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Subsequent License Renewal Application, Environmental Report, Appendices C.2 (Historic) C.3 (Microbio), D (Cwa) and E (Czma)
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/10/2018
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18193A785 (68)


Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Environmental ReportAppendix CPeach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Second License Renewal Application HISTORIC PRESERVATION

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Environmental ReportAppendix CPeach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Second License Renewal Application MICROBIOLOGICAL ORGANISMS

Date:November 28, 2017 To: FILE Cc: Carrie Cunnane, AECOM Bobbie Hurley, AECOM From: Nancy L. Ranek


Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 & 3, SLR Environmental Report Pennsylvania Department of Health - Thermophilic Organisms (Naegleria)No. of Pages:

1Today, I contacted the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PADH) regarding thermophilic organisms (Naegleria) in Pennsylvania and specifically in Conowingo Pond. In response, I received the following information from Dr. Kirsten Waller, MD at PADH. Cases of Naegleria infection are not reportable in Pennsylvania, but PADH would probably have heard about any case of human infection identified within the commonwealth. To date, PADH is not aware that any human Naegleria infection has ever occurred in Pennsylvania. However, this does not mean the parasite is absent. PADH has no data on whether Naegleria is present in Pennsylvania waters but has not caused human illness. The federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website has a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document that provides the number of Naegleria cases recorded in the U.S. Contact information for Dr. Waller is: 301-271-0765 nlr Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Second License Renewal Application Appendix D Clean Water Act Section 401 CorrespondencePeach Bottom Atomic Power Station Environmental Report

- Operating License Renewal Stage

ENCLOSURE TO LETTER FROM EXELON GENERATION TO PADEP DATED 8/16/2017 1.Email to S. Williamson (PADEP) dated 4/21/20172.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CWA Section 404 Permit CENAB-OP-RPA(EXELONNUCLEAR/PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION)00-01851-2 (expired)3.Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, ORDER MODIFYING AND APPROVING NON-PROJECT USE OF PROJECT LANDS AND WATERS, Project No. 405-113(issued 9/02/2015)

From: Ranek, Nancy L.:(GenCo-Nuc)

To: Scott Williamson (PADEP SCRO)

Cc: Brozonis, Joseph C:(GenCo-Nuc)

Neufeld, Benjamin J
Sklenar, Scott E
"Karpa, Zigmund A
(GenCo-Nuc) (";Donohue, William Joseph:(BSC) (Legal)


Additional Information - PBAPS Second License Renewal Project Date: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:47:00 PM Attachments:

2001.10.01_ACOE Dredging Permit.pdf 2015.09.02_FERC Order RE Non-Proj Use of Proj Lands and waters.pdf Thank you for meeting with me and other Exelon Generation representatives on March 30, 2017.

We appreciated the time that you and the other PADEP staff members spent with us discussing the

PBAPS Second License Renewal project with respect to the requirements of Section 401 of the Clean

Water Act. During the meeting, you requested additional information on two topics. This message

provides Exelon Generation's responses to your requests.1.Provide the permit number(s) and describe the status of PBAPS Maintenance Dredging Permit(s).

By letter dated October 1, 2001, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Baltimore District),

pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404

of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), issued Permit Number CENAB-OP-RPA (Exelon

Nuclear/Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station) 00-01851-2 to the Peach Bottom Atomic

Power Station with an expiration date of October 1, 2011. This permit authorized periodic

routine maintenance dredging activities at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station to

remove accumulated river sediments at the north and south cooling water intake bays and

the screenwell structure approach apron located in the Susquehanna River, Drumore

Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Among other things, the permit required

compliance with PADEP water quality certification, Permit Number E36-693, which was

affixed and had an expiration date of December 31, 2010.

Since the expiration of Permit Number CENAB-OP-RPA (Exelon Nuclear/Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station) 00-01851-2, no maintenance dredging activities have been

performed in the Susquehanna River at PBAPS. In accordance with Exelon Generation

procedures, if the Station determines in the future that such dredging operations are

necessary, the ACOE and PADEP will be contacted, and any necessary permits will be

obtained before dredging operations take place.

A copy of the expired permit is attached for reference.2.Describe the status of FERC approval for "non-project use of project lands and water" by PBAPS with respect to the Conowingo Hydroelectric Project.

