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 NameStart dateEnd date
EPID:L-2018-LLA-01207 June 201815 August 2019
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0135License Amendment Request 257, Modify Emergency Diesel Generator Partial-Load Rejection Surveillance Requirement14 May 201818 March 2019
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0152Stations - Supplement to Application to Add Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.6 to the Technical Specifications6 July 201831 July 2019
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0280License Amendment Request 265, Revise NFPA 805 License Condition for Reactor Coolant Pump Seals17 October 201827 March 2019
EPID:L-2018-LNE-0001Slides for Turkey Point Public Scoping Meeting on May 31 2018 - English31 January 201825 October 2019
EPID:L-2018-LRM-0026Florida Power & Light Agenda for April 24, 2018, Presubmittal Phone Call24 April 201818 May 2018
EPID:L-2018-LRM-002723 April 201831 May 2018
EPID:L-2018-LRM-005021 September 201821 September 2018
EPID:L-2018-LRM-005217 October 201817 October 2018
EPID:L-2018-RNW-0002Enclosure 4 - Non-Proprietary Reference Documents and Redacted Versions of Proprietary Reference Documents (Public Version)19 July 197225 March 2022
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0055TSTF-56310 February 202024 February 2020
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0126License Amendment Request 269, Modify Reactor Trip System (RTS) Turbine Trip Instrumentation Requirements and Resolve Two Non-Conservative Requirements13 June 20199 July 2019
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0240License Amendment Request 270, Modify Containment Atmosphere Radioactivity Monitoring, Containment Ventilation Isolation and RCS Leakage Detection System Requirements4 November 201920 October 2020
EPID:L-2019-LLA-0271License Amendment Request 264, Adopt Emergency Action Level (EAL) Scheme Described in NEI 99-01, Revision 6, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors.6 December 201927 January 2021
EPID:L-2019-LLR-002711 April 20196 February 2020
EPID:L-2019-LRO-0103Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report25 September 20191 December 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0003Units 1 and 2, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.3.5, LOP DG Start Instrumentation, (WBN-TS-20-01)17 January 202026 February 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-001626 February 202126 May 2021
EPID:L-2020-LLA-0067TSTF-5104 April 202015 June 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLE-0068Exemption Request for Access Authorization and Fitness for Duty Requirements Due to COVID-19 Pandemic21 May 202030 July 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLR-0040Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Relief Request No. 630 March 20206 November 2020
EPID:L-2020-LLR-0127Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Relief Request No. 7 for Train a and B Component Cooling Water (CCW) Supply and Return Piping18 September 20207 December 2020
EPID:L-2021-LLA-0070License Amendment Request 273, Update Listing of Approved LOCA Methodologies to Adopt Full Spectrum Tm LOCA Methodology15 April 202124 May 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLA-007714 May 20213 December 2021
EPID:L-2021-LLE-0058COVID-19 Related Request for Exemption from Part 26 Work Hours Requirements30 December 202130 December 2021
TSTF-360, TSTF-500
TSTF-422, TSTF-500
TSTF-360, TSTF-529
TSTF-427, TSTF-422
TSTF-554, TSTF-425
15 September 202118 April 2023
EPID:L-2021-LLLI-000017 April 202317 April 2023
EPID:L-2021-LLR-0038and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - 10 CFR 72.48(d)(2) Summary Report13 May 202110 May 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLR-0077ASME Code Case N-513-414 October 202116 March 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLR-0078Affidavit Dated February 14, 2022, Executed by Paul S. Manzon14 February 20223 March 2022
EPID:L-2021-LRM-0009RCP Seal Solutions - May 24 2022 Slide Material (Public)11 May 202215 July 2022
EPID:L-2021-LRM-0032Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Nextera/Florida Power and Light Regarding the Conversion of Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4 and St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2 to Improved Technical Specifications19 March 202113 April 2021
EPID:L-2021-LRM-0075Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Nextera/Florida Power and Light (FPL) Regarding the Conversion of Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 3 and 4, and St. Lucie Plant, Units 1 and 2 to Improved Technical Specifications13 August 20216 January 2022
EPID:L-2021-LRM-0080Public Teleconference with NextEra to Discuss Proposed Submittal Concerning Unit 3 Intake Cooling Water Discharge Line10 August 20217 December 2021
EPID:L-2022-LLA-01052021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report3 May 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0128License Amendment Request 276, Revise Fire Protection Program in Support of Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Replacement Project (Non-Proprietary)22 April 20225 May 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0146Station,, Point Beach Units 1 and 2, License Amendment Request for Common Emergency Plan Consistent with NUREG-0654, Revision 24 October 202212 July 2024
EPID:L-2022-LLI-000224 May 202320 June 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLR-0032Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Relief Request No. 1030 September 202128 November 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLT-000228 July 202228 July 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-00074 March 20224 March 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-000912 March 20228 August 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-0015Notice of Meeting with NextEra Energy Llc/Florida Power & Light Company1 February 202214 September 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-006116 August 202229 August 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-0096License Amendment Request Revision 1 for the Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431 Revision 530 March 202228 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LRM-01057 August 20227 August 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRO-007030 June 202228 October 2022
EPID:L-2022-SLE-0002License Renewal