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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML08291015715 October 2008Kalyanam N
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Acceptance Review EmailAcceptance Review
ML08294040620 October 2008Kalyanam N
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Acceptance Review Email of Requested Licensing Action Re License Amendment Request, NPF-38-280Acceptance Review
ML08303003020 April 2012NRC/EDO
Borchardt R
SECY-12-0062 - Renewal of Full Power Operating License for Pilgrim Nuclear Power StationOther
ML0902708315 February 2009Kalyanam N
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Request for Additional Information, Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006 to Extend the Second 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval and License Amendment Request NPF-38-280 to Support Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006 (MD9671, MD9669)RAI
ML09160015812 June 2009Kalyanam N
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Withdrawal of an Amendment RequestWithdrawal
ML09160016612 June 2009Kalyanam N
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Notice of Withdrawal of an Amendment Request, Revise Facility Operating License to Add License Condition on the Extension of the Reactor Vessel Inservice Inspection IntervalWithdrawal
W3F1-2008-0060, . Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006 and Proposed Alternative to Extend the Second 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval for Reactor Vessel Internal Weld Examinations18 September 2008Entergy
Entergy Nuclear South
Murillo R
. Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006 and Proposed Alternative to Extend the Second 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval for Reactor Vessel Internal Weld ExaminationsRequest
W3F1-2008-0061, License Amendment Request to Support Implementation of Extended In-Service Inspection Interval17 September 2008Entergy
Walsh K
Entergy Nuclear South
License Amendment Request to Support Implementation of Extended In-Service Inspection IntervalRequest
W3F1-2009-0006, RAI Response to Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006 to Extend the Second 10 Year Amse Code ISI and License Amendment Request NPF-38-280 to Support Request for Alternative W3-ISI-00619 March 2009Entergy
Entergy Nuclear South
Murillo R
RAI Response to Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006 to Extend the Second 10 Year Amse Code ISI and License Amendment Request NPF-38-280 to Support Request for Alternative W3-ISI-006Request
W3F1-2009-0025, Withdrawal of License Amendment Request License Condition to Support Implementation of Extended In-Service Inspection Interval3 June 2009Entergy
Kowalewski J
Withdrawal of License Amendment Request License Condition to Support Implementation of Extended In-Service Inspection IntervalWithdrawal