The following report was received from the State of
Colorado via email:
Event description: On 11/9/14, the licensee was working at Denver International Airport when an object fell onto the guide tube damaging it in such a way that the source could not be retracted. The radiography crew contacted the RSO [Radiation Safety Officer] who arrived at the scene, cut the guide tube open, removed the drive cable and retracted the source. At all times during the incident, the public dose line was maintained therefore the RSO believes that there were no exposures to the public above dose limits. Additionally doses to radiation workers were minimal.
The RSO notified the [Colorado Department of Health] Department on 11/9/14, however they used the wrong phone number and left a message for someone in a different division than the Radiation Program. The licensee contacted the [Colorado State] Radiation Program at approximately 8 am on 11/10/14 to describe the incident.
The licensee is preparing a detailed report to submit to the [Colorado Department of Health] Department.
Colorado Event Report ID No.: CO14-I14-26