreme frustration with the process. He asserts the infonnation he provided to your office contains sufficient and applicable facts to support an investigation by your False Claims Division (under the authority of the Massachusetts False Claims Act, MOL c. 12, s. SA-50) 1 to investigate the Seabrook Nuclear Plant's evacuation plans. His assertion is based oµ his con,tention that the plant has and continuys to mislead municipal entities through the use of false claims/statements. In conclusion, when considering Mr. Comley's allegations, I understand how this statute may apply in this case.: However, based on my concerns relative to the clarity of communications with your office, I** believe irifonnation contained in this memo may be helpful. Jn addition to providing your office with a better understanding of his position and how/why it continues to evolve in this case, it reiterates and clarifies the limitations of our office relative to such. Should you have any questions, or if our office can be of any assistance, please let me know. Thank you. 1 Using the Massachusetts False CJaims Act, M.G.L. c. 12, §§ SA-SO, the False Claims Division conducts civil investigations and prosecutions against companies and individuals who mislead or defraud state or municipal entities through the use of false or fraudulent claims, records or statements. The Massachusetts False Claims Act is a powerful law enforcement statute that authorizes triple damages and civil penalties ofup to $11,000 per false claim, as well as the AG's attorneys' costs and fees. The Act also allows private individuals known as "relators" to file lawsuits under the Massachusetts False Claims Act and to recover a portion of the proceeds in successful actions, subject to certain limitations. The AG has rcco.vered hundreds of millions of dollars in government funds, mainly arising from Mass Health-related false claims enforcement, including relator actions.

  • The AG's False Claims Division will be working with partners in government and whistleblowers to expand upon those successes outside the MassHealth context, recover funds for the Commonwealth and its citizens, and deter misconduct.


TOWN OF MERRIMAC OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN 2-8 School Street, Merrimac, MA O1860 TEL (978) 346-8862 E-MAIL $ January 11, 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-000 I Attn: NRC Chaiiwoman Kristine L Svincki

Dear Ms. Svincki,

As you know, Merrimac is one of six Massachusetts coastal communities that are within the ten-mile radius of the nuclear power plant. We are writing to express the board's support of the request by Stephen Comley Sr. of We The People to schedule a hearing to prove an opportunity for past and present first responders to testify whether they believe Seabrook Station's evacua ion plan can be effectively implemented safely and timely. Thank you for your consideration. Merrimac Board of Selectmen Joel D. Breen Carol A. Traynor Cc E. Roy Hawkens, Chainnan Mr. I-Jubert Bell Administrative Judge Inspector General . . Atomic safety & Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Comn11ss1on U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commissi.on Washington, D.C. 205 55-000 I MSC: T-3F23 Washington, D.C. 201472 l lonorable Elaine C. Duke Acting Secretary . Jeffrey Baran U.S. Department of Homeland Security Commissioner Washinbrton, D.C. 20528 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-000 l I lonorahle Maura I k.alcy Attorney General of Massachusetts , One Ashbu11on Place Boston. M/\ 02108 Stephen Burns Commissioner, Massachusetts [mcrgcnc .. Management Agency (MEMA) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Planning,, Nuclear and Prepar~dnc_ss_ . Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 John Ciiarn1sso, Nuclear Section Chtcl ME.MA I lcmlqunrtcrs Annette Viette-Cook 400 Worcester Road (Route 9 East) Secretary of the Commission Framingham, MA 0! 702-5'399 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mai I stop 0-1604 Washington, D.C. 20555-000 l

Tow11 of Salisbt1ry 5 Beach Road Salisb111y, Nlassaclt usetts O1952 Board of Selectlnen (978) 462-8232 ext. I 00 Chuck Take.dan, Chairman Henry Richen burg Freeman J. Condon Ronalce Ray-Parrott Wilma M. McDonald November 8. 201 7 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairwoman, Kristine L. Svinicki U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Ms. Svinicki:

lam writing in response to public safety concerns raised by Mr. Stephen B. Comley, Sr.. a resident of Rowley, MA, and founder of " We the People,' ' a non-prolit nationaJ whistleblower organization, regarding the inadequacy of evacuation plan for the Seabrook, NH nuclear power station (Seabrook Station). According to Mr. Comley, he has been provided information from several confidential public safety sources. alleging that the evacuation plan in question is .i neffective within the required I 0-miJe rad!us{which includes the Town of Salisbury) during the summer months. He also claims that the U.S. Nuclear ReguJatory Commission has ignored his public safety concerns. Ahhough the Salisbury Board of Selectmen does not have substantive infom1ation to support Mr. Comley's allegations, we nonetheless remain very concerned about Seabrook Station and its evacuation plan. Therefore, in the interest of public safety, the Board respect.fully requests that you hold a public hearing, at a location within the 10-mile radius of Seabrook Station, in order to elicit comments from those public safety and emergency medical response personnel who may have concerns about the evacuation plan. At the , ery least, such a hearing will ~ive the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission the opportunity to explain to the public how the plan is designed to work, preventing any misi.nfonnation and greatly reducing the concern that many residents of our town have as a result of the allegations Mr. Comley has made. Thank you for your consideration of this request. CRJ~e-- Chuck Takesian Chairman

Ms. Kristine L. Svinicki November 8, 2017 Page two cc: Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C St., SW Washington, DC 20472 cc: E. Roy Hawkens Chairman Administrative Judge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, MSC: T-3F23 Washington, DC 20555


~ ity Council City Hall, Officl* of the Cit\* Cl.,rk (978) .)88 81-1 '

62 r- ricnd Srrcct Fax : (978) 388-81 50

\mesbnry, ~I:\ IJl 'J 13 c1 ,uncilors@;1me,I 111r)*\'

November 20, 201 7 Kristine Svi nicki Chainnan U.S. Nuclear RcgulatOry Commission Washington. D.C. 20555-0001 I )car Kristine S\*micki, In* the inrcrest of public safety, we arc n:spcctfully rcguc.:s1jug 1har y()u cnU :1 public hearing to p resent, discuss and solicit feedback on the public ::tfcty anJ c,*acuaLion plan nf the ;'(cxtl:ni Power Pbnt located i.n .'cabrook, Nt'\\' Hamp:d1irc knm\*n :1s ":-c:1hrnnk :-;1ati011" . Amesbury is one of sc\*cral coast:il communiw.:s including S:1li.sbur\' :rnd '.'\:cwbu rypo n thH :trl' the ten-mile radius of the nuclc:u* power plan. , \ccording tn die 21J I() l ". S. Census the populati~n ~*ithin uus ten -mile rachus is at lc:1~1 118,000 year -round n:~id<.:nts. ( )ur my of ,\meshury is cum:ncl'y csrimat<'<l at a popula1jon of at kast 17 .000. During peak summer months, thi. popubtion s,vclls as \':tCati<m<:rs and tourists !lock co th1.: region to enjoy rlw shore comrnun iLies of \hssacln1s<.:tt s, :'\ cw I,dmc and sout h<.:rn \J ainl*.

    \'\i luk there is an cvacua tion plan in pbcc fm t.hc pbnt and . \ mes bury h m:rgc ncy ;\ Ianagc1nrnt i\gc.ncy has its own ha%:H d mirigauon plan, ,,.l. ;tn* cunccrm*d about wlwrhn ~ind                    IHJW     the cv:1cuation plan has kept pace with population growth and i1Kn::ascJ traffic congcstjon. \'\ \ :ire particularly concc:mc:d with th<: evacuatio n plans 01 ,*ulnen1blc popnlations            u1 arc:1 sc h()(,ls. nursing homes, and bospirnls.
    \Ve arc also calling for this public lH"ari11_1   tll  incluc.k fi rst rt*spundcrs  \\ ' !HJ c:111 cll !ll!lll' nt un the hasc<l on their pcrspc:cu,T anJ profcss1nnal 1ra1ni11g.

1 We bclic,rc that a public hC':mng on the s:1fc:1y :111d l*,*:1cu:1110n pbri \\'ill. :ll the \ "l"t")' .least, explain to the public how the plnn is <lcsigr11.:J to work in hopes thllL this di:1lof:tu<.: will reduce tl1c concern tlu.t pcmsts :imount our resident.-;.

    \Y/c look forwurd to row- tcsponsc.                                  .Kristine Svinicki Chairman On behalf of :\mcshury Ciry Council.                                 U .S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washing1on , D.C. 20555-0001 E. Roy Hawkens, Chairman Administrative Judge
  • Chri!irian Scorzoni Atomic Safety & Licensing Board
  • President. CounciloN1r-l .:trgc U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .


 ; Jonathan Shcrn*ooll                                                    Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
  • Vice President, Councilor, District 6 Brock Long Administrator l Donna McClure CC: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Councilor-at-L'lrgc Washington . O.C . 20472 Jo"ffrey Baran
  • St,'VCn Stanganelli Commissioner, Co\mdlor-a t-Largc U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington . O.C. 20555-0001
Pam Gilday Stephen Burns Councilor, District 1 Comm1sstoner .
    .           "                              U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   '. M:arfLouii:c Bartley                     Washington , D .C 20555-0001
    ;Councilor, District 2 Annette Viette-Cook 11  fart Einson                            Secretary of the Commission touncilor, District 3                     U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O- l6G4 j

Washington . DC 20555--0001 Rohen La,*oic Conncilor, Distnct 4 Mr. Hubert Bell Inspector General Joseph McMillc:on U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Councilor, District 5 Washington . DC 20555-0001 Honorable Elaine C . Duke cc. Sec List Acting Secretary U.S Department of Homeland Security Washington . D .C 20528 Honorable Maura Healey Attorney Genera l of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston. MA 02108

C I T Y O F N E \V R U R Y P () R T September 28, 2017 E. Roy Hawkens. Chairman Administrative Judge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. MSC: T-3F23 60 PLEA . f\ NT Sncn Washington. DC 20555-001 P.O. Box 550

Dear Chairman Hawkl!ns:

TEL: 9i8-465-H07 F~~ : 9i S-46l-79 36 ln the interest of public safety. we are writing you to respectfully request that you hold a public hearing on your evacuation plan. Newburyport is within the I0-mile radius of the nuclear power plant known as *Seabrook Station* and according to the 2010 U.S. Census the populatjon within 10 miles was no less than 118.000. Actually the population with 50 miles of the plant was 4,315,000 as of 201 O. Mr. Stephen 8. Comley Sr. (founder of "We the People", a non-profit whistleplower protection organization) aJleges that the evacuation plan is ineffective and that his public safety concems have been ignored. Although we dt: not have substantive information to support Mr. Comley*s allegations we remain very concerned ahout the plant and safety. In 2012 the Newburyport City Council unanimously passed a resolution which contained. in pertinent part. the foll o\,..*ing requested remedial steps:

  • Immediately halt all relicensing activities rdatcd to Seabrook Station;
  • Conduct peer-reviewed studies of the reactor* s ability to withstand seismi, activity with compromised structural concrete. and publicly report the results of these studies:
  • Fully in\'estigate the causc:s of the unabate~ groundwater infiltration and resulting concrete de!:,'Tadation. and publicly report the results of such investigation:
  • Devise a corrective action program to address both groundwater infiltration and concrete degradation throughout the facility:
  • Require the owner and operator of Seabrook Station to take corrective measures to stop gmund\,*ata intiltr:ition and related concrete degradation:
  • Inspect and monitor the results of those corrective m ~ over a sustained (multi year) period of time to ensure that corrective measures are effective;
  • If, following corrective measures and sustained monitoring, the,Nuclear Regulatory Commission determines that degradation of safety structures has not abated, that it suspend the license to operate Seabrook Station until safe operation of this reactor can be assured.

We did not hear back from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on this request. We believe that a public hearing on the issue of the effectiveness of the evacuation plan will, at the very least, explain to the public how the plan is designed to ,vork and hopefully this explanation will reduce the concern that persists among our residents. On behalf oftbe Newburyport City Council,


... Barry N. Connell, Councill;.~lle CC: Federal Emergency Management Agency

Town of Newbury Board of Selectmen 12 Kent Way, Suite 101 Byfield, MA 01922 Phone: 978-465-0862 X30 I Fax: 978-572-1228 September 25, 2017 Kristine L. Svinicki Chairwoman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Chairwoman Svinicki,

We are writing in response to public safety concerns raised by Mr. Stephen B. Comley, Sr., a resident from Rowley, MA, and founder of We the People", a national whistleblower/nonprofit organization. Among other concerns, Mr. Comley alleges that the evacuation plan in question is ineffective within the required 10-mile radius during the summer months. In the jnterest of public safety, we respectfully request that you hold a public heating at a location within the 10-mile radius. Given the importance of an effective evacuation plan, we believe a public hearing on the issue will provide your commission the opportunity to not only address the issues Mr. Comley has raised, but also to explain in more detail how the approved plan is designed to work, thus preventing any misinformation from creating concern or alarm with residents within the 10-mile radius. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. On behalf of the Board of Selectmen, &jf'-1-d l,) (li_ /)u,z/ GeoffreJ~alker Chairman


fown of 0w"'9down August 21, 2017
                                                ~aHach1.a£tti Kristine Svinicki, Chairwomen U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Md. 20852

Dear Ms. Chairwomen,

We are writing in concurrence to a letter sent to the NRC by our State Senator, Bruce Tarr, dated April 13, 2015. In that letter Senator Tarr requested that you hold a public hearing at a location within the 10 mile radius of the Seabrook, NH power plant, to explain in detail how the evacuation plan is designed to work, particularly during the usually heavily crowded summer months. We believe a hearing on the issue will help prevent any misinformation from creating concern or alarm within the 10 mile radius and directly outside the radius, where Georgetown is located. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Ple;ise feel free to contact us directly, should you have any questions. Sincerely, Georgetown Board of Selectmen 1~s~h Bonavita, Chair

  • C. David Surface Steven Sadler, Clerk 1 LIBRARY STREET
  • GEORGETOWN, MA 01833
  • Tel. 978-352*5755
  • Fax 978-352-5727

TOWN OF IPSWICH Board of Selectmen 25 Green Street IPSWICH, MASSACHUSETTS 01938 William M. Crtift. Chairman p : (978) 356-6604 Nishan D. Mootafian. Vice-Chainnan I r978) 356-6616 Edward B. Rauscher e: selectme11@ipswich-ma.go11 Linda Alexson w: www.ipswichma.gol' William D. Whitmore July 17, 2017 E. Roy Hawkens, Chair Administrative Judge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. NucJear Regulatory Commission, MSC: T-3F23 Washington, CD 20555-001

Dear Chainnan Hawkens:

We are writing in response to public safety concerns raised by Mr. Stephen B. ComJey Sr., a resident from Rowley, MA., and founder of "We the People", a narjonal whistleblower/nonprofit organization. According to Mr. Comley, he has been provided infonnation from several confidential public safety sources alleging that the evacuation plan i.n question is ineffective within the required I 0-mile radius during the summer months. Furthennore, aside from alleged ineffectiveness of thee, acuation plan, Mr. Comley alleges that the public safety concerns brought to h1s attention were systematically suppressed . According to Mr. Comley, many of the same public safety sources allege being ordered by superiors not to question and/or discuss any concerns relative to the viability or effectiveness of the approved evacuation plan. Although we have not been provided any further substantiating information to support Mr. Com]ey's allegations and concenrs, they have been recently published. Thus, tl1ey have been generating public safety concerns. mainly from residents within the J0-mile radius. Therefore, in the interest of public safety, we respectfully request that you hold a public hearing at a location witltin the l 0-mile radius. Given the importance of an effective evacuation plan we believe a public hearing on the issue will provide your commission the opportunity to not only address the issues Mr. Comley has raise, but also to explain in more detail how the approved plan is designed to work, thus preventing any misinfonnation from creating concern or alarm with residents within the 10-mile radius. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.

fl\ - ... .. ' Bruce E. Tarr, Senate Minority Leader Massachusetts State House Room 308 Boston, MA 02133 Representative Bradford R. Hill, Assistant Minority Leader Massachusetts State House Room 124 Boston, MA 02133

State ofNew Hampshire Iflie. 0 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCORD PO Box 1468 Dover, NH 03821-1468 August 11, 2017 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Maura Healey Attorney General of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Dear General Healey,

