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Univ. of California - Davis - Emergency Plan for the License Renewal Application
Person / Time
Site: University of California-Davis
Issue date: 09/21/2018
McClellan Nuclear Research Center
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18271A209 List:
Download: ML18271A213 (54)



-130 DOCKET NO. 50




EMERGENCY PLAN MNRC-0001-DOC-09 June2018 Date: Date: Radiation Safety Offfoer Approved By: -~~-;<<_/q;


_ Date: UCD/MNRC Director Date: NSC Chairman ~*,:;;__:,,.

DEmergency Director Date:

REVISIONRECORD PAGE NUMBER REVISION NU MBER DATE OF REVISION Title - 40 0 1 June 1988 Title - 43 1 May 1989 Title - 40 2 April 1991 Title - iii, 1-3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 29 3 July 1993 NRC format 4 January 1998 Title - 37 5 March 2000 UNKNOWN 6 UNKNOWN All 7June2003All 8May2006 i TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1
2. Definitions

...................................................................................................................................1 3.Organization and Responsibilities...............................................................................................3 Emergency Director.........................................................................................................................3 UCD/MNRC Emergency Organization...........................................................................................5 Emergency Manager....................................................................................................................5 Reactor Supervisor.......................................................................................................................5 Radiation Safety Officer..............................................................................................................6 Radiological Assessment Team and Labor Pool.........................................................................7 News Service (Emergency Communications).............................................................................7 Recovery Operations Coordinator...............................................................................................7 Historian......................................................................................................................................8 4.Emergency Classification System...............................................................................................8 Class O Emergency - Personnel and Operational Events...............................................................9 Class I Emergency - Notification of Unusual Events.....................................................................9 Class II Emergency - Alert..............................................................................................................9 Class III Emergency - Site Area Emergency..................................................................................9 Class IV Emergency - General Emergency....................................................................................9 5.Emergency Action Levels (EAL)..............................................................................................1 0 6.Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)..............................................................................................1 2 7. Emergency Response.................................................................................................................12 Class O Emergency - Personnel and Operational Events.............................................................12 Class I Emergency - Notification of Unusual Events...................................................................15 Class II Emergency - Alert............................................................................................................17 Access Control and Restricted Areas............................................................................................20 Personnel Dosimetry......................................................................................................................20 Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for Whole Body and Thyroid Dose Equivalent for Members of the General Public and W ithin the EPZ (the Operations Boundary).............................................20 8.Emergency Equipment and Facilities........................................................................................20

9. Recovery....................................................................................................................................24 10.Maintaining Emergency Preparedness..................................................................................24 APPENDIX A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING.......................................................


B-1 APPENDIX C List of Emergency Implementation Procedures....................................................C-1

APPENDIX D UCD/MNRC EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM......................................D-1 APPENDIX E - List of Figures.......................................................................................................E-1 ii University of California, Davis McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center Emergency Plan 1.IntroductionThe University of California, Dav is McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center (UCD/MNRC) is athree level 18,000 ft 2 rectangular building located on the fo rmer McClellan Air Force Base. The UCD/MNRC is located approximately 8 m iles from northeast Sacramento, CA. The UCD/MNRC p r o v ides a broad range of radiographic and irradiati on services. The facility provides f our radiography bays and consequently four beams of neutrons fo r radiography purposes. In addition to the radiography bays, the UCD/MNRC reactor core and associated experi ment facilities are accessible for the irradiation o f material (see Appendix E).

The UCD/MNRC TRIGA-type reactor is located in a cylindrical aluminum walled tank with the core positioned approximately 4.5 ft. below grade. The reactor tank is surrounded by a monolithic block of reinforced concrete. Below ground level, the concrete is approximately 11 ft. thick. Above ground level, the concrete varies in thickness from approximately 10 ft. to 3.25 ft

. thick with the smaller dimension at the tank top. Due to the massiveness of these structures, they provide excellent protection for the reactor core against natural phenomena.

The UCD/MNRC reactor is a 2 MW natural convection cooled TRIGA reac tor with graphite reflector designed to accept the s ource end of the four neutron beams. The reactor is located near the bottom of a water filled alumi num tank 7ft. in diameter and about 25 ft. deep. Direct visual and mechanical access to the core and component s are available from the top of the tank.

The UCD/MNRC is owned and operated by the University of Califo rnia under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

License Number R-130 (Docket Number 50-607). The UCD/MNRC is used for teaching, research, industri al and medical applications. The reactor is typically operated from

30 a.m. to :00 p.m., five days a week.

The typical power level is MW. The objective of this emergency plan is to prov ide a plan of action for coping with radiological and other emergencies, and to minimize the consequences of such emergencies at the UCD/MNRC.

The emergency plan also specifies emergency action levels for applicable classes of emergencies, in response to which the rele vant portions of this plan shall be activated.

2.Definitions a.Annual - Every 12 months, with an interval not exceeding 15 months.

b.Assessment Actions - Those actions taken during or after an accident to obtain and processinformation that is necessary when deciding whether to implement specific emergency measures.

c.Biennial - Every 24 months, with an interval not exceeding 30 months.

d.Corrective Actions - Those measures taken to ameliorate or terminate an emergency situation ator near the source of the problem.

1 e.Drill - A planned exercise that tests the integrated capability of the emergency plan, or acomponent thereof, and may include instruction periods to develop and maintain skills in a particular operation.

f.Emergency - An emergency is a condition that calls for immediate action, beyond the scope ofnormal operating procedures, to avoid an accident or to mitigate the consequences of one.

g.Emergency Action Level (EAL)

- Radiological dose rates, specific concentrations of airborne,waterborne or surface-deposited radioactive materials, specific observations, or specificinstrument readings that may be used as thresholds for initiating specific emergency measures (e.g., designating a particular class of emergency, initiating a notific ation procedure, or initiating a particular protective action).

h.Emergency Support Center (ESC) - Location where the Emergency Manager controls and issuesinstructions to the Reactor Supervisor.

i.Emergency Control Station (ECS)

- The ECS is the reactor control room or other specificallydesignated location from which effective emer gency control directions shall be given.

j.Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) - The EPZ for the UCD/MNRC is the area for whichemergency planning is performed and is limited to the site boundary.

k.Emergency Radiological Assessment Team - The team of people who shall perform radiationdose rate, contamination, and environmental su rveys to assess the ra diological conditions existing within the operations boundary.

l.Monthly - Every four weeks, with an interval not to exceed six weeks.

m.Operations Boundary

- The fence surrounding the UCD/MN RC and the enclosed area the UCD/MNRC Director has direct authority over all activities, and for which there are prearranged evacuation procedures known to the personnel frequenting the area.

n.Population at Risk Those persons for whom protective ac tions are being or would be taken.

o.Protective Actions - Those measures taken in anticipa tion of an uncontrolled release ofradioactive material, or after an uncontrolled release of radioactive material has occurred, for thepurpose of preventing or minimizing personnel radiation doses or dose commitments that would otherwise be likely to occur if the actions were not taken.

p.Protective Action Guides (PAG)

- Projected radiation doses or dose commitments in the generalpopulation that warrant protective action following a release of radioactive material. Protective actions would be warranted provide d the reduction in individual dose expected to be achieved bycarrying out the protective action is not offset by excessive risks to individual safety in the process of taking the protective action. The pr ojected dose does not include the dose that hasunavoidably occurred prior to the assessment.

2 q.Quarterly - Every three months, with an interval not exceeding four months.

r.Reactor Building

- The building inside the operations boundary that houses the TRIGA reactor located at 5335 Price Ave nue, Bldg. 258, McClellan, CA 95652.

s.Recovery Actions - Those actions taken after an emergency to restore the facility to a safe status.


- Every six months, with an interval not exceeding seven and one-half months.

u.Site Boundary

- The site boundary is that boundary, not ne cessarily having restrictive barriers, surrounding the operations boundary wherein the UCD/MNRC Director may directly initiateemergency activities. The area within the site boundary may be frequented by people unacquainted with the reactor operations. For the UCD/MN RC, the site boundary extends 40meters in all directions from th e center of the reactor building.

v.UCD/MNRC - U niversity of C alifornia, D avis M cClellan N uclear R adiation C enter.3.Organization and Responsibilities a.The UCD/MNRC emergency organization is sh own in Appendix B, Figure B-1. The UCD Emergency Director (ED) has primary responsibility for all actions taken at the facility during anemergency or recovery operation. The ED shall have primary responsibility for the safety of allpersonnel during emergency situations the UCD/MNRC, and they shall exercise final approval

authority for any protective action decisions. The ED may call upon personnel and equipment

resources available within the MNRC organization, UCD campus, or within Sacramento County.The MNRC Emergency Manager (EM) is responsible to the ED for all actions taken within theoperations boundary during an emergency or recovery operation. The EM shall be responsiblefor notifying UCD dispatch and the ED of any emergency situations, directing all MNRCpersonnel, and coordinating emergency operations with the Sacramento Metro Fire Department Incident Commander. Further descriptions of emergency responsibilit ies are given throughoutthis section.

i)Emergency Director: In the event of an emergency, the UC D Chief of Police shall be the UCD Emergency Director. The line of succe ssion and responsibilities of the UCDEmergency Director are as follows:

(1)Line of succession for the UCD Emergency Director:

UCD Chief of Police UC D UCD Police (2)Responsibilities for the UCD Emergency Director (a)The UCD Emergency Director has authority a nd responsibility for a ll actions taken atthe MNRC during an emergency or recovery operation and shall delegate emergencyresponsibilities as deemed necessary.

