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 Discovered dateReporting criterionTitleDescriptionLER
ENS 4839911 October 2012 18:28:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Out of Service Due to MaintenanceAt approximately 1428 EDT on October 11, 2012, preplanned maintenance will be performed that will affect the Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation system. This maintenance will be performed as part of an electric heater control panel inspection (DH-1). This maintenance is expected to be performed and completed within 4 hours. If an emergency condition should occur, the power will be restored, but potentially not within the time required for activation of the TSC. In addition, the Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP) emergency plan has procedural guidance for use of an alternate location in the event the TSC is not habitable. This event is reportable per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2 since this work activity affects an emergency response facility for the duration of the maintenance. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4840816 October 2012 12:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessPlanned Technical Support Center (Tsc) MaintenanceAt approximately 0800 on October 16, 2012 pre-planned maintenance will be performed that will affect the Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation system. The scope of the maintenance is to inspect and clean all air handler units, fans, and outside air condensing units that support TSC ventilation. This maintenance is expected to be performed and completed within approximately 13 hours. If an emergency condition should occur, the ventilation system will be restored, but potentially not within the time required for activation of the TSC. In addition, the Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP) emergency plan has procedural guidance for use of an alternate location in the event the TSC is not habitable. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2 since this work activity affects an emergency response facility for the duration of the maintenance. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4841617 October 2012 15:38:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification of Waste Water Pipe Leak Containing TritiumThe Harris Nuclear Plant is following the guidance in NEI 07-07 and has initiated this event notification as a result of our voluntary communication to state agencies in accordance with the Groundwater Protection Initiative. The state was notified at 1138 EDT. On October 16, 2012 at 5:12 pm, plant personnel identified a leak from a pipe on plant property. The pipe carries secondary plant and water treatment building waste water for chemical processing. The water, containing a low level of tritium (10,760 picocuries per liter), leaked into the surrounding soil. The surrounding soil is being excavated and the leak is being repaired. The EPA Drinking Water Standard is 20,000 picocuries per liter. The health and safety of the public are not affected by this event, based on the location of the leak and the low tritium levels. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The licensee also plans to notify local authorities.
ENS 4844024 October 2012 19:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Ventilation Support System Non-FunctionalAt 3:30 PM EDT on October 24, 2012, Harris Operations discovered that the Technical Support Center (TSC) outside differential pressure controller (PDC-4011) was not working. This pressure controller makes the TSC non-functional due to the ventilation system not being capable of maintaining a positive pressure with respect to outside. Procedural guidance exists for the Radiation Protection staff to perform continuous air monitoring of the TSC atmosphere to determine habitability conditions. Actions are being taken to expeditiously restore the system. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) due to the Technical Support Center ventilation support system being non-functional. The on call Site Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response Manager have been notified. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been informed.
ENS 4850714 November 2012 15:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability - Gross Failed Fuel DetectorThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 10:00 am on November 14, 2012, it was identified that on June 14, 2012 at 4:04 am, the Gross Failed Fuel Detector was not controlling flow as required and therefore would not be able to perform its function. Further investigation revealed that the monitor has been in and out of service since that time. The last time the monitor was taken out of service was November 2, 2012 at 08:40 am and currently remains out of service. This condition has not impacted the health and safety of the public as this condition is not impacting the operation of the facility. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification for an Unusual Event in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. Actions are in place to restore the monitor to functional status. The licensee can obtain chemistry grab samples to determine if there is failed fuel though this is not as responsive. The Gross Failed Fuel Detector is planned for repair on 11/16/2012. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4852420 November 2012 09:34:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability - Radiation Monitor Declared InoperableThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 0434 (EST) on November 20, 2012, radiation monitor RM-1WV-3547-1, Waste Processing Building Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) was declared inoperable due to a loss of sample flow. This monitor is the only monitor credited in the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) for monitoring a gaseous release from the radiochemistry facility. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for EAL classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Revision 2. This condition does not affect the health or safety the public or the operation of the facility. An alternative method for sampling and determination of activity levels has been implemented. Actions are being taken to restore the monitor functional status. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4853626 November 2012 15:29:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability- Radiation Monitor Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At 1029 EST on November 26, 2012, radiation monitor RM-1 WV-3546-1, Waste Processing Building Wide Range Gas Monitor was declared inoperable for pre-planned maintenance. This monitor is the only monitor credited in the EALs for monitoring a gaseous release from the Waste Processing Building. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and Is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health of safety of the public or the operation of the facility. An alternative method for sampling and determination of activity levels has been implemented. The licensee stated that the radiation monitor was returned to service at 1728 EST on 11/26/12. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4853827 November 2012 14:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability- Radiation Monitor Inoperable Due to Database ErrorThis is a non-emergency notification. At 0900 EST on November 27, 2012, it was discovered that radiation monitor RM-1WV-3546-1, Waste Processing Building Wide Range Gas Monitor was inoperable due to a database error. The database error appears to have occurred at approximately 1724 EST on November 26, 2012. The database error was corrected and the monitor returned to service at 0958 EST on November 27, 2012. This monitor is the only monitor credited in the EALs for monitoring a gaseous release from the Waste Processing Building. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or the operation of the facility because no events occurred during the time the radiation monitor was out of service. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. See EN #48536 for similar report.