By way of introduction, I am State Representative Peter B. Schmidt, a fifteen year member of the NH House, with eight of those years as Chairman of the Strafford County delegation, and having previously served three years on the Dover City Council. I have lived on the NH Seacoast since 1983. I write to you today on a matter of great urgency. My views are my own. During my time in public office, and having grown up in the nuclear age, I have kept an eye on developments at Seabrook Station, with a general concern for the nuclear industry, both nationally and world-wide. Public safety has been a significant consideration for me at all times. Having attended Atomic, Biological and Chemical (warfare) School in the U.S. Marine Corps many years ago, I have had a decades-long keen interest in nuclear issues; and I have followed the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters quite closely. The question of a rapid evacuation of the populace in the event of an impending or actual emergency has occupied my thoughts during this entire period. The unworkability of present evacuation plans is ever more pressing to those tasked with carrying out these plans; and in the recent past my chance encounter with Mr. Stephen B. Comley Sr now motivates me to urge you and your office to meet with him at the earliest possible moment. Mr. Comley is Founder of We The People, a National Whistle blower Protection Non-Profit. The wealth of evidence he has shown me establishes unequivocally the high priority of addressing the needs of our and your first responders. This Fourth of July produced the absolute worst traffic jam I have experienced here in thirty-four years, just for people trying to go north for a long weekend. What would the entire area around Seabrook look like in a nuclear emergency? What would it mean for our states to face the dead zone, the "ghost coast" that a serious failure at Seabrook Station would entail? Look at Fukushima. Your office has a responsibility to do everything in its power to prevent such a catastrophe here. Mr. Comley's documentation is very persuasive as to the danger we face. Please meet with him and endorse We The People's call for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to hold a first responders hearing so they can testify whether they believe the Seabrook Nuclear Plant can be evacuated safely and timely during the summer months, including July 4 and Labor day. Please act. The first responders need and deserve it; our citizens, no less. Sincerely, ~. Rep . Peter B. Schmidt (D) Strafford 19 NH CC. Stephen B. Comley Sr. TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964

Hon. Roberta C. Pevear 7 River Woods Drive Apt 0125 Exeter, NH 03833 Hon. Maura Healey Attorney General State of Massachusetts 1 Ashburton Place Boston, MA. 02108

Dear Attorney General Healey:

As a former 10-year member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives serving Hampton Falls/Hampton, and the form-er 10-year Hampton Falls Civil Defense Director, I support the request of "We The People" for a first responder hear-ing for the Seabrook nuclear plant evacuation plan. I was the prime sponsor of the bill that gave us an evac-uation plan; however, even though we got it up to ten miles, instead of two, as it came out of the Legislature, it obviously could not work, and, as I understand it, it doesn't get tested. yours,


Roberta C. Pevear

                                       ~~ ! - 77.Z .... o 3 :l. '

fB~OP'( THE GENERAL COURT STATE HOUSE. 80STON 0213$-1053 ( ~ October 31, 2014 E. Roy Hawkens, Chair Administrative Judge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, MSC: T-3F23 Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Chairman Hawkens,

We are writing ln response to public safety concerns raised by Mr. Stephen 8. Comley Sr., a constituent from the Rowley, MA., and founder of "We the People," a national whistteblower/nonprofit organization. According to Mr. Comley, he has been provided information from several confidential public safety sources alleging that the evacuation plan in question is ineffective within the required 10 mile radius during the summer months. Furthermore, aside from the alleged ineffectiveness of the evacuation plan, Mr. Comley alleges that the public safety concerns brought t~ his attention were systematically suppressed. According to Mr. Comley, many of the same public safety sources allege being ordered by superiors not to question and/or discuss any concerns rel~tive to the viability or effectiveness of the approved evacuation plan. Although we have not been provided any further substantiating infonnation to support Mr. Comley's allegations -and concerns, they have been recently published. Thus, they have been generating public safety concerns, mainly from residents within the 10 mile radius. Therefore, in the interest of public safety, we respectfully request that you hold a public hearing at a location within the 10 mile radius. Given the importance of an effective evacuation plan, we believe a public hearing on the issue will provide your commission the opportunity to not only address the issues Mr. Comley has raised, but also to explain in more detail how the approved plan is designed to work, thus preventing any misinformation from creating concern or alarm with residents within the 10 mile radius. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Please feel free to directly, should you have any questions. Sincerely, 8:M,P1). u4 Bruce E. Tarr State Representative State Senator Second Assistant Minority Leader Minority Leader

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November 3, 2014 ... ... ..... ,..

                                                                                                                                                     *, \", ,\
  • I , , ..,t.l Ms. Allison M. MucFurlane. Chainnan U.S. Nuclcur Regulatory Commis:;ion Wa.1ohing1un, DC 20555-00 I Deur cJdluA~Fnrlane:

r* I am the Sheri rr of E.o;sex Cow1ty. MJ\. J\ resident ofK,;scx County Massachusctts. Stephen Comley Sr .. 50 Mansion Drive. Rowley, MA presenting himself II!' a whistlcblower, has raised concems .ibout several reguhllory issues that foll within the purview of the rederal Nud~r Po\vcr Regul:itory Commission . I um aware that Mr. Comley has been on active critic of the Seabrook Nuclear Po\:Ycr Plant since the initial licensing of the facility. In fac.-t. Mr. Comley founded a non-protll organization, We the People ... in on effort to bring his t.:onccms forward. Mr. Comley appeitrs to ruisc serious allegations relative to the imitahility of the evacuation plan for the Seabrook facility and the surrounding communities a.o; well as allegations pertaining 10 the use and utilizntion of the substandard parts nnd cquipmcnl at lhc Seabrook Nuclear Power Pinnt. J onderStand that Mr. Comky has brought these concerns to a long Iist of state and tedernl otncials. lie: asserts that the conccms he raisc<l han: not bt'.t:n addressed. I am writing to your office since you are the appropiiatc licensing and regulatory agency lhut ha5 the oversight for the subject matter of the concerns rai~l!<l hy Mr. Comley. Uiven the nature of the safety conccms that arc hcing raised, I simply would like written confirma1io11 from the NRC' 1hn1 propc:r ttttention hns hccn ~ivcn to the issues raised before considenilion is given to renew the license to 01x:ratc.


{rank G. Cousins. Jr. Sheriff ~ ~, J ~,. * ,. .~, ,.,.., t -~ * -il ,* L ' * ' , * *f * ~, , ~ ' * * *
  • 1, *,. * ) * *. 1 , . .. .. l , l,'- *
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                              ,....,, .                                                                                .Page 1 ot 4


 '                                                                                                                             fA"l Fw: Request for Mr. Daniel Bennett, MA Secretary of Public                                                              .J 0 {,,:.

Safety to endorse in a letter, WTP's call for the NRC to hold af G. Hearing for First Responders.tuclear Regulatory Commission. Stephen Comley Thu 3/ 1/2018 4:01 AM To:richa rd. ba < rich >; cc:Morales, Lisa (EPS) <>; Bruce E Tarr <>; Bradford Hill

         <>; Attilio J Paglia <>; Firestone, Mike (AGO)
         <Mike.Firestone@MassMail.State.MA.US >; Rebello-Pradas, Alicia <>; Schofield, Seth (AGO) <Seth.Schofield@MassMail.State.MA.US>; Young, Jessica (AGO) <>; Roberta Pevear
         < >;

7 attachments (2 MB) WTP - COMLEY - MA STATE POLICE P 1 of Trooper Lucin letter to C.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - MA STATE POLICE P 2 of letter of Trooper Lucin t.pdt WTP - COMLEY - AJ - MEMO TO AG 1-18 PAGE 1.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - AJ MEMO TO AG PAGE 2 1 - 18.pdt WTP - COMLEY - MERRIMAC 1-11-18 SIGNED LETTER TO NRC WITH CCs.pdf; WTP -COMLEY - SALISBURY LETTER TO NRC 11-08-17.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - NextEra - company uncompromising with safety 1-2.pdf; Richard S. Barkley PE March 1, 2018 Nuclear and environmental engineer USNRC Region 1--Branch 3

   \!Vork(610)337-5328 Cell (610) 608-1517 Mr. Barkley, I would like you to confirm you have received this e-mail and these 7 attachments \!Ve The People sent to MA Secretary of Public Safety, bani el Bennett. I ask this information be included for the public record in ADAMS.
   \IVTP also requests this information be included to President Trump's appointment of NRC Chairwoman, Kristine L. Svinicki to review and comment on. In addition, please include the Video I sent you recently of the interview the Merrimac Cable did of me also to be placed for the public record in ADAMS and for NRC Chairwoman, Kristine Svinicki to observe and comment on.

Best regards, 3/1/2018

Stephen 8. Comley Sr. Founder of we The People a National Whistle blower Protection Non-Profit Organization From: Stephen Comley <> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:18 PM To : Morales, Lisa (EPS) Cc: Bruce E Tarr; Attilio J Paglia


Re: Request for Mr. Daniel Bennett, MA Secretary of Public Safety to endorse in a letter, WTP's call for the NRC to hold a Hearing for First Responders.tuclear Regulatory Commission. Lisa Morales, I forgot to send you the letter from (Attached) MA Senator Tarr's Chief of Staff, A. J. Paglia to the MA AG office concerning these issues. Please confirm you now are able to open all 7 attachments. Thank you. From: Stephen Comley <> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 2:00 PM To : Morales, Lisa (EPS)


Request for Mr. Daniel Bennett, MA Secretary of Public Safety to endorse in a letter, WTP's call for the NRC to hold a Hearing for First Responders.tuclear Regulatory Commission. PLEASE CONFIRM YOU WERE ABLE TO OPEN ALL 5 ATTACHMENTS Lisa Morales February 28, 2018 Executive Assistant to Daniel Bennett And Chief of Staff Matthew Moran Executive Office of Public Safety & Security One Ashburton Place, Room 2133 Boston, MA 02108 Office : (617)-274-5504 Cell: (617) 275-6057

Dear Lisa Morales,

As requested today, In behalf of We The People {WTP) and the residents who live in 7 MA Cities/Towns within and outside the 10 mile radius of the Seabrook Nuclear, I request Daniel Bennett, Secretary of MA Public Safety, to write a letter endorsing WTP's call for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to hold a hearing for Past and Present First Responders. As you know, Lisa Morales, from meetings and e-mail messages you and I have discussed, WTP is requesting Mr. Bennett to endorse WTP's call for the this NRC hearing. WTP has been successful in getting officials with in and outside the 10 mile radius of Seabrook Station to support this hearing. This includes the MA Cities of Newburyport and Amesbury, MA Towns of Newbury, Salisbury and Merrimac and 2 MA Towns of Georgetown and Ipswich outside the radius. All 7 have written letters (some attached & latest article) endorsing WTP 's call for the NRC to hold a hearing for First Responders. This public hearing will give past and present first responders in 3/1/2018

Mall -[ Page 3 of 4 Massachusetts and New Hampshire the opportunity to testify whether they believe Seabrook Station's Evacuation Plan can be effectively implemented safely and timely 365 days a year, especially during the summer months whch includes July 4 and Labor day during high-traffic days on coastal roads in the region. I am sure you also recall during one of our meetings, I notified Mr. Bennett's office and the NRC recently again, concerning the GAG ORDERS presently on the MA State Police and the NH National Guard . I gave the names, with their permission, of the individuals connected to these GAG ORDERS during a meeting I was asked to attend 9-2-2016 at the MA State Police Barracks in Newbury MA, by Former Deputy Commander of MA State Police, Francis Hughes. Other officials were also in attendance at this meeting, including John Giarrusso, Nuclear Section Chief and MA Sate Liaison Officer for the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA). I understand from WTP's contacts within the NRC, this information should have been reported to FEMA and to the NRC and was not. I personally have reported the presence of these GAG ORDERS to MA Governor Baker and to MA AG, Maura Healey and to a 4 member Legal Team which includes, Mike Firestone, Maura Healey's Chief of Staff. For your and Mr. Bennett's knowledge, Maura Healey set up this Legal Team to investigate WTP's concerns of unsafe conditions at Seabrook Station and cover-ups by the NRC of Counterfeit Substandard Nuclear Parts in most if not all U.S. Nuclear Plants including Seabrook. I want to thank you again, Lisa Morales, for recognizing the seriousness of these safety matters and acting not only in WTP's and in my behalf, but also in your office's, in agreeing to contact the MA State Police Headquarters in Framingham concerning my request for Commander Colonel Kerry A Gilpin, to provide any minutes/or notes that were taken at the meeting of September 2, 2016. Has Mr. Bennett or anyone in his office, as of this date, received copies of the information I provided together with any minutest/notes which I know were taken of the Meeting of September 2, 2018? Please reply. For your information, February 23, 2018, I received Trooper Cristina J. Lucin's #3634, (now with the MA State Police Department of Fraud Identification Unit) her letter of February 14, 2018 (attached) regard ing her recollections and memory of the Meeting of September 2, 2016. After reviewing Trooper Cristina J. Lucin letter of February 14, 2018 to Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Superintendent of the MA State Police, I know many important details of what I recall was said by myself and other officials who attended spoke was not recalled or written in Trooper Lucin's letter. I believe a full investigation of this meeting should be conducted as soon as possible. we The People will continue to inform you and Mr. Bennett of what the NRC reveals to WTP concerning this troubling information outlined above.

  • Lastly, please send We The People a copy of MA Secretary of Public Safety, Daniel Bennett's letter of endorsement of WTP's call for the NRC to hold a hearing for First Responders . If Mr. Bennett decides not endorse this NRC hearing, please have him explain why.

Sincerely and Submitted with respect, httns:// 1/1 /?.01 R

Stephen B. Comley Sr. Founder of We The People a National whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organization VOTE COMLEY FOR PRESIDENT Stephen B. Comley Sr.

                           "Together we can bring about real  fol.llder er.

change that will repair America" We The People a National Whlstleblowers Protection Democracy only works when people are involved Non-Profit Organization Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 Stephen Comley Sr. Where Democracy Is Strong Email: scomle'(sr@vaooo.rom...J:_. P.O. Box #646 Rowley, MAO 1969 Mobile: 904-206-3114 ~ 904-206-3114 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Comley for President

  • For More Bllckgrouncl on WTP
                                                                            &oogle: SIIMI Comley Nuclear Regulatory Commlslon "To The VIilage Square We Must Take The Fads Of Atomic Energy, From There Must C.ome Amenca's Voice" Albert Einstein                                                                         3/1/2018

CHARLES D. BAKER GOVERNOR t.S3}('aa~I G}cfe~'lujicattion CZ/J-/U"/ KARYN E. POLITO LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR -/0 ~ C Mt~ ~&a 2'ul Obf:bo,7~ DANIEL BENNETT SECRETARY CABoawn,, o9~ 02-f-/6 COLONEL KERRY A. GILPIN ~b?~,t<<M7T -//,/., 20-/8 SUPERINTENDENT To: Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Superintenden@ Detective Lieutenant Brian O' Riordan, Chief of Staff !:fr.> From: Trooper Cristina J. Lucin #3634, Fraud Identification Unit


Meeting with Stephen Comley (9/2/2016)

l. Qn Wednesday, February 7, 2018, I was instructed to retrieve notes from a meeting which
          . **occurred on September 2nd, 2016. Mr. Steven Comley, who had requested this meeting, contacted DLT O'Riordan in order to obtain a copy of notes from this meeting. I attended this meeting as part of my duties while assigned to the Office of the Superintendent, and are now curreqtly assigned to the State Police Fraud Identification Unit. Despite my best efforts, I am unable to locate notes from this meeting. Tl}erefore, the following report has been written from my best recollections and memory of that day.
2. On Friday, Septel'nber 2nd, 2016, I attended a meeting at the State Police Newbury Barracks with an individual by the name of Stephen Comley. Mr: Comley is-the founder of an organization called "We the People", a non-profit organization he describes as a whistleblower organization. Mr. Comley had come unannounced to the home of fonner Deputy Superintendent Francis Hughes, in Newbury, to discuss his concerns with the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant Oocated in Seabrook, New Hampshire). Deputy Hughes (ret) subsequently agreed to set up a meeting with Mr. Cantley and our state emergency management agency (MEMA) to give Mr. Comley an opportunity to voice his concerns with our state's emergency management personnel.


3. The meeting took place on September 2 11<1, 2016 at the Newbury State Police Barracks and was attended by the following individuals:
a. Lieutenant Colonel Francis Hug.hes. Deputy Superintendent, Massachusetts State Police (retired)
b. Major Arthur Sugrue, Commanding Offi.cer Troop .. A", Massachusetts State Police (retired)
c. Lieutenant James Devlin, Massachusetts State Police
d. John Giarrusso, Planning/Preparedness1Nuclear Section Chief, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
e. Trooper Cristina Lucio. Massachusetts State Police
4. To my best recollection, the meeting was relatively shor1 and consisted of ~'Ir.

Comley providing letters written by Mr. Comley to various politicians, various reports about Seabrook Nuclear Power plants. and anicles referencing Mr. Comley' s activities.

5. Deputy Hughes (retired) re-communica1ed to Mr. Comley that the Massachusetts State Police have preparedness plans in place for a Yariety of facilities and disasters, which are constantly being reviewe.d. He also agreed to review the
  . documentation submitted by Mr. Comley. Mr. Comley expressed some concern that members of the Massachusetts State Police were '*being silenced" regarding their knowledge of flaws in the Seabrook Power Plant. All parties involved assured Mr. Comley that it was definitely not the case, that any concern regarding emergency managen1ent was welcome from both the public and department members .
6. Mr. Giarrusso provided Mr. Comley his contact informa tion after the meeting was concluded.