3 (b)The UCD Emergency Director shall coordinate emergency and recovery activitieswith the MNRC Emergency Manager, who shall direct the on-site emergencyoperations to ensure proper implementation of the UCD/MNRC Emergency Plan.(c)The UCD Emergency Director shall ensure that necessary UCD administrative andemergency response agencies are notifie d and receive status reports of anyemergency.

b.Authorities and Responsibilities of Governmental Agencies: This section describes the authorities, responsibilities and support functions of federal, state, county, and universityagencies in an emergency situation. Supporting service agencies are also identified. Theinformation presented here pertains to any class of emergency. Specific responsibilities andemergency response actions of these agencies ar e described in greater detail in Chapter 7. Toensure a clear understanding of the emergency re sponse activities provided by key public safetyorganizations, a written Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) had been obtained from theSacramento County Sheriff's Office (See Physical Security Plan), and Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. (See Appendix A.)

i)Federal Agencies U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Title 10, Code of Federal Regulation s (CFR) Part 20.2202, "Notification of Incidents", and Sections 6.6 and 6.7 of the UCD/MNRC Technical Specifications outline requirement for required actions and the reporting of emergencies to the USNRC. Notif ication procedures (e.g. telephone, telegraph, written reports, etc.) shall be implemented as required in these documents. The USNRC shall assess the situation and determine if any furt her response is required.

ii)State Agencies The Governor of California's Office of Emergency Services (OES) Wa rning Center orRegional Emergency Operations Center (REOC), if activated, shall be notified in the event of a Class I or greater emergency. The Warning Center shall make al l appropriate notifications to other state agencies, such as the State Bureau of Radiological Healt

h. Notifications to the Warning Center or ROEC shall be made by the Sacramento Metropolitan Fi re District Incident Commander.

iii)County Agencies

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office shall notify Sacramento County Environm entalManagement for any applicable Class I or greater emergency situation at the UCD/MNRC.

iv)UC Davis Agencies The UCD dispatch center shall notify the UCD Police, Sacramento Metropolitan FireDistrict, UCD Facilities Services and the UCD Emergency Director of any emergency at the UCD/MNRC. These agencies shal l represent the unive rsity in a unified command response atthe facility. Supporting campus departments such as Environmental Health and Safety for health physics personnel and the News Service for news releases and media interface will beused as needed. An agreement for personnel medical care exists for UCD/MNRC with theUniversity of California Medical Center (UCDMC). The campus emergency planner assiststhe Emergency Manager as needed w ith prepar edness activities and with the coordination ofemergency response services.

c.Authorities and Responsibilities of Non-Governmental Agencies: This section describes the authorities, responsibilities and support functions on non-governmental agencies.

4 d.UCD/MNRC Emergency Organization i)The UCD/MNRC emergency organizationa l chart is shown in Figure B-1.

ii)Authorities and Responsibilities of Facility Emergency Personnel (1)Emergency Manager: In the event of an emergency, the UCD/MNRC Director shall bethe Emergency Manager. The line of succession and responsibilities of the Emergency Manager are as follows:

(2)Line of Succession:UCD/MNRC DIRECTOR SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR ON DUTY REACTOR SUPERVISOR (3)Responsibilities: (a)Establishes the location of the ESC.(b)Coordinate emergency response and rec overy strategy with the UCD EmergencyDirector.(c)Direct on-site emergency operations in coordination with the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District In cident Commander, and ensure proper implementation ofthe emergency plan.(d)Ensure that any necessary NRC and UCD notifications are made.(e)Authorize emergency workers to incur radi ation exposures in excess of the norma loccupational limits.

This function cannot be delega ted and the Emergency Director shall be informed of any such action.(f)Terminate an emergency and in coordination with the UCD Emergency Director, initiate recovery operations based on advice from the Reactor Supervisor and Radiation Safety Officer.(g)Authorize reentry into the reactor facility, or portions thereof that required evacuationduring the emergency.(h)Coordinate emergency response actions with the offsite emer gency support services.(i)Notify the UCD News Service and keep th em informed regarding the emergency situation.

(4)Reactor Supervisor: In the event of an emergency, the Reactor Supervisor shall be theEmergency Coordinator. The line of succession and responsibilities of the Emergency Coordinator are as follows:

5 (a)Line of Succession:

REACTOR OPERATOR ON DUTY SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR ON DUTY REACTOR SUPERVISOR (b)Responsibilities (i)Establish the location of the Emergency C ontrol Station (ECS). Take charge of the ECS and emergency control meas ures inside the operations boundary.(ii)Coordinate the activities of the Senior Reactor Operator and Radiation SafetyOfficer and determine the course of action with the assistance of these individualsand the Emergency Manager.(iii)Keep the Emergency Manager continuously updated concerning emergencyactions.(iv) Ensure proper evacuation of the facility or portions thereof during the emergency.(v)Advise the Emergency Manager of the po ssibility of term inating the emergency and initiating recovery operations.(vi) Establish the recovery team and determ in e course of recovery operation. Reportteam recommendations to the Emergency Manager for approval to continue.

(5)Radiation Safety Officer: In the event of an emergency, the Radiation Safety Officer shall be responsible for the radiological aspects of the emergency. The line ofsuccession and responsibilities are as follows: (a)Line of Succession RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR ON DUTY UCD CAMPUS RSO (b)Responsibilities (i)Direct and ov ersee all actions of the radiological assessment team.(ii)Evaluate personnel doses rece ived during the incident.(iii)Assess subsequent potential doses and recomme nd protective actions to theReactor Supervisor, as appropriate.(iv) Supervise the establishment of a release process for persons leaving or entering the operations boundary control points.(v)Assist the Reactor Supervisor and help determine the course of further action.

6 (6)Radiological Assessment Team and Labor Pool.(a)Personnel: The radiological assessment team shall consist of MNRC personnel who have been trained in radiological assessm ent techniques and do not have an assigned responsibility already specified in this section. This may include the followingpersonnel as available during an emergency: (i)UCD RSO (ii)Senior Reactor Operators (iii)Reactor Operators (iv) Radiographers (b)Responsibilities (i)Bring extra portable survey instruments to the assembly point during and evacuation.(ii)Survey personnel at the operations boundary control points fo r possibleradioactive contamination.(iii)Perform radiological assessment actions as directed by the Radiation Safety Officer.(7)News Service (Emergency Communications): In the event of an emergency, theEmergency Manager, or the UC Davis P ublic Communications or News ServiceDirector, or an MNRC management staff member acting specifically on their behalf, shall coordinate the release of information, as appropria te, to the public, assisted asnecessary by other personnel from UCD's news and communications services. All news releases shall be coordinate with the Emergency Director. The line of successionand responsibilities of the News Service (Emergency Communications team) are as follows: (a)Line of Succession EMERGENCY MANAGER UNIVERSITY PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS OR NEWS SERVICE REACTOR SUPERVISOR (b)Responsibilities (i)Coordinate all public relations aspects of the emergency, interfacing with theEmergency Director and others as appropriate.(ii)Obtain current and accurate information regarding the emergency situation and recovery operations prior to any news releases describing the emergency.(iii)Serve as spokesperson to the news media, providing timely and accurate reportsof the emergency.

(8)Recovery Operations Coordinator: Af ter an emergency has been terminated andrecovery operations initiated, the Reactor Supervisor shall act as Recovery Operations 7

Coordinator. The line of succession and responsibilities of the R ecovery Operations Coordinator are as follows: (a)Line of Succession REACTOR SUPERVISOR RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER EMERGENCY MANAGE R (b)Responsibilities (i)Assess conditions in the reactor facility after termination of the emergency todetermine the proper course of further recovery actions.(ii)Establish and coordinate recovery/reentry efforts with the assistance of theEmergency Manager, Reactor Supervisor, and Radiation Safety Officer.(iii)Keep the Emergency manager informed regarding recovery operations.(iv) Evaluate the causes of the emergency and recommend corrective actions beforereturning the facility to a normal operating status.

(9)Historian: A Senior Reactor Operator shall be the Historian for an emergency.(a)Responsibilities (i)Log the sequence of events, with the time, as they occur in the ECS. Log as muchpertinent information as possible.

iii)Interfaces Between the Facility Emergency Organization, Offsite Local Support Organizations, and State and Federal Agencies.

(1)interfaces between the UC D/MNRC em ergency organization and off-site supportagencies are shown in Figure B-1 (Appendix B)

(2)Authorities and responsibilities for the offs ite organizations are specified in theMemorandum of Understanding with each organization. These MOU's can be found in Appendix A.

4.Emergency Classification System a.Purpose i)The purpose of this emergency classifica tion system is to provide for improved communications between facility personnel, local offsite emergency support personnel, and state and federal organizations.

ii)The emergency classes addressed for the UCD/MNRC are based upon accidents associated

with reactor operations, many of which are hi ghly unlikely, and upon other lesser emergency situations that are non-reactor related.

iii)The emergency action levels for each of the th ree classes of emergencies addressed for theUCD/MNRC are intended to provide specifi c trigger points for the activation of theemergency organization, or applicable portions thereof, and the initiation of protectiveactions appropriate for the emergency event.

iv)The emergency action levels listed below are not all inclusive. Situations or occurrences not

listed under a specific em ergency class, but having similar post ulated consequences as an 8

occurrence listed in one of the three classes of emergencies sh all also be used to trigger emergency response actions applicab le to that particular class of emergency. Identificationsuch occurrences is left to the judgment of the reactor staff. Emergency response implementing procedures for the UCD/MNRC are listed in Appendix C.

of v) b. Class O emergencies are events less severe than Class I emergencies, which still require a

n. There usually is no effect on the ii) c. i)Notification of Unusual Events (Class I Emergencies) may be initiated by either man-maded as creating a hazard potential that was ii) e umstances.

iii) d. Events leading to an alert are sufficient to require response by the emergency organization.

perating status should be a corrective action. Protective evacuations ii) e. i)Based on the UCD/MNRC Safety Analysis Report, no accident analyzed for this reactor,ident, will result in radiation levels or releases of cy. f.ClaBased on the UCD/MNRC Safety Analysis Report, no accident analyzed for this reactor, cident, will result in radiation levels or releases of cy. Class O Emergency - Personnel and Operational Events

i)response by at least part of the emergency organizatio

reactor and immediate operator action to alter reactor stat us is not normally required. The emergency action levels (EALs) for this class of emergency are given in Table 5.1 Class I Emergency - Notification of Unusual Events events or natural phenomena that can be recogn izepreviously non-existent. There is usually time available to take precautionary and corrective steps to prevent escalation of the accident, or to mitigate the consequences should it occur.

