PMNS20241443, Advance Act Section 507 Operating Reactor Oversight and Inspection Reactor Oversight Process
PMNS20241499, Follow-up Pre-Submittal Meeting Regarding a Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise Various Technical Specification (Tss) for Shutdown Actions Mode Change Restrictions
PMNS20241500, Meeting on NEI 23-01, Operator Cold License Training Plan for Advanced Nuclear Reactors,
PMNS20241466, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC to Discuss a Planned License Amendment Request for a Digital Instrumentation and Controls Upgrade at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3
PMNS20241509, Notice of Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss Their Plans to Submit a License Amendment Request for Adoption of PAD5 Code, Fsloca, and Use of Axiomtm Fuel Rod Cladding
PMNS20241513, Meeting to Discuss Sections of the National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors, Inc. (Trtr) Proposed Guidance on the 50.59 Process for Digital Applications (NEI 23-03) with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
PMNS20241514, Meeting with the Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss a Proposed Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements and Related to Ice Mass
PMNS20241537, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241539, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241536, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241538, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250003, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250004, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250005, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250006, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250002, (Quad Cities) Standby Gas Treatment License Amendment
PMNS20241467, Hybrid Public Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff and Holtec Decommissioning International (HDI) Representatives to Discuss Primary Coolant System leak-before-break and Steam Generator Sleeving for Palisades Nuclea
PMNS20250034, Pre-Submittal Meeting - Transition of the Vogtle 3 and 4 Quality Assurance Program from the Nuclear Development Quality Assurance Manual (Ndqam) to the Fleet Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR) Under 10 CFR 50.54(a)
PMNS20241424, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241540, Pre-Application Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, (Constellation) Regarding Potential Exemptions in Support of Implementing Code Case N-921
PMNS20241498, Advance Act Section 507 Operating Reactor Oversight and Inspection Reactor Oversight Process
PMNS20241519, Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss a Potential Second Round Request for Additional Information for a License Amendment Request Under Review
PMNS20241526, Discussion on Alternative Risk-informed, Technology-inclusive Approaches to Advanced Reactor Regulation
PMNS20250047, Meeting to Discuss Sections of the National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors, Inc. (Trtr) Proposed Guidance on the 50.59 Process for Digital Applications (NEI 23-03) with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
PMNS20250031, Virtual Public Pre-Application Meeting with Arizona Public Service
PMNS20250061, Periodic Public Meeting to Discuss Possible Efficiencies for the Subsequent License Renewal Review
PMNS20241355, Annual Industry / U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting
PMNS20250012, Public Meeting to Discuss Advance Act Section 505 - Nuclear Licensing Efficiency
PMNS20250073, Public Meeting on the Draft Standardization Recommendations for License Renewal Applications
PMNS20250044, Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss a Proposed License Amendment Request for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
PMNS20241543, Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. of Proposed Alternative Examination of Steam Generator Welds for Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2 (L-2024-LLR-0038)
PMNS20250079, NRC Meeting with Industry Steam Generator Task Force
PMNS20250070, Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Changes to Organization and Impacts on the Nuclear Quality Assurance Program Under Review
PMNS20250122, Public Meeting to Discuss Nuclear Energy Institutes (Neis) Comments on Advance Act Section 507 - Improving Oversight and Inspection Programs to Promote Timely Acceptance of Digital Technologies
PMNS20241535, Reactor Oversight Process Public Meeting
PMNS20250132, Forthcoming Public Meeting with the National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors
PMNS20250038, U.S. NRC and Trtr Public Workshop on Implementation of the NPUF Rule
PMNS20250074, Pre-Application Public Meeting for Subsequent License Renewal Application - H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2
PMNS20250143, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC to Discuss a Planned License Amendment Request for a Digital Instrumentation and Controls Upgrade at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3
PMNS20250148, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC (Constellation) Regarding a Planned License Amendment Request for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, (Quad Cities) to Apply a Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT)
PMNS20250130, Microreactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations Workshop
PMNS20250150, Pre-application Meeting for Monticello Emergency Plan Change
PMNS20241443, Advance Act Section 507 Operating Reactor Oversight and Inspection Reactor Oversight Process
PMNS20241499, Follow-up Pre-Submittal Meeting Regarding a Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise Various Technical Specification (Tss) for Shutdown Actions Mode Change Restrictions
PMNS20241500, Meeting on NEI 23-01, Operator Cold License Training Plan for Advanced Nuclear Reactors,
PMNS20241466, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC to Discuss a Planned License Amendment Request for a Digital Instrumentation and Controls Upgrade at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3