Respectfol lx,spbminPJed ,

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                                                                                                >l ) 'l Trooper crWna J. Lucin #3634 Fraud Identification Unit

/ t!rqt (U,nttutrn1tfuealf4 of ~~$n.r4usrlfz MASSACI-lUS1rITS SENATB OtrlC.E OF nm MrNORl'tY LEAD.ER STATf. Hous.'E, Root.1 )OS B:c>S,Qt-f, MA 021jJ~fo53 Srn:;2.!!tltt';;f;/;1t Ffrst Esse"t amt Middlesex M. *E** ::M***-. :*.

                                                                        . : ',. *o****-.

TEi, (<i17} 74-1600 fax: {'6:17). 7~:HJ'ip TO: Alicta:Rebello,Pratj'as> Deputy Chief: Policy & Government Division FROM,~.=:.O=~-r D~TE: Ftbruaty l, 2018 ~

                                                         ~fill ItE: Stephen a. Comley Sr+ I "We the People - Seabrook Nuclear Plant It is my understandmg that your office ha$ met with Stephen B. Cotnley Sr.* a con~tifuent from the T9WJ:t of RQwiey and founder of We the Peo-pJ~,; (a national whistlebfowerlnonprofit org~i_z.ati~}1 in -tegm:ds -to his concerns/aUegatiorts related to the evacuation plans filed by the seahrook N1i~~ Plant
  • 1A:@di{i-0n:to his intera~tion With your-0ffice~.Mr. Comley continues oo* coma.ct our offl.ce on a regul~ bri$is To'.. regards to thls issue.. He ifi$ists Hmt he's been provided infummtion front. several confid~iat ' piwlfo safety sources (Massachnsetts and New Hampshire), allegipg that the curretit/a9:opte<Yev.acuatfon plan filed by the Seabrook Nuciear Plant is ineffective during the sunune:r months, .
  • Over the past two years, Mr. Comley's con~ms!allegalions rdative to this issue have been shared with local offici.als and constituents within the required 10 mile radi'us (extending into Ma:ssacliusetts}. As a resul~ ~onsutuent inquiries regarding the viability of the plan have significantly increased. In som~ cases; relative c.oncems have been documented in writing; in response to Mt.

Com.leybrfofinga.numlier of Boards of Selectmen (\Vithin the 10 miie radius) during -open/televised meetings. I further note, a:side ~m the attention g.en,erated :from the press an.d cable access television relateg to,stn:~_,fylr.*Q>miey has recetitly purchased pritrte oommerdal blllbQard ~ce on Rt 1 in the Town .of- S~s~. This b'illbo~ is very large and dearly ealls the validity of evacuati()tt plan/zone into -question. Siinply put; over the past two years, art increased number tlf 'individualsiofncials within the 10 mile radius continue to question viability of the approved evacuation plans. GiVen: that*our office fades the authority/ability to investigate Mt. Comley~ s:aHegati~ns, taking a po$ition.on .suc.b (ba$ed on Mr. Contley 1s aifogaticms) would be unfair and irresponsible. Howeveti despite niy numerous representations of such to Mr. Comley, he continues to provide our .office with. 1

volumes of information in sup*po1t of his position. Although he indicates understanding our position, he contends that your offi.ce asserts having no jurisdiction in these matters. During my more recent conversations with Mr. Comley, I indicated that I've been in contact with your office and it was llly Wlderstanding that his documents. concerns and allegations were being reviewed. H{)wever, Mr. Comley expressed extreme frustration with the process. He asserts the information he provided to your office contains sufficient and applicable facts to support an invtstigation by your False Claims Division (under the authority of the Massachusetts False Claims Ac4 MOL c. 129 s. 5A-50) 1 to investigate the Seabrook Nuclear Plant' s evacuation plans. His assert.ion is based on his contention that the plant has and continues to mislead municipal entities through the use of false claims/statements. In ooncJusionl when considering Mr. Comley's allegations, I understand how this statute may apply mthis case. However. based on my concerns relative to the clarity of conununications with your office, I bell.eve information contained in this memo may be helpful. In addition to providing your office with a bett~ understanding of his position and how/why it continues to evolve in this case. it reiterates and clarifies the limitalions of our office relative to such. Should you have asy questions, or if our o.ffice can be of any assi~tan,ce, please let me know. Thank you. 1 Using the Massachusetts False Act. M.G.L. c. 12, §§ SAwSO, the False Claims Division conducts civil mvestigafiom :and proswmons against companies and individuals who mislead or defraud state* or municipal entities through the use of false or fraudulent claims, records or statements. Th.e Massachusetts False Claims Act is a powerful law enforcement statute rhat authorizes lripte damages and civil penalties of up to S 11,000 per false claim, as weU as the A G's ,auomeys' costs and fees. The A.ct also allows private individuals known as ..rela.rors** to file lawsuitS under the Massachusetts False Claims Act and to recoVtt a portion oft~ Jtrocecds tn successful actions, subject to certain limitations. The AG has rec:ov<<ed hundreds of millions of :dollars in government funds, mainly arising from MassHealth-related false claims enforcctnem, including relator actions. The AG's False Claims Oh*ision will be working with partners in iovcmment and whisdeblowers to expand upon those successes outside lhe MassHealth context, recover funds. for the Commonw~hb and its citizens, and deter miscooduct 2

Stephen B. Cory,ley Sr's letter for Consideration to be published as a guest column. My name is Stephen B. Comley Sr., Founder of We The People (WTP} a National Whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organization. Many, as I, have been reading about Governor Baker's "sky-high popularity." I personally believe Mr. Baker is going to have a very bumpy ride during his re-election bid when more of WTP's State and National Scandals continues to be given coverage by community newspaper reporters. Unlike Mr. Henry's "Boston Globe", some community newspaper's owners do not require their reporters to look sideways before they give any coverage to WTP's National Scandals, especially, our nuclear ones, which could affect their pro-nuclear readers to cancel subscriptions. One example is WTP's ongoing investigation into the, "MA State Police Troopergate Scandal." This involves former MA State Police Colonel Richard McKean and his second in-command, Deputy Superintendent Francis Hughes. They both retired apparently due to altered MA State Police reports involving a Judge's Daughter who was found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol and negligent operation of a m/otor vehicle. When WTP completes our investigation, the Troopergate part will look pale to WTP's probe of the GAG ORDERS SCANDAL on the MA State Police and tlie NH National Guard regarding Seabrook Station . . WTP's informants from the MA State Police inform me, "McKean and Hughes fell on the sword to protect higher ups." I know for a fact Governor Charlie Baker ignored these GAG ORDERS on our MA Troopers, who not only protect and serve us, but who protect Governor Baker when at State House and at home. I mysel.f informed Mr. Baker twice these informants were told by the ir Superiors not to question and/or discuss any concerns relative to the viability or effectiveness of the approved Seabrook Nuclear Plant's Evacuation Plan. Since WTP's brought this troubling information to light, over 200 other MA and NH State Police, together with other first responders from local Police and Fire Stations, have stated to me there is no way the Seabrook Nuclear Plant can be evacuated safely and timely in the event of a nuclear disaster, especially during the summer months. Even now during the winter months on weekends, traffic is mostly at a standstill because of the new Seabrook Shopping Center which lies along Routes 1 and 95 and on land just in-front of Seabrook Station . . September 2, 2016, I was invited by then Deputy In-Command, Francis Hughes who WTP has a Jot of respect for, to participate in a meeting at the MA Newbury State Police Barracks. Others were present, including John Giarrusso, Nuclear Section Chief of the MA Emergency Management Agency (MEMA} . Part of the information I included, with their permission, were the identities of the informants connected to the present GAG ORDERS. WTP has requested the new Commander of the MA State Police, Kerry Gilpin to provide WTP with a copy of the Minutes/Notes I know were taken at this meeting 9/2/16. In addition, I also have asked President Trump's newly appointed NRC Chairwoman, Kristine Svinicki, MA Attorney General Maura Healey and Department of Safety Secretary, Daniel Bennett to request a copy of the notes of 9/2/16 meeting. Just Recently I was informed these notes are now missing.

Page 2 Stephen b. Comley Sr's letter for consideration to be published as a guest column. Since meeting with MA Attorney General about these safety issues, Maura Healey elected to set up a 4 member Legal Team which includes, her Chief of Staff, Mike Firestone. Maura Healey created this Legal Team to supposedly investigate WTP's concerns of unsafe conditions at Seabrook Station and Cover-ups by the NRC of Counterfeit Substandard Nuclear Parts built into most, if not all U.S. Plants, including Seabrook. These Bogus Parts are also in Nuclear Weapons we sell to Europe which President Trump keeps bragging about how he is creating jobs. Surely President Trump can find a much safer way to produce Jobs. How about starting to disarm nuclear weapons? WTP's informants and I are still waiting, once again, to meet with The Legal Team. The last time I met with them was October 18, 2017. When I arrived I was surprised to find out my request to be placed under oath was not granted. WTP's informants and I will agree to meet with Maura and her Legal team only if we are placed under oath, so everything becomes a public record . During my meeting with the Legal Team, I provided them with lots of WTP's documents, including a copy of a transcript of a Tape-Recording of one of WTP's NRC informants. This is just one of the many Tapes Former President George H.W. Bush hired the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to seize. President Bush's pick for his Attorney General, at this time, was Richard Thornburg, who was the Governor of Pennsylvania during the cover-up of TMI accident, which WTP has and prove evidence of. Mr. Thornburg was given the assignment by the Reagan/Bush Administration to conduct a witch hunt of WTP's NRC informants. Bush's DOJ, had me under 2 Federal Subpoenas in MA Federal Court for over 6 years with the charge of "Conspiracy to Topple the NRC with Roger Fortuna, the former Deputy Director of the NRC's Office of Investigations." DOJ was never able to prove existence of any Tape-recordings, they said I might have, until a year ago, when I decided to call, Mr. Richard Barkley, who I know and respect and incidentally works for the NRC. I decided to admit to Mr. Barkley I did indeed have tapes but would not release any of them to the NRC, OOJ or the FBI. Unlike President Trump I can prove why I do not trust those agencies. WTP was successful in getting officials within and outside the 10 mile radius of the Seabrook Nuclear Plant to endorse WTP's call for the NRC to support a hearing on Seabrook's Evacuation Plan. This includes the City of Newburyport and Amesbury, the towns of Newbury, Salisbury and Merrimac and the 2 Towns of Georgetown and Ipswich outside the radius. All 7 have written letters endorsing WTP's call for the NRC to hold a hearing for first responders. The only MA Town of the 6 within the 10 mile radius of Seabrook Station who has not written a letter to the NRC is, the Town of West Newbury., Why hasn't Maura Healey, as of this date, endorsed what 7 MA Towns have done by endorsing WTP's call for a NRC hearing? Why haven't the Selectmen written the ir letter to the NRC which was unanimously voted on at a Rowley Annual Town Meeting? This NRC hearing will give past and former first responders who also have families to protect, the opportunity to testify whether they believe the Seabrook Evacuation Plan can be implemented safely and timely in the event of a nuclear disaster especially during the summer months. ((JV(/()

Page 3 of Stephen B. Comley Sr's letter to be published as a guest column. I have spoken with Governor Baker on two different occasions regarding WTP' s concerns about unsafe cond it ions at the Seabrook Nuclear Plant. The first time occurred the day before Mr. Baker was sworn in governor. The second time was more recently in 2017. During both of these conversations, I informed Mr. Baker, MA Senate M inority Leader, Bruce Tarr, MA Ass istant House M inority Leader, Bradford Hill and then Essex County Sheriff, Frank Cousins Jr., (who Baker passed over to become MA Public Secretary of safety) had endorsed WTP's call for the NRC to hold a hearing for First Responders. Both times Baker's response was, "Mr. Comley, I want to assure you, I will meet with these officials about these important safety matters." I have recently been informed Governor Baker has never met w ith Sen . Tarr, Rep. Hill or with former Sherriff Cousins about these important safety issues concerning Seabrook Station. In addition to State representatives WTP have contacted some in the Washington Establishment to endorse a NRC hearing for first Responders. This has included President Trump who, as yet, has not taken the time to tweet me. Others in Beltway includes U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey, U.S.Senator Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Congressman Joseph Kennedy Ill, and U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton. WTP still have not received a reply from any of these US Senators or Congressmen, whether they will endorse WTP's call for this NRC hearing. WTP has also contacted all of the NH Senators, most of the NH State Representatives, newly elected Governor Chris Sununu and NH Attorney General, Gordon J. MacDonald . To date, the only NH responsible elected leaders who have endorsed WTP' s call for the NRC to hold this first responder's hearing are, Rep. Peter Schmidt of Dover and Former NH Rep and Civil Defense Director, Roberta Pevear who both of whom have written to the NRC and MA AG, Maura Healey to endorse WTP's call for a First Responders' Hearing.


Albert Einstein said, To the Village Square We Must Take the Facts of Atomic Energy, From There Must Come America's Voice" . Democracy will work only if and when people decide to get involved and take action . Please contact WTP if anyone wants to post a WTP's sign with the message we have on RT One in Salisbury, "Caution President Trump : Seabrook Nuclear Zone No Evacuation Possible, Investigate the Nuclear Regulatory Comm ission ." I hear lots of people compla ining about how President Trump is runn ing the .Wh ite house. Over my 32 years of investigating the media, politicians and corruption within Washington, I found out the only way for me to bring about real change was to instead of just complain ing, I had to get involved and take action. ~m~.g~u/1.. Founder of We The People a National Whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organ ization and Official 2020 Republican Candidate for President of the United States of America .

WEATHER Today; SATURDAY Mostly cloudy.

  • January 20,:2018 High of 50* $1.50

Low of 32. Page 1'6

                                                                   ...    ~

NextEra:. **t Mr-VTERA

                                                                *,,~                  ;1** ,
  • conce~ns about the ~lant -1.n"an inte1*view. Friday-'"'\~'ve $Ot th~ truth," Comley *,

and its ,s~fet.y., -~Iting.. :terni;>on Coml~y stood by said. .,/ -i_.. .;

                                                                                * *.:* r: _,:*~;!~-~<<1>>,~),1P,',11'1;~'ftd*~:\(:o,f6:r1riants ~h():  is: claims~:ad!}ing, .*~we;,ve
  • NextE1iti:~**ib'ased. in Juno,..!


  '. . . Coinpany,
  • Conti~ued fr?m Pag~,1*'. '*:* stated sa~ety ~oµ~Qrns were_. ofsrwn.t~vyns1that feel.we -Beach, Florida, .bills itself as:1 published Thursday ,about at.: the plant, "'.hich ,w~nt bstanttated." .

Merrimac_s~lectmensign~g- onlinein1990. , 1 1

                                                                              . . . . : . * : .:., system,abc~lly sµp:pr~ssed'. ,,t~*be: the liirg_est. energy company-)
                                                                                                                                                                                  . *.... 'in tbe wot:ld, with moretban, i
                                                                                                                                          * .*: :: . I-Je:agains:~dhe.had*spc;,ken :,1~;00.ormegawl\tts of gen- ;*

with.~af~ty**.* I on to Step:tien Qomley*Sr.'s . pi his state~e~t, Robbins th:.m.any first*respoµders in *ercllting .~apacity, .re.venues* 1

                                                             . .campaign to convince th aid, "These :most recent e*regionwhohad concerns of about*$17.5'billion and**,
                                                                   ~ucle~r R~'itulator~ CClnIJnis claj:ms*.by.'W~*th~ PeQple' !l~d _]?out,the* ~bili~Y :of. J?e~ple . mortr~hal) l4,000_employees J Spokes.marr djspuies *
  • s1on to hold a*pubhc hearin Mr. Comley are c~mpletel. m.tM.cpmmumtjes*'a: spread across 27 states and o
       . Rowleyrrian's*claims.                            plant's eJnergenc . wlthol,\t ~~it..Mr. Comle ~~~e radius t~~ plapt.j;o. Cau~da,. *
  • o; ,, * *;,t evacuation pl'anf!. Mei;rima has IClong liistory-. of i:µ.alting ~rely*evacuate m case.of an Ric.hard I{, Lodge is_edjto,*
                                                           ,l ** joined boards 'in*Salisbury fabie al!e.gations *and:pase~ em.ergency;* especMly dur*: *of The Daily News cinc;l:can be*1 BY RIC~ARD   K. LODGE ,                    ~ Newbury,
  • Newburyp'ort less claiin~-agilin$t,Seab~()9k. . g.the high-traffic( tpurism reached at rlodge@riewburif*, ,
               ~lodge@newbunpo1'                  ~ A_me.'s bury:; I~*swich. _an. Inclep~qdent*age~cies, includ- onthi;, ~e w_so. alleged,R<>b* por~n!?WS.CO~~ Follow. him on'.. '
                                        . "i                t .' .Georgetown in writing *l e( ng theN'i~clear,:Reg,ulatoi:                           in~* was trymgto*(l.~age Twitter@RichardLodge_DN.1J The company that owns Seal}rool~ Sta-                  1 ters*~o *the NRC in *ravor *o G<immisstori;'ifi~'Ve reviewe.                               *credibility and _that o~.his More on Seabrook Sta"'"

tion nuclear power plant said Friday, it is

  • the proposal for a hearing. * .claims anq. allegations an self-d~s.cribed whistl~blower tto n: vi.ww. next er a en er-a "uncompromising" .w'ith safety*standaj:ds . C::oinley, *toµnde.r o,f *We ave foundt~em to be with group, WetQePeople: : .* . .gyr,esourcesJ~oQ1/what/ ,1
. and dismissed claims by: a*.Rq,wl.ey man                       . theJ'eQple;_.pas ~~ted his . utsul)stiince.".. .                                   '.'It's not worl~ing b~cause, nucle.ar_seabrook.shtml                    '11
                                                                      ..              . *      .. .   .. .    .       I        .,     .                           * ,'    .                     *   .              .           HI who has b.een:pu$hing for*a.' hearing on the
  • . plant's evacuation pl8l). for several years: \i\l Peter JloQbins; *genera~i~n communica-tions manager for NextEra Energy, said in a statem~nt. "NextEi'a En~rgy::and'the staff at Seabrook Station are uncompromising when it comes *to.the safety of-our power plant, our .employees, anci. the communities we serve. '*. * * *
     "We have e~tensive emerg~ncy response systems in place, including back-up s.afety systems*that provide our plants with layer upon layer.pfbotll aQ,tomated and manual protection. Also, weworlc collabora-tively with local, state and federal officiiµs
  • on a regµlar *basis to *eµsur~ our pl~ns are . and effective. and continue . to refine," lie said.' -. . . . Robbins was tespond'ing to a story .