By Order dated September 2, 2015 (152 FERC ¶ 62,142), FERC approved an application by

Exelon Generation Company (Conowingo Hydroelectric Project) for non-project use of

project lands and waters. The application requested an increase in the permitted water

withdrawal from 2,236.264 million gallons per day (mgd) to 2,363.620 mgd and an increase

in the permitted consumptive use from 35.5 mgd to 49.0 mgd for the operation of the Peach

Bottom Atomic Power Station.

A copy of the Order is attached for reference.

Please call or send email if there are questions or if you need additional information.




CENAB-OP-RPA(EXELON NUCLEAR/PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION)00-01851-2 Mr. Tracy Siglin Exelon Nuclear Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station 1848 Lay Road Delta, Pennsylvania 17314-9032

Dear Mr. Siglin:

I am replying to your application for a Department of the Army permit. Enclosed is the original permit form NAB-FC-1000.

You are requested to indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed permit by placing your signature and the date on the permit where indicated.

Please note that on August 6, 1999, an administrative appeals process was established for DA individual permit decisions.

Enclosed is a dated attachment, titled "Notification of Applicant Options" (NAO) , that explains the options that are available to you for your consideration when signing this permit. If you decide to decline signing the permit because you object to certain terms and/or conditions, of the permit, a letter outlining your objections, must be received by our District Engineer within 60 days of the date of this NAO at the following address: Commander U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1715 Baltimore, Maryland 21203-1715 You are also requested to submit a check or money order in the amount of $100.00 made payable to the Finance and Accounting Officer, U.S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore (FAO, USAED, Baltimore) . Please write your application number and name as shown on the above subject line on your remittance and mailing envelope.

You must then return the permit with your signature, along with the fee to this office. A self-addressed, franked envelope is enclosed for this purpose. Upon receipt of the signed permit and fee, the permit will be validated with the appropriate District signature and returned to you. Failure to submit a copy


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152 FERC ¶ 62,142UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICAFEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSIONExelon Generation Company, LLCProject No.405-113ORDER MODIFYING AND APPROVING NON-PROJECT USE OF PROJECT LANDS AND WATERS(Issued September 2, 2015)1.OnMay 1, 2015, Exelon GenerationCompany, LLC(licensee), licens ee for theConowingo Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 405,filed an application for non-projectuse of project lands and waters forFederal Energy RegulatoryCommission(Commission) approval, pursuant to standard Article 13. In its application, the licensee proposes increasesto thepermittedwater withdrawaland consumptive useamounts fro mthe Conowingo Reservoir for use at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Peach

Bottom), which the licensee co-owns. The Conowingo H ydroelectric Project is located on the Susquehanna River in Cecil and Hartford counties, Maryland and Lancaster andYork counties, Pennsylvania. Peach Bottom is located in York County, Pennsylvania.LICENSE REQUIREMENTSAND BACKGROUND2.The Commission issued a license for the Conowingo Hydroelectric Project toSusquehanna Power Company and Philadelphia Electric Power Company onAugust14,1980.

1 The Commission approved the transfer of the project license toExelon on November 24, 2008.

2 The project license expired on September 1, 2014;however, the project continues operation under an annual license pending Commissionaction on Exelon's relicensing application.3.The project primarily consists of a concrete gravity dam, powerhouse , andreservoir,and it is the last impoundment on the Susquehanna River, at river mile (RM) 1 Order Issuing New Major License. 19 FERC ¶ 61,348 (1980), and the Order on Rehearing. 13 FERC ¶ 61,132 (1980). Due to an oversight the 1980 Order Issuing New Major License for the Conowingo Project was published subsequent to the Order on Rehearing.

2 Ordering Approving Transfer of License. 125 FERC ¶ 62,181 (2008).

20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-2 -10,beforedischarging intothe Chesapeake Bay. The reservoir extends upstream14 miles from the dam and has an average depth of 20 feet. The project operates as a peaking facility, and the licensee is authorized to operatethe reservoir between 101.2 and 110.2 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum(NGVD). However, the licensee typically maintains the reservoir at 109.2 NCVD, but always above 105.2 NGVD to ensure that the upstream (RM 22) Muddy Run Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project(Muddy Run), FERC No. 2355, is able to operate. The Conowingo reservoir serves as the lower reservoir for Muddy Run. 4.There arefive existing water withdrawal and consumptive usepermits that utiliz ewater from the Conowingo reservoir. In total, the City of Baltimore, Chester WaterAuthority, Connective Mid Merit, LLC, and Old Dominion Electric Cooperative areallowed to consume 296.62 million gallons per day (mgd). The fifth authorizationpermits the licensee to withdraw 2,236.264 mgd and to consume 35.5 mgd for thepurpose of operating Peach Bottom.

