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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML12286A4034 October 2012Mahesh Chawla
Plant Licensing Branch III
LIC-109 Acceptance for Palisades Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel Internals - ME9569Acceptance Review
PNP 2012-056, Revised Commitment Date for Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel Internals Submittal20 June 2012Entergy
Vitale A
Revised Commitment Date for Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel Internals SubmittalRequest
PNP 2012-080, Revised Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel Internals13 September 2012Entergy
Gustafson O
Revised Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel InternalsRequest
PNP 2013-022, Response to Request for Additional Information - Revised Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel Internals4 April 2013EntergyResponse to Request for Additional Information - Revised Program Plan for Aging Management of Reactor Vessel InternalsResponse to RAI
PNP 2014-001, Response to Second Request for Additional Information Reactor Vessel Internals - ME95693 April 2014Entergy
Gustafson O
Response to Second Request for Additional Information Reactor Vessel Internals - ME9569Request
PNP 2014-004, Summary of January 2, 2014 Teleconference with Nuclear Regulatory Staff on - Request for Additional Information - Reactor Vessel Internals - ME9569 Response Schedule7 January 2014Entergy
Gustafson O
Summary of January 2, 2014 Teleconference with Nuclear Regulatory Staff on - Request for Additional Information - Reactor Vessel Internals - ME9569 Response ScheduleMeeting
PNP 2014-067, Response to Third Request for Additional Information - Reactor Vessel Internals (ME9569)1 July 2014Entergy
Gustafson O
Response to Third Request for Additional Information - Reactor Vessel Internals (ME9569)Request