  • ic*.*
                               ** See NEXTERA, Pa9e 5                                                                                                                                                                               p


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . January 18, 2018.
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l~ .,,. New E11gland Newspaper & Press Association's 2017 Newspaper of the Year Mer 1*1*~m * *. a*C. *r s_. . E~~-A** BR. .OO"* R-Gloucester; Rep. Brad- ~~m:~~*;:::de~*a num- relative to the viability or

        . . k*s.ND see *
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                                                          ..   '. ;
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  • 1 ll\
                                                                                                         .               ford Hill, R-Ipswich; as w~ll ber of points he believed the effectiveness of the approved .

as current New Hampshire board*should include in the SeabroolcNuclearPlantevac-r ...\; ;m Continue~from.Page 1 . state Rep. P~ter Schmidt and letter;which w~s sent to NRC uation plan," Comley wrote

                                                     . , :, .b ,                                                         former Rep_ Robert Pevear. Chairwoman Klistine Svinicld. in the letter.
                                                                        "~<;,stify whether they believ~ Last year, Merrimac select- Contacted Wednesday by The Comley also cited his belief h.. earing
             *b k       .o~1* it                  :; Se~~r9~k Station's eva,cua- men turn~:dJown*c~mley's. Daily,News*about.what might that "counterfeit substan-
~io~ p1a:µ."c,i1.u be effect~v~lt .teque.s t:,:t<('.W,r~te *_!I. letter t? h!J.Y.e sw,ayed the .board's' sup-. dard. nuclear parts" were Sea f 00 p an .

t~ unplemented safely and theNRC.Atthetime,Jenm- porttowardbaclungComley's. usedmbuildingtheSeabrook t*. timely 365 days a year, espe* fer Penn~y, executive assis- reques~ Traynor said she had P.lant; and that*NRC evacua-

                                                                    ".cially during the sui;nmer tanUo the Merrimac Board no comment and could not tion plans relating to "area fl moµths which include July 4 of Selectmen, said the board** spealc for the board.                                                                                     .
  • schools, nursing homes.and BY RrcHARD K. LonGE
  • and Labor day" - high-traffic .declined' the request after . .Comley :wrote in the letter hospitals" were inadequate . I .. clay~ on coastal roads in the .determining the town's evac, to Traynor, "We The People and, according to his l~tter,
                                                   '                  !. regipn. * *:* *:. :: . . , . . ..: .,, ... 'Q.qtiQ.n..>>.lan':'Y.\'.fl~ .~1mropd~te , h~s P,rov.tii_ed.µf:l :wtt!tSMb.&t~~'Jr,,"a~.SU];ne.d::- th~se vah1able. ..

MERRIMAC .- The town Jome * * .d h lf -.. [t':~~"i'j~eij!!ljijdi~~~Wfi~X~m)\\tiljfilfv,14#:-'t~'t'litta;;ei.";!l..([j,§f'!;\f~~t{{:_'r.' t-ruiiii'in:~'tfonU'~¥'c;up'."p a a ~.f~'Iit'?** .,..,:?.1 r:I,,-*.,. < ) *,,~l~,,,1;,:1.,;l!_,i1;~r'ittlh' ;,*\."'~-- ~.'a~~. . :1*;;,,; ,,.\ :~*,,\ ....F-;,;,.,1;*, .* .:,. . '"~ .,*.ij:.*,:<* ,,i,;,¥,'i'. ,"'... .':,o~vtJ,iJ,l~~hi,,,g'  :.,;~:o,ff\oin . * ***ut<, :

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,. ,:, *[*i':.~jt,m:r:"'t; . ,,*r{... ~ '.-~,: .* m:rr. }~~-

I dozen other communities calling for the I.a!,ldt~~~Wuurypprt *cit.r*,.c9u~~ .,:*.1; ;i;hei)Joa!,. Jr.usts:.tha,t 1re ;Mr. Colnl?y.s concerns ..ab.out':-,~~e..mfaet.e}{J)e1,aabl<t ~1:the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to\holcl a i ?µs,!.ij_nd b?:ards ~f s'elect~en;,.*.c~e~I_talpij*Spencer.a~ eme~-. !he plant and its *saf¢ty..: Thi~*, ..~Y,.e~t..of:~nuclear acci~ent. hearing on whether the Seabrook rluc~ear I m:S~sl>ury~Newb:ury,!p~ch: ~~ncr::m~n~gemen~ d1rect9;f;flllf.l~d~s:ev~~enc:e l>1:?1;1ght to.;*.,'., ,I1}*t:~1e:. end,. the lette~,clate~*

  • power plant's evacuation plan "can be ei'fec-1 and George~own have .V\'f1tten*)s prepa~~!l *~s.. well as* Polle~ ...~ *Goml.eY. :s J~~tentio~. rrom. Jan, 1l and:sent by t~e Mem-tiveI im lemented." . . '* . to th,e-~C 1J!. support:p~ qom-*:,Chief. E.r~c'.~.~eru:s: All agreed*:mfo.rmants *~Jio.:s,~~te(I. *s_afety.;:~.a.~.B~.ard of Selecttne~lcou" .*

Y P In a letter sigi).ed by *\. ley's,req~~~t.for a he~g. o.n* Jhat_*! "meet~~g,1.s ~ot. nece~- *.concerns wer~ SY,~~~~atlcally

  • SJsted o~y o~ one..P1:ll'ag~aph,..

wewburvp~rtwews.~ 0

                    "'    the three members oftl).e ! the .evacuation plan. .: . .,. *.: .sary, ..,she.~a~~t ..                                                          * * . suppressed.*mclq.dmg tp.e *~~pressmg.tbe board's* sup-*

To read the Board of . Board of Selectmen and \ .,In laddition, .Cm:illey:p~~vi-.*..::*After the,.)\l~1timac B~a_rd p~esents of. GAG:OROERS :'l)ort 9f: Comfey's l'eq~~st for

  • Selectmen's . *dated Jan. 11, the'board ,. ously secured support for*an *ofSelectme'n:,'agree~ tp w1 1te [sic]" onMai:isachu~etts State aJJ.earmg to be.*held by. the 1 the NRCand stepl~en . notesthatMeITimat:isone ': NRC hearing from former . to the N.RC,J}omley sent a :r Police. and. N~w'I:J.ampshire ~RC. .. . .* . .
  • Comley Sr.'s letter to of six coastal Massachu- : Essex *county Sheriff Frank *1/2-page lett.~r to Selectman** National Guard ~embers. * **Richard IC Lodge is editor Merrimac Selectman seits comiriunities:\vithin Cousin$, who is now director Carol Trarn~r, thanldng h~r "These same.public safety of The Daily News.and can be Carol Traynor. the 10-mile evacuation ;of the Greater Newburyport for convincing the board sources allege to be ordered _'reache~ at .rlodge@newbury-
 - ~.                      radius ofthepower,plant. *Cha1hber of Co~merce & to w:ite -in support of the by.super~ors ;not to question F~llow him on The letter was sent in-support of Stephen *Industry; Sen. Bruce Ta~*r, hearmg.

Comley Sr., a Rowley resident.and fQunder . - ofWe'the Pe~ple, who ha~ been~m~hing~or Steph~n 8. Com ey an NRC hearmg for several years.

Founder of. We The People I Sr "JllS"~ .*~.*..*.I ~

and/or chsquss any concerns Twztter@RzchardLodge_DN. VOTE COMLEY FOR PRESIDENT "Together we c~n bring about_re~,I

                                                                                                                                                    ...... ,~1!tlle                    9.,           * *',i.                                     chrmge t[mt w1ll 1;epair Ameri ca'
'* Coinley -says a public hearing wo.uld I a National Protection                                                                                                                                       Democracy                only      works when people are involved give first responders in MassacI11~setts i                                           Non-Profit organization and New Hampshire the oppo1'tumty to. *1 llOK #646 (\owley, MA 01969                                                            !                                                                              Stephen Comley Sr.
     .                               .See SEABROOK Page 9                    Where Democracy ls Strong       .l              ~

P.O. Box#646

                   .                   .                '                    Email:     I'\..              J.~
                              '    *         .          *
  • Mobile: 904*206*3114 ~i!" J. Rowley, MA 01969
                                                                              -      ---\      ,.. For More Background on WTP
                                                                              ~ o o le* Steve Comley Nuclear Regulatory Comm1slon "To The VIiiage ~q~are We Must Take The Fa~ts Of Ato.mlc Energy, From
                                                                                                                                                                      .                                   904-206-3114 vJW.lf!* There Must Come America's Voice Albert Einstein

TOWN OF MERRIMAC OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN 2-8 School Street, Me.rrimac, MA 01860 TEL (978) 346-8862 E...MAIL J~nuary 11, 20 I 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 2055S-OOOJ Attn: NRC Chairwoman Kristine L Svincki

Dear Ms. Svincki,

As you know, Merrimac is one of six Massachusetts coastal communities that are within the ten-mile radius of the nuclear power plant. We are writing to express the board's support of the request by Stephen Comley Sr. of We The People to schedule a hearing to prove an opportunity for past and *present first responders to testify whether they believe Seabrook Station's evacuaiion plan can be effectively implemented safely and timely. Thank you for your consideration. Merrimac Board of Selectmen


( ~ ; , : : D~Connor Carol A. Traynor Cc B. Roy Hawkens, Chairman Mr. Hubert Bell Administrative Judge Inspector General . . Atomic safety & Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commission Washington, D.C. 20555-000 I MSC: T-3F23 Washington, D.C. 201472 Honorable Elaine C. Duke Acting Secretary . Jeffrey Baran U.S. Department of Homeland S~unty Commissioner Washington. 0.C. 20528 U.S. NucJear Regulatory Commission . Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 t lonornllle Maura I leaky Anomev General of Mm;sm.:husctts one Asi,bu11on Place Boston, Mt\ 02108 Stephen Burns Commissioner, \1assachnsens Mana~cment Agency (MEMA) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Plannin,,. :-,Juckar and Preparedness

                                                                ~                      .    ~h* r Washington, D..~. 20555-0001                          fobn Giarrusso, Nuclc"r Sec.t1011 C ic.

t,.*IEMA l lcadquartcr~ . Annette Viette-Cook 400 Worccsi~r Road (Route 9 E:1st) Secretary of the Commission Framin~ham, MA OJ '702-SJ99 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail stop 0-1604 Washington, D.C. 20555-000 I


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Continued from Page 1 O.<jo.," Si- Ne')(+

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Amesbury, Salisbury seek nuclear plant hearing BY JIM SULLIVAN ' Staff Writer mte, "Independent agw-

                                                                    *cies. including the Nuc1i;ar 1tegu1at0ry *commi§sign.

have reviewed* his;claitj,s


See PLANT, Page 5

Town ofSalisbury 5BeachRoad Salisbury, Massachusetts 01952 Board ofSelectmen (978) 462-8232 ext. 100 Chuck Takesian, Chairman Henry Rach en burg Freeman J, Condon Ronalee Ray-Parrott Wilma M. McDonald November 8, 2017 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairwoman, Kristine L. Sviniclci U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Ms. Svinicki:

        -I am *writing in response to public safety concerns rai~ed by M,r. Stephe~. B. Comley, Sr., a resident of Rowley, MA, and founder of "We the People," a non-profit .national whistleblower organization, regarding the inadequa_c y *of evacuation plan for the Seabrook, NH nuclear power station (Seabrook Station).

According to Mr;.Comley, be has-been provided infom1ation :from several confidential public safety sources. alleging that the *e.v acuation plan*in question-is ineffective within the reqwred 10-mile radius (which includes the Town 9f Salisbury) during the summer months. He also claims that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has ignored his public safety concerns. Although the Salisbury Board of Selectmen does not have substantive infonnation to support Mr. Comley's allegations, we nonetheless remain very concerned about Seabrook Station md its evacuation plan. Therefore, in the interest of public safety, the Board respectfully requests that you hold a public bearing, at a location within the 10-mile radius of Seabrook Station, in order to elicit comments from those public safety and emergency medical response personnel who may have concerns about the evacuation plan. At the very least, such a hearing will give the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 'the opportunity to explain to the public how the plan is desigried to work, preventing any misinformation and* greatly reducing the concem*that many residents of-our town have as a result of the allegations Mr. Comley has made. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

                                                  ~  Chuck Takesian Chairman

Friday~ October 6, 2017 Vol. 12, No. 36 FRI NUCLEAR From Page Al *N

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everything that happens ,, Critic $eeks public hearing emergency plan, but it's .one with the emergency, and the NR outside the fence line," "";.t on:plant;Jafety*and . .. that'~ tested on a regular basis," would'con;ununicate with offsi1 Sheehan continued. 11 So 1. *,.. evacuati*on;plahs *

  • said~eif She.ell.ans of t)._le Nucl~ar* first -responders aboµt the statt state, local
  • and county ' Reguljatory Commission's public of the incident.

communities would make a By Bryatri McGo~gie affan:~ offic~. , . Outside of that, the Feder. decision as far as whether bmcgonigle@wickedlocal Th~ NRC 1s m charge.of on-site Emergency Management Agenc there would* have to be emergency respon~e,. *If there was steps in. eyacuations, whetherpotas- an a~cident at the:facili~y, the 11 FEMA is responsible f c siumiodine tablets should be f:s~~ii~~:1r:~lPe-~\~

   . taken, whether members of ,~-ounds to vanous commurubes NRC iwould be responsible for m~g sure the plantwas dealing                        See NUCLEAR, A9
  • the public should shelter in place."
       . And FEMA handles most                                                                                     I emergency plarurlng as well,
  • And, of course, cqmmu-)

assessing bow state and local nities change and grow. So

       , ~encies and institutions                                                     FEMA' s effort with state '
       ,would deal with a poten-                                                      and local agencies is con-

{,ial disaster related to the tinual to reflect new schools,

  • A.\iclear plant. new business districts, new
         ' That includes ~ graded                                                     roads, etc.

emergency exercise once "They have to alter these

         ~ery two years. It's not                                                      plans on a continuous basis iractical to simulate an                                                      to reflect the new realities,"

tualregional~vacuation, Sheehan said. 11 And as part f t FEMA monitors local of that, one of the things that partments and facilities we require the plant owners make sure they're ready to do is that every time new

            . 11:0 if needed.                                                          census data comes out, once every 10 years, we require them to update their evacu-

I m:ion time estimates. And so they haye to do a study to show that if there was an

                                                                                        ,,.. _ __ _ _____ &.LI 1 *
                                                                                                                        .ro .J\/17n /           1 /J r,.

( r;,t/.)

1mrfait!!,in..~1Jt~<1 becau~ the~ tt'o lS rubOer-stam~

                                                                                                                                                                  ~~- ~ k ~ ~ ~ .d9,esth>>
                                                                                                                                                                 .,Lame,            g,"
                                                                                                                                                                       ...C.qmley,.)YJ:l.9 folW,ded tbe
                                                                                                                                                                     !!2!!I!!ofit "?L~e Peopli to,
                                                                                                                                                                   *<:~~~~~~~~e,11uc ear
                                                                                                                                                                    ~+L.9L.l..!\ he is in
                                                                                                                                                                     .t!,lks with Massachusetts. Maura Healey's office to get goine Stephen B, Comley Sr. 11n a:ou~llc'fi~!!{Plg,rew,g; Fou1,d1r of: We The People ~~I?,CrP_~epare~5

  • National Whistleblowers Protection . arouncTI e plan\:.