3 The licensee currently employs a single, 15-footdiameter submerged pipeto convey water between the Conowingo reservoir and PeachBottom. The 1,450-foot-long pipe is located on a 20-foot-wide strip of crushed rock,approximately 15 feet below the normal reservoir elevation.LICENSEE'S PROPOSED ACTION5.The licensee's May 1, 2015 filing requests that the Commission appr ove increasesin the permitted water withdrawal and consumptive use amounts for cooling waterneeded for the operation of Peach Bottom. Specifically, the licensee requests an increasein the permitted water withdrawal from 2,236.264 mgd to 2,363.62 mgd and in the consumptive use from 35.5mgd to 49.0 mgd. The licensee indicates that it would use theexisting project infrastructure to implement the requested increases. Accordingly, it doesnot anticipate thatany construction or modifications to project operationswould benecessary toaccommodate the request.6.The licensee's filing also assessesthe potential f or fish impingement andentrainmentat the project intake using the proposed withdrawal rate increase. Thelicensee indicates that the approach velocity would be 0.75 feet per second (fps) and the through-screen velocity would be 1.21 fps. The intake facilities consist of 24 single-entry, single-exit traveling water screens on the outer intake structures. The licensee'sfiling reaffirms that the outer screen of the intake structure was designed with a lowapproach velocity specifically to reduce the impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms.

3Order Approving Use of Project Lands and Waters. 55 FPC 2607 (issued June1,1976).

20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-3 -CONSULTATION7.Prior to filing its May 1, 2015 request with the Commission, the licenseeconsultedwith the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), 4 which was established tofacilitate public interest in issues concerning the Susquehanna River Basin and its associated water resources. The SRBC indicated that it does not anticipate adverseimpacts associated with the proposed withdrawal increase, and it approved the proposedincreases on June 23, 2011.8.The licenseereceived a National Pollutant and Discharge Elimination SystemPermit (NPDES, No. PA 0009733) from the Pennsylvania Department of EnvironmentalProtection (PDEP), effectiveJanuary 1, 2011 through May 31, 2015. OnSeptember22,2014, the PDEP renewed this permit through September 30, 2019, afterproviding a public notice on July 5, 2014 and allowing a 30-day comment period. Thepermit includes a record of consultation between the licensee, PDEP, U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and Pennsylvania Fish andBoat Commission (PFBC).9.The licenseecurrently withdraws water for use at Peach Bottom under the PDEP'sJuly23, 2014 Water Quality Certification. During the PDEP's review of the licensee'sapplication, it determined that the primary impacts of withdrawing water from theConowingo Reservoir would be to aquatic resources and include the physical loss ofwater from the withdrawal and consumption, and thermal impacts of the water returned to the reservoir.10.The licensee also repeatedly consulted with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) regarding its request, initially on February 28, 2012. On August25,2014, theNRC approved the proposed withdrawal increase.

5 The NRC's EnvironmentalAssessment, which found no significant impacts, was published in the Federal Register

on March 31, 2014.11.As a part of its application process for the NRC, on January 22, 2012, the licensee also requested input from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservati on and Natural 4The SRBC was established pursuant to the Susquehanna River Basin Compact of 1970, with duties and responsibilities for comprehensive planning, water supply allocation, programming, and management of the water and related resources of the Susquehanna River Basin by all three states involved (Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania) and with the federal government.

5Peach Bottom implemented the additional water withdrawal prior to Commission approval. This action is being reviewed under a separate Commission proceeding.

