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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
BECO-87-158, Responds to 870714 Request for Addl Info Re Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan.Ref List of Calibr Blocks,Including Identifications,Matl Specs & Sizes Encl2 October 1987Bird R
Eversource Energy
Responds to 870714 Request for Addl Info Re Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan.Ref List of Calibr Blocks,Including Identifications,Matl Specs & Sizes EnclRequest
BECO-87-173, Updates Info Provided in Re Inservice Insp Exams. NRC Should Note That Insp Discussed on 861212,when Performed,Will Complete First Insp Period of Second Ten Yr Inservice Insp Interval.Supporting Info Encl5 November 1987Bird R
Eversource Energy
Updates Info Provided in Re Inservice Insp Exams. NRC Should Note That Insp Discussed on 861212,when Performed,Will Complete First Insp Period of Second Ten Yr Inservice Insp Interval.Supporting Info EnclOther
BECO-87-207, Provides Addl Info Re Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan,Per Util 871002 Commitment & NRC 870714 Request.Attachment 2 Is Overall Revised Component Listing, Including 26 Addl Welds28 December 1987Bird R
Eversource Energy
Provides Addl Info Re Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan,Per Util 871002 Commitment & NRC 870714 Request.Attachment 2 Is Overall Revised Component Listing, Including 26 Addl WeldsOther
ML20150C7408 March 1988Mcdonald D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Provides Info Re Status of Inservice Insp & Augmented IGSCC Insp Programs for Plant 1987 Refueling OutageOther
ML20150C7648 March 1988Mcdonald D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Advises That 860922 & 870506 Details of Inservice Insp & Augmented IGSCC Insp Program for 1987 Refueling Outage Meets Guidelines of Generic Ltr 84-11 & AcceptableOther
ML20214Q4191 June 1987Wessman R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Forwards Summary of Nrr/Util 870521 Meeting Re Licensing Issues for Plant.List of Attendees Also EnclMeeting