The following information was received from the State of
Oklahoma by email:
Approximately [1300 CDT] today, [Oklahoma was] notified by Advanced Inspection Technologies [AIT] (OK-27588-02) that a radiography truck belonging to them had been involved in a collision with a tractor/trailer truck at [1118 CDT] today at mile marker 178 on I-44 near Stroud, OK. The driver of the radiography truck was killed and the truck partially burned. At the time it was carrying a 30 Ci
Ir-192 source and a 25 Ci
Ir-192 source. The truck was taken to the
Oklahoma Highway Patrol facility in Stroud where [Oklahoma personnel] arrived at about [1400 CDT]. The darkroom, where the cameras were stored (
QSA Model 880s), was partially burned but had not been opened. Initial surveys of the exterior indicated the cameras, which were normally secured near the darkroom door, had been thrown forward and come to rest just behind the cab. Shortly after [Oklahoma personnel] arrived, the
AIT RSO arrived and the darkroom door was forced open. The cameras were recovered and surveys indicated the shielding was intact. Wipe tests of each were also collected. One camera was damaged but the sources were secure inside each [camera]. The cameras have been returned to the
AIT facility in Sand Springs, OK and will be returned to
QSA for repair or disposal.