Non*Profil Organization 5eabrook.N.H.. NuclearPowerPlant.(FILEPHOTOJ ~ ~omley ailcl We The Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 People recently erected a A. ~ ~ Where Democrac:y 11 Strong Emaih* Mobile: 904-206*3114

                                                ~ ~

L 11f*flf it would t~e to get people how these processes work massive billboar~ sign on out of various parts of the ,and why we continue to have Route 1 in Salisbury warn-emergency planning zone updatesfromFEMAthatthe ingPresidentDonaldTrump

  • For More Background on WTP Google: Steve Comley Nuclear Regulatory Commlslon "To The VIiiage Square We Must Take The Facts Of Atomic Energy, From There Must c:ome America's Voice" Albert Einstein and to safer locations." plans would work. He dis- that the plant was not pre- ~

So outside the actual agreeswiththat.Andwe've pared for an emergency. nuclear plants, the NR.C triedtoaskforspecificsand Hesaidheplanstokeepthe relies on FEMA for emer- will continue to do that. gency plannin&*.1If FEM~ 11 sign up - at a cost of $700 a

                                                                                                                            'Therealityontheground month - until the Seabrook
                                                                                 ~oes back to tlie Nitt! an for us is that FEMA says the plant is closed.

X.!Jlr:iitiii'.iiii.ii~:W@ sa"' s ttiedo not liave 11 rea- plans will work and they're assurance* t at basing that on their inter- tll:hl:.Jl'llt i'Ll!.il~sing the

                                                                                                                                                                           ..<:,AJ! the Jl:TRC is doing r
  ~ \ : ..

VOTE COMLEY FOR PRESIDENT "Together we con bring about reol change that will repair America" Democracy only works when people ore involved Stephen Comley Sr. _.wne. c actions with the states hnck. because.they're woJ:- m..yren at@!, newJ?laJU [Massachusetts and New .,tled.,.abol,!,t our m,om~ntum

                                                                                .~'?.~have to be drafted Hampshire] *a nd counties J:11atweha5tCoiiif'e~sa![.
                                                                                 ~LnrrJ!,~~ttein amo:gn,t of based on their observations "';

with these emergency exer- }o .,!.,hut dow~.§..~ a.Q.t29,k -

                                                                                    "That.has happened very cises," s.heehan cont~ued. 1ieca~J!!..i~!~.!.wSonJ


  • rarely smce nuclear power "If he bnngs any new infor- oca 10n ana: ever P.O. Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 plantsbeganoperatlnginthe mation to our attention,* ~?'~Jt r:lt~Jl.g2!!1&.t9.b.ayt, U.S., but~evertheless there we'llshareitwithourfederal rumblm ef e
  • is mechanism in place that and state partners. But at t I! U~4.~.t!t~s, l,n ev,m 904-206-3114 if there were ever concerns this point, we have not seen illiiit'"

www.StephenCC) rai~ed about th~ eff~cacy of anything that would lead _.Q!?J!1.l!x has al~~be en, raid for br lh1 Committee lo Elect Comlav for President the emergency plans that us to believe that the plans v~sitin~ loc~ectmen they would be addressed cannot be effective." l gJ;>,!.t;il!Jml.s.fuij.ounciG. throughtbatmeans," Shee- Comleysaidhe'snots~- . within..JQ.~..9ftheI?w1 hansaid. J§lie[~rmmr~E:§ (aruf'some just outside the Sheehan added that Ile JD;l~......2.(gie.fim_. 10-mileradius) -inclucfu?,g X domknfilY,,.wh;}(Coml~ "' . "Ifthe[FEMAJresponses §~9.U~O'Yn, N~wbµpz-is,on,a,mission to close te ~eam"l'l"oriaa .P.2.tt1..~§buq.and1nswich. J?J.mtfor safety reasons.  !!!~!!1.!tto ~ ~14~th,~r~.,::::,hayingthem r__* :oxerthe yearsh'Ye've hag ~-&.lill.2!1..2.t]!i:fil]~tl~ey~ signsmmhis,leJ;~r,.gemanda, commuruc~tJons .~..&.tg,~1;t,Q1JI ~afenr, ~ a ggpli£,!l~,ef1!!~9P#, . "-, 0,_1 '@e:gjng tG!ith.Mr*.Cmnlev. :ii: TPt'i>ntfv ,.,.. , .... ;" " lnf. n+ f. .. ~ ** t:1-. II -- ~ - - __*:f ________ .. __ - - --

al feglslators have called for hearings near the Seabrook Nuciear Power Plant to explain the plaa:at's
    ,cuation plan. (COURTESY PHOTO]
    ~o escape from Seabrook?

ctivist pushes for hearing on nuclear plant's evacuation plan* Bryan McGonigle Regulatory Commission about for~ public hearing on an evacua-

  ;              what he says are substand?Id parts tion plan in the event of a nuclear used in the plant and has been in catastrophe at the plant.

f catastrophe were to strike at contact with Massachusetts Attor- / "Given the importance of an

  , Seabrook, N.H., nuclear power       ney General Maura Healey about {effective evacuation plan, we nt,.are regional authorities pre-    his efforts. Comley hopes his effort believe a public hearing on the
ed to evacuate residents? will, have a "rumbling effect" for issue will provide your commission
 ~hat's what longtime activist,        nuclear plants nationwide.           the opportunity to not only address
sidential candidate and Rowley "I want a hearing called [by the the issues Mr. Comley has raised, ident Stephen Comley Sr. wants NRCJ for first responders to have but also to explain in more detail mow. an opportunity to testify whether how the approved plan is designed
 ;omley wants a public heai.--ing      they believe the Seabrook nuclear to work, thus preventing any mis-rarding safety and evacuation        plant can be evacuated timely and information from creating concern
,ns for the nuclear facility, and     safely during the summer months, or alarm with residents within the
's visiting several Massachu-         including July 4 and Labor Day," 10-m.ile radius; the letter reads.
.ts coITL.mU-llities near the plant   Comley said.                            Earlier this month, former New ncluding Newburyport, ..Ames-            ..A..nd he's been making progress. Hampshire state Rep. Roberta ry, Salisbury, Newbury, West             After speaking with Comley, Pevear wrote a letter to Healey wbury, Merrimac, Georgetown            the Board of Selectmen in Ips- endorsing Comley*'s effort.

d Ipswich - to make it happen. wich this month wrote a letter to In April, Comley spoke to tht

omley has also been push- the AtoIDJc Safety and Licensing

~ the facility and the Nuclear Board in Washington D.C., urging SEE SEABROOK, A2 '\ (oveA (/1

eorgetown ,Board of Stephen B. Co~!ey Sr. electmen, which voted Founder of: We The People -1 to send a letter to the a National Whistlebtowers uclear Regulatory Com-Non-Profit Organization .ssion calling for a public Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 earing on an evacuation Where Demoaacv Is Strong ), lan. Emall: scomleys, -.:V Moblle: 904-206*3114 ~ ~ 1\1:ostofthecolllIIlunities e*s visited -with George-wn and ,Ipswich being said. "If it isn't safe, w1 For More Background on WTP Google: Steve Comley Nuclear Regulatory Commision. . e exception - sit within want it shut down ....


"To The Village Square We Must Take The Facts Of Atomic Energy, From ~e plant's 10-mile radius And if Seabrook can' There Must Come America's Voice" Albert Einstein FV4cuation zone. Comley rove that they can evacu J;aid he picked Georgetown ate the area safely durini

                                                                       ~nd Ipswich because he the summer months peliev~s a 10-mile evacu- Comley said, that facil VOTE COMLEY FOR PRESIDENT               ~tion zone is insufficient. .ity should be shut dowi "Together we can bring about real    , "A lot of people are very immediately.

change that will repair America* familiar with the fact that "This isn't a donut shm Democracy only works when people ore involved when Chernobyl happened we*re talkini; about - it', pn Ukraine in 1986), the a nuclear plant;' Comle, Stephen Comley Sr. plumes from the accident . laid ~ P.O. Sox #646 as far as Vermont, -r:c,m1eys famj)yhas bee1 Rowley, MA 01969 ~nd it affected our cows' in the nursing home busi* milk in Vermont,* Comley ness for so years. His son 904-206-3114 said. '"When- Fuku- Stephen Comley II, own~ shima [nuclear plant in 3Ild operates the Seavim, . Paid for by the Committee fg Elect Comley for President

                                                                  --- !apan]. blew up in 2011, Retreah and assisted liyim lt affected the air here in facilijUD Rowler; ComlS,}


  • Sr. limiself cant own i1
                                                                          *so there are a lot of because he has over $1 ople who don't believe million m court contempt e industry, or the NRC, finy{th,tfines are for noJ
                                                                      , hen tbey~ll us that we're coirlmiiliig or denying the

safe if we're outside the enstence of ta.pedconver-piagic 10-mile*radius,* he sab.ons, whicn are illegal

                                                                      ~ntinued. "It's a joke.*         without consent in Mas-
                                                                      !   For the past couple sacbusetts but are legal m
                                                                      ~ears, the Massachusetts         wasli'initon b.c.>.

J1nd New Hampshire leg- cOlllley ran for presi-slatures have in fact been dent as a Republican in the onsidering legislation New Hampshire primary o expand the evacuation in 20161 garnering just 31


rwne to 50 miles. votes statewide. But* he's Comley has been going ~i]iiain5i202p': er the Seabrook facil- ne sa:icl; andhe tliiii6 he"li ity for decades. In 1987, wm:4toJ 1ust_th.e_Rnmarv e formed We the People, b'trt me whole__election.. nuclear safety advocacy

  • You know how many oup. staffI have? Two. Me and "We aren't against Jesus Christ;' Comley said, uclear power, as long as noting he can always count our plant is safe," Comley on Jesus,

'/* Trooper Cristina tucin J1..1ly 4, 2017 >.' >:6~*: .')*'.~ .< . Chief ~fStaff  : .; .~....... Ueutenaflt Co1onei Fr~ncis Hughes Certified Return

                                                                         ~            .

Ret.eipt ,Regtiested Deputy Superinte.n dent Mass.a*chusetts'. State Police Office of the Svperinterident Trooper Cr~stina Lucin, This is my officiaj request to meet with Commander Colonel Richard D. McKeon, Super:intendent of the Mass~chu:s~tts State Police as sooJ1 *as possible. I have h_ad *another recent threat {EndosUbfA) onmy life whidi the RowJey Police are*fooking'into. I am disappointed I have not heard batk from the many e*maifs

     .IDJrilos~t~ 13"fnost f,edf~t-~m~11"of~~1;ii9/17}'and certified fetters I have*sent yovt offke. As Dep\ity Supe~intencfent, <:;oJonelfrancis'fitighes ahd you know this information doctimerited cover-uj)s by the Nu.dear f{egulatory Cornmi~sion (NRC) c>f.unsafe condltions at the Seabrook Nuclear Plant and the past anci' current inadequacies of Seabrook: Station's Evatuatloh Plan.

Icontinue to.'hear from many of the MA,State*Police and other first .responders who c6nt3d me and* believe ther:e is *no way to effaectiv,ely evacuate citizens safety and Wne1y in the event of a. n*udear disaster attlie Niide-ar PfanL"Just'thls.past weekend traffk aga:in around the plant at t.he* new shoppil'lg center_ ,{rid irldr.ig :Routes 1, 1A *a,nd 95*was at a standstilrseveral times. I took the time to report this informatio.n to Trooper Sullivan at the Newbury State Police Barracks. As you know September 2, 20161 was invited to participate in a meeting at the MA Newbury State PoUce Bat~acks with Ueutenant Colonel Francis Hughes and other attendees including.John Giarrusso; Nuclear se.ctior-r Ch{efqf the MA Emergency Management Ag~ncy. Since our meeti'ng, I understand from some MA State Troopers., your office maybe implementing some changes to the Commonwealth of

  • M~ssachusetfa Department of State Police Evacuation Plans and Contingency Response Mec1sure~;: lfthis rs true, is there a reason why your office has not contacted We The People about any of these changes?

Your office.should be aware I have met on two different occasions~ with MA Attorney General; Maura Healey. Ji.Jst recentiy I have had the opportunity to meet with selectmen in the.towns inside; and outside the 10 m1fe radius of the Sea-brook Nudear Plant. This includes the Town of Georgetown who voted (Eridosute:tOkiJv News article 4/27[17) April 24, 2017 to write a letter ba.ck1ngWe The .Peopfe's' ci!J.Ifor the.NRCto hold a hearing for first responders. This hearing wilt give first responders who afsci have families to protect an opportunity to testify whether they believe the Seabrook Evac:uatk>n Plan can be implemented ~fel,y and timely in the event of a nuclear disaster. Weihe .People ;also met r~centJY about these safety matters with the Selectmen of 1pswichdun~ 19;. 2017 and with the Gty CouncUlors of Newburyport June 26., 2017. June 29, 20171 had the pleasure:oftfi** with Thomas Fowler, Chief of Police of Salisbury. I feel very confident both of these - towns arid. the Pb1k:e-

                                                                                                                     . . - . ~- --~-

Ch1ef of Salisbury will also back a letter to the NRC and endorse WTP's caU fo.r tnis very important hearing.

0 Page 2 of We The f'e-0ple's letter.lo. Trooper Cristina .Lucirr; Chief of Staff for lieutenantt0Tonet"Htigfi~s1(~:<~* :**."... * * .* I want to point out the city'ofN~~b~typort and the Towri.'of Safi.sbu,y have.previous.iv c~Ued'to/th~;. - . ,,. shutdown of th2 .se*abrook N*ticfear Pfant. Weihe People; a Nu dear Safety Advocate is not calli~gJot 'the shutdown of Seabrook Sfation. WTP instead is calling for the NRC to hold this first responders heafl:rig. . I have had: the opportunity to.speak briefly wfth Governor Charlie Baker on two different.occasions r~g~rding We The People's unsafe conditions at*the Seabrook NudearPlant. ihe first time* o¢c,urre-d the of day before Mt. Charlie Baker was sworn in*as Governor Massachusetts. The second lime ~as mot~ recei:)tly on February 27, 2017. During both of these, 1 informe<::l'Mr... 8akerth~tsenate Minority leader, . Bruce Tarr, Assistant MA House Minority leader, Bradford Hill and theii now former Essex County s~erriff, Frank Cotisfns Jr.; had *endorsed WeThe People's call' for the Nudear Regulatory Com.missio_n to ho1d a hearin-~Jptfirst Res.ponders. Both times Charlie Bake*rs response to me*was> ;;Mr. Comley, Iwitl meet With th~~f #f~t)als:-about th~se important safety:matters." I have rec-ently been informed Governor Saker has ~*¢~ff '11¢} iv.ith Senator Tarr, Rept-esentative Bradford Hill or withforfner Shetiiff Cousins about these im~'d°tfi{fs~~ty)ss*ues. . In a*ddit:ion*to <:6ntacting Governor cfrarlie Baker myself, We The People has been in tO'uchWith many of the Go\ierno.r Bake(s staff member~. T.his.ihdu:~,l~s the foUdw;n*g: Brendan Moss., Deputy Communkatfons C>itectot 6/i8/1'1~Arrel Perez, :Bepvty Pirecto,r of Admi:n istration 2/27/17. Dean Serpa, Di.rector of Operations 'l/9/17~Scott F. coiiw:ay; Oepu.fy Oi~ector of Operations 1/09/17~ Anisha Chakrabarti, 'P rbg(a.m Cb~r<lif'.iatorfor Access & Opp6rtu~tty 1/9/17, 10/21/16 & 7/12/16~ John R.Tapfey, Directo:r. of Constituent Service~ 10/21/lG/ &. 7/12/16, Mindy D'Arbeloff~ Deputy chief of Staff 7ii2/.16, Ricardq Gumaume,. Deputy Director of Constituent Services 6/16/16 & 1/11/16; E1izabeth Guyton, Press Secretary 5/5/16 & Katie Cunningham, Director of Constituent Service's 1/11/15 as wen as several other ti:mes.

                          ~                                                                                .

To dat~; °thav.e not reteiVed a written or telephone response from Governor Charlie Baker or ftor-if ~tiy of his*staff n1embers concerning my request to meet with him directly about endorsing We The PeOphis call for the NRC to hold a first responders hearing. But I am still hopeful I wiH hear from Governor Charlie Baker so I can met with him soon. Jn addition to.State repiesentatives WTP have contacted U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey and .his-staff including Tristan Ta.kos, Constituent Services Director 6/28/17, David Brade; Region~! Oirector5/31/17, Mark C:. Galiagh~r, State Director 10-21-16 and Michal Hana Freedhoft; Director of Oversight a~d Investigations (Endosure b) 2-18-2014. Still have not received a response when WfP. can meet w~th u. s. Senator Markey... WTP has also contacted U.S. Congressman Joseph Kennedy 111 and members ofhis. sta'ff. indudi/lg !\Ar.

