IR 05000275/2010008

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Download: ML103220205


November 17, 2010

John Senior Vice President-Energy & Supply and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant 77 Beale Street, Mail Code B32 San Francisco, CA 94105


Dear Mr. Conway:

On September 16, 2010, a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) team completed the onsite portion of an inspection of your application for license renewal of your Diablo Canyon Power Plant. The team discussed the inspection results with Mr. L. Sharp, Engineering Services Senior Director, and other members of your staff.

This inspection examined activities that supported the application for a renewed license for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. The inspection addressed your processes for scoping and screening structures, systems, and components to select equipment subject to an aging management review. Further, the inspection addressed the development and implementation of aging management programs to support continued plant operation into the period of extended operation. As part of the inspection, the NRC examined procedures and representative records, interviewed personnel, and visually examined accessible portions of various structures, systems, or components to verify license renewal boundaries and to observe any effects of equipment aging. The visual examination of structures, systems, and components also included some areas not normally accessible, which included the diesel fuel oil vaults. These NRC inspection activities constitute one of several inputs into the NRC review process for license renewal applications. The team concluded that your staff appropriately implemented the screening and scoping of nonsafety-related structures, systems, and components that could affect safety-related structures, systems and components. The team concluded that your staff conducted an appropriate review of the materials and environments and established appropriate aging management programs, as described in the license renewal application and as supplemented through your responses to requests for additional information from the NRC. The team concluded that your staff maintained the documentation supporting the application in an auditable and retrievable form. The team identified a number of issues that resulted in your staff supplementing or amending the application, programs, and procedures. ` Pacific Gas and Electric Company - 2 - Based on the samples reviewed by the team, the inspection results support a conclusion of reasonable assurance that actions have been identified and have been or will be taken to manage the effects of aging in the structures, systems, and components identified in your application and that the intended functions of these structures, systems, and components will be maintained in the period of extended operation. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, and its enclosure, will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,/RA/ Neil O'Keefe, Chief Engineering Branch 2 Division of Reactor Safety Dockets: 50-275; 50-323 Licenses: DPR-80; DPR-82 Sierra Club Santa Lucia Chapter ATTN: Andrew Christie P.O. Box 15755 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Jane Swanson San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace P.O. Box 3608 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 James Grant, County Administrative Officer San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors 1055 Monterey Street, Suite D430 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Truman Burns\Robert Kinosian California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Ave., Rm. 4102 San Francisco, CA 94102 Pacific Gas and Electric Company - 3 - Jennifer Post, Esq. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 77 Beale Street, Room 2496 Mail Code B30A San Francisco, CA 94120 Gary Butner Chief, Radiologic Health Branch California Department of Public Health 3 P.O. Box 997414 (MS 7610) Sacramento, CA 95899-7414 The City Editor of The Tribune 3825 South Higuera Street P.O. Box 112 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-0112 James D. Boyd, Commissioner California Energy Commission 1516 Ninth Street (MS 31)

Sacramento, CA 95814 James R. Becker, Site Vice President Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 56, Mail Station 104/6/601 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Jennifer Tang Field Representative United States Senator Barbara Boxer 1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240 San Francisco, CA 94111 Chief, Technological Hazards Branch FEMA Region IX 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200 Oakland, CA 94607-4052 Pacific Gas and Electric Company - 4 - Electronic distribution by RIV: Regional Administrator ( Deputy Regional Administrator ( DRP Director (

DRP Deputy Director ( DRS Director ( DRS Deputy Director ( Senior Resident Inspector ( Resident Inspector (

Acting Branch Chief, DRP/B ( Senior Project Engineer, DRP/B ( Project Engineer, DRP/B ( Project Engineer, DRP/B ( Reactor Inspector, DRP/B ( DC Administrative Assistant ( Public Affairs Officer (

Public Affairs Officer ( Project Manager ( Branch Chief, DRS/TSB ( RITS Coordinator ( Regional Counsel (

