The following was received from the
Florida Bureau of Radiation Control (the Bureau) via email:
At [licensee], on or around 1745 EST 22 November 2019, a male patient being treated with Y-90 theraspheres had a blockage on the catheter. The Interventional Radiologist increased the pressure on the line, rupturing the intubation tube. No contamination of staff, only patient. Decontamination of the room and patient followed, no contamination on skin, only gown and tube. Vials were disposed of with waste, so no batch numbers of spheres are available at this time. Problems with imaging occurred, so there are no images at this time. The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) has asked for reports with more information from Interventional Radiologist (IR) and Radiation Oncologist Authorized User (ROAU). IR and ROAU disagree on how much activity the patient received before the rupture; patient was prescribed 15 mCi. Patient will return for further treatment. The Bureau has been notified and an inspector will be assigned to investigate.
Incident Number: FL19-141
A Medical Event may indicate potential problems in a medical facility's use of radioactive materials. It does not necessarily result in harm to the patient.