ENS 485595 December 2012 13:47:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Ventilation Removed from Service for MaintenanceAt approximately 0847 EST on December 5, 2012, maintenance (was commenced) on the Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation system to restore automatic differential pressure control to the TSC ventilation damper D-5. Following the maintenance, a 10 hour functionality run will be performed. Following a successful 10 hour run, full functionality of the TSC ventilation system will be declared. If an emergency requiring activation of the TSC should occur, procedural guidance exists for the Radiation Protection staff to perform continuous air monitoring of the TSC atmosphere to determine habitability conditions. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) due to the Technical Support Center ventilation support system being non-functional during the maintenance and the 10 hour run. The Site Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response Manager have been notified. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been informed.
ENS 485636 December 2012 12:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessRadiation Monitor Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 0700 EST on December 6, 2012, radiation monitor RM-01TV-3536-1, Turbine Building Vent Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) was declared inoperable for pre-planned maintenance to perform surveillance testing. The surveillance test is scheduled to take approximately four hours. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health or safety of the public or the operation of the facility. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4857310 December 2012 12:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability- Radiation Monitors Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 07:30 EST on December 10, 2012, radiation monitor RM-01TV-3536-1, Turbine Building Vent Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) will be declared inoperable for pre-planned corrective maintenance on the FT-01TV-3536-1, Turbine Bldg Vent Stack flow rate monitor. The corrective maintenance is expected to last approximately 5 to 6 hours. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health or safety of the public or the operation of the facility. The NRC Resident Inspectors have been notified.
ENS 4858813 December 2012 16:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessSeismic Monitoring System Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 11:00 EST on December 13, 2012, the Seismic Monitoring System was declared inoperable for pre-planned preventative maintenance, MPT-10240 Triaxial Time History Accelerograph. The preventive maintenance is expected to last approximately 5 to 6 hours. The Seismic Monitoring System is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health of safety of the public or the operation of the facility. Licensee has available redundant seismic indication and the on-site Emergency Response Organization has been notified. The NRC Resident Inspectors have been notified.
ENS 4859715 December 2012 12:34:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Cooling Fan InoperableThis event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2 based on 'Loss of Response' capability. This is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 0734 EST on 12/15/2012 AH-17, the Technical Support Center (TSC) Cooling Fan was found exhibiting no flow. The cause of the no flow condition was a broken fan belt. Repairs are being planned and will be worked immediately. TSC functionality requires all areas of the TSC be maintained between 50 degrees F and 86 degrees F. The actual TSC area temperatures range from 59 degrees F to 67 degrees F. Should the TSC need to be activated for an event, . . . compensatory measures are in place to consider relocating the TSC to the Alternate Emergency Facility per PEP-240. This decision would he based on the existing event conditions and coordinated with the Emergency Response Manager, SEC-MCR, and Radiological Control Manager. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4861120 December 2012 12:35:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability - Radiation Monitors Inoperable for Pre- Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At 0735 (EST) on December 20, 2012, radiation monitors RM-1CR-3561A, RM-1CR-3561B, RM-1CR-3561C and RM-1CR-3561D, Containment Ventilation Isolation Radiation Monitors, were declared inoperable for preplanned maintenance. These monitors are the only monitors credited in the EALs for monitoring elevated radiation levels inside containment for irradiated fuel. These radiation monitors are necessary for accident assessment and are credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to these monitors being out of service is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health or safety of the public or the operation of the facility. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4867014 January 2013 13:40:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability - Radiation Monitors Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 08:40 EST on January 14, 2013, radiation monitor RM-01TV-3547-1, Waste Processing Building Vent Stack 5A Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) will be declared inoperable for pre-planned maintenance. MST-I0377, WPB Stack 5A Accident Monitor Channel Calibration will be performed. The maintenance activity is expected to complete January 15, 2013. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health of safety of the public or the operation of the facility. The NRC Resident Inspectors have been notified.
ENS 4868420 January 2013 21:41:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Ventilation DisabledAt 1641 on January 20, 2013, the Technical Support Center (TSC) became non-functional when the ventilation system was secured and disabled by a fire alarm. Investigation of the alarm condition determined the fire alarm was not valid and would not reset. At 1830, Technical Support Center ventilation was restored by disabling the deficient fire alarm by using guidance in alarm response procedure APP-FP-KBLDG. The Technical Support Center was restored to functional status at 1830 on January 20, 2013. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2 since this condition affected an emergency response facility for greater than facility activation time (one hour). The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed
ENS 4868621 January 2013 18:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Response Capability - Technical Support Center Ah-17 Supply Fan Non-Functional for Preplanned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 1300 (EST) on January 21, 2013 preplanned maintenance will be performed which will remove AH-17, one of three Technical Support Center (TSC) Supply Fans from service. The scope of the maintenance is to replace and align the fan's sheave with a contingency to replace its drive belt. This maintenance is expected to be performed and completed within approximately 7 hours. If an emergency condition should occur, the ventilation system will be restored, but potentially not within the time required for activation of the TSC. In addition, the ventilation system will be restored, but potentially not within the time required for activation of the TSC. In addition, the Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP) emergency plan has procedural guidance for use of an alternate location in the event the TSC is not habitable. The on-call TSC Site Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response Manager have been notified. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4877925 February 2013 13:04:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Assessment Capability - Radiation Monitors Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At 8:04 AM EST on February 25, 2013 radiation monitor RM-21AV-3509-1, Plant Vent Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) was declared inoperable for pre-planned maintenance. The maintenance is scheduled to be completed around 6:00 PM EST on 02/27/2013. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. The Technical Support Center-Site Emergency Coordinator has been notified about this preplanned maintenance. This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or the operation of the facility. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 488044 March 2013 09:15:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessRadiation Monitor Inoperable for Pre-Planned Maintenance