No releases of radioactive materials requiring offs ite response are projected.In a Class I Emergency, one or more elements of the emergency organization are likely to bactivated or notified to increase the state of readiness, as warranted by the circAlthough the situation may not have caused dama ge to the reactor, it may warrant animmediate shutdown of the reactor or inte rruption of non-essentia l routine functions.The emergency action levels (EALs) for this class of emergency are given in Table 5.1Class II Emergency - Alert

i)Modification of reactor o or isolation of certain areas within the operations boundary may be necessary. As with a Class I emergency, no releases of radioactive materials requiring offsite responses are projected. The emergency action levels (EALs) for this class of emergency are given in Table 5.1Class III Emergency - Site Area Emergency including the Maximum Hypothetical Acc radioactive effluents sufficient to meet the emergency action levels for a site area emergen Therefore, this em ergency class is not considered in this plan. ss IV Emergency - General Emergency i)including the Maximum Hypothetical Ac radioactive effluents sufficient to meet the emergency action levels for a site area emergen Therefore, this em ergency class is not considered in this plan 9

.5.Emergency Action Levels (EAL)The emergency action levels for each UCD/MNRC emergency class are included und er the appropriate class in Table 5.1 of this section. The action levels specified in Table 5.1 "EmergencyClasses and Action Levels" are EALs for activating the emergency organization and initiatingprotective actions appropriate for the emergency event.

Table 5.1 Emergency Classes and Action Levels Emergency Class Emergency Action Levels Class O - Personnel and Operational Levels (1)A major injury such as a severe cut, wound or

burn.(2)A person experiencing a heart attack , stroke,or other severe physical ailment of rapid

onset.(3)Any person receiving an actual or estimated radiation dose equivale nt greater than anyapplicable occupational dose limit from

sources external to th e body, including dosescaused by skin contamination.

(4)Any person becoming internally contaminatedwith radioactive material sufficient to give a

dose equivalent in excess of any applicable occupational dose limit.

(5)Radiation levels in the reactor building sufficient to trip the alarm on any single area radiation monitor, when such levels are from

unknown sources, or sources known torepresent a potential emergency situation.

(6)Airborne radioactivity levels in the reactorbuilding sufficient to alarm the reactor roomcontinuous air monitor (CAM) or the stack CAM, when such levels are from unknown sources or sources known to represent a potential emergency situation.

(7)Uncontrolled surface contam ination greaterthan 2.2E6 dpm/ over 50% of the accessible reactor room.

10 Table 5.1 Emergency Classes and Action Levels Emergency Class Emergency Action Levels Class I- Notification of Unusual Events (1)Receipt of inform ation threatening, orconfirming, a breach in physical security (e.g.,bomb threat, or signs of a hostile crowdassembling).

(2)Receipt of information that a severe naturalphenomenon such as a flood, volcano, tornado, or earthquake, is likely to affect the Sacramento area.

(3)An explosion or a fire in the reactor buildinglasting more than 15 minutes.

(4)Actual or projected radiological effluents with

concentrations resulting in an unrestr icted areatotal effective dose equivalent of 15 mremaccumulated in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />sNOTE: The stack and/or reactor room continuous air monitor shall have alarmed long before the

concentration level in (4) above has been reached. A reactor monitor alarm puts the reactor ventilation system in the recirculation mode.

However, the stack monitor shall continue to function and would be used to project radiological

effluent releases and direct radiation levels at the site boundary. Direct measurements with portable survey meters would also be used to evaluate

radiation levels at the site boundary.

11 Table 5.1 Emergency Classes and Action Levels Emergency Class Emergency Action Levels Class II -Alert (1)Loss of greater than 80% of the reactor tank water.(2)Actual or projected radia tion levels at the siteboundary of 20 mrem/hr deep dose equivalent for one hour, or 100 mrem committed dose

equivalent to the thyroid.

(3)Actual or pr ojected ra diological effluents at the site boundary w ith concentrationscalculated or measured to result in a total effective dose equivalent of 75 mrem accumulated in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or less. (See note.)NOTE: Determination of airborne effluent concentrations and radiation levels at the site boundary will follow the same process as described for a Class I Emergency.

6.Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) b.The emergency planning zone (EPZ) for the UCD/MNRC used for all classes of emergenciescovered in this Emergency Plan is the area within the site boundar

y. The site boundary is indicated in Appendix E, Figure E-6 c.The area within the site boundary (the EPZ) is large enough to support emergency actions shouldthis ever be needed. The predetermined protective actions for the EPZ for each class ofemergency are described in Section 7.

7.Emergency Response a.Class O Emergency - Personnel and Operational Events i)Activation of Emergency Organization for Personnel and Operational Events (1)The individual who initially confirms an em ergency situation shall immediately contact the Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) on duty. The SRO shall take the imme diatesteps needed to bring the em ergency situation under control. The SRO shall notify theReactor Supervisor as soon as possible and briefly describe the emergency.

(2)The Reactor Supervisor shall notify the Emergency Manager of the emergency. TheEmergency Manager shall mobilize that part of the facility organization appropriate forthe emergency.

(3)The emergency call list for emergency re sponse personnel is posted in the reactor control room.

12 (4)Required offsite support agencies shall then be mobilized (normally by telephone) bythe SRO, Reactor Supervisor or Emergency Manager, depending on the situation.

(5)The NRC and UCD agencies shall be notified of this class of emergency by theEmergency Manager when required by a pplicable licenses or regulations.

ii)Assessment Actions for Personnel and Operational Events (1)Personnel Injury or Ailment (a)The nature and extent of any personnel injuries or physical ailment shall be assessedby responding me dical personnel.(b)MNRC personnel trained in first aid should make an immediate assessment of themedical situation and pass the information on to the medical responders as appropriate.

(2)Personnel Radiation Exposure (In Excess of Applicable Limits)(a)Initial assessment of pers onnel radiation doses should be made and shall be verified by a health physicist at the earliest opportunity. This assessment should be based on: (i)Any direct-reading dosimeters worn.(ii)Measured dose rate and exposure time, or estimates of these.(iii)Calculations from available known data such as source streng th, distance, etc.(b)As soon as possible, other dosimeters should be collected and returned to the supplier of the dosimetry service for emergency processing.

(3)Personnel Contam ination with Radioactive Material (a)Internal and/or external contam ination of personne l shall be assessed by: (i)Direct radiation surveys w ith appropriate instruments (ii)Smears and swabs of the affected area (iii)Applicable bioassay techniques availabl e at UCD Medical Cent er (e.g. urinalysis, etc.)(4)Radiation Ar ea Monitor Alarm (a)Radiation dose rates in the reactor building shall be assessed by the installed radiationarea monitors (RAMs). There are several radiation area monitors in various positions throughout the facility. These RAMs have detection ranges for gamma radiationbetween 0.1 mR/hr and 10,000 mR/hr. The RAMs in the staging and equipment areasare typically set to alarm at 100mR/hr.The RAM in the reactor room is typically set toalert at 100mR/hr and alarm at 10,000 mR/hr.

Radiation levels on all these RAMs aredisplayed in the reactor control room and at their location within the facility.(b)Portable dose rate instrume nts shall be used by the Radiological Assessment Team to further assess and characterize the radiati on field in the reactor building. Instrumentsare available which cover a wide range of dose rate, radiation types and energies.

(5)Reactor Room or Stack Continuous Air Monitor Alarm (a)Airborne radioactivity in the reactor building shall initially be assessed by the installed continuous air monitors (CAMs). Of the four CAMs in the building, two aredirectly associated with reactor operations. First, the reactor room CAM monitors theair leaving the reactor room for particulate, radioiodine , and noble gas radioactivity.The alert set point for the reactor room CAM is typically set at a fraction of theapplicable DAC for radionuclides normally expected to be present. The alarm set

point for the reactor room CAM is typically set at the applicable concentration limit.(b)In addition to the reactor room CAM , all ventilation air in the reactor building is monitored as it exhausts th rough the facility stack. The Stack CAM monitors airflow 13 out of the stack for particulate radioactivity and Argon-41. The stack effluent monitor alert set point is also typically set at a fraction of the applicable concentration limit for radionuclides normally expected to be present. The stack effluent monitor alarm set point is also typically set at the applicable concentration limit. (c)High volume portable air samplers are also available to take grab air samples tofurther monitor any particulate or gaseous airborne radioactivity, if necessary.

(6)Uncontrolled Surface Contaminatio n (a)If background radiation levels perm it, direct surface contamination levels shall be monitored using a portable thin window G.M. detector. The lower limit of detectionfor this type of instrument is consistently well below the emergency action level forcontamination.(b)Gross smear surveys using sm ear pads and thin window pancake G.M. detectorsshould also be used to determine the extent of the surface contamination, especially in the presence of higher background levels. The lower limit of detection for this survey technique is also well below the emergency action level specified.(c)Analytical sm ear surveys shall also be taken using filter papers smeared over a known area and counted on appropriate instrumentation.

iii)Corrective Actions for Personne l and Operational Events (1)Personnel Injury or Ailment (a)First aid by qualified individual (b)Transfer to appropriate medical treatment facility.

(2)Personnel E xposure (a)Corrective actions for personnel exposure depend on the specific situation, but ma yinclude:

(i)Shutting off equipment (ii)Moving or shielding sources (iii)Moving the individual ou t of the radiation field.

