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TSTF-205Revision of Channel Calibration, Channel Functional Test, and Related Definitions210
TSTF-207Completion Time for Restoration of Various Excessive Leakage Rates110
TSTF-209Delete Inappropriate Condition Entry Statement000
TSTF-210Correct Bases to Match the SR000
TSTF-211Clarify That Remove All Power to the CRD System Means Remove Power to CRD Trip Breakers000
TSTF-212Incorporate Approved Topical BAW-10167, Supplement 3 in SR and SR
TSTF-213Eliminate Extraneous Verbiage from the Definition of Control Rods000
TSTF-214Delete LCO 3.9.1, Part B000
TSTF-215Modify LCO 3.3.6 and LCO 3.3.7 Applicability000
TSTF-216Move Applicability Note to LCO to Avoid Confusion in the Application of SR 3.0.4 for Mode Changes000
TSTF-217Provide Applicable Required Action When More than One Instrumentation Channel is Inoperable000
TSTF-218Change 3.3.1 Applicability for Nuclear Overpower High Setpoint and RCS High Pressure Functions000
TSTF-219LCO 3.4.12, Action I, is Modified to Eliminate Unnecessary Required Action and Completion Time000
TSTF-220Revise Actions for Inoperable, Misaligned Apsr000
TSTF-235MSSV Changes210
TSTF-248Revise Shutdown Margin Definition for Stuck Rod Exception201
TSTF-249Physics Tests Exceptions Reactivity Effects Correction000
TSTF-250Delete Specific FSAR Section References000
TSTF-251Eliminate TS 5.5.6, PRE-STRESSED Concrete Containment Tendon Surveillance Program000
TSTF-252Provide Generic SG Tube Surveillance Reporting Requirements000
TSTF-253Omit Note Which Indicates That Performance of One SR Satisfies Another000
TSTF-254Extend Frequency of Accumulated Water Checks for DG Fuel Oil000
TSTF-255Change Title of Spent Fuel Assembly Storage to Spent Fuel Pool Storage100
TSTF-256Modify Mode 2 STE Applicability000
TSTF-257Revise Leakage Detection Instrument Conditions to Eliminate Requirement to Enter LCO 3.0.3000
TSTF-258Changes to Section 5.0, Administrative Controls10140
TSTF-260Eliminate Monthly Position Verification for Automatic Valves000
TSTF-2613.4.5 and 3.4.6 - Omit LCO Reference to at Least PER Writer'S Guide000
TSTF-2623.4.6, 3.4.7, and 3.4.8: Allow Dhr/Rhr/Sdc Pumps to Be Aligned for LPI000
TSTF-263Correct Usage of Required Components and Base Actions on Inoperable Required Equipment000
TSTF-2643.3.9 and 3.3.10 - Delete Flux Monitors Specific Overlap Requirement SRS310
TSTF-266Eliminate the Remote Shutdown System Table of Instrumentation and Controls510
TSTF-267Add a Section 1.4 Example of Frequency Based on Plant Conditions000
TSTF-268Revise the Frequency of SR 3. 7.5.5, Afw/Efw Flow Path Verification100
TSTF-269Allow Administrative Means of Position Verification for Locked or Sealed Valves610
TSTF-270Add Only Required to Be Performed Example to 1.4000
TSTF-271Ltop Vent Path SR Frequency000
TSTF-272Refueling Boron Concentration Clarification411
TSTF-273SFDP Clarifications410
TSTF-274Move the Acceptance Criteria for the Battery Charger Performance Test to the Bases000
TSTF-276Revise DG Full Load Rejection Test310
TSTF-277Revise Accumulator Boron Concentration Verification SR000
TSTF-278Battery Cell Parameters (LCO 3.8.6) Includes More than Table 3.8.6-1 Limits000
TSTF-279Remove Applicable Supports from Inservice Testing Program200
TSTF-280Exempt SRS on Ltop Equipment Not Used to Satisfy the LCO000
TSTF-281MSIV AOT to 72 Hours000
TSTF-282Extend the Time Allowed to Perform the BOC Precision RCS Flow Rate Measurement000
TSTF-283Modify Section 3.8 Mode Restriction Notes1041
TSTF-284Add Met Vs. Perform to Specification 1.4, Frequency611