This is a non-emergency notification. At 0415 EST on March 4, 2013, REM-01MD-3528, Turbine Building Floor Drain Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitor, was declared inoperable for pre-planned corrective maintenance and surveillance testing. The pre-planned maintenance and surveillance testing is scheduled to take approximately 62 hours. Proceduralized compensatory measures are in place to sample and analyze for radioactivity at a lower limit of detection of no more than 10E-7 microCuries/ml at least once per 12 hours when the specific activity of the secondary coolant is greater than 0.01 microCuries/gram Dose Equivalent I-131, or at least once per 24 hours when the specific activity of the secondary coolant is less than or equal to 0.01 microCuries/gram Dose Equivalent I-131. The expected return to service and operability date is March 6, 2013. The Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. The NRC Resident has been notified.


. . . Radiation Monitor REM-01 MD-3528 would be out of service for preplanned maintenance for approximately 62 hours, and the estimated return to service date was March 6, 2013. The preplanned maintenance is taking longer than expected and the current estimate is approximately 110 hours with return to service on Friday, March 8, 2013. The compensatory measures will continue until the monitor is returned to service. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (Nease).

ENS 4884021 March 2013 09:07:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessRadiation Monitors Inoperable for Pre-Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 0507 EDT on March 18, 2013, radiation monitor RM-01TV-3536-1, Turbine Vent Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) was declared inoperable for pre-planned corrective maintenance. Compensatory actions were put in place to sample per the requirements of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) and the duration of the maintenance was originally not expected to take longer than 72 hours. This event is now reportable because the planned equipment outage exceeded 72 hours. This radiation monitor is necessary for accident assessment and is credited for Emergency Action Level (EAL) classification in the Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Inability to classify an EAL due to an out of service monitor is considered a loss of accident assessment capability and is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. This condition does not affect the health or safety of the public or the operation of the facility. Compensatory actions remain in place to sample per requirements of ODCM. The NRC Resident Inspectors have been notified.
ENS 4891511 April 2013 19:41:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Coolers Out of ServiceThis event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, based on 'Loss of Assessment' capability. This is a non-emergency notification. This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or the operation of the facility. At approximately 15:41 EDT on 4/11/2013, AH-11 and AH-17, Technical Support Center (TSC) Air Handling Units' coolers were not working. The cause of the condition has not been identified. However, troubleshooting efforts are being planned and will be worked immediately. TSC functionality requires all areas of the TSC be maintained between 60.8 degrees F and 82.4 degrees F. Actual TSC area temperatures have reached 77 degrees F. If the facility were activated with a full staff, temperatures could rise above the 82.4 degree F limit. Should the TSC need to be activated for an event, we have compensatory measures which would include relocating the TSC to the Alternate Emergency Facility per PEP-240. This decision would be based on the existing event conditions and coordinated with the Emergency Response Manager, SEC-MCR, and Radiological Control Manager. The Alternate TSC has been verified to have electrical power, ventilation, and communication capability. The Technical Support Center-Site Emergency Coordinator has been notified. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4892816 April 2013 08:14:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center (Tsc) Unavailable Due to Preplanned MaintenanceThis event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as described in NUREG-1022, based on LOSS of ASSESSMENT capability. This is a non-emergency notification. This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or the operation of the facility. At approximately 0414 (EDT) on April 16, 2013, preplanned maintenance will be performed that will affect the Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation system. The scope of the maintenance is to inspect and clean all Air Handler Units, Fans, and Outside Air Condensing Units that support TSC Ventilation. This maintenance is scheduled to be performed and completed within approximately 50 hours. TSC functionality requires all occupied areas of the TSC be maintained between 60.8 degrees F and 82.4 degrees F. Actual TSC area temperatures have been verified to be less than 78 degrees F. If an emergency condition should occur, the ventilation system will be restored, but potentially not within the time required for activation of the TSC. If the facility were activated with full staff, temperatures could rise above the 82.4 degrees F limit. Should the TSC need to be activated for an event, we have compensatory measures which would include relocating the TSC to the Alternate Emergency Facility per PEP-240. This decision would be based on the existing event conditions and coordinated with the Emergency Response Manager, Main Control Room - Site Emergency Coordinator, and Radiological Control Manager. The Alternate TSC has been verified to have electrical power, ventilation, and communication capability. The Technical Support Center - Site Emergency Coordinator has been notified. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4893216 April 2013 20:25:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed ConditionPotential Cable Size and Breaker Mismatch

