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TSTF-101Change AFW Pump Testing Frequency to Be in Accordance with the Inservice Testing Program000
TSTF-102Extend the Periodic Verification of Inoperable MSIV and Mfiv Closure to 31 Days000
TSTF-104Relocates Discussion of Exceptions from LCO 3.0.4 to the Bases000
TSTF-105Remove the Details of Performing an RCS Flow Measurement000
TSTF-106Change to Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program000
TSTF-110Delete SR Frequencies Based on Inoperable Alarms210
TSTF-113Eliminate Shutdown to Mode 4 for Inoperable Porvs000
TSTF-115Battery Float Current and Battery Inspection Program020
TSTF-116RCS Inventory Balance SR Regarding Steady State Clarification000
TSTF-118Administrative Controls Program Exceptions000
TSTF-119Delete Fire Protection Program Implementation from Administrative Controls200
TSTF-120Simplify Fuel Oil Sampling000
TSTF-121Remove Regulatory Duplication from Shift Manning Requirements000
TSTF-122Revise LCO 3.0.2 Bases to Remove Possible Confusion000
TSTF-123Revise Control Rod Assemblies in Design Features to Match Definitions000
TSTF-124Delete Specific Reference to Bypasses in CFT and Calibration Definitions000
TSTF-125Delete EFPD Definition000
TSTF-126Delete Extraneous Information from Safety Limits000
TSTF-137Relocation of the 3.4.16 Action Note a Bases000
TSTF-138Addition of Action for Inoperable Steam Generator000
TSTF-139Incorrect Criteria Defined in B 3.7.16000
TSTF-140Correct Condensate Storage Tank LCO and Criteria000
TSTF-141Delete the Mode 2 Applicability for Reactivity Balance000
TSTF-142Increase the Completion Time When the Core Reactivity Balance is Not within Limit320
TSTF-143Consolidate Specification 3.1.5 Actions to Restore Misaligned Ceas100
TSTF-145Add Action to Verify Flow Path is Isolated When 2 Civs Inoperable000
TSTF-152Revise Reporting Requirements to Be Consistent with 10 CFR 20010
TSTF-153Clarify Exception Notes to Be Consistent with the Requirement Being Excepted010
TSTF-154Revise Criteria Discussions of Special Test Exceptions000
TSTF-1553.5.1 Core Flood TANKS- Deletion of Condition D and Modification of Condition C000
TSTF-156LCO 3.1.9.C Removal of Extraneous Detail000
TSTF-157Omit Duplicate EFW Alignment SR000
TSTF-1583.1.5 Safety Rod Insertion Limits, Required Action A.1 Deletion000
TSTF-159LCO 3.1.6 Applicability Modification000
TSTF-160LCO 3.2.5, Power Peaking Factors Applicability Change to Mode 1 with Thermal Power > 20 Percent RTP000
TSTF-163Minimum Vs. Steady State Voltage and Frequency710
TSTF-165Revise the LCO 3.0.5 Bases to Refer to Testing and Not SRS000
TSTF-166Correct Inconsistency Between LCO 3.0.6 and the SFDP Regarding Performance of an Evaluation000
TSTF-167High Radiation Area - Unauthorized Changed to Inadvertent000
TSTF-173Delete Incorrect Bases Statement Regarding I-131 Equilibrium000
TSTF-174Add Missing Bases for 3.7.6, Actions A.1 and A.2000
TSTF-196Revise Isolation Devices to Include Asme/Ansi Equivalent Methods000
TSTF-197Require Containment Closure When Shutdown Cooling Requirements Are Not Met200
TSTF-198Specification 3.8.6 - Unlimited Use of Battery Charging Current in Lieu of Specific Gravity000
TSTF-1993.8.4 - Delete Maintenance Surveillances000
TSTF-200Unlimited Use of Battery Modified Performance Discharge Test000
TSTF-201Omit Battery Conditional Evalutations from SR
TSTF-202Revise Battery Surveillance Weekly Frequencies010
TSTF-203Add Bases for 3.8.6 Actions Note010
TSTF-204Revise DC Sources - Shutdown and Inverters - Shutdown to Address Specific Subsystem Requirements210