(3)Personnel Contamination or Uncontrolled Surface Contamination (a)Corrective actions shall include initiating spill and contamination control procedures,along with decontamination procedures to the extent appropriate. Such procedures areposted in areas where radioactive materials are use and describe the correct actionsfor both minor and major spills, including:

(i)Notifying other persons in the area that a spill or contamination has occurred (ii)Preventing the spread of radioactive material (iii)Shielding any large sources (iv) Closing and locking the doors to the area (v)Calling for assistance (vi) Securing ventilation to the affected area (vii)Decontaminating personnel and the affected area.

(4)Radiation Area Monitor Alarms (a)The cause of the alarm shall be determined, and if it is identified as indicating nopotential problem, it will be reset.(b)If the alarm is for an unk nown reason or a cause known to present an em ergency situation, the reacto r shall be shutdown and secu red in accordance with theUCD/MNRC Operation Instructions 14 (5)Reactor Room or Stack Effluent Continuous Air Monitor Alarm.(a)The cause of the alarm shall be determined, and if it is identified as indicating nopotential problem, it will be reset.(b)If the alarm is for an unk nown reason or a cause known to present an em ergency situation, the reacto r shall be shutdown and secu red in accordance with theUCD/MNRC Operation Instructions.(c)If the reactor room CAM alarms, the reactor room ventilation system automatically begins recirculation the r eactor room air in a closed loop from the reactor room through a bank of filters back into the reactor room. The SRO shall determine if therecirculation system should continue to run as a result of the alarm.

iv)Protective Ac tions for Personnel and Operational Events (1)Protective actions at this level of emergency are ofte n not distinguishable fromcorrective actions. Usually it will no t be necessary to evacuate the reactor building forthis class of emergency; however, it may be desirable to keep nonessential personnelaway from any problem areas.

(2)Some protective actions which may be applicable to this class of emergency are: (a)Performing first aid (b)Moving personnel away from high radiation fields (c)Dressing contaminated personne l in protective clothing prio r to movement to containthe contamination.(d)Moving personnel away from the contam inated areas.(e)Establishing restricted areas b.Class I Emergency - Notification of Unusual Events

i)Activation of Emergency Organization for Notification of Unusual Events (1)The individual who initially confirms an emergency shall immediately contact the SRO on duty. The SRO shall take the immediate steps needed to bring the emergency situation under control. The SRO shall immediately contact the Reactor Supervisor andbriefly describe the emergency.

(2)The Reactor Supervisor shall notify the Em ergency Manager. The Emergency Managershall then mobilize that part of the facility emergency organization as appropriate.

(3)The emergency call list for emergency res ponse personnel is posted in reactor control room.(4)Required offsite support agencies shall the be mobilized (normally by telephone) by theSRO, Reactor Supervisor or the Emergency Manager as appropriate. Some of the offsite support agencies shall receive automatic alarms for certain emergencies in thisclass. For example, police and fire will receive physical security and fire alarms directly.(5)The NRC and appropriate UCD agencies sha ll be notified by the Emergency Manager.A system shall be used to ensure that these offsite agencies have received the initialmessage and that they can verify its authenticity (6)Contents of initial and follow-up emergency messages to the NRC, and other appropriate offsite authorities will include the following, to the extent known andapplicable: (See form in Appendix D.)(a)Name, title and telephone number of caller, location of emergency, and license or docket number.

15 (b)Description of emergency event and emergency class.(c)Date and time of emergency initiation (d)Type and quantity of radionuclides rel eased or expected to be released.

ii)Assessment Actions for Notifi cation of Unusual Events (1)Physical Security Threats or Breach es, Severe Natural Phenomena and Explosions or Fires (a)The assessment actions for physical security threats, or breaches in physical security,severe natural phenomena, explosions, and fires shall consist of gathering data bydirect visual observation or from personne l involved in the situation. The EmergencyManager, Reactor Supervisor, and Radiation Safety Officer shall then evaluate thisdata in an expedient and timely manner.

(2)Elevated Radiological Efflue nts at the Site Boundary (a)Airborne radioactivity in the reactor building shall initially be assessed by theinstalled air monitors. A reactor room CAM analyzes the air in the reactor room for particulate, radioiodine, a nd gaseous radioactivity. The alarm setpoints are typicallyset at the applicable concentration limit.(b)In addition, all ventilation air leaving the building is m onitored as it exhausts through the facility stack. The stack effluent monito r is capable of detecting particulate andArgon-41 radioactivity. The stack monitor alar ms are typically set at the applicableconcentration limit for radionuclide s expected to be present.(c)Prior to the stack monitor reaching full scale, grab air sampling shall be initiated atthe site boundary. This will ensure continuity of the assessment technique prior toapproaching the specified emergency action level. High volume portable air samplers are available for this function, which shall be performed by the RadiologicalAssessment Team.

iii)Corrective Actions for Notifi cation of Unusual Events (1)Physical Security Threats or Breach es (a)The reactor shall be shut down and secured.(b)In all emergencies involving physical securit y, the next corrective action is to contactthe Sacramento County Sheriff, who sha ll respond to the UCD/MNRC. Further lawenforcement support shall be coordinated by the Sacramento County Sheriff asappropriate. Procedures for these actions are contained in the UCD/MNRC NRC-approved Physical Security Plan, which is "Safeguards Information", exempted from public disclosure, and thus not reproduced here.

(2)Severe Natural Phenomena (a)On receipt that a severe natural phenomena is likely to affect the Sacramento Area,the Emergency Manager, the Reactor Supervisor and the RSO shall immediatelyconvene to determine an appropriate c ourse of action. Action that should be considered is:

(i)Shutdown and secure the reactor.

(3)Explosions or Fires (a)The reactor shall be shut down and secured.(b)Personnel initially discovering an explosion or fire shall use individual judgment regarding the use of a fire extinguisher.(c)If the alarm has not been activated automatically, it shall be activated manually. Firealarm boxes and fire extinguishers ar e located throughout the facility.

16 (d)Doors not already closed should be shut to he lp prevent the spread of any fire or the spread of any radioactive contamination that may arise as a result of an explosion orfire.(4)Elevated Radiological Efflue nts at the Site Boundary (a)The reactor shall be shut down and secured.(b)The SRO shall determine the need for the reci rculation system to continue to operate.If a CAM alarm has not been activated, the SRO may put the ventilation system intothe recirculation mode.

iv)Protective Actions for Notification of Unusual Events (1)For most Class I emergencies (and Class II emergencies), the main protective actionshall be to evacuate the Reactor Building, or portion thereof.

(2)Due to the nature of most Class I emergencies, any member of the staff may initiate an evacuation.

(3)There are three me thods to evacuate the reactor building: (a)Fire alarm system (b)Evacuation horns (c)Public addr ess system (4)Evacuation procedures are posted throughout the MNRC. All personne l in areas whereany evacuation alarm sounds shall immediatel y evacuate the building by the shortestreasonable route. Personnel shall reassemble at Building 248 (the south side of the reactor building) unless ordere d to another assembly point.

(5)The reactor operations st aff shall activate the MNRC intrusion alarm system during any evacuation of the reactor building.

(6)In the assembly area, personnel who suspect that they are contaminated shall assem bleseparately from other personnel.

(7)Other appropriate protective actions ma y be communicated to individuals within theoperations boundary by means of the public address system or by use of radios.

(8)A battery-operated public address device (bullhorn) is available in the emergencyequipment locker to communicate protective actions and other information to personnelat the assembly area.

(9)Personnel accountability within the operations boundary is accomplished by the following: (a)Upon hearing the building evacuation alarm, all personnel shall leave the reactorbuilding and normally, depending on wind direction, assemble on the south side ofthe facility. The assembly area is desi gnated as the area under the Building 248overhang. This building is the first buildi ng to south of the f acility. All personnelshall stay in this area until the SRO on duty or their designated alternate obtains personnel accountability status. Pe rsonnel shall stay in the assembly area to assist theemergency personnel as needed.

c.Class II Emergency - Alert

i)Activation of Emergency Organization for Alert (1)The individual who initially confirms an em ergency situation shall immediately contactthe SRO on duty. The SRO shall take the steps necessary to mitigate the consequencesof the emergency. As soon as possible, the SRO shall notify the Reactor Supervisor.

17 (2)The Reactor Supervisor shall notify the Emergency Manager of the emergency. TheEmergency Manager shall then mobilize that part of the facility emergencyorganization appropriate for the emergency.

(3)The emergency call list for emergency re sponse personnel is posted in the reactor control room (4)The Emergency Manager shall then mobilize the required offsite support agencies. In the unlikely event that this class of emer gency occurs during off duty hours, the UCDdispatcher shall have already been notified through an automatic system.

(5)The NRC, UCD and other appropriate agencies shall be notified by the Em ergencyManager. A system shall be used to ensure that these offsite agencies have received theinitial message and that they can verify its authenticity.

(6)Contents of initial an follow-up emergency messages the NRC, UCD and other appropriate offsite authorities shall incl ude the following, to the extent known andapplicable: (a)Name, title and telephone number of caller, location of the emergency, and license or

docket number.(b)Description of emergency event and emergency class.(c)Date and time of emergency initiation (d)Type and quantity of radionuclides rel eased or expected to be released.

ii)Assessment Actions for Alert (1)Loss of Reactor Tank Water (a)A loss of reactor tank water shall be indicated by the reactor tank low water levelalarm. This shall be annunciated in th e reactor control room during working hoursand will alarm at the UCD campus dispatcher during off-duty hours. Assessment ofthe situation based on this alarm shall be by visual observation, as this alarm shalltrigger after only a small water loss.(b)In the event of a failure of low water leve l alarm system, the reactor room RAM shallalarm when the loss of shielding water over the core results in the radiation level from the core exceeding the alarm point on the RAM (normally 10 R/hr). Assessment ofwater loss following alarms from the RAM may be by observation of RAM radiationlevels and the water level in the tank.(c)Water from the radiography bay one floor dr ains to the liquid holding tank. Between the holding tank and the radiography bay, the entire volum e of liquid in the reactortank should remain onsite.(d)Further assessment of the loss of reactor wate r shall be made by visual observation ofthe reactor tank water level and the rate of increase of radiation levels as measured bythe reactor room RAM.

