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Riv Top Workshop NRC Updates
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/13/2018
From: Tanya Smith
Policy and Oversight Branch
Download: ML18039A722 (32)


NRC Update on Initiatives The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson Region IV TOP Workshop Arlington, TX February 13, 2018 Todd Smith, PhD Emergency Preparedness Specialist U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NRC Updates

  • EP Rulemaking Activities

- Decommissioning

- Small Modular Reactor & Other New Technologies

  • NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 Revision 2
  • EP Research

- Study of ORO Intermediate Phase Capabilities and Practices

- Study of Evacuation Time Estimates

- Studies to Inform and Validate Technical Approach to EP 2

Decommissioning Sites Kewaunee (Wisconsin) Crystal River 3 (Florida)

October 2014 March 2015 San Onofre (California) Vermont Yankee (Vermont)

June 2015 December 2015

Decommissioning Sites Ft. Calhoun Oyster Creek Oct 24, 2016 October 2018 Palisades Spring 2022 Indian Point Pilgrim Unit 2 April 2020 Unit 3 April 2021 May 2019 4

Decommissioning Rulemaking

  • EP regulations do not address risk at permanently shutdown and defueled reactor sites
  • Exemptions from regulations provide relief on a case-by-case basis
  • Commission directed rulemaking to include consideration of a graded approach to EP (SRM SECY-14-0118)
  • Rulemaking goals:

Maintain reasonable assurance Maintain defense-in-depth Provide regulatory certainty and clarity 5

Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Emergency Preparedness Physical Security Fitness for Duty Requirements for Certified Regulatory Approach for Application of Backfitting Fuel Handlers Decommissioning Protection General Questions (e.g.,

Decommissioning Trust Offsite and Onsite Liability Cumulative Effects of Funds Protection Regulation)

Federal Register (80 FR 72358), November 19, 2015 6

ANPR Areas of Interest Diameter of circle shows relative number of comments submitted by topic 7

Illustrative Milestones 8

Decommissioning Levels Level 1 Permanent cessation of operations and all fuel in spent fuel pool Level 2 Spent fuel has sufficiently decayed (10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> adiabatic heatup time)

Level 3 All fuel is in dry cask storage Level 4 All fuel removed from site 9

Decommissioning EP Levels 10

EP Planning Basis

  • The overall objective of EP is to provide dose savings for a spectrum of accidents that could produce offsite doses in excess of PAGs
  • Planning basis elements consider distance, timing, materials
  • EPZs are areas for which planning is needed to assure that prompt and effective actions can be taken to protect the public in the event of an accident
  • After permanent cessation of operations:

The spectrum of accidents are fewer DBAs will not exceed EPA PAGs offsite At least 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> available before release occurs 11

Research to Support Rulemaking

  • NUREG-1738, Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants
  • NUREG-2161, Consequence Study of a Beyond-Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I Boiling Water Reactor
  • Analysis of Mitigative Actions
  • Spent Fuel Decay Time
  • Dose Rate of Accidental Radiological Release from Spent Fuel Pool 12

Decommissioning Rulemaking

  • Implementation of a graded approach to EP

- Minimize licensing actions

- Regulatory standards commensurate with radiological risk

- Consistent with approved EP exemptions but based on considerations of EP as a separate layer of defense-in-depth

- Transition to Levels

- Changes within Levels

- Changes in FSAR

- Changes in EAL Classifications and Scheme(s)

  • Draft Regulatory Guide to accompany proposed rule 13

Decommissioning Rule Schedule

  • Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

- November 19, 2015

  • Draft Regulatory Basis

- March 15, 2017

  • Final Regulatory Basis

- November 2017

  • Proposed Rule/Draft Regulatory Guidance

- Provide to Commission in May 2018

  • Final Rule/Final Regulatory Guidance

- Goal: Provide to Commission CY2019 14

The Future of EP 15

EP for SMRs & ONT

  • Rulemaking to develop a clear set of rules and guidance for small modular reactors (SMRs) and other new technologies (ONT)

Technology Neutral Risk-Informed, Performance Based Principle of dose-at-distance and consequence-oriented approach to determine EPZ size 16

SMR & ONT Rulemaking

  • Rule would consider

- Event classification and mitigation

- Protective actions

- Communications

- Command and control

- Staffing

- Radiological assessment

  • Guidance

- General information (non-design specific)

