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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML02141026123 May 2002Addressee List - Order Modifying Licenses for Interim Safeguards and Security Compensatory Measures
ML04086074929 November 1988Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions for October 1986
ML0500504204 January 2005Mailing List for Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant
ML05094037728 February 2005Attachment 2, Ltp Revision 4 - List of Effective Sections and Attachments
ML05348005229 December 2005Enclosure - Review Stakeholder Comments/Observations from Annual Decommissioning Briefing - 200500260
ML08037055113 February 2008Comparison of the Reactor Oversight Process to the Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompanySignificance Determination Process
Operability Determination
Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
ML11196006814 July 2011Enclosure - Request for Supplemental Information Related to the Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50.38 and the Indirect License Transfer Related to Merger of Northeast Utilities and Nstar
ML11249052719 August 2011August 19, 2011, Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities Approval of Nstar Electric Company Petitions for Power Purchase Agreements (D.P.U. 11-05, D.P.U 11-06, D.P.U. 11-07)
ML12157A4724 June 2012Consent and Hearing Waiver - Maine Yankee
ML13113A42418 April 2013Encl (Notice) - Ltr J Connell, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License (DPR-36) Proposed No Significant Hazards Determination and Opportunity for a Hearing 50-309, 72-
ML13182A46626 June 2013Attachment to License Amendment No. 173, Changes to the License Conditions (Letter to J. Connell Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company - Correction to Issuance of Amendment to Operate License No. DPR-36 Regarding the Physical Security PlanSafeguards Contingency Plan