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 NameStart dateEnd date
CAC:L2482722 March 201822 March 2018
CAC:MF100029 October 201226 May 2017
CAC:MF368329 March 201621 December 2016
CAC:MF36867 March 201619 January 2018
CAC:MF439122 December 201521 June 2019
CAC:MF567421 January 201621 January 2016
CAC:MF5741Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control22 December 201522 February 2016
CAC:MF6540Increase Flexibility in Mode Restraints
Add Met Vs. Perform to Specification 1.4, Frequency
Correct Example 1.4-1
Containment Structural Integrity
13 July 201613 July 2016
CAC:MF6617Revise PTLR Definition and References in ISTS 5.6.6, RCS PTLR18 December 201525 July 2016
CAC:MF6618Bases Change to Address GE Part 21 SC05-0318 August 20167 May 2018
CAC:MF6619Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5B18 August 201530 August 2016
CAC:MF6807Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 CFR 50.55A
Limit Inservice Testing Program SR 3.0.2 Application to Frequencies of 2 Years or Less
17 October 201630 November 2016
CAC:MF699810 December 201529 January 2016
CAC:MF7354Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control29 April 201629 April 2016
CAC:MF748615 March 201630 March 2017
CAC:MF773430 April 201612 September 2016
CAC:MF779415 September 201616 November 2016
CAC:MF779730 June 201619 July 2016
CAC:MF792324 May 201724 May 2017
CAC:MF801413 July 201621 July 2016
CAC:MF8202TS Inservice Testing (IST) Program Removal28 July 20167 April 2017
CAC:MF839013 September 201621 September 2017
CAC:MF93728 May 201719 December 2017
CAC:MF937312 September 201717 January 2018
CAC:MF93747 March 201716 April 2018
CAC:MF93805 September 201719 January 2018
CAC:MF941713 April 201813 April 2018
CAC:MF956924 April 201717 May 2017
CAC:MF957311 August 201618 October 2017
CAC:MF98299 June 201728 March 2018
CAC:MG003823 August 201723 August 2017
CAC:MG0199Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5B31 August 201726 July 2018
CAC:TM305326 April 20162 June 2016
EPID:L-2017-FPR-0023Package: Request for Additional Information Regarding Florida Power and Light/Nextera Decommissioning Funding Updates for St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2; Seabrook Station; Duane Arnold Energy Center; and Point Beach, Units 1 and 2 ISFSI27 February 201829 April 2021
EPID:L-2017-LLA-02189 March 20189 March 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLA-0288License Amendment Request (TSCR-170), Revision to Technical Specification 3.5.1, ECCS-Operating5 September 201716 August 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLA-0385TSTF-55110 November 201731 October 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLA-0416Submittal of License Amendment Request (TSCR-178) Application to Reduce the Required Number of Operable Suppression Chamber-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers15 December 20173 October 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLA-0420Response to Second Round - Request for Additional Information (RAI) - Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) - LAR TSCR-166, Adoption of EAL Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-0124 January 201830 November 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLA-0436License Amendment Request (TSCR-179) Application to Add Technical Specification 3.2.3. Linear Heat Generation Rate.19 December 201721 September 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLR-008125 April 201825 April 2018
EPID:L-2017-LLR-0135Closeout of the Fourth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection (ISI) Interval Relief Request No. NDE-R01731 October 201727 November 2017
EPID:L-2017-LLR-0140Fifth Inservice Inspection Interval Program Plan Relief Request No. RR-0516 November 201724 July 2018
EPID:L-2018-JLD-000118 July 201718 April 2018
EPID:L-2019-JLD-0004EA-12-0519 December 20209 December 2020
EPID:L-2019-JLD-0005EA-13-1099 December 20209 December 2020
EPID:L-2019-JLD-0021EA-12-0499 December 20209 December 2020
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0055TSTF-56310 February 202024 February 2020