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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20259D50114 May 1979Turbine Oil Reservoir:Baffle Details
ML20259D50511 May 1979Turbine Oil Reservoir:Berm Details
ML20259D51021 June 1979Fire Protection Sys
ML20259D51427 July 1979Radwaste Disposal Piping:Underground. Sheet 2
ML20259D51927 July 1979Machine Location Plan,Ground Floor Turbine Room
ML20259D52419 January 1960Miscellaneous Drain Piping:Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 2
ML20259D52921 August 1979Flow Diagram:Fire Protection Sys
ML20259D5339 January 1979Machine Location,Diesel Generator Bldg
ML20259D53618 July 1977Machine Location,Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 2
ML20259D54115 April 1962Machine Location Plan,Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 1
ML20259D54615 April 1960Automatic Sprinkler,Fogfoam,Foam & Waterfog Sys
ML20259D5517 July 1979Fire Protection Sys:Sprinkler Layout
ML20259D55518 June 1979General Arrangement:Yard
ML20259D55926 September 1978Machine Location Plan:Ground Floor Turbine Room
ML20259D56422 June 1961Radwaste Disposal Piping:Underground. Sheet 1
ML20259D56911 January 1978Foundation Plan & Details,Diesel Generator Bldg. Sheet 1
ML20259D57412 December 1977Machine Location Plan:Mezzanine Floor Turbine Room
ML20259D57922 August 1978Water & Fire Protection:Underground. Sheet 1
ML20259D58424 February 1978Plumbing,Roof Drainage & Fire Protection:Turbine Area. Sheet 2
ML20259D58810 February 1959Plan & Details:Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 7
ML20259D59210 July 1959Plan & Details:Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 4
ML20259D5963 March 1978Plan & Details:Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 11
ML20259D6001 October 1959Plan & Details:Primary Auxiliary Bldg. Sheet 15
ML20266B3849 September 1987Main Control Board Turbine Section Panels 6F & 6D
ML20266B4069 September 1987Main Control Board Turbine Section Panels 9F & 9D
ML20266B4248 October 1987Main Control Board Electrical Section Panels 11F & 11D
ML20266B4349 September 1987Outline Safety Injection Panel Front View
ML20266B44814 September 1987Control Room Equipment Arrangement