RSO for the
VA Medical Center, New Orleans, LA was notified at 0900
CDT on 10/27/04 of a missing shipment of
I-125 (10 millicuries) that had been received by that facility on 10/26/04. The
RSO is conducting an investigation into the missing radioactive material.
- * * UPDATE AT 1500 ON 11/10/04 M. SIMMONS TO W. GOTT * * *
The radioactive material was I-125 as sodium iodide, liquid form, shipped in a shielded vial containing 10 millicuries in a volume of less than 1 milliliter. The RAM was to be used in a biomedical research lab.
The permittee investigated the loss and concluded the radioactive material most likely ended up in a local landfill.
The permittee notified the local landfill operations staff of the event. The permittee and landfill operations staff performed radiation surveys of the landfill. The radiation surveys did not locate the missing radioactive material.
The NHPP performed a reactive inspection one week after the loss was discovered.
The initial inspection results confirm the radioactive material is most likely buried at the local landfill and is not recoverable. According to witnesses, the probable cause of the event is the shipping box was not correctly labeled as containing radioactivity.
NMSS (Moore), R3DO (Ring), and R4DO (Gody).