ML18235A011 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/23/2018 |
From: | Curran B T NRC/NRR/DIRS/IRGB |
To: | |
Curran B T | |
Shared Package | |
ML18226A266 | List: |
References | |
CN 18-029 | |
Download: ML18235A011 (1) | |
Issue Date: 08/23/18 1 1 8-029 NRC INSPECTION MANUAL DIRS Change Notice 1 8-0 29 DELETED: TRANSMITTED:
Number Date Number Date 1. IMC 1245 08/24/17 IMC 1245 08/23/18 2. IMC 1245 App C2 12/19/16 IMC 1245 App C2 08/23/18 3. IMC 1245 App C6 07/08/09 IMC 1245 App C6 08/23/18 4. IMC 1245 App C12 05/24/17 IMC 1245 App C12 08/23/18 5. IMC 1245 App D2 10/21/15 IMC 1245 App D2 08/23/18 TRAINING: No special training is required for any documents issued with this Change Notice.
REMARKS: IMC 1245, "Qualification Program for New and Operating Reactor Programs," has been revised to incorporate some of the recommendations from the 2016 ROP Self-Assessment Focused Review on Inspector Training and Qualifications (ML17027A087), namely encouraging the use of the equivalency justification process, encouraging the use of mock boards, and encouraging supervisors to delegate sign
-off duties to individuals with proficient knowledge on a given individual study activity or OJT. IMC 1245 Appendix C2, "Reactor Engineering Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal," has been revised to account for the changes in the Engineering Baseline inspection procedures, as well as the creation of IMC 0611. IMC 1245 Appendix C6, "Emergency Preparedness Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal," has been revised to account for the creation of IMC 0611 IMC 1245 Appendix C12, "Safety Culture Assessor Training and Qualification Journal ," has been revised to divide the qualification card table into 2 separate tables: one for Safety Culture Assessors and one for Senior Safety Culture Assessors. Also added in a requirement to serve as an SCA on an inspection team PRIOR to qualifying as a Senior SCA.
IMC 1245 Appendix D2, "Inservice Inspection Advanced
-Level Training," has been revised to update references, as well as offer flexibility in completing some of the training requirements by offering the option to take E
-118 in lieu of PD
-192 and PD-190 and E-901 in lieu of PD
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