During investigation of a documentation discrepancy, a potential cable size and breaker mismatch was identified to exist in a non-safety related DC panel. Initial evaluation has shown that the cable may heat and be potentially damaged if exposed to a 'smart' high impedance fault for an extended period. This discovered condition has not been previously analyzed for NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 805 common enclosure circuit coordination. Fire watches were established as a compensatory measure immediately following identification of the issue on April 8, 2013. An initial review of fire protection analysis was completed on April 16, 2013. Fire watches remain in place until a modification which will restore coordination is complete. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


An analysis demonstrated that adjacent cables in the common enclosure would not be damaged, therefore, the condition does not significantly degrade plant safety. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (McCoy).

ENS 490046 May 2013 14:16:00Other Unspec Reqmnt
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency Preparedness
One of Two National Weather Service Tone Alert Radios Out of ServiceAt 10:16 AM EDT on May 6, 2013, the National Weather Service (NWS-NOAA) reported a loss of the (NWS-NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitter, WXL-58 located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, which serves the Northeast Piedmont on 162.550 MHZ. The NWS-NOAA does not have an expected return to service time. The NWS-NOAA Tone Alert Radio Transmitters are in place to provide a redundant means to alert residents within five miles to an emergency at the plant. Eighty-three Alert and Notification System (ANS) sirens are located throughout the ten mile radius of the plant. The ANS sirens have the same function as the Tone Alert Radios, but extend out to ten miles. All ANS sirens are currently in service and fully functional. Therefore, there is a means to alert the public within the 10 mile radius of the plant if an actual emergency were to occur. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified." This report was also made per a requirement of licensee procedure PLP-201.
ENS 4903815 May 2013 10:49:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(i), Tech Spec Required Shutdown
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A), Seriously Degraded
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(C), Loss of Safety Function - Release of Radioactive Material
Technical Specification Required Shutdown Due to Discovery of an Unacceptable Flaw During Data ReviewOn May 13, 2013, during a secondary review of ultrasonic data of the reactor vessel head penetrations performed during Harris Nuclear Plant spring 2012 refueling outage, it was determined that the results for one of the penetrations appeared to not meet the applicable acceptance criteria. Further evaluation completed on May 15, 2013, characterized the flaw as a 0.26 inch flaw an nozzle 49 that overlaps the J-grove weld and exhibits characteristics of primary water stress corrosion cracking. The original examinations were performed per NRC requirements. Initial evaluation indicates that the flaw is not through wall and there is no evidence of leakage based on inspections performed on the top of the reactor vessel head during the spring 2012 refueling outage. Operators are shutting down the unit to make the necessary repairs. There is no impact to the health and safety of employees or the public. The NRC resident inspector has been informed. This report is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A), discovery of a degraded condition, 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(i), plant shutdown required by technical specifications, and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(C), a condition which could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function to control the release of radioactive material.
ENS 4905822 May 2013 09:16:00Other Unspec ReqmntLoss of Redundant Assessment CapabilityLoss of both National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitters. At 5:16 AM EDT on May 22, 2013 the National Weather Service reported a loss of the National Weather Service (NOAA) tone alert radio transmitters, WXL-58 located in Chapel Hill, NC, serving the northeast Piedmont on 162.550 MHZ, and WNG-706 located in Garner, NC, serving the eastern Piedmont and coastal plain on 162.450 MHZ. The National Weather Service expects to return both transmitters to service no earlier than 8:00 AM on May 22, 2013. The purpose of the National Weather Service (NOAA) tone alert radio transmitters is a redundant means to the 83 Harris Nuclear Plant emergency sirens to warn the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event. The 83 Harris Nuclear Plant emergency sirens are in service and fully functional to alert the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event should an event occur. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. The NRC Resident has been notified. The tone alert radio transmitters were returned to service at 11:30 AM.
ENS 4907428 May 2013 14:52:00Other Unspec ReqmntLoss of Redundant Assessment Capability

Loss of one of two National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitters. This is a non-emergency notification. At 10:52 AM EDT on May 28, 2013, the National Weather Service reported that they plan to remove the National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitter, WXL-58 located in Chapel Hill, NC., serving the northeast piedmont on 162.550 MHZ, from service maintenance. The maintenance is expected to last 4 hours. The purpose of the National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio transmitters is a redundant means to the 83 Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Sirens to warn the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event. The 83 Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Sirens are in service and fully functional to alert the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event should an event occur. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. The NRC Resident has been notified.


At 1415 EDT on 5/28/13 the Tone Alert Radio Transmitter WXL-58 was returned to service. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (Bonser).