(2)Elevated Radiation Levels at the Site Boundary (a)Elevated radiation dose rates initially shall be assessed by the radiation area monitors (RAMs). There are several RAMs in vari ous positions thr oughout the reactor

building. These have detection ranges for gamma radiation between 0.1mrem/hr and10,000 mrem/hr. These RAMs are response ch ecked weekly. All of these RAMs maybe read in the reactor control room and near the detector location.(b)Portable dose rate instrume nts shall be used by the Radiological Assessment Team to further assess and characterize the ra diation field at the site boundary.

18 (3)Elevated Radiological Efflue nts at the Site Boundary (a)Airborne radioactivity in the reactor room initially shall be assessed by the installedair monitors. A reactor room continuous air monitor (CAM) analyzes the air for particulate, radioiodine and gaseous radioactivity. The alarm set points for the particulate, radioiodine and gaseous channels are typically set at the applicable DACfor radionuclides normally e xpected to be present.(b)In addition, all ventilation air from the bu ilding is m onitored as it exhausts through the facility stack. The stack effluent monito r is capable of detecting particulate and Argon -41 radioactivity. The stack monitor alarm set points are ty pically set at theapplicable concentration limit for radionuclides normally expected to be present.(c)Prior to the stack monitor reaching full scale, grab air sampling shall be initiated at the site boundary. This should ensure continuity of the assessment technique prior toapproaching the specified emergency action level. High volume portable air samplers are available for this function, which shall be performed by the RadiologicalAssessment Team.

iii)Corrective Actions for Alert (1)Loss Reactor Tank Water (a)If the reactor is operating, the following shall occur, in accordance with UCD/MNRC

Operating Instructions MNRC-0016-DOC:

(i)Scram the reactor (ii)Secure the primary and secondary pumps(iii)Secure the demineralizer pumps (b)Under any circumstances, the following shall occur: (i)Attempt to isolate and stop the leak.(c)In addition, the following ma y occur: (i)Add make-up water in an attempt to maintain an adequate water level (2)Elevated Radiation Levels at the Site Boundary (a)The reactor shall be shutdown and secu red in accordance with the UCD/MNRC operating instructions (b)Search for the source of high radiation levels attem pt to shield (c)Send personnel to the operations boundary, out of the radiation field, to minimi ze access to the general area.

(3)Elevated Radiological Efflue nts at the Site Boundary (a)The reactor shall be shut down.(b)Upon receiving a reactor room CAM alarm the reactor room ventilation system shallautomatically go into the recirculation mode. The SRO on duty shall determine thecorrect ventilation mode upon immediate assessment of the emergency. Furtherassessment of the emergency by the Emerge ncy Manager and/or Reactor Supervisormay change the reactor room ventilation mode.

iv)Protective Ac tions for Alert - Protective actions for this class of emergency shall be inaccordance with section 7.b.(iv).

d.Emergency Exposure Levels

i)Lifesaving Activities (1)For lifesaving situations, a total effective dose equivalent of up to 25 rem shall bepermissible without authorization, due to the implied urgency of the situation.

ii)Corrective Actions 19 (1)For non-lifesaving corrective actions, the maximum total effective dose equivalent thatshall be authorized is 10 rem. Authorization for this limit shall be obtained form theEmergency Manager.

iii)Other Emergency Actions (1)Emergency personnel providing routine first ai d, decontamination or medical treatmentservices to injured persons shall be subject to the normally applicable occupational doselimits.e.Access Control and Rest ricted Areas.

i)Following the assessment of radiation and cont am ination conditions in and around the entirefacility, in order to minimize exposures to radiation and the sp read of radioactivecontamination, the RSO shall identify, post appropriate warning signs, and restrict access toareas where permissible contamination or radiation limits are exceeded.

ii)No area shall be returned to norma l use until radiation and contamina tion levels have beenreduced to the approximate background levels ex isting in the area prior to the incident. Suchlevels shall be determined by conventional radiation surveys. In all applicable situations,levels shall be equal to or below the limits specified in current regulatory guidance for unrestricted use and access.

f.Personnel Dosimetry i)Determination of the onsite radi ation doses to personnel during an emergency shall be madeusing existing dosimeters regul arly supplied to personnel.

ii)Members of the reactor facility staff routinel y wear appropriate dosim eters and there are alarge number of additional pocket ion chambers (some with higher ranges, up to 500 mR) areavailable for issue in the event of an emergency. These will be used as necessary for assessing personnel doses.

iii)The issuance, use and recording of self-reading dosimeter doses during an em ergency are under the direction of the RSO.

g.Protective Ac tion Guides (PAGs) for Whole Body and Thyroid Dose Equivalent for Members ofthe General Public and Within th e EPZ (the Operations Boundary) i)Although it is extremely unlikely that any member of the general public will remain insidethe EPZ during an emergency involving radioactive materials, PAGs fo r radiation exposureof these individuals have been set at 1 Rem deep dose equivalent and 5 Rem committed dose equivalent to the thyroid.

8.Emergency Equipment and Facilities a.Emergency Support Center (ESC)

i)The ESC is a location where the Emergency Mana ger is positioned. The ESC is located suchthat the Emergency Manager has the ability to communicate with the Emergency Control

Station.ii)The ESC is the area where responding off-site agencies initially repor t, and is where theEmergency Manager receives information concerning the em ergency situation. ESCactivities include:

(1)Coordination of requests for support (2)Notification of off-site agencies (3)Coordination with responding off-site agencies 20 b.Emergency Control Station (ECS) i)The ECS is the focal point between the Emerge ncy Manager and em ergency personnel and is where actions authorized by the Emergency Manager are implemented within theUCD/MNRC operations boundary. The Reactor Supervisor shall either operate from orassign someone to the ECS throughout an emergency. Personnel at the ECS shall relayinformation between the Reactor Supervisor and the Emergency Manager. The Historian shall also maintain a record of events at the ECS. The primary location of the ECS shall bethe reactor control room, since virtually all of the instrument ation, displays and controlsnecessary to assess and correct reactor relate d emergencies are locate d within the reactor control room.

c.Assessment Facilities and Equipment - The loca tion of the emergency equipment is shown in Appendix E

.i)Portable and Fixed Radiological Monitors (1)Many portable radiation monitoring instruments are available for use during anemergency. Some of these are kept in the emergency equipment lockers and others are routinely used for normal operations. A representative listing of these instruments

includes: (a)High-range gamma ion chamber survey meters (b)Medium and high range beta-gamma ion chamber survey meters (c)Beta-gamma G.M. survey meters (d)Neutron survey me ters (e)Alpha survey meters (f)High-range ion chamber suitable for use in air or underwater.

(2)A number of fixed radiological monitors are also available, and as described in Chapter 7, these include: (a)Reactor Room continuous air monitor (particulate, radioiodine, and gaseous) located in the upstairs CAM room.(b)A stack effluent monitor for ventilation discharge (particulate and Argon-41) located in the upstairs CAM room.(c)The area radiation monitoring system (R AMs) located throughout the facility.

ii)Sampling Equipment (1)There are a number of portable air samplers available for use in an emergency. A representative listing of equipment includes: (a)High volume particulate air sampler in staging area (b)Medium volume, battery powered partic ulate air sampler in staging area (2)There are supplies kept in the staging areas, trailer and equipment room for variousother forms of sampling, including water and surface smear sampling. The emergency

lockers also contain a selection of necessary sampling materials.

iii)Instrumentation for Specific Radionu clide Identification and Analysis (1)The multi-channel analyzer (MCA) with an HPGe detector for automated computer

analysis of gamma spectra, normally in the Counting Laboratory.

(2)A gas flow proportional counter, al so in the Counting Laboratory.

iv)Personnel Monitoring Equipment - Typical personnel monitoring equipment is described inSection 7.f. under "Personnel Dosimetry."

21 v)Non-Radiological Monitoring Equipment.

(1)Reactor Instrumentation - All of the non-radiological reactor system monitors whichmay provide pertinent information have their displays in the reactor control room.(a)There are four reactor power indicators opera ting off of two separate detectors. These are: (i)Fission Chamber - for Linear Power Recorder, Log Power Recorder and LogPower Meter (ii)Uncompensated Ion Chamber - Percent Power Meter.(b)The reactor also has two instrume nted fuel elements that permit the measurement ofthe fuel temperature in those elements. These readout on the reactor console.(c)There are five water temperature measuring instruments that read out in the reactor control room.

(i)Bulk (tank) water temperature (ii)Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature - Primary and Secondary(iii)Heat Exchanger Inlet Temperature - Primary and Secondary (d)A dual float operated mi cro-switch is used to annunciate a low reactor tank water level. This is activated when the water level drops about two inches below the normaloperating level. The same floats also activate a high water alarm when the reactor tank water level rises about one inch above normal.

(2)Fire Detectors (a)The UCD/MNRC facility has fire detection devices in essentially all rooms. Most ofthese respond to temperature-rate-of-ris e; however, there are also a few smoke detectors.(b)If one of the fire sensors detects a fire, an alarm is automatically activated, not only in the building, but also at the alarm monitoring company. The dispatcher shall then callthe Sacramento Metro Fire Department, who shall alert the nearest available fire engine crew. The dispatcher shall also use the UCD/MNRC Emergency Recall List tocall members of the facility emergency organization.

d.First Aid, Decontam ination, and Medical Facilities i)First Aid Training (1)One or more members of the UCD/MNRC em ergency organization should have current Red Cross first aid qualification. Training, such as the American National Red CrossStandard Multimedia Course (refresher course every three years) or equivalent should be provided to selected members of the facility emergency organization.

ii)Contamination Control and Personnel Decontamination (1)The RSO shall coor dinate any personnel decontamination (a)If there are a number of people involved in an emergency where there is a possibilityfor contamination, injured personnel shall be monitored first.(b)All contaminated personnel shall be kept in one area to minimize the spread ofcontamination.(c)Injured personnel shall normally be decontam inated and then dispatched to the UCD Medical Center. Monitoring a nd decontamination may occur enroute or after arrival depending on the nature of the injury.(d)After all injured persons are cared for, uninjured personnel shall be checked forcontamination and necessary action taken to remove whatever contam ination is detected.22 iii)Decontamination Facilities and Equipment (1)There is personnel decontamination locker in the men's restroom. It contains suppliesthat can be used for minor skin contamination.

