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 NameStart dateEnd date
CAC:00164812 March 202029 April 2020
CAC:MF095218 December 201511 August 2016
CAC:MF63405 June 201531 May 2016
CAC:MF657929 June 201521 June 2016
CAC:MF665426 November 20146 June 2016
CAC:MF685619 September 201619 September 2016
CAC:MF703729 October 201527 October 2016
CAC:MF70866 November 201513 September 2016
CAC:MF79682 May 20172 May 2017
CAC:MF936827 February 201724 May 2017
CAC:MF939724 July 201730 August 2017
CAC:MF942327 August 201827 August 2018
CAC:MF974725 May 201723 August 2018
CAC:MF975719 June 201720 December 2018
CAC:MF989923 August 201723 August 2017
CAC:MG025831 March 201725 June 2018
CAC:MG025931 March 201726 December 2017
EPID:L-2017-FPR-0005Package: Request for Additional Information Regarding Entergy Operations, Inc.'S Decommissioning Funding Plan Update23 February 201823 November 2020
EPID:L-2017-LLA-0383TSTF-54215 November 20177 November 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLR-0014ASME Code Case N-513-4
EPID:L-2017-LLR-0141ASME Code Case N-513-417 November 20178 June 2018
EPID:L-2017-LNE-0026License Renewal28 June 20176 December 2017
EPID:L-2017-LNE-0027License Renewal19 September 201714 November 2018
EPID:L-2017-LRO-005822 January 201822 January 2018
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0029Request for Review and Approval of Relocation of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection Point from the Reactor Vessel Head Spray Nozzle to the 'A' Feedwater Line Via the 'A' Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling29 January 201821 December 2018
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0056TSTF-42517 December 201829 April 2019
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0083License Amendment Request to Correct a Non-Conservative Technical Specification Figure 3.4.11-1 Minimum Temperature Required Vs. RCS Pressure by Replacing with 54 Effective Full Power Years (EFPY) Curves2 April 201817 January 2019
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0489Removal of the Table of Contents from the Technical Specifications29 November 201819 June 2019
EPID:L-2018-LLL-0020Request to Extend Enforcement Discretion Provided in Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 15-002 for Tornado-Generated Missile Protection Non-Conformances Identified in Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2015-06 ...10 May 20186 June 2018
EPID:L-2018-LLR-00089 March 201816 November 2018
EPID:L-2018-LLR-0009ASME Code Case N-7029 March 20189 March 2018
EPID:L-2018-LLR-0042Request for Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a (g)(5)(iii) Proposed Alternative to 10 CFR 50.55a Examination Requirements for Pressure Retaining Welds in Control Rod Housings (RR-RBS-ISI-016)5 March 20187 November 2018
EPID:L-2018-LLR-0388Request for Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) Proposed Alternative to CFR 50.55a Examination Requirements for Third Interval Volumetric Exams (RBS-ISI-021)30 November 201811 April 2019
EPID:L-2018-LRM-0022Tech Spec Change Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation Slides10 April 201827 April 2018
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0051TSTF-56411 December 201911 December 2019
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0258TSTF-42518 November 201928 September 2020
EPID:L-2019-LLR-0009ASME Code Case N-831-131 January 201919 September 2019
EPID:L-2019-LRM-008917 December 20195 February 2020
EPID:L-2019-PMP-0067Final Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis - River Bend Station, Division '1' Standby Diesel Generator Speed Sensor Power Supply Failure (LER 458-2022-003) - Precursor16 February 20233 March 2023
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0009TSTF 43924 January 20202 February 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0010TSTF-56624 January 202024 February 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0032TSTF-50126 February 20209 March 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0049Withdrawal of an Amendment Request to Extend the Implementation Date for the Emergency Action Level Scheme23 March 202021 May 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0110TSTF-56613 May 20201 February 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0204TSTF-5824 September 20206 January 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0205TSTF 56318 September 20208 June 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0246Application to Adopt GL 86-10 Standard License Condition for Fire Protection Program2 November 20202 July 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLE-0163Request for One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix E Biennial Emergency Preparedness Evaluated Offsite Exercise Requirements Due to Covid 19 Pandemic6 October 202025 November 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLE-02123 December 202022 December 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLR-0079Request to Update ASME Code Relief Request Safety Evaluations with NRC-Approved Revision of BWRVIP Guidelines (GG-ISI-020, and RBS-ISI-019)8 June 202021 September 2021