  • Nicklaus Clemons, MA District Director 6-13-2016 by lettedEndosure E) and on severafotheh:ic.c~sion.s in hopes of meeting w1th U.S. Congre*ssrnan Kennedy 111. As of this date have not received a tEisponse.*..

U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton was contacted by the Rowley Board of Selectmen 6-15-15 by lette:r (endasure f} ,;*asking you to m¢et with Mr. Comley to discuss his concerns. over'the safety Of the . Seabr-ookPlant." S*ir:,ce Rowley's letter I have* met with Mr. Moulton's MA District Repre$entat~v~ Morgan Self several times but still have not received a date when the Congressman will meet:w.hh me.

                                                                                                                                        .\:'.:;fJ{ . ~
                                                                                                                                      . ?*:~~/*,~-t: :*..*

Page:fofWe:The P.eop1e"s*lett~rtoCtistinatucin; ChiefofSfaffto Lieutenant Colonel Hu*ghes; . * .. We The People is very hopeful f wilt have the opportunity and honor to meet soon wito * *: : Richard D. McKeon, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police. This meeting_Wilf giV.~ fu'.~-t:fi~*:.* . . opportunity to discuss We The Peepl"e's new and past concerns (EndosureG\iadous'm~d1liifticJ~i;i11d-* letters aoo:Uf the*NRC and unsafe conditfons at U.S. Nuclear Plants*) about the .u~safe ~~-ditfo~~ ~t'th~.*. Seabrook Nucl~r plant and the failure ofthe Nuclear Regulatory Commission to protect the safety of the cititens of MA NH andbeyond. l know Commander M_¢_ K to*n would much rather hetp ptevent a N~de:ar Disaster from occurring at Seabrook Station than reading to* one. Respectfutly Submitted,

                *:\:> ~*':                                   -/\-lit'..

st~~t'~tfi**c6m1ey s~. *. . *. *. *... Founder of w~ The Peep.le~ Nationaf Whist1.ebiower Prot"ection*Non-Profit Organliat4bh*.. CC: Senator Bruce*Tarr', Repi"Elsentative Bfa'dfor~-Hifl, former Essex County Sherriff, Frahk<ftoti~fh$1if.,i-*: .. Massachusetts AttorneyG~neraJ; Maura Healey, Goverrtor Charlie Barker, U.S. Senator Edvia1.JJv.1~t~ey,, ... u.s. _Cohgressman, Joseph Kennedy 111 and U.S. Congressman; Seth Moulton... * ** * *, A. Recent threat on _m y life which the Rowfey Police are looking into. B; Most recent e-mail to Massachusetts State Trooper Cristina Lucin, Chief of Staff for Ueutenant toi6n'el Frands Hughes.. C. *Daily News Article of 4-27-17 "Georgetown Selectmen back letter to NRC." O. lettef of 2~18~2014 to Michal Hana Fre~dhoff:1 Director of Oversight and hwestig~tlc:fos f'-o*~-tLS,

  • Senator Edward J. Markey.
-E. Letter of 6-13-16 to Nicklaus Clemons, MA District Director for
                                                                                           - *: ... :**** ker.i.tieiN.iii.._*

u..s. Co*l igtessman:Jqi~P.~; F. letter of 6-15-16 to U.S. Congressman Setn Mou.ffon from Rowley Selectmen.

                                                                                                   . *.,: ***(*/\~-~ ,:,   .

-G. various media articles & *letters about the NRC and unsafe:conditions at U: :5. t;;j1::icJ~~~-foi~i%fS.i>:.'.:* ,:* .*

                                                                                                                  -~* . :.=.--: ):* .
                                                                                                                          .:   - -~~* .

1,: .

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11, * =* ** -"" . 1 ...
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Jg~~~cdFok CHARLES 0, BA.'<ER GOVEi?NcJR* KARYN E, POLITO u~G'ovi::RNoR 9/,/'- DANIEL BENN.Err SECRETARY /\1.A 'L,/l COLONEL RICHARD D. MCKEON SUPERINTENDENT Massachusetts State Police Office of the Superintendent 4 70 Worcester Road Framingham, Massachusetts O1702 1-'Ir, Stephen Comley P.O. Box646 Rowley, MA 01969

Dear Mr. Contley,

Thank you for voicing your concern regarding the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. In response to our conversation, I want to assure you that the Massachusetts State Police take all matters of emergency response and preparedness seriously. Evacuation plans and contingency response measures are periodically reviewed* and changes are implemented when better solutions are discovered. The Massachusetts State Police is dedicated to serving and protecting the citizens of Massachusetts. Ag~ thank you for providing your concerns to us. All the best in your future endeavors. Respectfully, Lieutenant Colone ran is Hughes Deputy Superintendent Massachusetts State Police Office of the Superintendent

_ . C I n1s space on Route 1 in Salisbury, MA is secured and under contract for the rest of 2018, 2019, and 2020 during my run for president of the United States. PRESIDENT TRUMP SEABROOK NUCLEAR ZONE NO EVACUATION POSSIBL INVESTIGATE THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIO PROTECT U.S. DEMOCRACY "To The Village Square We Must Take The Facts Of Atomic Energy,. From There Mu:s t Come .A merica's Voice'

                                                                                                      *..Afbert Einstein
     ***-*'*v ROWLEY,                    MA
  • StephenComleySr.co_n, Paid for by the Committee to Elect Stephen B. Comley Sr. for President of the United States of Americi

PROFILE OF STEPHEN B. COMLEY SR. Web site I Stephen B. Comley, Sr., is a business-owner, farmer & founder of We The People a National Whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organization residing in Rowley, Massachusetts-just 12 miles away from the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. For over 80 years, his family has owned & operated now by his Son for 26 years the Sea View, Rehabilitation & extended Care Community. Steve Sr. is one of the leading nuclear safety advocates in the country. Since the mid-1980' s he has brought whistle blowers forward concerning the reckless disregard for the public' s safety and first brought to light the presence of Counterfeit Substandard Parts present in most US reactors including Seabrook Station with much attention in the news .. .always with an eye towards protecting those who chose to help eradicate fraud & abuse in the energy conglomerates & the federal government. It all began when Comley requested further information about an evacuation plan should Seabrook Nuclear Plant fail. In its current status, the plan does not & still does not extend beyond a 10-mile radius. This meant Senior Citizens residing at the Sea View & his family was left at risk. A former Nuclear Regulatory (NRC) Commission Executive Director (Victor Stello Reagan appointee) informed in a letter to Comley to leave his special needs residents behind & administer potassium iodid~ by caregivers who would be willing to stay behind in the event of a nuclear disaster at the Seabrook Nuclear Plant. This inhumane treatment still is in place now at all the nuclear plants in the U.S. & beyond making a certain segment of our population expendable; Mr. Comley vowed to make it his duty to speak out about this violation of human rights---not only as a business & family-man, but as a Christian soldier. Most notably, CNN, TIME & 60 Minutes have all covered or followed him & his efforts. As you may surmise, whistle blowers rarely get rewarded for their honesty & integrity. Some have been fired from their jobs, & others, like Steve, have lost even more. His reward for exposing the severe deficiencies in Nuclear Industries & the cover-ups within the NRC- the federal regulatory arm of the U.S. government charged with overseeing the industry & protecting the public is well-documented including the TIME Magazine . Cover Story, "Nuclear Warriors" & the CNN special, "Inside the NRC": Regulation or Intimidation?" The NRC served Comley with a Federal Subpoena which stated: "Mr. Stephen Comley & Roger Fortuna, deputy (former) director of the NRC Office of Investigations are Conspiring to Topple the NRC & if Stephen Comley does not turn over the tape-r.ecordings he has made of high officials in Washington he could be jeopardizing the safety of the American people & the security of U.S. Nuclear Plants from around the country." This turned into a 6 year court battle in MA US Federal court with the US NRC Inspector General finally dropping the subpoena in favor of working with Comley. Despit~ th~ 32 ye.ars of efforts, sadly, the importance of Mr. Cor.nley's message has fallen on deaf ears by several administrations beginning from Presidents Reagan to now Trump. Mr. Comley has also contacted all of the presidential candidates who like the national liberal media have turned a blind eye to these unsafe conditions at US nuclear plants. Even though former Obama staff member Leon Panetta & David Williams, (Now Inspector General of the Postal Office) former NRC Inspector General, requested investigations by the Department of Justice & the FBI their requests were never acted on.

Page 2 Profile of Stephen B. Comley Sr., Founder of We The People Over the years, Comley & his National Whistleblower Protection Non-Profit Organization (501© 3), "We the People" he founded in 1987, also requested investigations by the FBI & the Department of Justice but these appeals were not honored. Yet, in Mr. Comley's eyes & others who blew the whistle, there is unfinished business. His story is one of incredible fortitude, persistence and faith. Steve still is very active in his pursuit for making sure democracy works. His passion & concern for the safety of the American people is rare these days. He is doggedly diligent about making sure students across the country remember their rights as citizens. During his lectures to college students he stresses the importance of having a voice & a say in democracy. He wrote to the President & Mrs. Obama regarding unfinished business concerning the protection of United States citizens should a nuclear fallout take place. The White House signed for the letters, which to date have remained unanswered. In a recent petition to President Trump, Vice President Pence, Speaker Ryan & Members of Congress, Comley calls for intense reform in the regulations which dictate the safety & efficacy of nuclear plants across the country. Among the action he seeks for President Trump's administration & Congress to enact & include: Congress to create an independent commission to investigate the U.S. Nuclear Commission (NRC); Hold the industry accountable to higher standards of Quality Assurance & Safety Inspections including but not limited to the use of Substandard & Counterfeit Parts; Create evacuation plans & public responses that include all Americans with respect to short-term & long-term effects of nuclear accidents. Comley has been a registered Independent voter all his voting life but now a republican while running for President. Steve is also a Lifetime Member of the Republican Inner Circle. He is a Graduate of Atlantic Union College. He is a national speaker on the issues of Nuclear Safety & recently was invited & spoke in Japan & South Korea. Stephen B. Comley Sr's Web Site is w, and where he is able to be contacted.

                                     ~.** *.,*.:,>~~* * ' .


                       "Togefher we con bring .about real
  • Founder or.

We The Peo.pJe change 1ho1 will repair America' a National Whlstleblowers Protection Democracy only works when people are involved Non-Profit Organization Box 1646 Rowley, MA 01969 }' Stephen Comley Sr. i' ernan: Democracy Is Strong ~ Where P.O . Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 Mobile: 904-206-3114 ~ 904* 206-3114 Paid /or by the Committee to Elect Comley for President

  • For More Background on WTP Googl.: SteYe Comley Nudear ltegUlatory Commlslon "To The VIilage Square We Must Take The Facts Of Atomic Energy, From There Must Come America's Voice* Albert Einstein
                                                                                                                                   ~ue,j l

,t **--** - * - - - ----., ---y * - More evidence to substantiate We The People's work with First Inspector General, David Williams. Stephen Comley Thu 3/ 1/ 2018 9:44 AM < >; 8 attachments (5 MB) WTP - COMLEy - Millstone violation brings NRC review 1-12-96.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - Comley group slams NRC for issuing waivers 11-12.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - BOSTON Herald public safety said to be at rish .pdf; WTP - COMLEY - Whistle-blowers on Safety risks Betrayed by NRC.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - Whistle-Blowers on safety Risks Betrayed by Nucl.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - Boston Globe - US removes a GAG from Seabrook Cr.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - Federal office finds plant parts faulty - Ports.pdf; WTP - COMLEY - NYT STELLO - Panel sees animostiy behing lnquiry.pdf; PLEASE CONFIRM YOU WERE ABLE TO OPEN THE 8 ATTACHMENTS ABOVE. Richard S. Barkley PE Nuclear and Environmental Engineer USNRC Region 1--Branch 3 Work (610) 337-5328 Cell {610) 608-1517 Mr. Barkley, Attached is more proof stated in articles from We The People's work with David Williams's Office of NRC IG. These articles were written from a number of NRC IG investigative reports We The People was given cred it for being to light. I believe these articles and what I have previously given you, substantiates any remarks I have stated in the past or recently, as true . This information I believe proves what NextEra Energy Spokesman, Peter Robbins publicly stated said is a lie. These is not question in my mind, this was an attempt by NextEra Energy to discredit me and WTP as a National Whistleblower Protection Group. Just for you review, the following is the recent false statements made by Peter Robbins, "Mr. Comley has a long history of making false allegations and baseless claims against Seabrook." Robins wrote, Independent agencies, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, have reviewed his cla ims and allegations and have found them to be without substance." If it is found anyone in the NRC provided NextEra Energy with what Peter Robbins said or wrote in his statements above please provide the name of that individual who said, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, have reviewed his claims and allegations and have found them to be without substance." If there is no such evidence, please have the appropriate NRC office so state that in writing to WTP. I would like these attachments and E-mail placed in NRC ADAMS for Public review. WTP also 3/1/2018

requests these attachments and message be sent and included with the previous documentation your office has been sending to NRC Chairwoman, Kristine L. Svinicki for her review. Thank you once again, Mr. Barkley, for your continued co-operation in these important matters. Sincerely, Steph -8. Comle:t. -{'~ b/.t-. Founder of We The People a National Whistle blower Protection Non-Profit Organization 3/1/2018

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                            . Gom,;d~dl!u~Jl;_J;,~,vJJJa_*~s-ln~ldenJ,1. . tlll'iun/' xa1~ **~lte9"~:_.1ie~~,1~rson, ._,,11 err,c:~ i~itd;~-~tilti;l~v~. a_. dr,*~. ~1*JU)tio,1$                                                                                                                  . -Wf~~ !!Ot-lal~~!l_g ,tt_ bo~l                         ,~'L:

lhai ~~"'~1\lt()W.. ~ 1ilanl\lq1.a~tl *UP M.olo1s. \1e(e, ]"'l.e ar~. ll,lklug ab11A~.* ,,

                       '*, .*.* ~,w.h~l)l 1111:*;.,m *to *ls_'..U,1,e ~ :lll Nl\Q.p,~~11,:a(fa,)~:1,Q(.fiyei;.


                               ....h*l>l,. *wllll**< ** dou~l. ... ....                                     '(h* U,$, "~***lotG.... ,., ., .111..                                                      ~  bll~* 1"*W.*r:*1cho<<.ct.."l . * . .'. .                                             H"'.'~** ~~:*.~.".':l** . ,~ '.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - r;Ef:~:f~B?::\?t,ir ~                                                                                                                  . \'

~.- .*,

       ~~-'-W~:~J:ll~&~~~.f:JBL~~~~l~~                                                                                                  .

l Betrayed by Nud@a:t~g\tncqr . 1 *. J' .:**::.*:.-'<.,-,. __.,... ~.:-:.,*. ,, ~- *,-- *" **** * ~ thofi;.f!Y:A)~-Tile-*tratf '~~i~ts/.t~bns.vio-

                             .;.J!;~dr~._.~                        ========
           =:==::::::::::=::==       * =* .. WASH)NGTo~=

HE . ~'tide~-... . ~eiui"at6fy *Commission CNRC}: +f4~~Q,6's.;, ~f Ani~ii,_?'s' nuclear

                . . pO""'fr,~ ip!fustry .;;. has r-outinely blown* the*.

cover of wrus-Je::b1oi. .ers who revealed saferv ptobie..ins a,t- nuclear plants. *. .

               .A.Ii LT''i by the NRC'S. ¥15Pectot gen, eral  has disc6veied mat NRC -0ffid.als were turn-ing over wrµsrle~blo~ers' hien*tities to .one oi the NRC and TVA's Office of ltisp~_                    ctqt.Ge~e'rii ffeA~ .

112-tfon.* s largest utiliti~s. the Tennessee Valley Ail*

  • See wms~-~6,W;°9.e ~ *
                                                                 .                         .                                :~ J!)**

ifrst:,f;I .., , o?ier to.Wt *itle~ *t f *1istl~6fo~eii ~eie-ievfhlect* cotildc,*hzve?,~ ~.contrlbtited *to th~e, -lwl:listie-l;>lpwers]/ L ,iave tos co$:nerid, Mf~: Wtl* . -.*.p-eoplfs fW'th.~f a:~~?;.~r'.':fV-:.\."'* . _ .* *' . . .Lta~n.t~t~ i~ 9,nid:{a,ilerigt#ithe:~g~cYahd She coritiiuies: "When you see a mardose . his . holding. them*

                                                                             . *\ . -.~ * . *....,*,,,.,, .,,.* *,:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .* ,, r,.
                                                                                                                                                   ~.....    --_
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                              'r1                                                                                                        \ _~ / :,!'         .?                                        lf:*.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        '_- t --*~.- -*-*_.
                                                                                                                                                         ~          .                               ~ .~r .
                              -~                                                                                                                *.*         .*   _,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,;    ..
                              ~.1S1\A1.Wi                           all WEDNESDAY,' JUNE 16. 1994'
                          -* - ~**
  • _..,_-~--:::::===::::;:;:;:=========:::=:::==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:i;:=~=:;::=====:::::===::::=====::::::====:;::;:======~====~;;;:=;:;::;;:::;:;:;:;;;;;:55::::~===:...--

fSruling \US rem.oveS a e,  ! .