(2)There is a sink and a shower within the me n's restroom that can be used for personneldecontamination. The water drains into the liquid waste holding tank.

(3)In the event that this shower is not accessible or availabl e, there are further personneldecontamination facilities at th e UCD Medical Center.

iv)Medical Transportation (1)Personnel with obviously serious injuries, with or without contamination, shall betransported by ambulance directly to the emergency room of the UCD Medical Center.

(2)The attending me dical staff shall decide how injured persons ar e treated, based on : (a)The nature and severity of the injuries (b)The level of radioactive contam ination (3)If transport is necessary care shall be ta ken to contain any contamination by coveringthe individual with blankets or plastic, or other appropriate means.

v)Medical Treatment (1)The UCD Medical Center has a standard operating procedure for radiologicalemergencies which typically includes the following: (a)The ambulance shall notify the emergency room that a radiological emergency is in effect.(b)The ambulance shall then be met by hospita l personnel dressed in protective clothing and will use a covered gurney for transportation of the patient from the ambulance tothe treatment area. Ambulance attendants shall stay in the ambulance until monitored.(c)One of the emergency treatment rooms sha ll have been previously set apart as arestricted area, with an access control poi nt and plastic (or other) sheeting over most surfaces.(d)The radiological emergency cabinet at the hospital, which contains all the equipmentnecessary for monitoring and decontamination, shall have been set up near the restricted area.

(2)The UCD/MNRC shall maintain a written agreement with the UCD Medical Centerthat assures that medical services are availa ble and that the staff is prepared to handleradiological emergencies (see Appendix A).

e.Communications Equipment

i)Communications equipment or systems normally available for use during an emergency are:

(1)The UCD/MNRC has a digital telephone system with multiple independent lines that are available as long as the facility has utility supplied power. There are sixincoming/outgoing line as well as numerous direct dialed numbers. In total, there canbe up to 10 simultaneous calls taking place at one time. In the event of a power outage,there is a battery within the phone system that can power the phone s for a short periodof time. As a backup there are two fax machin es within the facil ity that have analoglines that capable of functioning during a utility power failure. These phones will continue to function in the event of a power loss to the facility.

(2)A public address system serves the entire facility and is operable from the reactor control room.

(3)A battery-operated portable PA device (bul lhorn) for addressing personnel at theassembly area or for other similar uses.

23 (4)Portable radios are located in the equipment, reactor control room, the Reactor Operations office, and the North Annex.

ii)Responding emergency organizations have the ca pability of radio co mmunication with local law enforcem ent and other responding agencies, and of using the loudspeaker system on theirvehicles as an external public address system, if necessary.

9.Recovery a.Recovery criteria for restoring th e facility to a safe status sh all be strongly dependent upon theincident and shall be determined by a task group consisting of:

i)The Emergency Manager ii)The Recovery Coordinator (Reactor Supervisor) iii)The Radiation Safety Officer iv)Senior Reactor Operatorsb.As needed, recovery procedures shall be wr itten and approved by the Emergency Manager foreach operation prior to initiation. The recovery operations and any needed procedures shall include consideration of the radiation and contamination levels.

c.After the emergency, a comprehensive written repor t of the events and subsequent actions shall be prepared by the reactor operations staff, and hi storian, and filed with the appropriate agencies and comm ittees as soon as possible.

10.Maintaining Emergency Preparedness

a.This section describes the elements necessary for maintaining an acceptable state of emergency preparedness. Provisions have been made for maintaining the effectiveness of the emergency plan, including training, review and update of the emergency plan and associated implementing procedures, and maintenance and inventory of equipment and supplies that would be used inemergencies b.The RSO shall be respon sible for the following:

i)Ensuring the implementation of an emergency preparedness program for facility equipment and personnel.

ii)Ensure up-to-date status of em ergency plans and procedures.

iii)Coordinate emergency plans with other aff ected support organizations and obtain written agreements confirming assistance from such organizations.

c.Initial Training and Periodic Retraining Program

i)An initial training and periodic retraining program shall be conducted to ma intain the abilityof emergency response personnel to perform their assigned functions. The personnel involved in the training program should include:

(1)Facility personnel responsible for decision making and transmitting emergencyinformation and instructions.

(2)Facility personnel responsible for accident assessme nt (3)Facility radiological mo nitoring and assessment team members (4)Medical support personnel at the UCD Medical Center (5)County Sheriff and UCD Police personnel (6)Campus Health Physics support staff (7)News Service Staff ii)The content of the training program shall include the overall em ergency plan and theparticular implementing procedures relevant to each group listed above.

24 d.Emergency Drills i)Annual onsite emergency drills shall conducted as action drills with each required emergencymeasure being executed as realistically as is reasonably possible, including the use ofappropriate emergency equipment.

ii)Annual drills shall employ the use of written scenarios to more effectively fulfill their function.iii)At least every two years, thes e drills shall contain provision s for coordination with offsite emergency personnel and shall test, as a minimum, the communication links and notificationprocedures with these offsite ag encies and support organizations.

iv)After each drill there shall be a debriefing, during which time observers shall present their critiques of the exercise. These shall then be evaluated by the facility emergency responsepersonnel. Any deficiencies identified in the emergency plan, the implementing procedures, or their actual use during a drill shall be corrected within six months of the exercise.Revisions to the Emergency Plan shall be approved by the UCD/MNRC Nuclear SafetyCommittee prior to implementation e.Emergency Plan Review and Update

i)The emergency plan shall be reviewed and updated biennially, and shall include modifications necessitated by changes in the facility and/or environs. The review committee should consist of the UCD/MNRC Director, Reactor Supervisor, Radiation Safety Officer,and Campus Emergency Planner.

ii)UCD/MNRC activities associated with the em ergency plan (e.g. tr aining, drills, etc.) shall bereviewed as part of the Nuclear Safety Committee annual facility audit.

f.Equipment Maintenance and Inventory

i)The operational readiness of all emergency communications, emergency radiation safetyequipment, reactor instrumentation and fire detectors is assured by a routine maintenanceprogram. This is performed under the existing preventive maintenance (PM) system.

(1)Required Maintenance and Minimum Ca libration Frequency for Em ergency Communications and Radiation Safety Equipment (a)Communications equipment is repaired as necessary.(b)All portable survey instruments are repair ed as necessary and calibrated at least annually.(c)The fixed radiological monitors are repair ed as necessary and calibrated at least annually.(d)Self-reading pocket dosimeters are calibrated annually (e)Air samplers are calibrated annually (f)The battery for the portable air sa m pler is recharged as needed (g)The gas flow proportional count er is calibrated annually.

(2)Functional Testing of Emergency Comm unications and Radiation Safety Equipment (a)Most communications equipment is in da ily use and hence is undergoing continuous functional testing. The bullhorn and two-way radios are functionally tested semiannually.(b)All portable survey instrume nts at the UC D/MNRC are functionally checked prior to use.(c)The fixed radiological monitors are in rou tine use and functionally tested weekly, and checked daily during the norm al workweek as part of th e reactor startup checklist.(d)The emergency evacuation horns are functionally tested semiannually.

25 (3)Equipment Inventory (a)The equipment in the emergency lockers at the UCD/MNRC is inventoried on asemiannual basis.


AIRPORT AND BUSINESS PARK WHEREAS, McClellan Air Force Base (hereafter referred to as "McClellan")

is a former military base located in Sacrainento County, California, and was closed as an active military installation on July 13, 2001, pursuant to the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. I 01-510 ("DBCRA"), as amended; and WHEREAS, the County of Sacramento (hereaftet referred to as "County")

was appointed the Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) for McClellan Air Force Base pursuant to law; and WHEREAS, Base closure laws provide that federal agencies may continue to occt1py facilities at closed military installations by executing "Leaseback" Agreements with the LRA for the closed installation and, the United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard) has enteted into a "Leaseback" of hangars at the McClellan Airport; and WHEREAS, County entered into a Contract with Coast Guard for the use of the McClellan Airport for aviation purposes and a contract with Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District ("SMFD") to be its provider or subcontractor for airport crash, fire and rescue services, under Coast Guard Agreement, on September 26, 2000 and the tenn expires on November 30, 2004; and WHEREAS, in connection with the Coast Guard Agreement, County is required to provide aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) services for McClellan Airport; and WHEREAS, County and Coast Guard intend to continue the Coast Guard use of McClellai1 Airport and associated services by entering into a new five year term contract of even date, herewith.

  • WHEREAS, outside the scope of the Coast Guard Agreement, County is also in need of emergency medical and structural fire protection services for the McClellan Park properties; and WHEREAS, County desires to enter into a contract with SMFD to provide . emergency medical, ARFF and structural fire protection services for both McClellan Airport and McClellan Park property; and WHEREAS, SMFD has agreed to expeditiously file any and all necessary documentation to facilitate the allllexation of the former McClellan Air Force Base and surrounding McClellan Properties into the Sacramento Metrop91itan Fire District; and Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, in connection with the annexation of McClellan, SMFD and County desire to enter into a property tax exchange agreement that will ultimately fund the District's net costs for services; and WHEREAS, SMFD is authorized to enter into such a contract for services pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 13878 and Public Contract Code Section
  • 20811. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Chair of the Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement, in the form hereto attached, on behalf of the COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO, a political subdivision
  • of the State of California, between the County of Sacramento and the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District for fire protection services at McClellan Airport and Business Parle On a motion by Supervisor Dickinson ,
  • seconded by Supervisor Johnson , the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sacramento, State of California, this 23rd day of November 2004 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Supervisors, Collin, Dickinson, NOES: Supervisors, None ABSENT: Supervisors, None ABSTAIN: Supervisors, None ATTEST: foregoing is a correct copy of itJa~ibl the Board of Supervis pted by the Board of Supervisors, Sacramento nty, California
  • NOV .2 l: 2004 . on ------~~-"lil""I-----

NOV*Z-4 7 004 ed ---:~"""":"--:-~-----

Page 2 of2 Niello, Nottoli, Johnson pervisors of Sacramento County California In accordance with Section 25103 of the Government Code of (he State of California a copy of the document has been delivered to the Chairman of the Boaid of Supervisors, County of Sacramento on .. NOV 2 3 FILED NOV 2 3 2005 OF S1.1.PfifWlsems

.;...N. '-/UA..?U--1...., OF THE BOARD

  • AGREEMENT.FOR McCLELLAN AIRPORT AND McCLELLAN PARK FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES .TillS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this 23rd* day of November* , 2004, by and between "the COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter "COUNTY"), and the SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN FIRE DISTRICT, an independent special district duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State of California (hereiriafter "S11FD").

WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, COUNTY has entered into an agreement with the United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard) with respect to the use of McClellan Airport for aviation purposes and the

  • necessary support services required for such airfield use (Coast Guard Agreement);

and WHEREAS, in connection with the Coast Guard Agreement, COUNTY is required to provide aircraft rescue and firefighting (AR.FF) services for McClellan Airport; and WHEREAS, outside the scope of the Coast Guard Agreement, COUNTY is also in rieed of emergency medical and. structural fire protection services for the McClellan Park properties;

~d . . . . . WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to enter into a contract with SMFD to provide emergency medical, ARFF and structural fire protection services for both McClellan Airport and McClellan Park properties; and

  • WHEREAS, SMFD has agreed to expeditiously file any and all necessary documentation to facilitate the annexation of the former McClellan*

Air Force Base into the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District; and* WHEREAS, in connection with the annexation of McClellan Park properties, SMFD and _ COUNTY desire to eriter irito_a property tax exchange agreement that will ultimately fund the .

  • District's "net costs" for services associated with the annexation of McClellan Park properties; and . . . WHEREAS, within the performance work statement Agreement the . Coast Guard is referred to
  • as !'Government";

interchangeably; and (PWS) of the Coast Guard and such terms are . used WHEREAS, the Coast Guard Agreement is a standard federal commercial contract wherein COUNTY is referred to as "Contractor";

and such tef1?s are used interchangeably; and. Page 1 of7 WHEREAS, SMFD is authorized to enter into such a contract for services pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 13878 and Public Contract Code Section 20811. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and SMFD agree as follows: 1. RECITALS:

The Parties agree that the foregoing recitals are true arid correct, and are incorporated herein, by reference.


shall become effective*

on October 1, 2004 and , shall remain in force until . September 30, 2009, unless terminated earlier in accordance with Paragraph 10 of this* Agreement.

3. SCOPE OF SERVICES McClellan Airport . . Effective October 1, 2004, at 0001 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> SMFD hereby agrees to provide aircraft rescue and firefighting services to COUNTY at McClellan Airport in accordance with *the requirements and conditions of the Coast Guard Agreement between COUNTY and the United States Coast Guard, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein* as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement.

Said services will be provided from Station 114 (Building 1074 and ~uilding 636).

  • B. McClellan Park Properties Effective October 1, 2004 at 0001 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, SMFD agrees to provide on site structural fire
  • protection and emergency medical services to McClellan Park Properties.

A map generally . depicting McClellan Park Properties is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" to this . Agreement.

The service level and standards for on-site structural fire ptotection and emergency medical services shall be equivalent to other developed property within*. S1v.lFD boundaries.

COUNTY agrees. to provide SMFD with a no-cost lease for Station 111 (Building

  • 1074 and Building 636) for use by SMFD to provide fire protection and aircraft rescue and firefighting services contemplated by this Agreement.

SMFD intends to use Station 114 during . the term of this Agreement to house personnel and equipment associated with fire protection and ARFF serv_ices.

However, if such ARFF services are discontinued, SMFD desires to maintain the option of transferring its structural and emergency medical services to Station 115 (Building 737): COUNTY therefore agrees to maintain the availability of Station 115 to SMFD during the term of this Agreement subject to S:rv.iFD providing Cou11ty with six (6) months prior written notice that it intends to relocate its structural fire protection and emergency medical services from Station 114 to Station 115. In the event SMFD vacates Station 114 and relocates to Station 115, COUNTY shall be free to use Station 114 for its own purposes.

SJ\1FD . will retain the right to apply for Station 114 relocation under the same conditions oudined above. Page 2 of?

Said stations shall be available for use by SMFD as set forth above so* long

  • as . S:MFD
  • is . providing fire protection and emergency medical services at McClellan Airport or McClellan Park Properties, and will revert to the COUNTY at such time that SMFD ceases to provide such services . . C. Services Excluded Fire Prevention services, including plan review and code enforcement, are not included as part of this Agreement.

These services are available through the SMFD Fire Prevention Bureau at the SMFD adopted hourly rate. 4. SMFD STAFFING SMFD will staff Station 114 as follows in order to provide the emergency .medical,*.

  • structural fire protection, and aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) services specified in Paragraph 3A and 3B on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) da)'per week basis: A. Three (3) dedicated personnel only available for. ARFF responses, consisting of
  • the following:

1 Captain 1 Engineer 1 Firefighter B. Three (3) personnel to respond as an Engine Company to any emergency medical, structural or wildland fire, or other emergency or non-emergency incident within their response zone. This same Engine. Company will . cross-staff an additional . ARFF vehicle for* ARFF responses.

The Engine Company will be staffed as follows: 1 Captain 1 Engineer 1 Firefighter C. ** In the event the Engine Company is dispatched to an incident not involving ARFF activities, a backfjll erigine company will be automatically dispatched to Station 114 to r¢place . *. said Engine Company's ARFF responsibilities at McClellan Airport; This backfill company will be the nearest available SMFD Engine Company, outside the property boundaries of McClellan.

Airport. This backfill shall replace those personnel responding to a non-ARFF emergency with an equal number of fully qualified ARFF personnel within twelve (12) minutes of original dispatch.

  • *
  • D. SMFD will provide incident command and control from one of the seven (7) Battalion Supervisor locations.


  • Dispatch services will be provided by the Sacramento Regional Fire/EMS Communications Center (SRFECC).

Page 3 of7

5. COUNTY FURNISHED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES A. The Coast Guard Agreement Performance W.ork Statement (PWS) section 3;1 (Government Furnished Equipment) provides that the Government (Coast Guard) will furnish (1) one 2001 Model P150 ARFF vehicle; 4X4, 1500 gallon Emergency One Titan,. Vin#4ENBAA8Xll0003122.

The PWS provides that Contractor will. be responsible for maintenance, repair and inspection of the :furnished vehicle and at the end of the term of the ' contract, will return it to the Government in good working order. Section 4 of the PWS obligates the Contractor to furnish all other equipment with the exception of the ARFF unit provided by Government.

COUNTY transferred two (2) P4 ARFF vehicles to SMFD in 2000 associated with ARFF services.

Due to the age and condition of the P4;s provided, they did notmeet the PWS requirement for vehicle readiness and reliability.

In August of 2003, SMFD located and purchased a 1996 E One Titan ARFF unit (Vin 1# 4ENDAAA8XT1003771).

Compensation for . services under this agreement includes a four ( 4) year amortized re11nbursement to SMFD for the

  • ARFF unit purchase.

Upon full payment by the COUNTY, SMFD will transfer ownership of the 1996 E One Titan to the COUNTY. After transfer of ownership the COUNTY shall furrtish this unit back to SMFD for ARFF response at McClellan Airport during the term of this Agreement.

To ensure SMFD has ARFF units available in the event the primary ARFF units require maintenance or repairs, the District will continue to maintain the two (2) P4's in reserve. B. It is expressly understood and agreed that SMFD's ability to pedorm under the Government PWS is contingent upon COUNTY providing two (2) operationally ready ARFF vehicles with automated turrets. To ensure compliance with the PWS, the County agrees to reimburse SMFD for any costs associated with leasing a replacement ARFF vehicle to fulfili this* requirement, should one (1) or both of the primary ARFF vehicles, described in Section 4, become inoperable.

  • C. Station 114 is comprised of Building 1074 and Building 636 (Building 636 is . used essentially for storage).

Station 115 is composed of Building 737, COUNTY agrees to provide Station 114 (Building 1074 .and Building 636) for use by SMFD ih providing the fire protection and aircraft rescue and firefighting services contemplated by this Agreement

  • plirsu~nt to the terms of a mutually agr~ed upon no-cost lease. Station 115 (Building 737) shall be made available to SMFD with a six (6) month written notice to COUNTY that SMFD requires this Station for the purposes of providing structural fire protection to McClellan Park. properties.
  • SMFD
  • acknowledges that . B4ilding 737 . will be under lease. between the COUNTY and McClellan Business Park LLC until such time as SMFD provides such notice to the County.* Said station.$

shall be available for use by SMFD as long as SMFD is providing fire .protection and emergency medical services at McClellan Airport and McClellan Park properties, and will revert to the COUNTY at such time that S:MFD ceases to provide such services.

  • COUNTY agrees to compensate SMFD for the fire protection ancj emergency medical services contemplated by this Agreement in accordance with the annual total costs specified in * . Exhibit "C" to this Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein,. Provided, however that Page4 of 7 such amounts owed by County shall be first reduced or adjusted downward on an annual basis to reflect the amount of property tax revenue received by SMFD from the annexation of McClellan Park Properties into SMFD boundaries and/or the execution of agreements providing tax revenue to SMFD ( "net cost"). *
  • The County and SMFD agree to complete an annual or semi-annual review process to establish the amount of tax revenue received by SMFD for McClellan Park properties .either as a direct taxing entity or resultingfroin property tax sharing agreements.

