ML082250516 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/12/2008 |
From: | Subbaratnam R NRC/NRO/DNRL |
To: | Bell R, Choksi N, Earls C, Sergio Gonzalez, Joshi R, Rebecca Karas, Clifford Munson, William Reckley, Dogan Seber Office of New Reactors, Nuclear Energy Institute |
Subbaratam R. 301-415-1478, NGRA/DNRL | |
Shared Package | |
ML082250478 | List: |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2009-0035 | |
Download: ML082250516 (2) | |
From: Ram Subbaratnam Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:07 PM To: Nilesh Chokshi; Rebecca Karas; Clifford Munson; Sarah Gonzalez; Ravindra Joshi; Dogan Seber; EARLS, Chris;; BELL, Russ;; Cc: William Reckley; Sujit Samaddar; Goutam Bagchi
Summary of Conference Call with NEI/Industry on July 28, 2008 to discuss Carl Stepp's White Paper Attachments: STEPP_comments_v6.doc MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Ram Subbaratnam, Project Manager, NRCA/DNRL Office of New Reactors, Division of New Reactor Licensing
Summary of Conference Call with NEI/Industry on July 28, 2008 to discuss Carl Stepp's White Paper on Guidance for Updating Existing Seismic Source Models The purpose of the call was to discuss initial staff findings on the Carl Stepp's White Paper and suggest areas where the paper needed additional work by the industry for staff's continued consideration.
Staff Seismologist Dogan Seber provided some preliminary insight on the EPRI's White Paper as outlined below and also shown in some details in the attachment to the e-mail.
- Staffs concerns in using a minimum of 20% change requirement in mean hazard curves before an update is implemented,
- Consideration of the reference criteria from generic-rock only to generic-rock and soil-site dual criteria,
- Clarification of the proposed procedure for updating accepted seismic source models,
- Acceptance conditions for updated models with broad scientific support,
- Screening criteria for updates resulting from non SSHAC Level II studies, and
- Need to develop a scenario for subsequent future uses of approved updates The NRC attendees were:
- Dorgan Seber
- Sara Gonzalez
- Ravi Joshi
- Ram Subbaratnam Other observers:
- Russ Bell, NEI
- Leslie Kass, NEI
- Chris Earls, NEI
- Jeff Munsey, TVA
- Robert Horton, SCE
- Carl Stepp, Consultant
- Robert Kennedy, Consultant
- Don Moore, Southern
- et. al.
If You need any further information or assistance on this meeting summary please call me on (301) 415 1478 or e-Mail
Thank you.
Ram Subbaratnam Project Manager, NRCA/DNRL/NRO US NRC (301) 415 1478 E-mail Properties Mail Envelope Properties ()
Summary of Conference Call with NEI/Industry on July 28, 2008 to discuss Carl Stepp's White Paper Sent Date: 8/12/2008 8:59:06 AM Received Date: 8/12/2008 2:06:00 PM From: Ram Subbaratnam Created By: Recipients: (Nilesh Chokshi)
Tracking Status: None (Rebecca Karas)
Tracking Status: None (Clifford Munson)
Tracking Status: None (Sarah Gonzalez)
Tracking Status: None (Ravindra Joshi)
Tracking Status: None (Dogan Seber)
Tracking Status: None (EARLS, Chris)
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Tracking Status: None (BELL, Russ)
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Tracking Status: None (William Reckley)
Tracking Status: None (Sujit Samaddar)
Tracking Status: None (Goutam Bagchi)
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Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 59678 8/12/2008 STEPP_comments_v6.doc 38058 Options Expiration Date:
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