- Design specific guidance would be developed after rulemaking 17

SMR & ONT Rulemaking Schedule

  • Draft Regulatory Basis

- April, 2017

  • Final Regulatory Basis

- November 2017 (ML17206A265)

  • ACRS Subcommittee meeting

- August 2018

- October 2018

  • Commission Submission

- October 2019

  • Proposed Rule/Draft Regulatory Guidance

- January 2019 18

NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 Revision Timeline 2018 2016 Issue Revision 2 after final Comment management concurrence 2015 adjudication and and OMB review Distribution of draft Revision 2 draft Revision 2 rewrite/adjustments 2013 for public comment Revision 2 development 19

NRC Research in Emergency Preparedness 20

ORO Study The NRC seeks to better understand offsite response organization (ORO) capabilities and practices for protective actions in the intermediate phase of emergency response to a nuclear power plant (NPP) incident Study Areas

  • Identification of radiological hot spots
  • Drinking water safety
  • Relaxation of evacuation and
  • Beyond the 10-mile emergency relocation orders planning zone (EPZ)
  • Food condemnation or embargo
  • Notable observations Outcome NUREG/CR report to be published by March 2018 21

Evacuation Time Estimate (ETE) Study Applied research study to examine topics associated with the modeling and simulation of evacuations and independent verification of the NRCs methodology for ETE development Study Areas

  • Shadow evacuation analysis
  • Distance of evacuation travel
  • Manual traffic control
  • Determination of variable importance Outcome
  • NUREG/CR report published late 2018


Comparison 0-10 MILE 0-10 MILE 20% SHADOW SECTIONS ROAD CONNECTORS SMALL 0 - 50,000 7500 3000 174 1196 376/863 MEDIUM 50,000 - 200,000 200,000 30,000 449 3313 2645/3846 LARGE > 200,000 325,000 60,000 974 3712 10605/14719 23

24 How does the NRC use this research?



  • MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System
  • Probabilistic analysis tool for developing realistic estimates of consequences of nuclear power plant incidents
  • Developed by NRC and Sandia National Laboratory
  • Extensive use by NRC and domestic and international organizations How is MACCS used?
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Consequence studies
  • Risk-informed decision-making 26

MACCS Food Chain Data Source Term Emergency Intermediate Long-Term Phase Phase Phase Typical

~ 1 week Weeks to years Months to years Duration

  • Evacuation Atmospheric Protective
  • Sheltering
  • Interdiction
  • Relocation
  • Decontamination Transport and Actions
  • Relocation
  • Condemnation
  • KI Ingestion Dispersion
  • Cloudshine
  • Groundshine
  • Groundshine Exposure
  • Groundshine
  • Inhalation of
  • Inhalation of Pathways
  • Inhalation resuspended resuspended materials
  • Skin Deposition materials
  • Food & water ingestion Weather Data Output Measures Dose Conversion
  • Health Effects Site Data Factors
  • Land Contamination
  • Economic Costs
  • Displaced Population 27

Example Gaussian Plume Segment Transport 28

MACCS Emergency Phase Modeling

  • Protective actions (evacuation, sheltering, relocation, KI)
  • Cohort timeline (general population, schools, special facilities, evacuation tail, shadow evacuees, non-evacuees)

How parameters are informed

  • Evacuation time estimate (ETE) studies and traffic simulation codes
  • MACCS modeling best practices
  • Discussions with state and local authorities 29

EP Research The NRC is conducting a number of research studies to inform emergency preparedness regulations or guidance and to assess the impact of EP in reducing consequences Studies to Inform Regulations or Guidance

  • Non-radiological impacts of evacuations
  • MACCS model improvements Consequence Studies
  • Sequoyah SOARCA

Back to the Future EP is evolving, but the NRCs mission to protect the health and safety of the public remains the same

  • EP of the past informs the future

- NUREG-0396 planning basis

  • Guidance updates incorporate decades of experience
  • Research enhances our understanding and informs and validates our technical approach 31

Contact Information Todd Smith, PhD Ed Roach EP Specialist Senior EP Specialist NSIR/DPR/POB NSIR/DPR/POB (301)-287-3744 (301) 287-9229 Robert Kahler, Chief NSIR/DPR/POB (301) 287-3756 32