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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
LR-N18-0022, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Actions for Rod Position Indicators8 February 2018PSEG
Mcfeaters C
License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Actions for Rod Position IndicatorsRequest
ML18045A56826 February 2018James Danna
Plant Licensing Branch I
FRN Re. Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Sig. Hazards Consideration Determination, and Opp. for HearingOther
ML18045A65522 February 2018Carleen Parker
Plant Licensing Branch I
Transmittal Letter for Individual FRN for Salem Rod Position IndicationOther
ML18053A51922 February 2018Carleen Parker
Plant Licensing Branch I
NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Salem, Unit 1 and 2, LAR to Revise TS Actions for Rod Position IndicatorsAcceptance Review
ML18085B19818 April 2018James Kim
Plant Licensing Branch I
Issuance of Amendment Nos. 324 and 305 Revise Technical Specification Actions for Rod Position IndicatorsApproval
ML18113A53323 April 2018Natreon Jordan
Plant Licensing Branch II
NRR E-mail Capture - Accepted for Review - Brunswick Unit 2 Relief Request for Proposed Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55A(Z)(2) for End of Interval Leakage TestAcceptance Review
NRC-2018-0039, Transmittal Letter for Individual FRN for Salem Rod Position Indication22 February 2018Carleen Parker
Plant Licensing Branch I
Transmittal Letter for Individual FRN for Salem Rod Position IndicationOther