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M180927 - Scheduling Notes and Slides - Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Operating Reactors Business Line (Public)
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/27/2018
NRC/EDO, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18271A161 (30)





Provide the Commission with a discussion of strategic considerations associated with the Operating Reactors Business Line Scheduled: September 27, 2018 10:00 am Duration: Approximately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Location: Commissioners' Conference Room , 1st floor OWFN


Presentation NRC Staff1 60 mins.*

Margaret Doane, Executive Director for Operations Ho Nieh, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)


  • Key Focus Areas and Challenges
  • Implementing Organizational Vision - Integrating Risk Insights Russell Felts, Deputy Director, Division of Risk Assessment, NRR Topic:
  • Workload management o Increased Use of Integrated Teams o Risk-Informed Decision Making Training for Managers o Graded Approach to Reviews Using Risk Insights Chris Miller, Director, Division of Inspection and Regional Support, NRR Topic:
  • Potential Reactor Oversight Process Changes Anton Vegel, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region IV Topic:
  • Regional Key Focus Areas
  • Oversight Implementation Issues 1 Other business line partner office directors will be located in the well 1


Marissa Bailey, Director, Division of Security Operations, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response Topic:

  • Security Program Updates o Baseline Updates o Force on Force Exercise Plans Robert Tregoning, Senior Level Advisor for Material Engineering Issues, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Topic:
  • International Testing Capabilities Commission Q & A 50 mins.

Discussion - Wrap-Up 5 mins.

  • For presentation only and does not include time for Commission Q & A's 2

U.S.NRC United Stares N uclear Regulatory Comm ission Protecting People and the Environment Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Operating Reactors Business Line Commission Meeting September 27, 2018


  • *M argaret Doane - Introductions
  • Anton Vegel - Regional Focus Areas and Oversight Implementation Issues
  • Ro*b ert Tregoning - International Testing Ca pa bi Iities 2 U.S.NRC United Stai u Nuclear Rcgul nory Commiuioo Protecting hopk and the Environmmt

Continued Focus on Our Core Mission

- Safety and Security

  • Strategic Direction

- Enhancing focus on issues of greatest safety significance

- Expanding risk-informed decision making

  • Programmatic Priorities

- Digital Instrumentation and Control (Dl&C)

- Lead Test Assemblies (LTAs)/Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF)

- NRR/NRO Merger

- Resource Planning 3 ,)U.S.NRC Prot<<tint lnpl~ n11d IIN Environmnu

Advancing Risk-Informed Decision Making

- Evaluate/Update guidance

- Develop graded licensing approach

- Enhance mandatory training

- Advance risk-informed initiatives

- Enhance communication

Addressing RIDM Challenges through an Action Plan

  • Comprehensive action plan with two phases
  • Phase I is now complete with 19 recommendations
  • Implementing Phase II with 13 action items

- Use of Integrated Review Teams

- Sustainable guidance and expectations

- Communicating with external stakeholders

  • Action Plan to be completed by December 30, 2018
  • Working with ORBL offices and Regions on RIDM practices 5 / U.S.NRC

Improving Knowledge and Acceptance

  • Extensive risk training courses have been available to all staff
  • Piloted new RI DM training course for managers:

- Provide perspectives on how risk and deterministic information is used together to make regulatory decisions

- Review risk-informed licensing guidance and recent actions

- Illustrate risk management tools and practices at utilities

  • Evaluating next steps 6 ,;U.S.NRC

Optimizing Risk-Informed Licensing Review Efficiency

  • Same staff performing like (LAR) reviews
  • Feedback loop on lessons learned
  • Discipline in RAls (draft SE with gaps, audits)
  • Increased use of contractors to address risk-informed licensing surge
  • Close _m anagement oversight

Sharing Lessons Learned to Improve

. Efficiency

  • Clarity and completeness of LAR submittals

- key assumptions

- sources of uncertainty

- peer review facts & observations (F&O)

  • Staff focus on F&Os that impact the particular application of the PRA
  • NRC-accepted F&O closure process facilitates LAR streamlining
  • Communicating via RISC, conferences, and other forums
  • Preparing Regional staff for wider industry deployment of 50.69 and TSTF-505 8 ,) U.S.NRC

Ongoing Activities to Improve the ROP

  • Enhancing the Replacement Reactor Program System (RRPS)
  • Evaluating operating experience to improve inspections
  • Enhancing engineering inspections
  • Implementing Inspection Finding Resolution Management (IFRM) 9 U.S.NRC

Sources of Feedback for Improving the ROP

  • NRC's transformation initiative suggestions
  • Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) publ.ication and follow-up letter
  • National Regional Utility Group (NRUG) letter

Suggestions Binned From Transformation Initiative

  • Organization/staffing supporting inspections
  • Inspection report efficiencies
  • Numerous ROP program improvements
  • Recognition of Column 1 licensee performance in several program areas Prot<<rint hop/, 1111d thr E11viro11mn1t

Feedback From NEI, NRUG and UCS

  • Focus ROP on issues with higher risk significance, reduce unnecessary regulatory burden, improve program efficiencies, and improve NRC and industry communications (NEI) .
  • Use a more forward looking approach to oversight - i.e., consider licensee corrective actions (NRUG)
  • Maintain regulatory independence in efforts to modify engineering inspections (UCS)
  • Potential Changes
  • Extend engineering inspection improvements to other areas
  • Credit licensee self-assessments
  • Recognize sustained Col.umn 1 licensee performance with reduced inspections
  • Enhance Pis and reduce inspection based on performance Prot<<tillf Ptop/1,md ti~ E11viro11mntr