SMFD shall first deduct such tax

  • revenue received, projected or accrued from the amount owed by County for services rendered under this Agreement and shall invoice the County accordingly.
    • Subject to SMFD approval, and provided that County shall make payments to SMFD within forty five days of receipt of SMFD invoice, County payment to District may include "in..:kind" services, transfer of real or personal property assets, and payments to SMFD from non-County sources. Approval and acceptance of such alternative forms of payment shall be at the sole . discretion of SMFD.
  • 7. NOTICES Any notice demand, request, consent, or approval that either party hereto may or is required to give the other shall be in writing and shall be either personally delivered or s:ent by first class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: 8. Paul Hahn Assistant to the County Executive for Economic Development and Intergovernmental Affairs ("Director")

Office of Military Base Conversion County of Sacramento 3331 Peacekeeper Way McClellan AFB, CA 95652 Attn: John Kozitza ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY Fire Chief or Designee

  • SacramentoMetropolitan Fire District 2101 Hurley Way Sacramento, CA 95825 COUNTY shall take all necessary legal steps required to transfer and delegate to SMFD full legal authority.

to enforce all applicable Uniform Fire Codes, together with any additional county fire regulations;.

weed abatement ordinances; Uniform Building Codes; and any other state and local laws and regulations which 'COUNTY is required by law to enforce. 9. INDEMNIFICATION With regard to any liability which may arise from the use and/or operation of this facility, each party expressly agrees that it shall be solely and exclusively liable for the negligence of its own agents, servants, and/or employees, in accordance with applicable law,*. and that neither Page 5 of7 party looks to the other to save or hold it harmless for the consequences of any negligence on the part of one of its own agents, servants, and/or employees.

10. AUTHORITY OF THE DIRECTOR The Director or its designee shall administer this Agreement on behalf of the,COUNTY.

Unless otherwise provided herein or required by applicable law, the Director.

shall be vested with all rights, powers, and duties of the COUNTY hereunder.

With respect to matters hereunder subject to the approval, satisfaction, or discretion of the COUNTY or the Director, the decision of the Director shall be final. . . . As used h~rein the tenn "Director" means the person duiy appointed to the position of Assistant to the County Executive for Economic Development and Intergovernmental Affairs for the County of Sacramento.

11. TERM1NATION A. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon the substantial failure of performance by the other party, provided such terminating party first transmits written notice of . intent to terminate to the party failing to perform and allows such party a reasonable opportunity to cure or correct said failure of performance.
  • B. COUNTY may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice served upon SMFD if advised that funds are not available from external sources for this Agreement or for any portion thereof, or if funds are not specifically.

appropriated for this Agreement in COUNTY'S final budget for applicable fiscal year(s). C. COUNTY and SMFD agree to make their best efforts. to annex M~CleHan*

Park properties into SMFD bouT).daries.

In the event this Agreement terminates prior to annexation, SMFD agrees to continue to provide structural fire protection and emergency services to COUNTY at McClellan Park properties and COUNTY agrees to pay SMFD' s "net costs" for providing said services.

12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, all exhibits attached hereto, all other terms or provisions incorporated herein by reference, and any notices issued in accotdance with the terms hereto constitute the entire Agreement and understanding between COUNTY and SMFD as to the subject matter contained herein, and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements; whether written or oraL This agreement shall be interpreted as having been drafted by both parties.
  • 13. AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument, signed by _both COUNTY * . and SMFD as authorized by action of their respective governing boards.
  • Page 6 of7

. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day arid year first written above. *

  • COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO, a political subdivision of the State ofCalifomia . Approved as to form: Deputy County Counsel SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN . FIRE DISTRICT, an independent
  • Special District duly authorized and
  • existing under the laws of the State of California Approved as to form: P!!,ge 7 of7

' ' . ' . l ' Exhibit "A" To the Agreement For McClellan Airport and McClellan Park Fire Protection Services McClellan Fire Protection Services Contract Description Task Base Year Option Year 1 Option Year 2 Option Year 3 Option Year 4 10/1 /04-9/30/05 10/1 /05-9/30/06 10/1/06-9/30/07 10/1 /07-9/30/08 10{1 /08-9/30/09 Labor Section Aircraft Rescue and FF ARFF Dedicated labor 1,334,867 1,517,899 1,593,794 1,673,484 1,824,098 Aircraft Rescue and FF Administrative 12% 160,184 182,148 191,255 200,818 218,892 Aircraft Rescue and FF ARFF Structural Labor 1,334,867 1,517,899 1,593,794 1,673,484 1,824,098 Aircraft Rescue and FF Administrative 12% 160,184 182,148 191,255 200,818 218892 Total Labor Costs 2,990,102 3,400,094 3,570,099 3,748,604 4,085,980 FN 06/07 and 07-08 Labor Cost assumes 5% annual inflation.

Other Section Cost Vehicle Maintenance Routine Maintenance 16,000 16,800 17,640 18,522 19,448 ARFF/Structural Dispatch Services 17,098 17,098 17,098 17,098 17,098 ARFF/Structural Facilities 23,802 23,802 23,802 23,802 23,802 ARFF /Structural Support Equipment 9,967 11,733 12,282 12,859 13,502 ARFF Response Unit Unit Reimbursement 73,205 73,205 73,205 73,205 (1996 E One Titan) Total Annual Costs 3,130,174 3,542,732 3,714,126 3,894,090 4,159,830 Other Services Fire Prevention Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Line Item Reimbursable Major Repairs 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 {not to exceed)

Exhibit "C" To The Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District Agreement DescriptiQn Task Base Year Option Year Option Year 2 Option Year 3 Option Year 4 1 10/1/04-10/1/05-10/1/06-9/30/07 10/1/07-9/30/08 10/1/08-9/30/09 9/30/05 9/30/06 Labor S_ection Aircraft Rescue and FF ARFF Dedicated 1,334,867 1,517,899 labor 1,593,794 1,673,484 1,824,098 Aircraft Rescue and FF Administrative 12% 160,184 182,148 191,255 200,818 218,892 Aircraft Rescue and FF ARFF Structural 1,334,867 1,517,899 1,593,794 1,673,484 1,824,098 Labor Aircraft Rescue and FF Administrative 12% 160,184 182,148 191,255 200,818 218892 Total Labor Costs 2,990,102 3,400;094 3,570,099 3,748,604 4,085,980 F IY 06/07 and 07-08 Labor Cost assumes 5% annual inflation 08-09 assumes 9% annual inflation.

Other Section Cost Vehicle Maintenance Routine Maintenance 16,000 16,800 17,640 18,522 19,448 ARFF/Structural Dispatch Services 17,098 17,098 17,098 17,098 17,098 ARFF /Structural Facilities 23,802 23,802 23,802 23,802 23,802 ARFF/Structural Support Equipment 9,967 11,733 12,282 12,859 13,502 ARFF Response Unit Unit Reimbursement 73,205 73,205 73,205 73,205 (1996 E One Titan) Total Annual Costs 3,130,174 3,542,732 3,714,126 3,894,090 4,159,830 Other Services Fire Prevention Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Line. Item Reimbursable Major Repairs 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 (not to exceed)

APPENDIX B UCD/MNRC EMERGENCY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART B-1 Governor of California Office of Emergency Services (OES)

Warning Center U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission CA Dept. of Health, Radiological Health Branch OES Radiological Program Unit UC Davis Emergency Management Office Emergency Management Group Emergency Director, Chairman, Emergency Management Group UCD Police, Fire, Facilities Services, Environ. Health and Safety

Radiological Safety Officer UC Davis News Service UC Davis Medical Center Emergency Manager Sac Metro Fire/EMS Sacramento Sheriff's Office Historian Reactor Supervisor Radiation Safety Officer Radiological Assessment Team Sacramento County Emergency Services Sacramento County Environmental Management Figure B-1 UCD/MNRC Emergency Organization Rev. 08 Jan2006 APPENDIX C List of Emergency Implementation Procedures UCD/MNRC Emergency Operati ng Procedures; MNRC-0018-DOC UCD/MNRC Emergency Procedures for Emergency Response Personnel Class O Emergency - Pe rsonnel an d Operational Events, MNRC-0078-DOC Class I Emergency - Notification of Unusual Events, MNRC-0079-DOC Class II Emergency- Alerts, MNRC-0080-DOC C-1Rev.08 Jan2006 APPENDIX D UCD/MNRC EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM In the event of an emergency at the UCD/MNRC, this form shall be used for notification of off-site authorities. 1.Caller ID:2.Caller's Title:3.Caller's Telephone No.:- - 4.Facility Docket No.: 50-6075. Location of Emergency:6.Date of Emergency Initiation:7.Time of Emergency Initiation:8. Description of Emergency:9.Emergency Class:10.Type and Quantity of Radionuclides Rel eased or Expected to be Released:

D-1Rev08 May 2006 APPENDIX E - List of Figures Figure E-1 UC Davis/MNRC Loca tion in North Highlands at McClellan, California Figure E-2 UC Davis/MNRC Location at McClellan Industrial Park Figure E-3 UC Davis/MN RC Ground Floor Layout Figure E-4 UC Davis/MN RC Upper Floor Layout Figure E-5 UC Davis/MNRC Operations Boundary Layout Figure E-6 UC Davis/MNRC 40 Meter Site Boundary E-1 Figure E-1 Rev 08 May 2006 Figure E-2 Rev 08 May 2006 Figure E-3 Rev 08 May 2006 Figure E-4 Rev 08 May 2006 Figure E-5 Rev 08 May 2006 Figure E-6 Rev 08 May 2006