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Review,Chapter 5 - Environ Impacts of Plant Operation (Specifically 5.3 & 5.5) of DES,NUREG-0529,May 1979.
Person / Time
Site: New England Power
Issue date: 05/31/1979
From: Griscom C
Shared Package
ML19253A572 List:
RTR-NUREG-0529, RTR-NUREG-529 NUDOCS 7909100350
Download: ML19253A575 (22)



Chapter 5 - Eavironmental Impacts of Plant Operation (Specifically 5.3 and 5.5) of Draft Environmental Statement

iEP 1 & 2 NU REG-0529 May 1979 Clement A. Griscom, Ph.D.

Member, Technical Review Team R. I. Governors Energy Of fice 5

9 Ass ciate Chief Scientist Division of Marine Resources, CSO Unive rsity of Rhode Island l'ingston, RI 02881 August 1979 7009100 360 ( ,

Cha: ter 5 5.3 Performance of Heat Dissioation System 5.3.l.2.3 Far-Field 7.5-4 applicant); Far-Field (p.5-ll staff)

The far-field model used by the NRC Staf f is more appropriate to far-field prediction than the applicant's, because it at least petuits heat traasfer in the onshore direction (sect. 5. p. 5-4), however neither T.odel considers the effects of wind on the trajectory of the heated surface layer. Additionally wind ef fects do not enter the discussions on near-field (5. 3.1.21 and 5. 3. 2.1) o r inte rmediate field (5. 3.1.2. 2) .

Wind effects have been shown to be a significant driving force, especially for the surface layer, and therefore cannot be ignored in the evaluation of impacts of the thermal plume and its che nical components on the shore and coastal ponds of the uth coast of R.I.

Recent studies in nearshore Block Island Sound (RIDEL-URI 1979) have shown tha: the t rajectory of surf ace drif ters released within 1 1/2 miles of shore along the south coast i heavily dependent on tidal currents at, and soon after, relcase and wind speed and c ' rection. These studies are particularly relevant to conditions in the late spring o d summe r seasons, and are discussed in some detail in the following paragraphs.

During thn period May-September, 1978, surf ace drif tcrs were released regularly at eight (3) sites (see figure) in Block Island Sound by University of Rhode Island n

(JRI) and R. L. Department of Environmental Kinag2 ment (RIDEM) personnel. Releases were made on fifteen (15) dates, on approximatcly a weekly basis. Each release totaled 200 drifters, twenty-five at each of the eight stations. Drifter returns were quite high overall. Of the 3000 surface drifters released during the fifteen week period, 1475 were returned for an overall return rate of 49%.

The surf ace drif ter used in this study was a five-inch lot.g transparent plastic bottle with screw cap. Within the bottle a pre-stimped and addressed waterproof fluorescent orange card was inserted and the bottle filled with fresnwater. The water-

.. (. >


filled bottle was positively buoyant and in seawater floated on its side such that it was completely submerged, with only the edge of the screw cap being exposed to the atmosphere. Thus the direct influence of the wind on bottle movement was minimal, rather it moved with the surface layer, or the top three inches of water which in turn was driven by the wind and tide.

The results of the program showed that drifters released at the nearshore stations, especially stations #1, 3, 4 and 8 came achore so rapidly 'that the release sites were inadequate for measuring icng term surface drift along the south coast of Rhode Island.

Station 13 was in 30 feet of water off Charlestown at the approximate location of the in.ake structures, and station #4 was one mile further offshore. The URI report warned tuat "It was found that release sites close to shore yielded infor=atica that was strongly iased by very short term tidal currents and wind. Without looking closely at time-of-

'etrieval of the drifters, implications about nearshore drift might be erroneously ide." Tabular data from the URI survey for Station #3 are included as an appendix to

.is critique.

In addition to this drifter work for the lobster larvae project, drifters and re-mote sensing (infra-red) data were used in the URI coastal ponds project (S. Nixon personal communication) . These data indicate that ebbing tidal currents carry material e

from Quonochontaug Pond breachway easterly over the proposed site of the intake struc-tures.