                                                                                                                  <fag from *Seabrook                                               .                        eriti<
  • emoves gag Ii.SEABROOK Vontinued frol.'9 Page Z9
                                                                                                -the welds could not be determined.

But in January 1984, when National Aeronautics a.ncl Space J minisb*ation's s~ce shuttle, fou romcritic .

  • I .
                                                 .*policy and unenforceable."
                                                    ! The hearing could open the way Wampler raised questions about the welds with management, he was fired. Technical inspections by the
                                                                                                                                                        'Other people ....

will come forward that his business was drying up. ** soon a& a client found out who I a f'Seabrook Jfor Wampler to be paid damages, NRC and .congressional investiga-but it also cou Id reveal new evidence tions followed . about whether nuclear safety ques-wit1t saf~ty - concerns, now that all of a sudden, *no contracl, he s: yesterday. "I've lost two housei::, a a wife, hecause of this." In an effort to preserve his pri* By John Milne tions had been covered up. Antinu- Records deemed faulty

                                                  ,icieilr   activist.s have contended Ulat we lmow th~y can                   cy until the hearing. Wampler y OLODE S'l'I\Ff'                                                                            In 1991 the NRC found tha.l sev- .
                                                  ,~iuclear plan_ls withheld infonnation eral welds did not have the proper                                 be protected.'             lerday cleclined to identify the m weslel'n city where he now lives.

CONCORD, N.H. - Ten* years '.!from the US Nuclear Regulatory X-ray documentation, and the agen- STEPHEN COMLEY Bui. in 19!)0, ba.ckecl* b:,, $tept Commission and that the NRG itself cy fined Seabrook's previous opera- Nuclear ~afet:v actiwt Comley, a Rowley, Mas.,;., nach J" Joseph 'O. Wampler was fired . 1e d congressional investigators

     . .       "                           * *'-      mis         **                              tor, New Hampshire Yankee,                                                           safety activist, Wampler anrl ~is ia ra.JSmg . sa(ely concerns a~ ,. ue                  about nuclear safety issues.

brook nuclear power p~ant, the

  • Pulhnan-Higg.ilis Co., the Sea- $100,000 for failing to keep properly I ye,* filed a motion wiU1 the . Lal Labor Dep~t~ent has ruled brook subcontractor that was ,documented X-rays. 1 Backus, a longtime opponent of the Department, see~fog to reopen I
he_ tell hts side of the *story Wampler's employer, filed a Feb. 28 Seabrook spokesman Rob Wil- plant. settlement. Reicll consideJ*ed t
,ubhc.,                 ..                .       . motion asking Reich to reconsider, liams said that North Atlantic Ener-               But Wampler could not openly case early this year and corictuci The Feb. 14 decision by_ Secre-
  • saying it _never intended to prevent gy Corp., the plant's current opera- provide information to Qpponent.s. that the setUement violated the f r of Labor Robl!rl B. R~ch, ob- Wampler, a licen.sed quality control tor, "wants to empbasiie t.\lat there On March 20, 1984. sho1tly after his ergy Reorganization Aet of 1974, i ed by the Globe yest.erday, as- inspector, from raising safety con-was never an issue of plant safety, firin~. Wamplei; and Pullman-Hig- signed to protect whistleblowers.

and the quality of the welds them- gins .reached a _~ettlement 'in which "To ~he extent that this provis 1ed Atlnunisl;rative Law Judge cems. '.the company's 'lawyer., Mark selves has been confinned.".-During the fompany pai~ his lawy,ers' fee& could be construed as* rest.ricti id W. Di Nardi in Boston to hold -T. Broth wouldn't return phone calls the plant's 1991 refueling, the ques- complainant from voluntarily :Co lie hearings, *expected to be in :seeking*furtllJ?l'. comment. IU\d agreed nol t.q blackball him tioned welds were. reexamined and within the industcy. One paragi;-aph 1

                                                                                                                                                                                        .nunicating       and providing tnforn tsmout.h this summer.                               * * It.'s been a long time, W~pler new X~rays made, Williams said.                                                              tjon to any. federal or i;tafie gove:

Reich, in 'his cjecision, 1-evealed , said in a telephone interview. "1 feel said, "neither party will disclo!le the - l~ent.agencies, -it is void .a..-- -conU-- Th~. ~st.igation led to ~n in~ facl.$:of this,case ~cept i( ordered to to pub1ic polic.y and urrenforc.eabl

 . a March 19l:!4 set,. *
  • like the weight" of a 40-foot' b:ailer speotfoSl at the Watts Bar nuclear 1ent. battep .Wampler from* dis~* ltas-been 1ift.ed h;om my shouldelil." _ power plant in Spring City, Tenn., by court., .bibunaJ or agenc1 .-of Reich WJ'Qte.
 ,ing ms ~e pubJicly, or even vol-,                     - Wamplers f.'irfui;t touche.d o-!J one where substa11dard welds wer.e               competent jurisdictig_n . "                    Cb1t;l~y hailed the decision 1 S of doily p.r:es~rit;"'s:31ety concerns .I tl.)e most contenti~us regu~atozy found, and the Tennessee V~ley Au-
  • Wampler said after.ward _he had iI)g: 'W{~ li~ve otJ1et p~opl!i:s~bo:,

ederal regQ)a_!;on. 'Reich labeled i:Jisput.ea during th~ const.r,ui;:t1on of thority spent $50 million on rep~. been, coer.i;ed into .~ccf!pUQg the sefr come forw.a~d with, saf1::t:>' i wfo.~'r

  • proYisiQ.n *1~'donb.'.ary \to, J?Ublic ~he $6 billio_n reactor. Wampler con- Wampler became. a hero fo. the
            \;Jii.DOK, Page38 i:eoded that ~O p.~ent of the Z,669 activi~ts who maintainec! nucle.a.t
                                                                                                                                                                       ,t tlemenl I-le aaid* barred from nqw that. w_e know th,ey l!~h :be' p voluntarily ~~Ising nµclea r safety tected:" *                    *            * . *- - '

aafcty-~elated welds at Seabrook power was inherently. unsafe and conceni~ even Ula NRG.

  • Asked wheth~r. he-woql(i clo*.
                                                   *)Yf!l'e etther defective or irnJ?roperly that the Sea.brook reactor was sub-                  Wampler, wl)o had worked as a -same t~iilg if 'he;;~ad , th'! chan


                                 *. A*, I
                                    ~ I
                                                  * .l D-:.*:.~Ji>tl -* .. .- ~ - . .


                                                           ... I
                                                                     *J "* *
  • f '
                                                                                * * *! ~
                                                                                   *      \
                                       .!cHi)iosTC>~ AERI\LD/nlURSlJ/\Y*, I\UGUST 10, 1991\
                                                                                                              . ** *' I **
  • I . .
                                                                                                                                         *.:i:> ,:,, :<:~i?a~;;t~J/*
                                                                                                                                                                                 . ,;.

f ~ t : . - ~ - *."

                            .C'UU . C saiefy Sal.ti: 16*:11e.l
  • t 11Sk witll n~~ llttlie ~,k_t;:p.~y X CONCO,RD, *N.H. -~ A new. . lnspo,olol* *oeun~l, D.iv.liJ:i;.

govcrnimmLpolloy on nuolc_ur 'VVUlh1ma

  • an.hi lho
  • riho.1igo\'. bna. '.- wnll: o.s,d eo a.lllludo 011 lifoae * . **.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 !:"~'.l!G:.)~ ~µa.l(Y . ,ia : l,;,.n.njf 'o..

pl11nl lna1)0.cUon11 11llow.,. 11ln . nln . ll11lg11l(lc. 1uit .!!.o.h1l1.*'hnj,\.f(t!l~* '* CQ\l!'.le~C*.\t.i11_.**,;,.rl'*~ '. i(:n_c,11iel,,t,~1r **. *. . lu 11ulh19lho~1,,~lve*,:o~'.Unlh1g *,, llo1111." _* . < .:*'. hra1.:tui, -~ - in fh.l ll. ".C:omloy *

  • lhron\ lo 1mbll_~ *s.a (oly, s1tya " . l11nlo1Ld o{ -~ - .1,r!Jl{faJ.~1
  • h,; I!fllhl. l'lu- o MUu ,.l1.dAot1 * *11n,1
                         / *,Jo~1glhno ly. .
  • _ orl.\lO O.( l_.,uolo,.11~* . llllfo* Ill.Uhl!

proc.,dur1J11- 11~(,0.*.UU lo*. .Ul!)AU* ll.l.l\.1_.~.;l..JD.:'.'. Jl. '!,. V.G .*:*.10'

                                                                                                                                     ~1,~_oJtJlao,,4:1,,.c~Jlt,,                            .11.-~.l.' U,lJb.Y_F_l.1oguJall91.
                                                                                                                                                                                         .!1.l11~,1,1at1                .. _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..u. "'°'*(l'10Cl,r,i!l"d      .)l ~Ii.II~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , .J* .n o.    . a,~~
  • o(':ciu'11~u?fclo.l ~~ri~,,..U10J :J~9: ,~~P~ll,'11~'- ~n1orloo1U1 nelg_hbor*


                                ..1fl,l . connr,ns . whllt we'vo lmowq for a long* Ume," u111d                                       now J1111peol~* ealely.;r.e:i:ll:L~<<h hoodll,;" '* l' "

8h1pl10,_ Th,e', , C. 0.1

                                          ,F.°,eople.   .n tey l_no.; .loundot, "Wo've olboon  .Wu
  • p1,_ r.l11JU.h91,JJ~!t?

allcg11Uon . l_h oy _ ,,~!fJ.hoaubi,L~o-*._.p!'Lvld,,B:" 11ro. ..r.t t.Jar:iiJ.i**_*iJ> A..(*>S~ . b_*r *.rua. . 'a 1*.111.toen.l n_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .oo.,*I.dt, .p11rl*-      J,11u~lal'                x.*. . .-'_, .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *_a._..,:* * . . .

lrylng- .lo gol Lida lnformullou dnnJ, WIIU~naa !Jq.lf-11 * * ** -* noa~a.n e_ r,o,1 Uy,** o.i, -oppo*ed:..lo .

  • oul (ol'_.. aevo.a*yeaia. . . llo.. ollUod) ll10: eoUoy:: ti!~!1,J]lt'!\ Flhoao*peq Jhiil.Uyupproyed (or *
  • The. PQIICY 0}1iutgo,*.
  • high, unJu11Utlod, 11lll~*r ;J'{q<J. rqp,t;;~\11:'. ti .~ tl IO o.,;~ ,11;0.l oJy'. u** 0. ** Q.'.f (J . C llghlo~ *\n 11.. orlllo9,J go_:v~~!lnlOlll lhnl aho:W~l~; ~/ il.) nllntd <t.V~t:*.o{? c:b!)tJlto,d,;t orc:,ughl)' 'bo(oro bo~

roport~l$lal;:Jno11th,; td;~!LX,OI! pl'Q* 110.rln111robl.~ma_;J11Jo,~ \nl~~}~,~2:,*

  • h1g uu,~~~'!~ * . . :. **.

gro.m* .a l mod ape~iflqu.lly ttl nit h, 1080~~u. :*wi.011 lhey wot~

  • pu
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~*w~ lhcbn _lhr:ougl1 yory prov.1!1)Lh1g auba.landcird .* i11u*l11                             doumo~l :lo* *. hllVCI "*lgiil(l~1111l":. ; l'lgor,c,u*\ ,ln lo doh~mjunl;lhny, lrom .bolng uaod al p)1:111\a,                                       n,Lloly l11111U.011,Up11e/'c-l'll\{J:mt~n*: 'runol .lbe !'l!LU~a.-da,**bo ,allld.
                     ~.                 '.fho :Nut1loa.i\ fio*gulo.l1Jl'Y
                             , ~1~1nh,.11Jo1,1'.* l*1u,~o~to(,gco,1~.rnl (oundJl,~J1l{O!Ji1f .~,~ 111JI. JualUy..
                               \ho oluu.,go' ht"'10DO ancJ:-l!illL lh~ !

ogo11oy _did* not t,1l

  • Ooaigrosn ctgprri 1u1d aluff nald :llio 1\Ui:l~,V2 *.'. "W:o llllO,W* \lciit\1u1()1frdr, 'nnd WO fli1~ln~!J ,woro l~"ut.t~. ,; .* ., . ,

uol "nu.(o\y ,11Jg1!~** 1Lro *~l,o,;tht&r lho,iu/'* .. *

                                                                                                                                                    . , . * *. . h1J~,,9 ..l,h~-(foyttr.m:uonl Au*
                                                                                                                                         *l"O vJ o~? '.Y( ,i:t;,
                                                                                                    . rompfocl by,*oolnpl*Jn~:. fl'm~J p11.rl11. pro l~mi:t11ncl*)*~pu,r:l9t1:, h
  • c~µnJ~il, ~§o,~,,lo9~l,,~..,~~t~ ~I!o .
  • abo~i&l, breah:lng* "j>t,QJ,Ulio l.o. Coa'a,lc,y .o.nd lJlJ *roup, b1U1ell.b':. luQ:iit . :,2,; uolc,o.&" planle .,~lh~r . \

cond~~-L regular* ln~poo\101Ju l now lo)', .M.aBB;; l.** \bcuhiulow o( .. .had. rooel. od or '!oro auapootod u1*c:iover .* c()utilorloll and * .iub*

  • NtlW ..Ht\lllfllll~lro'a *" ll nu-} .o( _h avJn~ ocolvcd aubalo.ndo.rd alamlArd parlu. olo1,r phu1t * , . * } Jlllrl,,, . ,. . .. .
  • I X .. .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    'I 1 i
                                                                                                                                                                                .: *r.I .*                        :l 1
i. .. ~:/.~*;, .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . I

UJ L~L ,J6~S .li.RlmOSlty Denzn:aJ*n qutijfbli Jy:uc/ear~fi(ly*n.~ .; By MATIIIEW L WALD Th . . . . :,as&erled Chat .lie receives confidenllaJ : ~ PAra'S lSSOe ' I ~male ('Ol~mluec said ycs:urrday e committee .*. _;inforrn. allon ,from .nuclear plQJlt WQrk- * ~ ,,_Al ~,p AUD PJ 1 .. n mtc-rn~I ,m. oligMlun uJ.Jhc N\t* *d ' ors-and .cannot do nnylhlng_ that would A ~ " . ~ .ir Hl'Aulalory ("01nmlssloh of Sa.I . *the damageU10,trconCldenceinhbn. *, r.,u.f\..1..l Wf6 /X~

  • rit"' ,.r ml!.,*ond1.act by~ high-rank- . '.* .;Rectlllly-Mr. Comley was fined $200 ~l'i':'f *. .

1,Hn1;~ appc:an:d rnollv;ucd a& .,h t,y .:*pcrsimal ~n~ profl':.slnnal in\>'estigation

                                                                                                                                               * .adny'byaFMer11ljudgelnBosto11pand : . . . *E .~* O.                    (* ~ f4C,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . . ( ...r 111t,MI)" , :my lC'g1tlmalc n<'cd.                      t .d, _.                                                                         '. .- lbe ,{lne.s .couldlncreaselo.$1000\fhe : .
                                                                                                                                                 *. -~snot comply.            l e.  '1:   w         *. . .                  .
  • I" hi' llWl'lil1J~atlon .lnvulvtrd I\ pay-111 ul SG;m,o in <:ash 10 nn into*rmct, was e ' money. ...