20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-4 -Resources (PDCNR) regarding potential environmental effects of the proposed withdrawal and consumptive use increases. The PDCNR provided recommendations on February 21, 2012 describing how the licensee could conserve sensitive plant habitat but ultimately determinedthat it does not anticipate any adverse impacts from the proposed increases.12.On January 23, 2013, the licenseeformally requestedinput from the PFBC and thePennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) as a part of the NRCapplication process. Previously, on February 8, 2012, the PHMC had indicated that, while archaeological resources likely exist in the area, the proposed modifications wouldnot impact such resources. On February 24, 2012, the PFBC furtherindicated that it doesnot expect adverse impacts as a result of the proposed water withdrawal and consumption increases.PUBLIC NOTICE, INTERVENTIONS, AND COMMENTS13.On May 7, 2015, Commission staff issued a public notice of the licensee'sapplication for non-project use of project lands and waters, establishing June 7, 2015 as the deadline for providing comments and interventions. By letter dated May 26, 2015,Calpine Corporation filed a motion to intervene. Calpine Corporation owns the YorkEnergy Center which uses and consumes water fromthe Conowingo reservoir; therefore,Calpine Corporation indicated thatit has a direct and substantial interest in the outcomeof this proceeding and its intervention and participation is in the public interest. CalpineCorporation did not file any comments on the licensee's proposed action.14.By letter dated June 2, 2015, the Susquehanna River Boaters Association (SRBA)filed a motion to intervene and a protest; however, the content of the filing does notqualify as a protest of the pertinent application. The SRBA expressed concern with thereservoir elevation, particularly during the May 1 through October 1 recreation season;however, the licensee's application does not propose any modifications to existingreservoir levels requirements. The SRBA also requested that Exelon develop a plan fordredging at the Peach Bottom Marina, to improve accessibility. This issue, also, is notrelevant to the proposed water withdrawal as the existing access should not be impacted by this proposal. Under the proposed action, the licensee would still be required tomaintain the required reservoir elevations. Any additional consumptive use by PeachBottom would not affect the reservoirlevels as the licensee would manage dischargesfrom Conowingo dam to maintain the required reservoir levels.

15.The SRBA alsocommentedon a number of issues being addressed as a part of theproject relicensing. Accordingly those aspects of the SRBA's filing will be addressedunder the relicensing processwhich is currently underway in a separate Commission proceeding. The SRBA indicated that it relies on the use of project waters for recreationand reiterated its interest in the outcome of this proceeding and its intervention and participation in the public interest. On June 18, 2015, Exelon responded to the SRBA's 20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-5 -comments. The licensee indicated that many of the SRBA's concerns are topics of ongoing consultation that it intends to address as a part ofthe relicensing process.16.By letter dated June 5, 2015, the FWS filed comments pertaining to the protectionof fish and wildlife resources. The FWS provided the results of a thermal variance study,which was conducted pursuant to Section 316(a) of the Clean Water Act. The studyresults confirmed that Exelon's requested water withdrawal and consumptive useincreases would result in water temperature increases and provided quantification oftemperature reductions achievable based on the number of cooling towers utilized. The FWS's comments also outlined concerns with water temperature impacts to migratoryfish. As such, the filing recommended operational rules to minimize and mitigate forwater temperature increases.17.On June 18, 2015, the licensee responded to the FWS's comments. T he licensee'sresponse included the results of a thermal plume modeling study which suggest that theincreased water temperature would disseminate locally and not create any type of thermalbarrier to migrating American shad (Alosa sapidissima) or American eels (Anguilla rostrata). While the extent of the thermal plume depends on inflowsandambient temperatureas well asnumerous operationalfactors, the licensee's stud y predicts that thethermal plumeonly alters fish migrationbehaviors, prompting avoidance of the war med plume,during relativelylow flows, less than or equal to 12,500 cfs, 6 that occurconcurrently with water temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The studyconcludes that the joint occurrence of these flows and water temperatures with fishmigratoryseasons is not likely to occur.

DISCUSSION18.Section 10(a)(1) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) 7provides that a licensed project must be:such as in the judgement of the Commission will be best adapted toa comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce, for the improvement and utilization of water-power development, for the adequate protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife (including related spawning grounds and habitat), and for other beneficial public purposes, including irrigation flood control, water supply, and recreational and other purposes.

6Average flow fromthe Susquehanna River into the Conowingo reservoir is approximately 40,000 cfs.

716 U.S.C. § 803(a)(1).

20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-6 -19.Further, section 10(a)(1) of the FPA requires the Commission to ensure that anyhydropower project it licenses will be consistent with the optimal utilization of awaterway, taking into account and balancing all the various developmental andenvironmental values. In addition, section 10(a)(1) standard informs theCommission'sactions with respect to a project throughout the term of the license, including its review ofrequests to use a project's lands and waters for non-project purposes.20.The considerations specified in section 10(a)(1) are reflected in Article 13 of theproject license, a standard article commonly referred to as the joint-use article. Article13 provides that, in pertinent part:-on the application of any person, association, corporation, Federal agency, State or municipality, the licensee shallpermit such reasonable use of its reservoir or other project properties, including works, lands and water rights, or parts thereof, as may be ordered by the Commission, after notice and opportunity for hearing, in the interests of comprehensive development of the waterway or waterways involved and the conservation and utilization of the water resources of the region for water supply or for the purposes of steam-electric, irrigation, industrial, municipal or similar uses.

821.The Commission's review of a joint-use application is only to examine whether, and to what extent, the proposed use would adversely affect any other beneficial use ofthe water, and, if so, whether the benefits of the proposed use outweigh such effects.

9 Forthe reasons discussed below,Commission staff finds that the licensee's request to increase water withdrawal and consumptive use amounts from the Conowingo reservoir complies with Article 13.22.Commission staff's September 2, 2015Environmental Assessment (EA) for theproposed actionconcludes that the increases would not interfere with operations at theConowingo Hydroelectric Project. The EA finds that the proposed action, withrecommended measures, would not result in any significant impacts to geology and soils,water quantity orquality, aquatic resources, threatened or endangered species, or recreation.23.Section 6.0(B) of the EA includes Commission staffs' recommendations, based onconsultation between the licensee andresource agencies and other st akeholders, for 819 FERC ¶ 61,348 (issued August 14, 1980), at ordering paragraph (D) (citing L-Form 3 in Standard Conditions for Inclusion in Preliminary Permits and Licenses Issued Under Part I of the Federal Power Act, 54 FPC 1792, at 1,821 (1975)).

9See 74 FERC ¶ 61,157 (issued February 16, 1996).

20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-7 -ensuring that no significant impacts occur as a result of the proposed action. Commission staff recommends that the licensee (1) monitor the temperature of watersdischarged from Peach Bottom, (2) require Peach Bottom to adhere to cooling tower operating guidelines established by the PDEP, 10and (3)ensure that all necessary state and local permits have been acquired prior implementing the proposed increases. The second and third recommendations would ensure compliance with all other pertinent regulations. 24.The first Commission staff recommendation, to monitor the temperature of watersdischarged from Peach Bottom,intendsto validate the results of the licensee's thermal plume modeling study and to ensure that migratory fish species are not adverselyimpacted by the thermal plume, which was a primary concern expressed bythe FWSduring consultation. Similarly, thermal monitoring of Peach Bottom's discharged waterwould verify that the PDEP's cooling tower operating guidelines are being employed andthat the guidelines provideadequatecoolingto the waterprior to discharge. In order toaccomplish these aims, the licensee should require Peach Bottom to develop andimplement a plan to monitor the water temperature of Peach Bottom discharge and the dispersion of the thermal plumefor a minimum of five upstream and five downstreamfish migration seasons. Five upstream and downstream migration periods should allowfor sufficient variation in environmental conditions to detect any significant differencebetweenthe model's predictions and actual water temperatures. Accordingly, the firstseason to implement the temperature monitoring plan should be during the spring of2016. The plan should include response measures to be implemented if the anticipateddischarge temperatures are exceeded or if any adverse impactsto migrating fi sh are observed. In order to keep the Commission apprised of its actions, the licensee shouldfile a copy of Peach Bottom's temperature monitoring plan with the Commission upon receiving it, but no later than March 1, 2016. This should provide su fficient time forPeach Bottom to consult with the resource agencieson the development of the plan and provide it to the licensee. The plan should also includea schedule for reporting the results of the study annually to the Commission for review. Initially, the first reportshould be due December 31, 2016.