In view of these data it seems apparent that the present analysis (NUREG-0529) and concomitant evaluation of impacts, of the interaction of the intake structures with coasta pond effluents, and the interaction of the thermal plume with the shoreline and breachways is inadequate. Modeling efforts must include the effects of wind on the thermal plume and must incorporate the presence of the effluent from the nearby coastal ponds.

u n

_3-5.5 ::ooradiologic al Impacts of Ecological Systems Entrainment (p. 5-46 to 48) .

Interesting analytical work was carried out by the NRC Staf f in estimating the impact of lobster larvae entrainment on the commercial fishery of the state. In their conclusion (p. 5-48 top) they stated that entrainment is not expected to be significant because by their calculations only 0.5% and 0.04% of the 1976 and 1977 Rhode Island landings respec-tively are considered to be affected. Additional information on the lobster resource in the region is available and must be considered by the appl.icant and NRC staff in evaluatin:

the impacts of the heat dissipation system on this valua' ole resource.

Comparing " equivalent adults," derived f rom larval concentrations with lobster landin; at Rhode Island ports (p. 3-48) dilutes the significance of the nearshore larval concen-trations. Rhode Island lobster landings are predominantly from areas offshore of Rhode island and Block Island Sound. According to the U.S. Department of Interior's Final Suppl <

aent to Environmental Statement for OCS Sale r/42 (p. 114) 78% of the 1975 landings and 76:

f the 1976 landings came from the Georges Bank area. The larvae especially the high con-entrations of fourth stage found in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds, do not, in all

,robability contribute to the adult offshore population, rather they are the source of recruitment to the inshore stock. Therefore, the entrainment of fourth stage larvae shoul.

be evaluated ns it impacts the inshore fishery, both commercial and recreational, not the a

total fishery as estimated from total landings data.

There are indications that the spatial distribution of fourth stage lobster larvae is significantly affected by wind speed and direction (RIDEM-URI 1979). Surface drifter returns and computer modeling which were inte;ral parts of the URI lobster larvae sam-pling program. ladicate that wind speed and direction during the few days prior to sampling can provide insight into the concentrations found. Cursary inspection of the app.icant's 1977 and 1976 data on lobster larvae tends to ccorobrate these obser-vations. Prevaillag winds, during the time of the year that fourth stage larvae are present, are southwesterly driving the surface water of Block Island Sound somewhat -

onshore and towards the northeast. However the passage of frontal s .iems can pro-

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duce wind drifts that drive larvae out of the Long Island Sound, Narragansett and Buzzards Bay into Block Island and Rhode Island Sound. thence to be advected towards the south coast when prevailing winds return.


Consideration must be given to the ef fect of wind on the trajectory of the thermal plume. Surface drifters and computer modeling which include wind, indicate fairly rapid movement of surf ace water cowards shore during su=rier months.

Regarding tne intake system, wind must also be considered in assessing the entrain-ment of lobster larvae. Additional work regarding the high concentrations of fourth stage larvae, as shown in the 1976 and 1978 data, must be accomplished. If it is frind that the present location of the intake system intercepts the wind driven m4 ;ratory rr .te of late s' tge lobster larvae towards Narragansett and Buzzards Bays then relocation of the in-t .es must be con,sidered. Additionally the interaction of coastal pond effluent with the i :ake system must be addressed. As stated previously the ebbing effluent from Quonochonto.

P- .d appears to pass through the area of the intakes, as shown by breachway drifter release ani infrared photography.

Because of the omissions stated above Section 5.3 and 5.5 of the NRC draft environ-mental statement (NCREG - 0529) is inadequate in its present form.



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- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) - -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 19 Itay 1978 1. Carpenters Beach 5/20 5:29 am

2. Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 6:15 am
3. Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 10:00 am 4 Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 10:00 am
5. Carpenters Beach Reef 5/20 11:00 am
6. Moorstone Beach 5/20 11:00 am
7. Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 11:30 am
8. Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 11:30 am
9. Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 11:30 am
10. Deep Hole Fishing Area 5/20 11:30 am
11. Carpenters Beach 5/20 11:30 am
12. Carpenters Beach 5/20 11:30 am
13. Reef at Carpenters Beach 5/20 12:10 pm 5/20 12:15 pm '

14 Big Hole Reef Matunuck

15. Reef at Carpenters Beach 5/20 12:30 pm
16. Deep Hole Matunuck 5/21 6:00 am Summary: 16 returned; 64 l' return rate; most 3-5 miles to East



- for Station /3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 23 May 1978 1. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/24 10:30 am

2. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/24 10:30 am
3. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/24 10:30 am
4. Charlestown Breach - west side 5/24 10:30 am
5. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/24 10:30 am
6. Charlestown Breach - 1000 ft east 5/24 1:00 pm
7. Charlestown Breach - 250 y east 5/24 3:10 pm
8. Charlestown Breach 5/24 7:30 pm
9. Charlestown Breach - east side 3/24 8:00 pm
10. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/24 8:00 pm
11. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/24 3:30 pm
12. Charlestown Breach - east side 5/25 5:00 am
13. Charlestown Breach - Ninigret Conservation Area 5/25 6:00 am
14. Charlestown Breach - 500 y east 3/25 9:00 am
15. Charlestown Breach - 400 y east 5/25 9:00 am
16. Charlestown Breach - 600 y east 5/25 9:00 am
17. Charlestown Breach - 500 f east 5/25 9:30 am
18. West flamp to n , LI 6/3 2:15 pm Summary: 13 returned; 72;l return rate; most onshore L. ' - 0


- for Station 13 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND W11EN FOUNb 1 June 1978 1. Charlestown, East Beach - Blue Shutters 6/2 8:05 am

2. Charlestown, East Beach - Blue Shutters 6/2 8:05 am
3. Charlestown, East Beach - Blue Shutters 6/2 8:05 am
4. Charlestown, East Beach - Blue Shutters 6/2 1:30 pm
5. Weekapaug Point 6/10 3:00 am Summary: 5 returned; 25,'. return rate; onshore S



- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown 930 - fcot depth contour) ~ >

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 6 June 1978 1. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4 00 pm

2. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4.)0 pm
3. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
4. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
5. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
6. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
7. Charlestown Breachway - west sid- 6/6 4:00 pm
8. Charlestown Breachway - west sice 6/6 4:00 pm
9. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
10. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
11. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
12. Charlestown Breachway - west side 6/6 4:00 pm
13. Charlestown Breachway - 200 y west 6/7 1:00 pm
14. Charlestown Beach - i ni West of cable 6/7 2:45 pm ,
15. Charlestown Beach  : m i '.ie s t of cable 6/7 2:45 pm
16. Charlestown Breachway - 1000 y east 6/9 4:30 pm
17. Charlestown Breachway - in channel 6/11 3:00 pm
13. Tockwotten Cove Road dock - Ninigret Pond 6/21 5:00 pa
19. N.E. Ocean House Marine - Charlestown Pond 7/' ' 30 pm
20. Charlestown Sreachway <// e:30 am

[)1 Fummary: 20 returned; S0% return rate; most onshore


- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) - -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 20 June 1978 1. Deep Hole, Matunuck 6/22 7:00 am

2. Galilee Beach Club - 4 mile east 6/22 7:45 am
3. Galilee Beach Club, Galilee, RI 6/22 7:45 am
4. Carpenters Bar - i mile south 6/23 12:30 pm
5. Between Matunuck & E. Matunuck 6/23 8:45 pm
6. E. Matunuck State Beach 6/23
7. Galilee Breakwater driftwood cottage 6/24 1:00 pm
8. Galilee Bridge to Great Island 6/24 3:00 pm
9. Falmouth, MA - W. Fal-Buzz. Bay 7/29 2:00 pm
10. Jones Beach - west end 2 Beach 8/7 11:00 am S umma ry : 10 returned; 40% return rate; most to East 3



- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 27 June 1978 1. Ninigret Cons. Area - Charlestown 6/27 4:25 pm

2. Ninigret Cons. Area - Charlestown 6/27 4:27 pm
3. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4:30 pm
4. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4: 30 pm
5. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4:30 pm
6. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4: 30 pm
7. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4:30 pm
8. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4: 30 pm
9. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4: 30 pm
10. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4:30 pm
11. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4: 30 pa
12. East Beach, Charlestown 6/27 4:30 pm Summary: 12 returned; 48% return rate; most onshore a



- for Station i!3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 5 July 1978 1. Weekapaug Beach - 200 y west of ent. 7/6 10:40 am

2. Weekapaug Beach - 40 y west Noyes Neck Road 7/6 11:10 am
3. East Beach - 100 y south of Blue Shutters 7/67 11:10 am
4. Weekapat e 3each - old Inn ruins 7/6 11:15 am
5. Weekapaug Beach - 200 y west of ent. 7/6 11:30 am
6. Weekapaug Beach - 200 y west of ent. 7/6 11:30 am
7. Weekapaug Beach - Noyes :;eck Road power station 7/6 11.30 am
8. Weekapaug Beach - Noyes Neck Road power station 7/6 11:30 am
9. Weekapaug Beach Noyes Neck Road power station 7/6 11:40 am
10. Weekapaug Beach - 200 y west of ent. 7/6 12:00 noon
11. Weekapaug Beach - 200 y west of ent. 7/6 12:00 noon
12. Quonochontaug Beach, near breach 7/6 2:30 pm
13. 5 miles east of Misquamicut (Quonnie Breach 7/6 2:30 pa
14. Weekapaug Beach - 100 y south of breach 7/6 5:00 pm
15. Weekapaug Beach - 1 mile north of breach 7/7 8:30 am
16. Weekapaug Beach - 1 mile north of 'o reach 7 / 7 10:30 am
17. Weekapaug Beach - 100 v south of breach 7/7 4:00 pm
13. Weekapaug Beach 7/8 2:15 pm
19. 4 miles east of Misquamicut 7/8 2:30 pm
20. Green Hill Beach 7/9 0: 25 am l_ . ' t Summary: 20 returned: 841 return rate; most to West


- for Station I!3 - Nears;1 ore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 12 July 1978 1. Charlestown Breach - 1 mile east 1 mile offshore 7/13 9:00 am

2. Charlestown Beach - 200 ft east of public 7/13 3:00 -
3. Charlestown Beach - 1 mile south in <,urf 7/13 3:00 pm
4. Charlestown Beach - li sile souti' 7/13 3:30 pm
5. West Beach 7/13 3:45 pm
6. Charlestown, Ninigret refuge i to breach 7/13 5:30 pm
7. Charlestown, Ninigret Beach 1 mile east parking lot 7/13 6:00 pm
d. Charlestown, Ninigret Beach 1 mile east parking lot 7/13 6:00 pc
9. Charlestown, Ninigret Beach 1 mile cast parking lot 7/13 6:00 pm
10. Charlestown, Ninieret Beaci 1 mile east parking lot 7/13 6:00 pm
11. Charlestown, Ninigret Beach 1 mile east ,

parking lot 7/13 6:00 pm

12. Charlestown East Beach near CG 7/13 7:30 pm
13. Green Hill Beach i mile south of cable 7/13 8:05 14 Green Hill Point 200 m west 7/14 10:00 am
15. Quonocitentaug Breach 7/14 12:00 noon i J


16. Charlestown Beach 7/14 6:00 pm
17. --

7/19 12:30 pm

18. East Beach 7/19 1:30 pm
19. Charlestown Breach - east beach side 8/6 3:30 pm
20. Charlestown, Ninigret Pond opposite met. tower S/9 11:30 am
21. East side Ft. Neck Pond 8/12 11:30 am

~ "maary: 21 returned; 86% return rate; most onshore 8

t [, v


- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - fe,ot depth contour) -

" umber Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE hTERE FOUND hTEN FOUND 21 July 1978 1. Deep Hole, bbtunuck - 500 y west 7/23 7:50 am

2. Matunuck Beach - 100 y E of Carpenters 7/23 9:30
3. Matunuck Point - 1 miles offshore 7/23 10:30 am
4. Moonstone Beach - 10 ft offshore 7/23 11:00 am
5. Carpenters Beach - lifeguard stand 7/23 11:00 am
6. Moonstone Beach - 200 y E of road 7/23 1:00 pm
7. Moonstone Beach - 200 y E town beach 7/23 4:00 pm
8. East Beach - sunrise acres assoc. 7 / 2.. 1:05 pm
9. Carpenters Beach Matunuck 7/25 10:30 am
10. Quonochontaug, E & W beaches 7/27 3:00 pm
11. Taunton River 7/2S 2:45 am ?

Summary: 11 returned; 44% return rate; most to East 1


- for Station r/3 - Nearshore Charlestown (30 - foot depth contour) -

. Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 28 July 1978 1. Misquamicut near Andrea hotel 7/31 7:00 pm

2. Misquamicut - 1 mile west of breach 7/31 7:10 - 7:20 pm
3. Misquamicut - 1 mile west of breach 7/31 7:10 - 7:20 pm
4. Misquamicut - 1 mile wes t of breach 7/31 7:10 - 7:20 pm
5. Misquanicut - 1 mile west of breach 7/31 7:10 - 7:20 pm
6. Misquamicut - 1 mile west of breach 7/31 '7:10 - 7:20 pm
7. Misquamicut State Beach 7,31 7:30 pm
8. Misquamicut State Beach 7/31 7:30 pm
9. Misquamicut - across from Sisco's 7/31 7:40 pm
10. Watch Hill - 250 y E of lighthouse 7/31 9:00 pm
11. Watch Hill - 400 y E of lighthouse 7/31 9:00 pc.
12. Watch Hill - 400 y E of lighthouse 7/31 9:00 pm
13. Watch Hill - i mile east of Ocean House S/l 6:45 am 14 Watch Hill - mile east of Ocean House 8/1 6:45 am
15. Watch Hill - h mile of lighthouse S/1 7:00 am
16. Misquamicut State Beach 8/l 7:15 am
17. Watch Hill - Ocean House a Norman Hall 8/l 8:00 am
18. Watch Hill - Ocean House & Norman Hall 8/l S:00 am
19. Watch Hill - near lighthouse 8/l 10:00 am
20. Misquamicut - near Blue Sands 8/l 3:00 pm Summary: 20 returned; 30% return rate; most to west _.


- for Station f/3 - Nearshore Charlestown - (30 - foot cepth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 1 August 1978 1. Watch Hill - 1 mile from lighthouse 8/l 2:00 pm

2. Misquamicut State Beach & Watch Hill 8/3 11:00
3. Misquamicut State Beach & Watch Hill S/3 11:00 4 Misquamicut State Beach & Watch Hill 8/3 11:00
5. Misquamicut State Beach 8/3 11:50 pm
6. Misquamicut - 200 y West Atl. Ave. 8/3 12:30 pm
7. Misquamicut - 500 y West Atl. Ave 8/3 12:43 pm
8. Misquanicut - 1000 y West Atl. Ave. 8/3 1:30 pm
9. Misquamicut State Beach S/3 1:55 -
10. Misquamicut State Beach 8/3 2:00 pc
11. Misquamicut State Beach 3/3 2:00 pm
12. Misquamicut S/3 2:08 pa
13. Misquamicut State Beach 8/3 2:06 pm
14. Misquamicut State Beach 8/3 2:Us pm i
15. Misquamicut State Beach 8/3 4:00 pm
16. Misquamicut State Beach 8/3 4: 30 pm
17. Misquamicut State Beach - Ferris Wheel 8/3 5:30 pm
18. Misquamicut State Beach - Andrea Hotel li miles west S/5 11:00 am
19. Misquamicut Beach Atl. Ave 3/6 -


Summary: 19 returned; 76; return rate; most to West U t?/


- for S ta tion #3 - Nearshore Charles town - (30 - foot depth contour) -

DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 11 August 1978 1. Charlestown Breachway - i mile W.

