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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML12307A2642 November 2012Brian Benney
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Request for Additional Information Email, Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10 for Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines NDE, Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection IntervalRAI
ML12312A23413 November 2012Lyon C
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Memo to File Summary Verbal Authorization Provided on 11/6/12 for Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10, RPV Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines NDE, Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection IntervalOther
ML13004A33912 March 2013Markley M
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines Non-Destructive Examination, for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection IntervalOther
NOC-AE-12002922, Request for Relief from ASME Section XI Code Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines Non-Destructive Examination (Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10)1 November 2012South Texas
Rencurrel D
Request for Relief from ASME Section XI Code Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines Non-Destructive Examination (Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10)Request
NOC-AE-12002925, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10 for Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines Non-Destructive Examination5 November 2012South Texas
Rencurrel D
Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Request RR-ENG-3-10 for Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Leakoff Lines Non-Destructive ExaminationResponse to RAI