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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML11312005722 November 2011Joel Wiebe
Plant Licensing Branch III
Fleet - Bulletin 2011 01, Mitigating Strategies Request for Additional Information Regarding 60-Day ResponseRAI
ML12160A38714 June 2012John Lamb
Plant Licensing Branch II
Closeout of Bulletin 2011-01, Mitigation Strategies,Other
ML12178A2152 August 2012Joel Wiebe
Plant Licensing Branch III
Closeout of Bulletin 2011-01 Migrating Strategies.Other
ML15188A05427 May 2015Pocatello
Idaho State University
Van Der Schyf C
Amendment to R-110 Reactor License for AGN-201 at Idaho State UniversityRequest
ML16040A11922 February 2016Xiaosong Yin
Research and Test Reactors Licensing Branch
Idaho State University - Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request Regarding the Organizational Change for the Idaho State AGN-201 Training ReactorRAI
NOC-AE-12002817, Response to Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Regarding the License Amendment Request to Revise the South Texas Project Fire Protection Program Related to the Alternative Shutdown Capability22 March 2012South Texas
Gerry Powell
Response to Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Regarding the License Amendment Request to Revise the South Texas Project Fire Protection Program Related to the Alternative Shutdown CapabilityResponse to RAI
RA-11-004, County, Limerick, Oyster Creek, Peach Bottom, Quad Cities, Three Mile Island, 30-Day Response to NRC Bulletin 2011-01, Mitigating Strategies.8 June 2011Exelon
Jury K
County, Limerick, Oyster Creek, Peach Bottom, Quad Cities, Three Mile Island, 30-Day Response to NRC Bulletin 2011-01, Mitigating Strategies.Request
RA-11-043, Submittal of 60-Day Response to NRC Bulletin 2011-01, Mitigating Strategies.8 July 2011Exelon
Jury K
Submittal of 60-Day Response to NRC Bulletin 2011-01, Mitigating Strategies.Request
RS-11-180, Response to NRC Bulletin 2011-0120 December 2011Exelon
Jury K
Response to NRC Bulletin 2011-01Request