500 y offshore S/li 12:30 pm

2. Charlestown East Beach State Park 8/11 4:14 pm
3. Charlestown Ninigret Co..s. Area 8/11 4:25 pm 4 Charlestown Ninigret Cons. Area S/11 4: 25 pm
5. Charlestown East Beach- 150 y E. parking 3/11 4:30 pm
6. Ninigret Cons. Area - Charlestown S/11 4:35 pm
7. Charlestown East Beach blue shutters 8/11 4: 35 pm
8. Charlestown East Beach blue shutters 8/11 4:35 pm
9. Charlestown East Beach blue shutters 3/11 4: 35 pm
10. Charlestown East Beach- 160 y E. parking 3/11 4:45 pm
11. Charlestown East Beach - parking lot S/11 5:00 e-x
12. Charlestown East Beach 8/li 5:0a pm
13. Charlestown East Beach 3/11 5:15 pm 14 Charlestown East Beach S/11 5:30 pm
15. Jatch Hill 1 mile E. lighthouse 3/12 4:15 pm i
16. Charlestown East Beach 3/12 4:30 pm
17. Charlestown East Beach blue shutters 8/12 4:50 pm
18. Charlestown East Beach blue shutters 8/12 4:55 pm
19. '4a tch Hill i mile E. of Ocean House S/12 5:45 pm Summary: 19 returned; 787: return rate; most enshore

(- ,

u 'i d


- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown - (30 foot , depth contour) -

DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 15 August 1978 1. Charlestown Breach & Town Beach 8/15 3:00 pm

2. Charlestown Beach - cottage #31 8/15 4:00 pm
3. Charlestown Beach - 1000 W. parking lot 8/15 4:10 pm
4. Charlestown Beach - 1200 ft. W. parking lot 8/15 4:15 pm
5. Charlestown Beach - halfway to breach 8/15 5:00 pm
6. Charlestown Beach - E. of breachway S/15 5:00 pm
7. Charlestown Beach - S. public beach 8/15 5:00 pm
8. Charlestown Beach - 1/3 Mi. U. public beach 8/15 5:00 pm
9. Charlestown Beach 8/15 -
10. Charlestown Beach - state bathhouse S/16 6:15 am
11. Charlestown Beach - near lifeguard 3/16 7:30 am
12. Green Hill Beach S/16 9:15 am
13. Green Hill Eaach 8/16 9:20 an 14 Charlestown Beach - i Mi. E publ. beach 8/16 11:00 am
15. Charlestown Beach - East Beach '

8/17 10:00 -

Sum =ary: 15 returned; 60% return rate; most onshore


. .~


- for Station #3 - Nearshore Charlestown - (30 - foot depth contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELEASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 22 August 1978 1. Block Island - Great Salt Pond Jetty in water 8/27 10:30 am

2. Block Island - Great Salt Pond Jetty in water 8/27 11:15 am
3. Block Island - Great Salt Pond Jetty in sater 8/27 11:40 am 4 Weekapaug - Fenway Bench 8/28 4:00 pm
5. Weekapaug - Fenway Bench 8/28 4:30 pm
6. Misquamicut State Beach - 150 y West 8/28 7:30 pm
7. Deep Hole Fishing - Matunuck 8/29 6:30 am
8. Quonochontaug - 300 y bait shop 8/29 8:30 am
9. >btunuck - 50 f t offshore 8/29 3:00 im
10. Block Island - i mi. S north light 9/3 -
11. Block Island - New Harbor & No. Point 9/13 2:00 pm 1

Su2 mary; 11 returned; 44% return rate; most off, re


- for Station il3 - Nearshore Charlestown - (30 - foot depta contour) -

Number Released in each case = 25 drifters DATE OF RELFASE WHERE FOUND WHEN FOUND 1 September 1978 1. Quonochontaug - li mi. S. (210*T) 9/2 11:45

2. Charlestown East Beach 9/3 1:00 pm
3. Charlestown East Beach 9/3 3:30 pm
4. Charlestown - Ninigret Cons. Area 9/3 4:00 pm
5. Matunuck - Green Hill - way 9/3 4:00 pm
6. Charlestown East Beach - 1 mi. W.

breach 9/3 5:00 pm

7. Charlestown East Beach - 1 mi. W breach 9/3 5:00 pm
8. Charlestown East Beach 9/3 5:10 pm
9. Charlestown - 1 mile W. of breach 9/3 5:15 pm
10. Charlestown Ninigret Cons. Area 9/3 7:00 pm
11. Block Island - i way Salt Pond -

North Light 9/7 3:10 pm

12. Montauk 9/11 6:30 -


13. South Hampton, Long Islanu 9/15 12:30 pm Summary: 13 returned; 52% return rate; most onshore m 5 m)