C al .b

                                                                                                                                                                                  . lO ,  \ *
-1"fl.cS 0~
  • l t\ '
  • l'c*p11111, f\.'C'Drdc:u Iapes df lclc-  : ': ~utJ'pJql)ts arouml U)e cOUrtlr'f. *.
,,_,.: rnnvtrsa\i.ons and ~-011\mtsslon uteiy* problems, had not adaqu*tely                                                                    * <ccc,~ng:<b *lhe *S,n1110 re~                 lit~
c1?li. l}'mg \Cl ~ach othor, said n r,e,. handled safety com'(llalnls Mr. Ellison ' _-lnformaU~n ,that Mr. Fortuna -ml~I 1 1::<;uc'\J by lhc_ Scnnlc Govemmenl luad CXl)k'eRed. *. * * '. -l1gve dl&closud lp1properly*to Mr.:0Jm-
ra1.1ons ~~1nm1l1('0. Among lh~ ~"ol's Jlndings .h. that 111 * .~oywas that the former technlc;lan half II<: uwc*i.(1~a1hm bas aroused Inter,:, sncldng 1nrormadon dorog:.tory 10 Mr P.lcadnd guilty lO attempted
  • sexual lie*~ ,'l~1sc. ll was arprovt1d by the Fortuna,'Mts.,ccmnclly asltccUbe-igen~ abuse or .a lJ:,:yea....old g~tl, It Is ttol
1m1i;s111n s top siar oCUcial, Vielof cy!s top-Jawyer tr she colild-hli:~&11 'Jll- dear what lnformat,hoq Mr. Comley.

llo J,. whqm President Bush r~ fornuuilau "cqnsuJ&anl" andJ!it.yhlm* . ~lghlho.veglven.M r.rottuna.  ::c.1*

.1 Ir numlr1a1c_LI     '?  be hoad of produc* Jor lpfor.tnalloh andita.tics or tolot,hoiie .                                                              In µie dlspuuld lnvesUgatlon, Mr*.l::l*

i :,t *he: nations troubled nucleur conversaOons. Thelnwyorloldhcr*u;*iit . . It.son. the 1,nlor~ant, was paid $8,000,; 1\tlS HUSf rtFrl 1pon<: rom(llt'x. ~1r. Slcllo Im,; not. she proful.bJy tbuld hol unless. public .and put yp In a hoto~ near Washington 11 rnnhri:i1!!d by the Scn..ul~. but he *hcallh~*nd nfolywa*lnvolvod. rll'U \ht' JOb on an ncthag IJ:lS(S Jasl ' Jortwo wcclts while Mrs. Connelly and *

  • two Olhet Slaff members met wllh him*.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              "5eEN ~fffi f
  -k.                                               lnforma{lt'sAllep(loosIJmltea
                                                                                                                                                     .Mrs. Connelly gave him a code name and arranged her \lacaUon lor tho Um.t
        'Latkof Good Jud menl'
 ~na1or John Glenn, an Qhlo g   .        J the la~r.. 'Wlllhtm *Pa~ler, lh4P c:om*

I Senatelnvesllga,ors.1aterquesUyned Dem . mlulon'&.'g~ral cOunstl. and be said . . . . ,> * *

                                                                                                                          '111tthwYM11'111Mt Victor Stello Jr. u the top-rank-
  • hcwu l)iere,lhercport:sa\d.
                                                                                                                                                   . The commission bu asserted lhll lwhoischnirmanof-thccommiltee, thalln*hlndllihtheshtdhaveus:ged mg..., ~ ~fiaal at -~ ~ NUG\tar Mrs. ~nnelly WIUlted, to PllY*lllm 1 1he inves1 igation showed -*~m un- the conunlulon to sllbpocna the ~pes
  • _Re,ufatqry , Conumutoll ap- rather lban sub~ lhe tapes ~

mly lac-k .of good Judgment'-" by .rather-I.ban pay-for llicm;lho repor& . provtd*a$G.OOO-cahpaymcntfor C11UhMr.EUl$oriba~threateolidtodft'.

  ,,level staH members at the coni- *said.

sion. which oversc~ cjvllian nu*

  • ThtLn:porl d* . .

nol c:enlar on Mr.. Std_lo#bulllita}1$tb1tb.e aruledJhat1he an informer 'In an lhtedlal ~m- slroy*the ,_apes. But .tb* SMate report

                                                                                                  *:.;.r * ~ -
  • m.-onmv... t'f.ation,
, safdthaU~~ewuno.evldence.(orlh*l and lhat to,lbe e.ontr!,rl'* be WU he investigation under scrutiny was lnfomu~nt mlghl haveJlnformatt~*o&l threatenll'lgto gopubllc. . ..
 .Hictl by Sharon It. Connelly, then d 9! the QOrtunlsslon's omce of fo:.
lor and *Auditor, againsl Roger tun:\.thcndcpu1ydlrcctorof1heOt~

oflnvt;stigatlon. WO ytilrS .igo, Mr. Fortuna tesllrlcd ins1 Mrs. Connelly whan she was u.scd of ,ry1ng 10 .shicl4 her deputy reactor saf,:t.y. The aafely allep.UQM the Informant prov.lded were so, llm-ltcd. the Senates report said, Chat the case QKiJd equally bo naadt lhat -tht. safoty rallonalo more.pntylded-a*con-or w._.,.;,r r. ortuna venlcmt:C!Over lodo.sumetlilng that the ~ . derogatory Jnl:m*\ awul N.R.C. .general couna~ had otherwise* 1n1*aauormer to *nan ~ear* vo-1 lnlll~led could not b9: done - pulllng ~ 0t 011 ~:1-l~*Uon!~':

                                                                                                                           =     *
  • Tba Senate committee concluded
                                                                                             ~l~!on tMhe * ~ ~ s iide by . that. Che 1nvestJgatJOQ waa unfair 10 tbet_.iuJcll:J r.... 1'!-""ua1.uaa

_.P._t_lhMJu~o Is *1 f *

  • Fortuna. violated cstabJl5hed prlnc:&*
                                                                                                                              = a ~. pies of Internal tnvestlgations and
                                                                                                                                                     *ahouldnolhavuoheavlly'lnvolvtdtop management. The .1ovestJpUon. lhe to.mmltte:ts 11&1d 0 represenled *a wastt of govfi~ment 'funds;" 'tba lnvallga*

Mr.. n charges of sexual harassment, 110natcme. on *the payroll to pnrdd~ *an-

  • Y11t " """"" ava . - - Clon was *"'b'(c:ompetenlly . CCJQdu.cled. ,.

au: rus.t year Mni. Connelly. wl}ose fonnaUop*~talnlhi;, to an lnt.-nahf* _.-to ochers at Iha ~uclear Regulatory punctualed'by maoagement lnterven-rn handles tbC! commlsslon*s-lnter. fairsf~llaatlon. * . . .mJsslon. llonandotherproblems.** inv,*i.ligalions. n:cclvcd a *con:,- A spakesman Cor lhecoDln\lssloa. Jo- . lctlvbt. Stepbcsi B.&mley. bu -*in sum, we towad very UUla reason nl about Mr. Forcuna lrom a for* -&eph,~~l'd, .Jal~ ui.t hb agency beep subpoenaed.and*ordered to tum lorfhecourae.oJ.COhductofthJ.tbWesll-r ll"C"hnlcian al the Nine Mlle ~olnt )lad ~Yt:d: the swdy y - ~ _ ~- oi*~ ht mlahl havut.~el'S&* gathm/' tliec:omsnitleo said.

  • f
  • c,or,Dt'arOSW'tgo. N.Y.
  • w~a~bi1lt. _. ~l--~lniaelflJl"dMr.Fortuna. Mr~ Fouchanhald that the commls-hn farmer 1cc:b11h:U1n. l>o\lgliaa Elll* Ajuda-~*bl,lfie~mm1sllonil~ . Mt,,l~Dileyt Gt Rowlt,Y, "Mau., wbo &Jon c:.auld not comment IW1her be- .. .
   . satd Mr. Portuna, w ~ ofrke ls lnvaOJi~bu concludechbat*Mr. Por.- W. l Jrobp.,* We the Peopi., bu cause duunaUer luLOI under Jbternal ponsible Car "IOQ}c!ng Into reactor t~~ll~!d* app~p,Jately 1n hJl.fn. ~~.IO tesw.,or provlift*tapel ~
  • JnvesUgatl
                                                                                     ....                             ilf~~?lfMe;e~:~r:oo.Nrr ue.                                                                                          .

"'"""""" - *- -* ~~ A



                                                                                                                                                       * "I walH ro ad Ui~ figttt tllllig," comtey says, .. we tl      E.lsi;i -          It      Ii!

ha~e ah obligatioh to the residents in obr cate, to our staff, and to the community. But the state is tnaking it lmpbssible for i.t~." ,, , , _- . , . s~ ~;~ ~ 1 _-*ffim*!:t\

                                                                                                                                                           'ih~ adioli is tie~ to a larger issue that ~~ etribtdiJed o*.-"
z Sea View for years. The state clalms that.the facilityhas
                                                                                                                                                .\     Un~aid user fees." it is Sea View's positiop, however, O

that -it is exempt from paying the fees. Mor~over, _ Comley. points. but that the state owes the facility tnilliohs of dollars for the years it falsely charged Sea View the fees. . i, The federal goverhtnent grahted states the authority 1RE OF MA & COASTAL NH

     ;I***     .* ,  *    * *1-- ~     .* ,~* * ~*~,.***f   .~               **              -~*r,i ,*  .-**.,,. , * .~~-   ..... , ~ , ,

to charge a user fee; ah assessment for each of the non-Me~idte reside!J-ts ih nursing *homes. Also Jmowri as 14.Mo.lti , **-.*  ?, ,t '~~* ,* *

  • ti'* *** ,~ ..:,
                                                                                     - f/!fllf~
                                                                  , 1,.,.,..,.1'-l** . ,-,* *. : ""-, * ,,.(,*,-,*  n   It,~
  • a "Robiti Hood" fee, the mottey 1s supposed to come .

from better-perfottning homes to help prop ltp ones Nursirtg Home Batll@s _\[__ that 11eed financial assistance .. 1h reality, the fees are State to llemairt Open ROWLEY- During the 64 years it h~s be~h opeh, 7f.,. real ly a tax that the state imposes and tliat aren't always used for theit intended purpose. According to the DPH's own criteria, Sea. View was exempt from paylhg the fees whe11 the state. first Sea View Skilied Nursing and Rehab Services has introduced theth. Nevertheless, the state charged Sea ph:fvided care anci tomfort to thousands of tesldertts Vlew fot the.fees, ahd the facility paid a total of around a11d their families and ha~ earned the respect ahd

                                                                                                                                                      *$7 million over the course of many years. Because
      . adtnitatioh of the cotninunity. The vern;table nursing hotne-one of the oldest ih the state-is hi danger of                                                                                       :' Sea Vie~, coul~ not get the DPl-i                              toa:~i~~~}t~*grove.lY' closihg, however. .

It ls not because its owner wahts it to dose; ih fact, third-generation ownet Stepheh Cotnley 11 wants roWnCoamontBt:OR

  • Y,. ; yl'. ., , ** ~" * - * '.._ __ ______'.,_ i_

nothing more than to continue . the ttadltion of ..m,*~*. _-_ w**ir *:;c ,,.,_ .s  :- *:} exemplaty cate established by his fatnily. lt is hot becallse  !.".-<!,i

                                                                                                                                                                                                ,'!~!>             1 Y_~;,,\                      I ,.,

there are cohcerns over the qliaHty of eate; in fact, state ~.... , *, *--~; .it, ,./, *.*, ____.,."'\i.C,:...

  • a*_-'-':;:

reglliators routinely cite Sea Vlew for its exceptional cate; and lJ .S. News & Wotld Repott, aleading expert ih the evaluation and rating of health care providers actoss the cbuhtry, also regularly identifies it as one of the cotintry's "Best Nursing Homes."

                    'The fadlity may be forced to close because the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the agency that oversees the Commonwealth's nursi~g ho1nes; has begun taking legal actibri . to revoke its licetise to operate. lt is a move that Comley coritends is gro_~sly unfair a~d ~hath<; is ~onte~.ti~g;

sources of income: the private pay of treating the residents.with the dignity residents who use their own funds and and respect that they deserve." the government-funded Medicaid and

  • Sea View's owner also has an Medicare programs that pay homes obligation to the fa cility's I 08 for the long- and short-term care of dedicated, hard-working employees.

residents. The government's programs They have chosen a career that requires are chronically underfunded, and much of them, but that offers many their reimbursement rates do not rewards. It is as much a calling as it is cover the actual cost of care. Nursing a job. But it is a job nonetheless, and homes such as Sea View lose a if the employees were to lose their substantial amount of money for each paychecks, it would have a terrible

                                           \              j                   _,

resident they accept that is covered by impact on _them, their families, and Medicaid. In Sea View's case, it is $65 the community at large. IM 1-c--**- -,

                                             §>£1Jr::I!                                  per person, per day.                ~           Comley is appeali ng the state's Given          the      government's license revocation. At the same time, reimbursement rates and othd" he is continuing to pursue legal March 14 - 20, 2018                factors, it is challenging enough to action about the user fees. He hopes operate a nursing home roday. The
  • to be successful on both fronts and to Nursing Home Battle I user fees -would be the proverbial keep Sea View's doors open.

Continued from page l remain are generally larger ones flfat letters, emails, or phone calls seeking are part of a handful of corporate

                                                                                  ,I     straw that breaks the camel's back.             Regardless, the legal process to rake
                                                                                           -sea View is caught in a no-win away a facility's license is lengthy, and
                                                                                   'l resolution, it went to court.
  • chains. l dilemma: If it pays the fees, it would Sea View is not in any imminent In 2016, the court determined TI1e state would seem to have an be forced into bankruptcy; _if it danger of closing. Still, as part of 11 refuses to pay the fees, it risks the loss the legal action the state is taking to that Sea View - should have been ., ulterior motive to shut down nursing exempt from the fees. A few days homes. If high-quality homes such as
I of its license. In either case, Sea View *revoke Sea View's license, it has frozen I! would end up closing. Instead, _it is admissions to the home. lf a resident after the ruliilg in Sea View's favor, Sea View' closed, families would not the state changed the criteria that have the option of seeking care for choosing to fight what it views as an needs hospital care, the state would determinr: which nursing homes are their loved ories at places that they unfair, imbalanced, and unsustainable not allow the resident to return to exempt from the user fees. Despite trust. Families would instead struggle policy. Sea View. These punitive measures, the court ruling, the state enacted an to care for their loved ones at home. It is a situation that other nursing - o(course, could eventually force Sea emergency regulation that made Sea The state, therefore, would not have homes face. The problem is especially View co dose.

View responsible for the fees going to pay for nursing home care and save I' acute for small, independent, family- Should closure become a necessity, i , I owned facilities. The user fees, low Sea View would ensure 1hat all of its forward. The change of criteria and money. Despite the Commonwealth's its suspicious timing wquld appear robust economy, there is no political I reimbursement rates, and other DPH residents and their families would be to be a retaliatory inove by the state will to address pressing health care regulations are making , it virtually notified and that the residents would against Sea Yiew. .

  • issuc:s in general-or to adequately impossible for homes such as Sea be properly relocated. That, however, Becatise it is owed millions of fund nursing home care in particular. View to remain in business. The state would be a last resort.

dollars for the years the state wrongly There is a looming, huge wave of is essentially trying to force them to "Ruby" Comley Mollison, charged the fees, because it believes baby . boomers that will inevitably close. Comley's grandmother, cofounded it is . exempt.from paying the fees, . require nursing home services. Will The dysfunctional system that Sea View and passed away many and because it is cohtesting the fees there be any high-quality homes left oversees the industry is having a years later as a resident there. "My irt gen~ral; Sea View has not paid the to care for them? grave impact on all nursing homes family, our neighbors, and our .staff user fees for the past three quarters. Comley feels that be qwes it to the in the state. The user fees that the members, some of whom learned the That is what triggered the state to residents receiving care at Sea View to DPH impose are taxing the qualiry ~rt of compassionate -care from Ruby, of care right our of Massachusetts. surrounded my grandmother during begin the process _of revoking the remain open. "They have paid their home's license. *

  • taxes into a system their entire life, \ Nursing homes have been closing at her final days. I want i:o see her legacy Rather than risk closure, Sea View and now that system is failing them," a precipitous rate. TI1e facilities that live on," Comley says.

could agree to pay the fees; But that he says. "flieir families have entrusted would be financially catastrophic. the care of their loved ones to us, and Nursin~ homes have two primary we intend to honor their trust by

                                                                                           = ======-~*=*-=-~-~~                ~~  -* *---~~~ --

Stephen B. Comley Sr. Founder of: We The People a National Whistleblowers Protection Non-Profit Organization Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 Where Democracy Is Strong Email :,.A Mobile: 904*206-3114 ~

  • For More Background on WTP Google: Steve Comley Nuclear Regulatory Commislon "To The Village Square We Must Take The Facts Of Atomic Energy, From There Must Come America's Voice" Albert Einstein

Stephen B. Comley Sr. Founder of: We The People a National Whistleblowers Protection Non-Profit Organization Box #646 Rowley, MA 01969 Where Democracy Is Strong Email : Mobile: 904*206-3114 ~

  • For More Background on WTP Google: Steve Comley Nuclear Regulatory Commislon "To The Village Square We Must Take The Facts Of Atomic Energy, From There Must Come America's Voice" Albert Einstein U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 ATTENTION: NRC CHAIRWOMAN: KRISTINE SVINICKJ


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