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State of Arkansas Environmental Monitoring Report
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2008
From: Delores Greene
State of AR
Office of Information Services
Download: ML101900407 (12)



'2008 STATE OF A"KANSAS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT This report summarizes analyqcal results of environmental samplescollectedk.around the Arkansas Nuclear One commercial nuclear power plant in Russeilville, Arkansas iduring calendar year. 2008. In previous years, this- report was in accordance 'With the requirements specified In the NRC - State of Arkansas Cooperative Agreement Number NRC-31-83-667. The N*RC ended this cooperative agreement in 1998. Therefore, this report .is generated to provide dtleumentation of the ADHin house Environmental Sampling Program.

Radlonuclides.Detected: The State results were in, agreement with Entergy's..results reported in their Annual Radiolo ical Envfroumefital 0ieratinp Re ort for 2008. All detected results were consistent with historical data.

The .followingis a-summary o. the samples that reported levels higher than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA):

I. Tritium in the initake and discharge bay surface water, storm run-off water, and well water.

2.: Ceslum-137 in soil

3. Cesium-137in intake bay sediment.
4. Cesium 13d. In discharge bay sediment.

kdnwonn in thInemiord was deleted In Prepared: by Don Greene, NP&RP Little ,Roc*lIP May 15, 2009, 2008. -ReportL Id

State Sample Results Milk Only two sa"ipies were Trhey did not exceed-&DA. Theirels no longer a dairy within the 10-mille


Soil' Date IsotopeV Results (PCI/K) 10/21/08 Lake Dardanelle iPark :CS:137 24.2 Vegetation No suples exceeded MDA y:,on

,rparodb eee I'&PJittle:Roc~k HPm MAy 15, 20 2008:Report d,.D b -200

2 Surface Water Station 8 -Plant Discharge Canal (166 deg - .2 miles)

St'aton 10-ýPlant Intake Canal (95 deg-.5mls Da te Location , Results (PCYL) 03 3/31/08 113 1590

  1. o H3 850 6/30/08. 677 6/30/08 #8 B.3 H3 1070 9130108 12/31108  :#8 .! W3 ,946 Storm Water Run-Off
  1. 1*-Control located near the-GSB
  1. 2.-- Outside Sall),Port.
  1. 3.-'Inside Sally Port
  1. 45-Near thr p WS ne e
  1. 5 - Storm -pipe on the West side-of the discharge canal Date. Location Isotope Results (PCIIL) 4/2/08 #5 H13 731.

Prepa'red by, Don Greene,. WHP& Li. tT6:Rock

'HP May 15, '2009' 2008: Report 3

Rain Water No samples exceed ed MDA Well Water 35018.857, W 930-13.771'

  1. 2 -N 350 18.503' W 930 13.913'
  1. 3-N 35018.495' W 93013.9621
  1. 4-N 350 18.560' W 93) 14,020' May Roa d.- N35 17.997 W 93.14.132 Date. Location ., . Isotope ,,Results (PI'Ld
  1. . -.. 113 490 3/12/08 3/125/08 #R "113 602.

lay Road 1JI3 533-Air Samples ANO Weather Station Danville The.Statetook samples at twvo lo*bitons:"

.ANO Weather'Statoio tLocated.65 miles from the.plant onlthe',090 degnradlal Daniville: Located 21 miles froa the plantoonthe, 205deg radial, Results:

L ffound to be below Minimum Detectable, Activity 3

Particulate: The maximum Beta reading was 4.2 E'z PCI/m . Danville These.were consistent with previbuss ears' :results.

Prepared byDon Gi*-ne, N*&RPILittle Rock iP May 15, 20039 2008 Report,



ntake Canal Station #16( 106 deg Ca. 5.I miles)i Pi- harge Bay Station # 8 (065, deg (jý 0.9 miles)

"Date Loeatfon. Isotope Results (PC./K)I

,,10/3/08 Dischaige Cesium-137 27.7 9/23/08 intake " Cesiumn137 28.4

  • Fish Intake Discha-rge Bay.

No samples exceeded MDA Preparedi by Do Greene,. &RP Lit ti~e:Rak Hp: May 15, 2009 "5. . * . . 2 a2008'Repof.t

<K K

,Direct Radiation Sample Pathway or -Medium: Direct Radiation Environmental TLDs Freq~uency: Quarterly Type of Analysis: Integrated Exposure Co-located Sites,

  • Site Numt Distance and&Directionw.

State Licensee Miles Degrees Al 3 0.7 0 B3 4 113 1.3 53 D3 123 3.6 47 AS C-6 I,i~:.1 123 2.4 0.5 92.

110 F6 5.7 11 H6 7.418 E7* 4.9 128

". 142" A8 0.5 180 18 FlI0 138 5.9 195 All 2 2.1 225K C12 131 2.3 240 E12 130 4.6 241'

..132 -5.6 265~

F13 BlEb 1.9 318 E16 1420 4.2 335' TPrepared by Don Greiene, N?&RP Little Rock Hl' May 15, 20 2008:Rpoprt 6.

2008 NORMALIZED IST.QTRO08 2ND QTR 68 3R.DQTR 08 QTRO 13 17 176.

,13 1 21 17 13.

15 . 14 14 2 14 14 1i4 . ....... 17 15 18 18 1.20 18 18 20 19 22 19 22 20:

20 18 17 15 14 13 18 12 12 19 16 20 12 19 22 19 12 !19 16 18 19 16 19 16 15 i7, 17 17 14 14 16 18 17 1 11 18 17 14 i9 15 14. 15 17 11 11 *: 18

.20 18 20 17 14 17 18 o 20 13 15 9 14 17 1!  : '*

19 15 14 12 12 13 18 16 21 13 14 21 12 13 1s 12 J14 23, 21 17

  • 22 16 12 16 17 6 16 :18 19 1.: 14 18 18 1i 10 17 23 16 17 15 21 10 18 R4 18 15 17 14 18 i6 v17 12 18:

17 17 -15 16 15 .18 14 20 15 17 15 15 21 18 13 22 21 17 16 22 18 1 19 I.19 17 15 16 19 16 .15 17 19 i6 17 8 20 17 ý21 13 15

19. 16 15 15 "" 50 20 i5 ...

PreNarod by,:Don Greene, NP&RP Li tileI&R& k' liP May.i1'o 2009 2008 RePortt 7


~ 44 4 19 1618 I5

'716 14 1461 is 1 17 Is 9;Greene.:NPRP Little Rock HP Prepared by Don 1,S2009 MaylS 2008 Report

O e of Sope Outide of Scope K

I&RP Little Rock HP)

Prepared by Don Greene,. N] May 15, 2009! 2208. oport,


2008 TLDS

-.1st 087 2nd'081 10

. , 5 ~


L) F 1 8

-~-St 1ý7 19 f 1 16 1 1 a2nd081 16 171

~Li 1,6ý 15 16 14, 17 17 1 15 17


.4th 08 16 18 1,2 15ý 15 114 :14 15 ,14 6 17 i 19 19 Zones I

lPrepared by Don Greene, 10o * : :: NF RP Li.ttl.e RoCk'10P' May. 15,

* : : ' .. . 2009 2,008.'.Re~poft