ENS 4907629 May 2013 13:34:00Other Unspec ReqmntLoss of Redundant Assessment Capability

Loss of one of two National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitters. This is a non-emergency notification. At 09:34 AM EDT on May 29, 2013, the National Weather Service reported that they plan to remove the National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitter, WXL-58 located in Chapel Hill, NC., serving the northeast piedmont on 162.550 MHZ, from service for maintenance. The maintenance is expected to last 4 hours. The purpose of the National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio transmitters is a redundant means to the 83 Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Sirens to warn the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event. The 83 Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Sirens are in service and fully functional to alert the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event should an event occur. Compensatory Measure is in place as a back-up route alert to the public within the 5 miles radius (affected counties; Wake, Chatham, Harnett) upon declaration of an event. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. The NRC Resident has been notified. This is the same NOAA Tone Alert Radio Transmitter as reported in NRC Event #49074.


The NOAA Tone Alert Radio Transmitter was returned to service on 5/29/13 at 1538 EDT. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (Bonser).

ENS 4911413 June 2013 22:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseNotification of North Carolina Emergency Management Due to Spill of Diesel OilAt 6:30 PM EDT on 6/13/13 an all spill was identified which resulted in approximately one quart of fuel oil spilled to the ground from a diesel powered portable light which overturned during a storm. The oil spill was outside of the dike containment in which the light unit was located and was approximately 10 feet from waters of the Harris Lake (waters of the US). No oil entered the lake. This event was reportable to the state of North Carolina because it occurred within 100 feet of the Harris Lake. At 7:03 PM EDT on 6/13/13 Harris Environmental Services Section personnel made the oil spill notification to North Carolina Emergency Management which was acting on behalf of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The spill was cleaned up by removing the topsoil in the area. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi) as described in NUREG-1022, based on an event related to protection of the environment for which a notification to other government agencies has been made. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4911514 June 2013 01:27:00Other Unspec ReqmntLoss of One of Two National Weather Service Tone Alert Radio TransmittersAt 9:27 p.m. EDT June 13, 2013, the National Weather Service reported a loss of the National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio Transmitter, WXL-58 located in Chapel Hill, NC serving the northeast Piedmont on 162.550 MHz, due to damage or power failure sustained during the passage of severe thunderstorms. The National Weather Service expects the transmitter to be out of service through at least Friday morning June 14, 2013. The purpose of the National Weather Service (NOAA) Tone Alert Radio transmitters is a redundant means to the 83 Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Sirens to warn the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event. The 83 Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Sirens were verified at 12:05 a.m. EDT June 14, 2013 to be in service and fully functional to alert the public within the 5 mile radius of the plant of an actual event should an event occur. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4913127 April 2012 18:33:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A), Seriously DegradedReactor Head Nozzle Penetration Flaws IdentifiedOn April 27, 2012, while the Harris Nuclear Plant was shutdown for a scheduled refueling outage, the reactor vessel head penetrations were being examined in accordance with Inservice Inspection Program requirements. Examinations were being performed to identify flaws before they grow to a size that could effect the structural integrity of the reactor vessel. Those examinations identified flaws in four head penetration nozzles that exhibited characteristics of Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking. The four nozzles were repaired using the inner diameter temper bead welding process. Examinations performed following the repairs confirmed the repairs were successful. This was originally submitted as a voluntary report on May 29, 2012 at 1511 EDT. The condition has since been determined to be reportable per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A). The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed.
ENS 4915027 June 2013 08:25:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Ventilation Planned MaintenanceThis is a non-emergency notification. Planned maintenance activities will be performed today which will temporarily affect Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation. The maintenance will be completed in approximately 20 hours and is scheduled to be worked to minimize out-of-service time. In the event of an emergency, specific conditions may warrant relocating the TSC to the alternate facility per existing procedures. No other emergency response facilities are impacted by the maintenance. This event is reportable per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) because the scheduled maintenance affects an emergency response facility. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4922831 July 2013 09:10:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEmergency Response Facility Preplanned Maintenance

This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or the operation of the facility. At 0510 (EDT) on July 31, 2013, preplanned maintenance commenced which affects the Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation and radiation monitoring systems. The scope of the maintenance is to inspect and perform functional checks on various TSC ventilation system fans and the outside air intake radiation monitor. This maintenance is scheduled to be performed and completed within approximately 20 hours. TSC functionality requires all occupied areas of the TSC be maintained between 60.8 degrees F and 82.4 degrees F. Actual TSC temperatures have been verified to be less than 78 degrees F. If an emergency should occur, the ventilation system will be restored, but potentially not within the time required for activation of the TSC. If the facility were activated with full staff, temperatures could rise above the 82.4 degree F limit. Consideration will be given to relocating the TSC to the alternate emergency facility in accordance with PEP-240. The alternate TSC has been verified to have electrical power, ventilation, and communication capability. The Technical Support Center - Site Emergency Coordinator has been notified. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.

  • * * UPDATE AT 1620 EDT ON 07/31/13 FROM RICHARD DAVIS TO S. SANDIN * * *

Preplanned maintenance was completed at 1540 EDT on 7/31/13. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (King).

ENS 492498 August 2013 07:05:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationAlert Declared Due to a Switchgear Explosion That Supplies Safe Shutdown Equipment

The licensee reported that there was an explosion in a non-safety related electrical bus (Bus 1E2). The bus is designated as a safe shut down bus. The licensee has classified this event as an Alert based on an EAL entry condition of "an explosion of sufficient force to damage permanent structures or equipment within the Protected Area." The licensee is still investigating what loads come off this bus but no safety-related loads have been identified at this time. The plant is currently stable at 92% power. Power was reduced due to the loss of moisture separator reheaters on the secondary side as a result of this event. There is no ongoing fire as a result of the bus explosion. No personnel were injured. No damage to other equipment has been identified at this time. The licensee has notified state and local authorities and the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified DHS SWO, DOE, FEMA, HHS, DHS NICC, USDA, EPA, FDA and NuclearSSA via email. NRC PAO (Brenner) notified.


Auxiliary bus 1E2 (safe shutdown equipment bus) is de-energized due to the explosion. The Alert was declared due to the explosion affecting safe shutdown equipment." The licensee also noted that the event was initially classified as an Unusual Event at 0234 EDT and then upgraded to an Alert classification at 0305 EDT when the bus was determined to supply safe shutdown equipment. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


No offsite assistance was requested during this event. The licensee verified that there was no fire. It was noted that the licensee is in Technical Specification Action Statement for the "B" Emergency Diesel Generator being out of service. The EDG is out of service due to loss of power to the "C" and "D" air compressors. The licensee was uncertain if the loss of these air compressors was related to the event. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. R2DO (Shaeffer) and NRR EO (Hiland) notified.


The licensee terminated the Alert declaration at 0533 EDT based upon no fire at Bus 1E2 and verification that Bus 1E2 is de-energized and disconnected from all electrical systems. The licensee remains at 92% power. The only noted safety related equipment that was impacted is the "1B" Emergency Diesel Generator which has been declared inoperable due to loss of power to associated air compressors "1C-SB" and "1D-SB. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. R2DO (Shaeffer), NRR EO (Hiland) and IRD MOC (Morris) notified. Notified DHS SWO, DOE, FEMA, HHS, DHS NICC, USDA, EPA, FDA and NuclearSSA via email. NRC PAO (Brenner) notified.


It has been determined that operability of the 1B Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) was not affected by the damage to 480 volt auxiliary bus 1E2. The 1C and 1D starting air compressors for 1B EDG did not lose power and thus the 1B EDG was operable. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. Notified R2DO (Shaeffer).

ENS 4927012 August 2013 19:50:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center (Tsc) Ventilation Out of Service Due to Discovered Condition

This is a non-emergency eight hour notification for a loss of Emergency Assessment Capability. This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as the discovered condition affects the functionality of an emergency response facility. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. On August 12, 2013 at 1550 (EDT), during routine testing of the HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) system, the TSC Emergency filtration Fan, MUF-1, was observed to have high vibration levels. Maintenance is working to determine the cause of the high vibrations and to make necessary repairs. If an emergency is declared requiring TSC activation during this period, the TSC will be staffed and activated using existing emergency planning procedures. If the TSC becomes uninhabitable due to ambient temperature, radiological, or other conditions, the Site Emergency Coordinator - TSC will relocate the TSC staff to an alternate TSC in accordance with applicable site procedures. The Emergency Response Organization team has been notified of the condition and the possible need to respond to or relocate to an alternate TSC during an emergency. An update will be provided once the TSC ventilation has been restored to normal operation. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


Technical Support Center (TSC) ventilation has been returned to service on August 16, 2013 at 2100 (EDT) following bearing replacement on TSC Emergency Make-up Fan, MUF-1. Post maintenance testing has been completed and the emergency response facility is functional. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (Musser).

ENS 4928014 August 2013 12:40:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to a Low Level Tritium Spill

This is a non-emergency notification. During a routine plant inspection, plant personnel discovered a leak from a pipe on plant property on Tuesday, August 13, (2013). An isolation valve, 3WN-38, leaked causing approximately 9,900 gallons of water containing low levels of tritium (5,780 picocuries per liter) to leak onto the surrounding soil. The valve was secured and the leak stopped. Based upon the leak location and low tritium levels, there is no health or safety risk to the public or to employees on the site. There is no impact to public health and safety due to this condition. Due to NPDES requirements at 0840 EDT on August 14, a report of this condition was made to the state of (North Carolina). The State has evaluated the event and classified the event as a spill-non-sewage (no environmental impact). The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


Additional voluntary notifications have been made to state agencies in accordance with the Groundwater Protection Initiative following the guidance of NEI 07-07. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (Musser).

