Regulatory Guide 1.134

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Medical Certification and Monitoring of Personnel Requiring Operator Licenses, September, 1977
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1977
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Revelle C R
Download: ML13205A203 (2)












Section 55.11, "Requirements for the Approval of Appli catio n s ," and §55.3 3 , "Renewal of Li ce n ses," of 10 CF R Par t SS, "Operators'

L ic enses," requir e th a t the ph ysica l co nditi on a nd general h ealt h o f ap plcan ts f o r an in itial o r renewal opera t or or se ni or o p er<Jtor l icense are not suc h as might cause ope r ational errors endangering puhlic health anct safety. Secti on 55.1 0 , "Contents of Applications," a nd §55.33 of 10 CF R Part 55 require that each p l ica ti on for an initial or r enewal operator or senior opera t or l ict n se contain a rep o rt of rm:d ica l ex a mintion by a licensed medical pra c titioner in the prescrihcd in §55.60, " Ex<Jm ina tion F o r m." Th is guide descr i bes a meth od acce p table to t heN R C staff for comp l y in g with the CommissiOn'

s for eva luat io n of the med ica l qualific:llions of appli c ants for '*-;*!al or renew a l o perator or seni or operat or licenses. B.

Section 55.60 of 1 0 CFR Part 55 ,;i equir es th e licensed medical pr ac t i t ioner and the applicant for an initial or renewal operator or senior op erator .. l icense to comple te and sign Form NRC-396, "Certification or Medi ca l Exa m i n ation." T he examinati o n form i s then se nt t o the NR C a n d i become s p a rt or the licens e arplicatio

n. The N R C

has-t9requ es t add't ional in fo rmati on . .th e m edica l titi o ner's eva lu a.t Jon the app l icant's m edical hi story or cond iti on is not suf ficientl y detailed t o ,, d etcrn1 inc a n a pplicant's qu a lific*ati on . :'* W o r k ANS-:.4 of Subcommittee ANS-3. Re ac t or of the ll me rican Nuckar So c iety h as develo ped a sta ndard pr escribing th e minim um requirement s necessary to dete rmin e th at t h e physi ca l condition and ge ne ral health of nucl e(lr operators ar e not s u c h a s mi ght ca u se opera ti o nal c r- USNRC REGULATOR Y GUIDE S

Gutde.s i H P. to dl-'(.;('rth r* <1 r td rntlkf' tt v.ltla bl!-!: :o tht* ou blt r *n l:lho<Y. ac;ccptallk to ttw NCfC: sliJff Qf unr 1 l**rru*n1ing of the CotnrntS'>Inn

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OIII tllU*H lf , t* Com men ts: a"d suggf.!stHH'<;

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  • , <)n(j ro reflect nt*w in f OIIfldtion or **.xp<**r c: n c.*. H<*w**v* cor,..uut*nt
  • ur1 thr'>*JU idc,.f re cL" rv e d vilth o r, , lb Oul I VVt'J l!l (H l lh:, ..,t:'!' t\', wdll,*; : l, l rtr.: ui.J*Iv "'*f u l rn P.valuat t n o the rwc: r11 or **,lflv .. rtl 1 r ors. This s t<Jndard was approved h) the Nat io nal S tandards Committee, N 1::\. Nuckar De s ign Crit er ia , and v.*as SLI hsey U\.:11 t ly .t rrrovcd h.l the A mer ican Natio n a l Standar d,

(.'\ i'YS I) o n A pril 12. 1<)76. Th e crite ri;t pn.:s cntcd i n A\!SI N 546-19 76. * " M cdi c a: 0.: rt i f i e at i

!\l un i 11' r 1 111' of Pers on n el R equiring.

Op erator *L ic,*n,,., Nuc l ear P ower Pla nt-;." s ho u l d p ro v i t he nam i r t** ing. medi ca l rractitioner widl.rl basi:-ror ck ler lllillil1)!

if an ahnorm;tl hc;d th C ll nditi(>ll i, prc,cnt .IIIl i II til.\! condi t i on p(1tc n tially disqu a lifying. l: .... tahli,hP1 e iJI of minimu m h ealth req uirement\

shnuld a1d i n th:: m o re uniform pre paration nf f'urrn '\'HC-)1)(, .tli'l should red uce the nu rnhc1 ur in<;J;tn<.:c'-11 hc1 1 :he N R C has t: o r e.qu cst adLl!Li o ll<ti nH:dic;tl


.. ll i<>I I H o wever, it. sho ulJ be r ecogJJ iled nlth*,ugh it i-. t h e '.licen sed m ed ic;li re-;p,ln,ih!lit)

111 identif y and c v<!lua tc pot t.:llliall:, di>,pLtlifl physical conditions.

the lin a l \.!t:tcJ*rn!n,tiil ll ,, r the :tp* plic ant's medic al qu ali f1 c.ttion is made h> ti 1L* N C C. REGULATORY

POSITION T h e req ui r ements c on ta ined i n ANSI N5 4 (,.J lJ 7 6.* " Medical C..:rtif'ication a nd Monit or in g of R eq u i ring Operator Lil*e ns es for Nuclear "

Plant s," provide a mcth ud <t cc cptahk to the NR(' s taff for determ i ning the medical qual il'ic:Ji i on<; or pli cants for initial or ren ewal orc rat or o r sen i or operator li censes. suhje c t t P the foli uwi n g.: Se c tion 3.2 or ANS I N5 4 6-1976 rcquiw; th:tt t h e facilit y ope r ato r forward t n the de s ignated med1cal examiner a report 1 ll1 e ach employee ref l!rrccl f11r :1 reactor ope r ator medical examJn<Jtion prior 111 tin: t:xamin at i..:>n and that the rep ort inc lu de s pe cified hy the led me dic;il cx;rmineJ* .. 1\ 1'-:SI ** 111<1) he llhtal!lcd f r ,l l ll .'\lllci'IL'i.l ll :..-u cl'"" 0io rth Kcnsi ng lt ln *\venue. L1 J llinuh 1>(1<-;*:** (ntrtrrl,.nt*, ())o 1 ,1d lw r 1 , th r: fl' ,, r,! ... Lr*.*: :.:*.*,, , *.

t.J.,* lo , , fl**o ..

(.O IIIfll i"-'*11 , VJ.t*, l llfl!j\fo fl, (I L /'l.!ll*f r\11 1< llt!!

.* t od ',.*r*,*rl* fl r*lll(;/\ I f'f)WI'f HI',Jf;!Df', 'I ".;nrll!:<;r ., I U fl\t; ;.n d F,trrlt t*f", *1 f*nvtHJrunt*n tul illorl S1 t*r'"1 :, , l flfl P l:tn r Prntf>l ru, n ( J*r ** d.H r*. r, ,.,.,.,.,, "'" rrort!).l 1 11 o p,,l!l**1*1* 'I "'"'"'"'*'

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  • r*t of(Jd .l't Jl o* jf*l trl.t* ** tl!Cnt ot) .tn.uoTUn\dl*

l J,-:r fl)r .. qlo*r*):'l. to! "''': ', '" '*P * (JtVI',III!l

'; *, hnul rl I J*. II !dill' on wrrt*n!! 1 11 lh** II:;, l'oJ,,*I***" q!J*tl,t i*H Y (:*lf1l'Hr*,*

,, J;, wa .. hu1<jllln, D c /.o,t!l*!llof!ll Dn r*l , ,, , Or*Jt'.tl)ll r
.l "Cur o\t()t

. ':'4 6.;9 76 ft;nher as to *.;, h ut t: , p*: n f in Co r mat i, , n is b1: addressed.

To rrccludc Lhc po,sibility that \he facility operator information that P'Jternially co uld be biased and IHl'. pertinent to an individual's medi..:al ljliJi if'ic;Jtions. the facility ope rator shou ld forward o nl y the that bten specified or rhy the de'iignatcd u ic a l examin er for each employee re f erred for-a reactor o pt:ralor mt.:dical illllination for the purp os e of completing Form .196. "Certificate of Medical Examination."


Th e rurpc)Se of this section is to pro vi d e til)Tl to appl i ca nt s and licen st.:cs regardin g the staff's for using thi:; regulatory guide. 'Z 9 "' (/)

Oo C/)(jl"'f

"' >->-U 00 II . *-0 0 "'>-z o<r o w-'>-)-=><.:> z o z ..: IU --'a:r V'> !I<! w .J u :) 'Z > 0 tr -0 < * < .J "' ::> z s 0 tr z tr i ( ( l w w 0 " J u < v ::> "' l 0 . "' J 0 0 ,., ., w "'"'

zw -1-Vl-o: :)> "'-a: uo ;;:u. U,)-01--.J <I ;c "' 0. Except in tlwsc ..: a scs in an acct:ptable

rnati\*c method f or c om pl ying with s pec i fied port i ons of the Commission's regu l a tion s is proposed, the method described here in will be used in the t i on of Form NRC-396. "Certification of Medic a l Examination," submittals in connec t ion with rl icat i ons for in itial or renewal op1*rator or se nior operator li ce nse s submitted after May 15, l97R. If the l icensed medical pr actitio ner wishes to usc thi s r c_5 u latory guide 1n the p re paration of Form NRC-396 for those a pplicati o ns submitted on or before May 15 , 1 978. the pertinent port i ons of the plication will be evaluated on the basi s of this guide . . ft