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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20260K9055 August 1989Raceway & Grounding Turbine Building El 2(567 Ft - 0 Inches) Area 4, as-built.Rev Date Illegible
ML20260K90911 July 1989Raceway & Grounding Turbine Building Elev 4(603 Ft - 0 Inches) AREA-4, as-built.Rev Date Illegible
ML20260K91210 November 1989Raceway Aux Bldg Elev (2) 565 Ft - 0 Inches Area 7, as-built.Rev Date Illegible
ML20260K91511 October 1989Raceway Aux Bldg Elev (3) 585 Ft - 0 Inches Areas 5 & 7, as-built.Sheet 1.Rev Date Illegible
ML20260K91930 April 1989Raceway Aux Bldg Elev (1) 545 Ft - 0 Inches Area 8, as-built.Rev Date Illegible
ML20260K9245 August 1987Raceway Aux Bldg Elev (1) 545 Ft - 0 Inches Area 8, as-built.Sheet 1.Rev Date Illegible
ML20263G65712 August 1981Raceway & Grounding Aux Bldg Elev 5 (623 Ft) Area 7, as-built
ML20263N21213 August 1980Logic Diagram:Pwb Logic Module. Sheet 1 of 2
ML20263N21413 August 1980Logic Diagram:Pwb Logic Module. Sheet 2 of 2
ML20263N21720 July 1981Signal Flow Diagram:Sfrcs. Sheet 1 of 2
ML20263N22016 September 1981Signal Flow Diagram:Sfrcs. Sheet 2 of 2. No Revision Date
ML20263N22218 March 1979Steam and Feedwater Line Rupture Control System Logic Diagram, as-built
ML20263N22515 September 1976SFRCS-Actuated Equipment Tabulation. Sheet 1
ML20263N22811 April 1978SFRCS-Actuated Equipment Tabulation. Sheet 2
ML20263N23114 August 1975SFRCS-Actuated Equipment Tabulation. Sheet 3
ML20263N33616 August 1978Mn Stm Line & Mn FW Line Rupture Control Sys Logic, as-built
ML20263N33823 August 1977Auxiliary Feed Water Pump Turbine Start Control Sys Logic
ML20265E2311 November 1985Schematic Diagram:Davis Besse Safety Features Actuation System. Sheet 2 of 5.Drawing Consists of Four Aperture Cards
ML20265E2371 November 1985Schematic Diagram:Davis Besse Safety Features Actuation System. Sheet 1 of 5.Drawing Consists of Three Aperture Cards
ML20265E2411 November 1985Schematic Diagram:Davis Besse Safety Features Actuation System. Sheet 3 of 5.Drawing Consists of Four Aperture Cards
ML20265E2461 November 1985Schematic Diagram:Davis Besse Safety Features Actuation System. Sheet 4 of 5.Drawing Consists of Three Aperture Cards
ML20265E2511 November 1985Schematic Diagram:Davis-Besse Safety Features Actuation System. Sheet 5 of 5.Drawing Consists of Five Aperture Cards