PMNS20241509, Notice of Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss Their Plans to Submit a License Amendment Request for Adoption of PAD5 Code, Fsloca, and Use of Axiomtm Fuel Rod Cladding
PMNS20241513, Meeting to Discuss Sections of the National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors, Inc. (Trtr) Proposed Guidance on the 50.59 Process for Digital Applications (NEI 23-03) with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
PMNS20241514, Meeting with the Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss a Proposed Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements and Related to Ice Mass
PMNS20241539, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241537, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241536, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241538, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250004, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250005, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250002, (Quad Cities) Standby Gas Treatment License Amendment
PMNS20250003, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250006, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20241467, Hybrid Public Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff and Holtec Decommissioning International (HDI) Representatives to Discuss Primary Coolant System leak-before-break and Steam Generator Sleeving for Palisades Nuclea
PMNS20250034, Pre-Submittal Meeting - Transition of the Vogtle 3 and 4 Quality Assurance Program from the Nuclear Development Quality Assurance Manual (Ndqam) to the Fleet Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR) Under 10 CFR 50.54(a)
PMNS20241519, Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss a Potential Second Round Request for Additional Information for a License Amendment Request Under Review
PMNS20241540, Pre-Application Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, (Constellation) Regarding Potential Exemptions in Support of Implementing Code Case N-921
PMNS20241498, Advance Act Section 507 Operating Reactor Oversight and Inspection Reactor Oversight Process
PMNS20241424, Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC on NuScale Standard Design Approval Application
PMNS20250047, Meeting to Discuss Sections of the National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors, Inc. (Trtr) Proposed Guidance on the 50.59 Process for Digital Applications (NEI 23-03) with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
PMNS20241526, Discussion on Alternative Risk-informed, Technology-inclusive Approaches to Advanced Reactor Regulation
PMNS20250031, Virtual Public Pre-Application Meeting with Arizona Public Service
PMNS20250061, Periodic Public Meeting to Discuss Possible Efficiencies for the Subsequent License Renewal Review
PMNS20241355, Annual Industry / U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting
PMNS20250073, Public Meeting on the Draft Standardization Recommendations for License Renewal Applications
PMNS20250044, Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss a Proposed License Amendment Request for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
PMNS20250012, Public Meeting to Discuss Advance Act Section 505 - Nuclear Licensing Efficiency
PMNS20241543, Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. of Proposed Alternative Examination of Steam Generator Welds for Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2 (L-2024-LLR-0038)
PMNS20250079, NRC Meeting with Industry Steam Generator Task Force
PMNS20250070, Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Changes to Organization and Impacts on the Nuclear Quality Assurance Program Under Review
PMNS20241535, Reactor Oversight Process Public Meeting
PMNS20250122, Public Meeting to Discuss Nuclear Energy Institutes (Neis) Comments on Advance Act Section 507 - Improving Oversight and Inspection Programs to Promote Timely Acceptance of Digital Technologies
PMNS20250132, Forthcoming Public Meeting with the National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors
PMNS20250038, U.S. NRC and Trtr Public Workshop on Implementation of the NPUF Rule
PMNS20250074, Pre-Application Public Meeting for Subsequent License Renewal Application - H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2
PMNS20250143, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC to Discuss a Planned License Amendment Request for a Digital Instrumentation and Controls Upgrade at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3
PMNS20250150, Pre-application Meeting for Monticello Emergency Plan Change
PMNS20250130, Microreactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations Workshop
PMNS20250148, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC (Constellation) Regarding a Planned License Amendment Request for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, (Quad Cities) to Apply a Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT)
January 17, 2019 Title: Closed Meeting between Westinghouse Electric Company and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Westinghouse EnCore Accident Tolerant Fuel Technology Date(s) and Time(s): February 28, 2019, 01:30 PM to 05:00 PM Location: Other 11333 Woodglen Drive, Suite 202 Rockville, MD Category: This is a Closed meeting. Contains trade secrets and commercial or financial information (proprietary information).
Purpose: To discuss proprietary information in reference to Westinghouse EnCore Accident Tolerant Fuel Technology and closed meeting held on 01/17/2019 Contact: Ekaterina Lenning 301-415-3151 Participants: NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No: 99902038
Closed Meeting between Westinghouse Electric Company and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Westinghouse EnCore Accident Tolerant Fuel Technology February 28, 2019, 01:30 PM to 05:00 PM Other 11333 Woodglen Drive, Suite 202 Rockville, MD
The time of the meeting is local to the jurisdiction where the meeting is being held.
The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, or if a meeting notice, transcript, or other information from this meeting is needed in another format (e.g., Braille, large print), please notify the NRC meeting contact.
Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis.