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Federal Register Notice for Draft Protective Order Templates for ITAAC Hearings
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/28/2018
From: Susan Vrahoretis
Spencer M
Shared Package
ML18239A314 List:
Download: ML18240A056 (10)





Protective Order Templates for Hearings on Conformance with the Acceptance Criteria in Combined Licenses AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Draft protective order templates; request for comment.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking public comment on draft protective order templates to be used in hearings associated with closure of inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria (ITAAC). The templates have the purpose of facilitating quick development of case-specific protective orders to support the accelerated ITAAC hearing schedule. Participants in ITAAC hearings may, but are not required to, use the templates as the basis for proposed protective orders.

DATES: Submit comments by [INSERT DATE 45 DAYS FROM DATE OF PUBLICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER]. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but the Commission is able to ensure consideration only for comments received before this date.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:

Jennifer Borges; telephone: 301-287-9127; e-mail: For other questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document.

For additional direction on obtaining information and submitting comments, see Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael A. Spencer, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; telephone: 301-287-9115, e-mail:


I. Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments A. Obtaining Information Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2018-0190 when contacting the NRC about the availability of information for this action. You may obtain publicly-available information related to this action by any of the following methods:

contact the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by e-mail to For the convenience of the reader, instructions about obtaining materials referenced in this document are provided in the Availability of Documents section.

  • NRCs PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public documents at the NRCs PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

B. Submitting Comments Please include Docket ID NRC-2018-0190 in your comment submission. If you cannot submit your comments on the Federal Rulemaking Web site,, please contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document.

The NRC cautions you not to include identifying or contact information that you do not want to be publicly disclosed in your comment submission. The NRC will post all comment submissions at as well as enter the comment submissions into ADAMS. The NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove identifying or contact information.

If you are requesting or aggregating comments from other persons for submission to the NRC, then you should inform those persons not to include identifying or contact information that they do not want to be publicly disclosed in their comment submission. Your request should state that the NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove such information before making the comment submissions available to the public or entering the comment into ADAMS.


II. Background On July 1, 2016 (81 FR 43266), the NRC published final procedures for hearings on conformance with the acceptance criteria in combined licenses (COLs) issued under part 52 of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) (ITAAC Hearing Procedures). The acceptance criteria are part of the ITAAC included in the COL. In accordance with 10 CFR 52.103(g), the NRC must find that the acceptance criteria are met before facility operation may begin. Section 189a.(1)(B) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (AEA), provides members of the public an opportunity to request a hearing on the facilitys compliance with the acceptance criteria. The ITAAC Hearing Procedures describe the requirements for such hearing requests and the procedures to be used throughout the hearing process. The procedures for a particular ITAAC proceeding will be imposed by case-specific orders, and the ITAAC Hearing Procedures reference templates to be used for such orders.

Some NRC proceedings involve sensitive information. For ITAAC proceedings in particular, the NRC determined that a potential party may deem it necessary to obtain access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI) or Safeguards Information (SGI) for the purpose of meeting Commission requirements for intervention.

Therefore, the ITAAC Hearing Procedures include templates for orders governing requests for access to SUNSI and SGI. If a hearing participant qualifies for access to sensitive information, then a protective order and non-disclosure declaration would be needed to ensure that the information is protected appropriately. The presiding officer for a proceeding would issue the protective order, and recipients of the sensitive information would sign a non-disclosure declaration agreeing to protect the information in accordance with the protective order. Typically, the presiding officer issues a 4

protective order in response to a motion from the hearing participants proposing a draft protective order and non-disclosure declaration for the presiding officers consideration.

The NRC received comments on the proposed ITAAC Hearing Procedures suggesting that model templates would facilitate quick development of protective orders.

In response, the NRC stated that protective order templates would be developed in a separate process allowing for stakeholder input.

To fulfill this commitment, the NRC has developed and is seeking comment on two draft protective order templates, one for SUNSI (ADAMS Accession No.

ML18239A329) and one for SGI (ADAMS Accession No. ML18239A322). The NRC staff will make a final determination regarding issuance of the templates after consideration of any public comments received in response to this request. The final templates will be referenced in a future Federal Register notice. Participants in ITAAC hearings may, but are not required to, rely on the final protective order templates as the basis for proposed protective orders.

III. Discussion The NRC has developed two draft protective order templates for ITAAC hearings, one for SUNSI and one for SGI. Although the draft templates were developed for use in ITAAC hearings, the vast majority of the content is not specific to ITAAC proceedings.

The draft SUNSI and SGI templates have the following ITAAC-specific provisions:

  • The templates reflect the possibility that the presiding officer might be a single legal judge assisted as appropriate by technical advisors.
  • Consistent with the accelerated ITAAC hearing schedule, petitioners are given less time to execute non-disclosure declarations, and licensees and the NRC 5

staff are given less time to provide SUNSI or SGI to the petitioners, than is ordinarily the case.

