The following information was received via E-mail:
The aperture electronic opening and closing mechanism malfunctioned on a J.L. Shepard Mark I series irradiator while the aperture was open. There was a smell of burning wires and visible smoke. The analysts cut power to the unit and notified department management. Utilizing portable shielding, and following ALARA principles, the attenuator of the device was able to be closed, which significantly reduced dose rates. Currently, the aperture is stuck partially open and the attenuator is closed. At 1.5 meters from the point of highest dose, the rate is approximately 10 mR/hr. Both analysts were wearing Mirion Instadose dosimeters and the measured dose to both dosimeters was less than the minimum read amount of 1 mrem.
The irradiator is located in a shielded calibration room located in the waste building. There is no dose rate above background in any area, accessible by either non-radiation workers or members of the public, around the building where the calibration room is located. The area has been securely locked, the door alarm is activated, and there are signs placed to remind everyone to not use the device.
Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control personnel were notified of the incident via normal work E-mail after the conclusion of the business of the day on April 8, 2020. The notification was not read until the morning of April 9, 2020 when normal business resumed and was then assigned to appropriate staff.
The device manufacturer has been contacted to determine repair options.
Utah Event Report ID No.:
UT 200004