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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML13025A29830 January 2013Ellen Brown
Plant Licensing Branch II
Request for Additional Information Concerning the Allowance for Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits ReportRAI
ML13050A28622 February 2013Ellen Brown
Plant Licensing Branch II
3/7/2013 - Forthcoming Meeting Notice with Southern Nuclear Company to Discuss Responses to Requests for Additional Information Related to Amendment Requests to Transition to the National Fire Protection Association NFPA-805 MethodologyRAI
ML13149A35417 July 2013Ellen Brown
Plant Licensing Branch II
Issuance of Amendments Regarding Changes to Nuclear Methodology References (TAC ME9244 and ME9245) (NL-12-1226)Approval
NL-12-1226, License Amendment Request to Allow Nexus Nuclear Data Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits Report14 August 2012Southern Nuclear
Ajluni M
License Amendment Request to Allow Nexus Nuclear Data Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits ReportRequest
NL-13-0264, Response to Request for Additional Information Concerning the Allowance for Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits Report28 February 2013Southern Nuclear
Pierce C
Response to Request for Additional Information Concerning the Allowance for Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits ReportResponse to RAI
NL-13-0628, Follow-Up on the Response to Request for Additional Information Concerning the Allowance for Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits Report19 April 2013Southern Nuclear
Pierce C
Follow-Up on the Response to Request for Additional Information Concerning the Allowance for Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits ReportResponse to RAI
NL-13-1232, Revision to License Amendment Request to Allow the Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits Report24 June 2013Southern Nuclear
Pierce C
Revision to License Amendment Request to Allow the Nexus Methodology in the Preparation of the Core Operating Limits ReportRequest