The draft SGI template also has two additional ITAAC-specific provisions:

  • Consistent with the ITAAC Hearing Procedures, the draft template provides that SGI must be filed by overnight mail. Filings with SGI will not be made on the E-Filing system because the E-Filing system does not comply with SGI security requirements. This provision does not appear in the SUNSI template because SUNSI filings will be made through the E-Filing system.
  • The draft template quotes the ITAAC Hearing Procedures as stating that the NRC will not delay its actions in completing the hearing or making the 10 CFR 52.103(g) finding because of delays from background checks for persons seeking access to SGI.

Both templates are based on current requirements and policies, and would, if appropriate, be updated as those requirements and policies change. For example, NRC policies will change in response to the National Archives and Records Administrations final rule, Controlled Unclassified Information, (81 FR 63324; September 14, 2016)

(CUI Rule). The CUI Rule establishes government-wide requirements for protecting sensitive unclassified information. The CUI Rule applies both to the Federal government and to non-Federal entities receiving CUI from the Federal government. The NRC has not yet implemented the CUI Rule and does not expect to achieve implementation before the ITAAC hearings for Vogtle Units 3 and 4. But any future updating of the 6

templates for subsequent ITAAC proceedings would reflect consideration of the CUI Rule and associated guidance.

A. Draft SUNSI Protective Order Template The NRC uses the term SUNSI to refer to a broad spectrum of sensitive information that is neither classified nor SGI. While there are many types of SUNSI, the draft SUNSI protective order template is directed at protection of proprietary and security-related information, as discussed in SECY-15-0010 (January 20, 2015)

(ADAMS Accession No. ML14343A747). The NRC focused on these types of SUNSI because of the NRCs experience with hearings involving reactors and its knowledge of the matters subject to ITAAC. If an ITAAC hearing involves another type of SUNSI with different protection requirements, the template can be adjusted accordingly.

In developing the draft SUNSI template, the NRC considered protective orders for proprietary and security-related information issued after 2006. The NRC also considered guidance in NRC Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2005-26, Control of Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information Related to Nuclear Power Reactors (ADAMS Accession No. ML051430228), dated November 7, 2005. RIS 2005-26 is specifically directed at protection of security-related information for reactors and states that such information is protected in much the same way as commercial or financial information.

Finally, the NRC considered the CUI Rule. Although the CUI Rule has not yet been implemented at the NRC, many CUI requirements are consistent with the existing protective provisions for SUNSI that provided the basis for the draft template. By aligning the provisions and terminology in the draft SUNSI template with the corresponding elements of the CUI Rule, the NRC hopes to facilitate any future update 7

of the template to comply with the CUI Rule. The introductory discussion in the draft template identifies those CUI provisions that were excluded because they differ from, or go beyond, existing protective provisions for proprietary and security-related SUNSI for external stakeholders.

B. Draft SGI Protective Order Template Safeguards Information is a special category of sensitive unclassified information defined in 10 CFR 73.2 and protected from unauthorized disclosure under AEA Section 147. Although SGI is unclassified information, it is handled and protected more like Classified National Security Information than like other sensitive unclassified information (e.g., privacy and proprietary information). Requirements for access to SGI and requirements for SGI handling, storage, and processing are in 10 CFR part 73.

The SGI protective order template does not rely on prior SGI protective orders because they predate significant changes to the NRCs regulations on SGI and adjudicatory filings. Instead, the NRC combined general provisions from the draft SUNSI template with the SGI protection requirements in 10 CFR part 73 and the adjudicatory filing requirements in 10 CFR part 2. Also, while the NRC considered the CUI Rule when developing the draft SGI template, the draft template does not reflect any specific CUI provisions. The NRC has not yet implemented the CUI Rule, and in 8

accordance with 32 CFR 2002.4(r), most CUI requirements do not apply to SGI because the authorizing law and regulations for SGI provide specific handling controls.

IV. Availability of Documents The documents identified in the following table are available to interested persons through one or more of the following methods, as indicated.

DOCUMENT ADAMS ACCESSION NO. / FEDERAL REGISTER CITATION Draft Template for Protective Orders Governing the ML18239A329 Disclosure and Use of Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI) in Hearings Related to Conformance with Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)

Draft Template for Protective Orders Governing the ML18239A322 Disclosure and Use of Safeguards Information (SGI) in Hearings Related to Conformance with Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)

Final Procedures for Conducting Hearings on Conformance 81 FR 43266 With the Acceptance Criteria in Combined Licenses, dated July 1, 2016 SECY-15-0010, Final Procedures for Hearings on ML14343A747 Conformance With the Acceptance Criteria in Combined Licenses, dated January 20, 2015 Final Rule: Controlled Unclassified Information, dated 81 FR 63324 September 14, 2016 NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-26, Control of ML051430228 Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information Related to Nuclear Power Reactors, dated November 7, 2005 The NRC may post materials related to this document, including public comments, on the Federal rulemaking Web site at under Docket ID NRC-2018-0190. The Federal Rulemaking Web site allows you to receive alerts when changes or additions occur in a docket folder. To subscribe: 1) Navigate to 9

the docket folder (NRC-2018-0190); 2) click the Sign up for E-mail Alerts link; and 3) enter your e-mail address and select how frequently you would like to receive e-mails (daily, weekly, or monthly).

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 28th day of August 2018.

For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


Susan H. Vrahoretis, Assistant General Counsel for New Reactor Programs, Office of the General Counsel.