Congressional Affairs Officer ( OEDO RIV Coordinator ( RidsNrrDlr Resource RidsNrrDlrRpb1 Resource RidsNrrDlrRpb2 Resource RidsNrrDlrRer1 Resource RidsNrrDlrRer2 Resource DLR Reading File File located: R:\_REACTORS\_DC\2010\DC 2010008 LRI GAP.doc SUNSI Rev Compl. Yes No ADAMS Yes No Reviewer Initials CFO Publicly Avail Yes No Sensitive Yes No Sens. Type Initials CFO DRS/EB2 DRS/EB2 DRS/PSB2 RI:DRS/EB1 DRS/EB2 GPick JWatkins LCarson GMeyer AErickson /RA/ /RA/ /RA/ /RA/ /RA/ 11/8/10 10/28/10 10/28/10 11/4/10 10/28/10 DRP/PBE C:DRS/EB2 C:DRP/PBB JMelfi NO'Keefe DAllen /RA/ /RA/ /RA/ 10/28/10 11/17/10 11/16/10 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY T=Telephone E=E-mail F=Fax Enclosure U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV Dockets: 05000275, 05000323 Licenses: DPR-80, DPR-82 Report: 05000275/2010008, 05000323/2010008 Applicant: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Facility: Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 Location: 7 1/2 miles NW of Avila Beach Avila Beach, California Dates: August 16 through September 16, 2010 Inspectors: G. Pick, Senior Reactor Inspector L. Carson, Senior Reactor Inspector G. Meyer, Senior Reactor Inspector J. Watkins, Reactor Inspector J. Melfi, Reactor Engineer A. Erickson, Reactor Inspector Approved By: Neil O'Keefe, Chief Engineering Branch 2 Division of Reactor Safety Enclosure


.......................................................................................................... 3



4OA5 Other - License Renewal........................................................................................ 4

a. Inspection Scope

............................................................................................... 4 b.1 Evaluation of Scoping of Nonsafety-Related Structures, Systems, and Components ............................................................................................. 4 b.2 Evaluation of New Aging Management Programs ............................................ 6

.1 B2.1.16

One-Time Inspection (XI.M32) .................................................... 7

.2 B2.1.17

Selective Leaching of Materials (XI.M33) .................................... 7

.3 B2.1.18

Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection (XI.M34) .............................

.8 .4

B2.1.20 External Surfaces Monitoring (XI.M36) ...................................... 10

.5 B2.1.24

Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject To 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements (XI.E1) ................................. 11

.6 B2.1.35

Electrical Connections Not Subject To 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements (XI.E6) ........................................................ 12 b.3 Evaluation of Existing Aging Management Programs ..................................... 13

.1 B2.1.2

Water Chemistry (XI.M2) ............................................................. 14

.2 B2.1.4

Boric Acid Corrosion (XI.M10) ..................................................... 15

.3 B2.1.6

Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (XI.M17) ......................................... 16

.4 B2.1.9

Open-Cycle Cooling Water System (XI.M20) .............................. 17

.5 B2.1.10

Closed-Cycle Cooling Water System (XI.M21) .......................... 18

.6 B2.1.13

Fire Water System (XI.M27) ...................................................... 21

.7 B2.1.14

Fuel Oil Chemistry (XI.M30) ...................................................... 22

.8 B2.1.23

Lubricating Oil Analysis (XI.M39) .............................................. 24

.9 B2.1.26

Inaccessible Medium Voltage Cables Not Subject To 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements (XI.E3) ................................. 25

.10 B2.1.27

ASME Section XI, Subsection IWE (XI.S1) .............................. 27

.11 B2.1.28

ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL (XI.S2) .............................. 28

.12 B2.1.29

ASME Section XI, Subsection IWF (XI.S3) .............................. 29

.13 B2.1.30

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J (XI.S4) ........................................ 30

.14 B2.1.31

Masonry Wall Program (XI.S5) ................................................ 31

.15 B2.1.32

Structures Monitoring Program (XI.S6) .................................... 31

.16 B2.1.33

Regulatory Guide 1.127 Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants (XI.S7) ....................................... 32

.17 B2.1.36

Metal-Enclosed Bus (XI.E4) .................................................... 33

.18 B2.1.38

Transmission Conductor, Connections, Insulators, and Switchyard Bus Connections (PS) ............................................................................ 34 b.4 System Reviews ............................................................................................ 36 b.5 Significant Replacement Activities.................................................................. 38 c. Overall Conclusion ........................................................................................... 38 4OA6 Meetings, Including Exit ........................................................................................ 38