Potential Changes to the ROP (cont'd)

  • Evaluate the treatment of White findings and White Pl's - numerous suggestions
  • Assess numerous changes to SDP program and associated decision-making
  • Improve assessment of Cross-Cutting Issues 14 ,) U.S.NRC Un11rd Sui<., N11elt'u kkguluory Comnnu,011 Proucting Ptoplt tt11d tht E11viro11mn11

Conducting Next Steps

  • Establish working group
  • Communicate with stakeholders
  • Obtain Commission approval per Commission direction
  • Address NRC resource challenges
  • Revise applicable ROP program documents and conduct training, if required

Thorough and Independent Verification of Nuclear Plant Safety

  • Continued effective implementation of reactor oversight inspections

- Regional examples of findings related to safe operation

  • Continued safety of plants that have announced premature closure 16 / U.S.NRC

Regional Key Focus Areas

  • Improve coordination and consistency across the regions
  • Support of ROP improvement initiatives
  • People: Sustaining a strong cadre of talented and professional inspection staff

Completing Assessment of Cyber Security Controls at Operating Reactors

  • Controls implemented in two phases
  • Full implementation inspections through 2020
  • Results show licensees have adequately implemented programs
  • Next steps Protrcti11: Prop/, 1t11d ,J,, £ ,,virtmmrltl

Improving the Baseline Physical Security Inspection Program

  • Identified efficiencies for baseline security inspections
  • Aligned the baseline security SDP with the ROP
  • Ensured significance of security findings are characterized appropriately Protrctint Prop/, anti t/,r L,vironmmt

Continuously Improving the Force-on-Force Inspection Program

  • Fifth Force-on-Force (FOF) inspection cycle in progress
  • Identified three options to further improve the FOF inspections (SECY-17-0100) l)Two NRC-conducted FOF exercises (status quo) 2)0ne NRC-conducted FOF exercise and one defe_nse-in-depth exercise 3)0ne NRC-conducted FOF exercise and an enhanced NRC inspection of a licensee-conducted annual FOF exercise
  • Ensuring exercise scenarios are realistic Protttti111 Prop/1,r11d th~ £11viromnrm

Assessing Long-Term Options for the Mock Adversary Force

  • NEl-managed CAF used since 2004
  • JCAF approved for 2018 and 2019
  • Provided oversight of JCAF during selection, training an.d exercises
  • Assessment of long-term options to the Commission in December 2018 Protrni111 hop/, nntl tlH' E11viro11mnt1

Enhancing Regulatory Decision Making Th rough Research

  • Core of research activities support licensing and oversight of nuclear power plants
  • Recentsuccesses

- Subsequent License Renewal guidance documents

- Boiling water reactor operating flexibility

  • Current focus areas

- Accident tolerant fuels

- Dl&C regulatory infrastructure

- Realism in risk assessment

Relying on International Partnerships to Effectively Support the ORBL

  • Cooperating through diverse strategies and extensive partnerships
  • Leveraging operating experience, expertise, and facilities

- Thermal-hydraulic, severe accident, and radiological release codes

- Concrete aging

- Fire propagation Containment Construction for N EA Test Program 23 / U.S.NRC

Maintaining Critical Infrastructure

& Capabilities

  • Continued importance of large-scale, flexible facilities

- Validate analytical codes

- Address complex, multidisciplinary issues

  • Increased challenges

- High operating and maintenance costs

- Aging facilities PAN DA Reactor

- Decreased demand Pressure Vessel 24 / U.S.NRC Prorrning Ptop/1 n11d thr Enviro11111r1t1

Addressing Infrastructure Challenges

  • Identifying needs and preservation strategies
  • Mitigating impacts due to closure of Halden reactor

- Halden Reactor Project developing path forward

- NRC staff pursuing alternatives to address gaps Melt Coolability and Concrete Interaction Facility 25 / U.S.NRC Unuitd S,.-,~, Nudnt MA-g*lsiorv ..omm,uioa Proru ri111 Pt-opt, 11.11d tlN E11viro11mntt

i Acronyms

  • CAF - Composite Adversary Force
  • Dl&C - Digital Instrumentation and Controls
  • FOF - Force-On-Force
  • F&O - Facts and Observations
  • JCAF - Joint Composite Adversary Force
  • LAR - Licensing Amendment Request
  • LTA - Lead Test Assembly Ptouf'fing Prop/, a11d 1/1t' E11vlro11mrm

Acronyms (continued)

  • NEA- Nuclear Energy Agency
  • NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute
  • NRUG - National Regional Utility Group
  • ORBL - Operating Reactors Business Line
  • Pl - Performance Indicator
  • RAI - Request for Additional Information 27 ,) U.S.NRC U1111NI Suia Nuc:lnr MA-1*l,.1orr mm,uio*

Prot<<tint Ptoplt nnd ,I~ Enviromttnlt

-1 Acronyms (continued)

  • RIDM - Risk-Informed Decision Making
  • ROP - Reactor Oversight Process
  • SE - Safety Evaluation
  • TSTF - Technical Specifications Task Force