ENS 4939428 September 2013 01:15:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseTritiated Water Leak from Temporary Piping on Plant SiteHarris Nuclear Plant is following the guidance in NEI 07-07 and has initiated this Event Notification as a result of our voluntary communication to state agencies in accordance with the Groundwater Protection Initiative. On Sept. 27, 2013, at 9:15 pm EDT, plant personnel identified a leak from a temporary transfer pipe on plant property, well within the site boundary. The pipe carries secondary plant and water treatment building waste water for chemical processing. The leak is conservatively estimated to be 240 gallons of water containing a low level of tritium (3,954 picocuries per liter) leaked into the surrounding soil. The EPA drinking water standard is 20,000 picocuries per liter. The leak was stopped and the piping replaced. The health and safety of the public and employees on site are not affected by this event based on the leak location and low tritium level. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 495187 November 2013 14:51:0010 CFR 26.719, FFD Reporting requirementsFitness for Duty - Confirmed Positive for a Non-Licensed Contract SupervisorA non-licensed, contract, supervisory employee had a confirmed positive during a for-cause fitness-for-duty test. The employee's access to the plant has been terminated. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4955318 November 2013 13:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A), Seriously DegradedUltrasonic Examination Identified Flaw in Reactor Vessel Head PenetrationOn November 18, 2013, while the Harris Nuclear Plant was shut down for a scheduled refueling outage, the reactor vessel head penetrations were being examined in accordance with lnservice Inspection Program. Ultrasonic examinations identified a flaw in a head penetration nozzle. Bare metal visual inspection of the outer surface of the reactor vessel head revealed no indications of leakage. The unit is in a safe and stable condition and structural integrity of the reactor vessel was maintained. The flaw will be repaired prior to startup from the refueling outage. The flaw and repair have no impact to the health or safety of the public. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been informed.
ENS 4972013 January 2014 15:22:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEmergency Response Facilities Out of Service Due to Planned Maintenance

This is a non-emergency eight hour notification for a loss of Emergency Assessment Capability. This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) because work activities affect the functionality of emergency response facilities. This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or station employees. At approximately 1022 (EST) on January 13, 2014, planned maintenance activities began on the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The scope of the maintenance is to obtain samples of the charcoal filter. The planned work activity duration is expected to be approximately 20 hours ending on January 14, 2014. In addition, a multi-day (5 days) maintenance activity will begin on January 13, 2014 on the Technical Support Center (TSC) HVAC system, involving flow-balancing the system, which may involve intrusive maintenance during certain intervals. This intrusive maintenance will render the TSC HVAC system non-functional. This planned work activity is expected to be completed on January 17, 2014. The EOF and TSC HVAC systems will be restored periodically throughout this maintenance period. If an emergency is declared requiring emergency facility activation during this period, the emergency facilities will be staffed and activated using existing emergency planning procedures. If relocation of the emergency facilities becomes necessary, the Emergency Director will relocate the emergency response organization to an alternate location in accordance with applicable site procedures. The Emergency Response Organization team has been notified of the maintenance and the possible need to relocate during an emergency. An update will be provided once the EOF and TSC ventilation systems have been restored to normal operation and all planned maintenance is complete. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


The planned maintenance is complete and the EOF and TSC have been restored to normal operation. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (King)

ENS 4974218 January 2014 15:16:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency Preparedness
Alert Declared Due to Fire in 480V Bus

(At 1016 EST, an) Alert (was declared) based on EAL # HA 2.1 Fire or explosion resulting in either: visible damage to any table H-1 structure or system/component required for safe shutdown of the plant, or control room indication of degraded performance of any safe shutdown structure, system, or component within any table H-1 area. Fire in 480V bus 1D2. Reactor was manually tripped 480 VAC safety related transformer fire in switchgear room. Plant reduced power and tripped the reactor manually. Reactor trip was uncomplicated. Fire was extinguished when the 480 VAC bus was de-energized. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector, the State of North Carolina, and other local authorities. Notified DHS SWO, DOE Ops Center, FEMA Operations Center, HHS Ops Center, NICC Watch Officer, USDA Ops Center, EPA EOC, and NuclearSSA via e-mail.


Harris Nuclear Plant secured from the Alert at 1551 EST, on 1/18/14. The plant is stable, the fire is out, the TSC and EOF have been secured and plant recovery has been transferred to the outage control center. There were no personnel injuries or radiological releases. Radiation monitor RM-*1TS-3653C (Technical Support Center Radiation Monitor) is out of service. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (King), R2RA (McCree), NRR (Leeds), IRD MOC (Grant), OPA (Brenner), NRR EO (Lee) Notified DHS SWO, DOE Ops Center, FEMA Operations Center, HHS Ops Center, NICC Watch Officer, USDA Ops Center, EPA EOC, and NuclearSSA via e-mail.

