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05000346/FIN-2018002-022018Q2Davis BesseFailure to Apply Technical Specification for Safety Features Actuation SystemInstrumentationThe NRC identified a finding of Green significance and an associated Non-Cited Violation of Technical Specification 3.3.5.b, Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) Instrumentation, for the licensees failure to place the reactor in Mode 3 within six hours of identifying that two channels of Safety Features Actuation System Borated Water Storage Tank level instrumentation were inoperable. Specifically, the licensee inappropriately exited Technical Specification 3.3.5.b, and failed to place the reactor in Mode 3 while two Borated Water Storage Tank level instruments were inoperable for more than six hours.
05000346/FIN-2018002-032018Q2Davis BesseFailure to Perform a Procedure Affecting QualityThe NRC identified a finding of Green significance and an associated non-cited violation of 10 Code of Federal Regulation(CFR) Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, due to the licensees failure to implement DBOP03006, Miscellaneous Instrument Shift Checks, Specifically, the licensee declared SFAS Channel 1 operable without performing the required channel check.
05000346/FIN-2018002-042018Q2Davis BesseMisapplication of the Operability Determination ProcessThe NRC identified a finding of Green significance due to the licensees misapplication of NOPOP1009, Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments. Specifically, the licensee failed to apply the Operability Determination process in accordance with procedures.