10The PDEP's National Pollutant and Discharge Elimination System Permit (No. PA 0009733) requires Peach Bottom to operate one, two, or three cooling towers between June 15 and August 31 annually, based on average intake temperatures. One tower must be operated continuously from June 15 through August 31. The second tower must commence operation within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of theaverage intake temperature reaching or exceeding 83 degrees Fahrenheit (ºF), and the third tower must commence operation within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of the average intake temperature reaching or exceeding 86 ºF 20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-8 -CONCLUSION25.As modified, the Commission's approval of the licensee's request to increasewater withdrawals and consumptive use of water from the Conowingo reservoir, for usein the Peach Bottom cooling towers, will not result in significant adverse impacts to theenvironment. The proposed non-project use of project lands and waters is consistent withthe hydropower project purposes set forth in the project license. The proposed increaseswould not adversely affect any other existing uses of the waterway, and would thereforebe consistent with the waterway's comprehensive development. Therefore, the licensee's application, as modified to incorporatethe staff recommendations described in the EA, should be approved.26.The Commission should reserve the right to require changes to the non-project useof project lands and waters, based on information provided by the licensee or anyresource agency, to ensure effective protection of the environmental resources at theConowingo Hydroelectric Project.The Directororders:(A)Exelon Generation Company's(licensee)May 1, 2015 non-project use ofproject lands and waters application, to increase water withdrawal and consumptive use permitted for the operation of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station(Peach Bottom) to 2,363,620 million gallons per day (mgd) and 49.0 mgdrespectively, as modified by paragraphs (B) through (F) below, is approved. (B)The licensee must require Peach Bottom to develop and implement a watertemperature monitoring plan to verifythat operating under thecooling tower operating guidelines provided by the PDEPadequately reducesdischarge temperatures, and that the thermal plume disseminates locally,as predicted by the modeling study resultsfiled by the licensee on June 18, 2015. The plan must, at a minimum: be implemented for at least five upstream and five downstream fish migration seasons; include response measures to be implemented if anticipated discharge temperatures are exceeded or if any adverse impacts to migrating fish are observed; and include a schedule for implementing the plan and reporting the results to the Commission. The licensee must file Peach Bottom's temperature monitoring plan by March 1, 2016 and the first of 5 annual reports must be filed by December 31, 2016.(C)The licensee must require Peach Bottom to adhere to the cooling toweroperating guidelines established by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PDEP) to ensure the protection of aquatic resources.(D)The licensee must require Peach Bottom to comply with the terms of the July 23, 2014 Water Quality Certification, issued by the PDEP under section 401(a)(1) of 20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015 Project No.405-113-9 -the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C.§1431(a)(1). (E)The licensee must file with the Commission documentation that OrderingParagraph (C) and (D) have been executed. (F)The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) reserves theright to require changes to the non-project use of project lands and waters, based on information provided by the licensee or any resource agency, to ensure effective protection of the environmental resources at the Conowingo Hydroelectric Project.(G)This order constitutes final agency action. Any party may file a request forrehearing of this order within 30 days from the date of its issuance, as provided in section 313(a) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 825 l(2012), and the Commission's regulations at 18 CFR § 385.713 (2015). The filing of a request for hearing does not operate as a stay of the effective date of this order, or of any other date specified in this order. The licensee's failure to file a request for rehearing shall constitute acceptance of this order.

Thomas J. LoVulloChief, Aquatic Resources BranchDivision of Hydropower Administration and Compliance 20150902-3052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/02/2015

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Second License Renewal Application Appendix E Coastal Zone Management Act CorrespondencePeach Bottom Atomic Power Station Environmental Report

- Operating License Renewal Stage 1 Ranek, Nancy L.:(GenCo-Nuc)

From: Elder Ghigiarelli -MDE- <>

Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 10:42 AM To: Ranek, Nancy L.:(GenCo-Nuc)


[EXTERNAL] Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Attachments:

Peach.Bottom.License.Ren.FC.Deter.4.23.2002.pdf Nancy,I am responding to the information provided by Exelon Generation, LLC, and our subsequent conversations, regarding the Section 307 Federal Consistency provisions of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended (CZMA), relative to the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) Second License Renewal project. Exelon Generation intends to apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in July, 2018 for second license renewal for PBAPS Units 2 and 3. This would extend the licenses to 08/08/2053 for

Unit 2 and 07/02/2054 for Unit 3.In May, 2003, the NRC renewed the operating licenses for Units 2 and 3 for an additional 20 years beyond the initial 40-year terms. By letter dated April 23, 2002, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) determined this action to be consistent with the Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program, as required by Section 307 of the CZMA (attached). The Second License Renewal project will simply extend the current license and will not entail any new construction activities. Based on this consideration, MDE has no concerns with the proposed license renewal and the State's initial consistency determination would continue in effect and

be applicable to the Second License Renewal project. With regard to the current regulatory setting, the information provided correctly points out that for Maryland to perform a consistency review on an activity in an adjacent State, that activity would have to be on an Interstate Consistency Review list approved by NOAA. As you are aware, at this time Maryland does not have an Interstate Consistency list approved by NOAA. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Elder Elder Ghigiarelli, Jr. Deputy Program Administrator Maryland Federal Consistency Coordinator Wetlands and Waterways Program Maryland Department of the Environment

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