ENS 499943 April 2014 13:06:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEmergency Sirens Declared NonfunctionalAt approximately 0906 EDT, the Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP) offsite emergency sirens were identified to be nonfunctional. Troubleshooting was initiated and the offsite emergency sirens were restored and verified to be functional at 1127 EDT. This event requires an 8-hour non-emergency notification per 10CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) due to the loss of a significant portion of the offsite notification system. In the event that the sirens would have been needed, the State of North Carolina and all four counties within the 10-mile emergency planning zone would have implemented mobile route alerting, as detailed in the Emergency Plan. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector was informed. There was no impact to public health and safety.
ENS 501028 May 2014 22:15:0010 CFR 26.719, FFD Reporting requirementsNon-Licensed Contract Supervisor in Violation of Fitness for Duty PolicyA non-licensed contract supervisor has been found in violation of the Fitness for Duty Policy. The individual's access to the plant has been terminated. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 501693 June 2014 20:50:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Spill of Treated Domestic WaterAt approximately 4:50 PM EDT on June 3, 2014 Duke Energy personnel notified the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources of a spill of treated domestic waste water. The waste water was released through a valve onto the surrounding ground and may have entered the plant's storm drain system. The release has been stopped. An investigation is in progress to determine the cause and additional corrective actions. There is no impact to public health and safety or the environment due to this incident. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), an event related to protection of the environment for which a notification to other government agencies has been made. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The gray water was dripping from a valve onto the ground. The total quantity of the seepage is unknown.
ENS 501776 June 2014 15:27:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Waste Water SpillAt approximately 11:27 AM EDT on June 6, 2014, Duke Energy personnel notified the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources of a spill of treated domestic waste water. The waste water was released through a break in the discharge line from the waste water facility to the permitted discharge outfall. The treated waste water entered the plant's storm drain system. The release has been stopped and the line repaired. An investigation is in progress to determine the cause and any additional corrective actions. There is no impact to public health and safety or the environment due to this incident. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), an event related to protection of the environment for which a notification to other government agencies has been made. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 5019712 June 2014 16:47:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed ConditionInadequate Dc Cable Protection Could Adversely Affect Safe ShutdownPostulated event could adversely affect safe shutdown equipment. This is a non-emergency notification. While operating at 100 percent power in mode 1, Harris plant personnel determined that inadequate cable protection exists in control cables for a DC powered main turbine lube oil pump. A short circuit could cause excessive current through affected cables, potentially resulting in overheating. The affected cables pass through the Control Room and other areas and could adversely affect safe shutdown. Compensatory measures (hourly fire watches) have been implemented for affected areas of the plant which ensures continued public safety. This condition is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B) as an unanalyzed condition. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 5044310 September 2014 08:53:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Ventilation System Out of Service Due to Fire AlarmThis is a non-emergency eight hour notification for a loss of Emergency Preparedness Capabilities. This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as the condition affects the functionality of an emergency response facility. At approximately 0453 EDT on September 10, 2014, a fire alarm in an area near the primary Technical Support Center (TSC) triggered an automatic shutdown of the TSC ventilation system. The system was restored at 0755 EDT. The alternate TSC was available at all times. This condition does not affect the health and safety of the public or station employees. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 505208 October 2014 14:40:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(A), Loss of Safety Function - Shutdown the ReactorPotential Leak from a Pipe Could Result in Damage to Both Trains of Electrical Power SystemsThis is a non-emergency notification. At approximately 10:40 AM on October 8, 2014, with the Harris Nuclear Plant operating at 100% power, a condition was discovered where a potential leak from a pipe supplying water to the fire suppression system in the diesel fuel oil storage tank building could result in damage to equipment in both trains of the onsite electrical power system. Neither the leak from the piping nor the damage to equipment actually occurred, so there are no actual safety consequences and no impact to public health and safety or the environment due to this condition. The condition was discovered during a Harris staff evaluation in the corrective action program. The condition will be fully investigated, including the extent of condition, and corrective actions taken to resolve the issue. Compensatory actions have been taken as interim actions to ensure safety systems are not impacted by the potential pipe leak. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v). The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 5082917 February 2015 20:55:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Wastewater SpillAt approximately 1555 EST on February 17, 2015, Duke Energy personnel determined that the following event required notification of North Carolina state agencies for an NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit event and a voluntary reporting of tritium. At approximately 2200 EST on February 16, 2015, plant personnel identified a wastewater spill of more than 100 gallons containing a low level of tritium (9,415 picocuries per liter, less than half the EPA drinking water limit of 20,000 picocuries per liter). No additional plant-related radionuclides were detected. The wastewater was released as a result of an overfilled basin and entered the plant's storm drain system. The storm drain system releases to an alternative discharge outfall. The release from the settling basin has been stopped. The report to the state of North Carolina also fulfills Harris Nuclear Plant's voluntary communication to state agencies in accordance with the NEI 07-07 Groundwater Protection Initiative. There is no impact to public health and safety or the environment due to this incident. This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), an event related to protection of the environment for which a notification to other government agencies has been made. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The licensee will notify the State of North Carolina.
ENS 509627 April 2015 15:47:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A), Seriously DegradedReactor Vessel Head Penetration Flaw Identified During Inservice Inspection

This is a non-emergency report. On April 7, 2015, while the Harris Nuclear Plant was shut down for a scheduled refueling outage, the reactor vessel head penetrations were being examined in accordance with Inservice Inspection Program. Ultrasonic examinations identified a flaw in a head penetration nozzle. The unit is in a safe and stable condition. The flaw will be repaired prior to startup from the refueling outage. The flaw and repair have no impact to the health or safety of the public. The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed. An extent of condition investigation is on-going.


During the ongoing reactor vessel head penetration examinations, two additional flaws were identified in head penetration nozzles. The unit remains in a safe and stable condition. All of the identified flaws will be repaired prior to startup from the refueling outage. The remaining examinations are in progress to determine the extent of condition. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. Notified R2DO (Heisserer)