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Management Directive 7.6, Public and Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports.
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Issue date: 01/15/2016
DT-17-150 MD 7.6
Download: ML18073A185 (20)



MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS DT-1 Volume 7: Legal and Ethical Guidelines Approved B y: Stephen G. Burns, Chairman Date Approved: January 15, 2016

Date: Issuing Office:

Office of the General Counsel Contact Name:

Eric Michel 301-415-1177EXECUTIVE


Management Directive and Handbook 7.6 are being revised to reflect editorial changes, update procedures for the identification and notification of public and confidential financial disclosure filers, and update procedures for the distribution, collection, and review of financial disclosure reports. This revision removes Exhibit 1, "NRC Positions That Meet Filing Criteria," from Handbook 7.6. The Office of the General Counsel will publish, as an official agency record in ADAMS and on the NRC Ethics W eb site, the list of NRC positions that meet the filing requirement. This revision also updates Handbook 7.6 to include additional notification and reporting requirements for public financial disclosure filers mandated by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I.POLICY .............................................................................................................................. 2 II.OBJECTIVES

.................................................................................................................... 2III.ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY

........... 2 A.General Counsel (GC)

.................................................................................................. 2 B.Inspector General (IG)

.................................................................................................. 3 C.Executive Director for Operations (EDO)

...................................................................... 4 D.Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

........................................................................................ 4 E.Directors, Offices Reporting to the EDO and Regional Administrators

.......................... 4 F.Directors, Offices Reporting Directly to the Commission

............................................... 4 G.Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO)

........................................................................... 4

MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

2 H.Deputy Ethics Counselors (Headquarters) (Division of Legal Counsel,Legislation, and Special Projects, OGC)

....................................................................... 5 I.Deputy Ethics Counselors (Regional Counsels)

............................................................ 5 IV.APPLICABILITY

................................................................................................................ 5 V.CONFLICT OF INTEREST

................................................................................................. 5 A.Prohibited Financial Conflict of Interest

......................................................................... 5 B.Appearance of Conflict of Interest

................................................................................. 6 C.Waivers ........................................................................................................................ 6 VI.DEFINITIONS

.................................................................................................................... 7 VII.HANDBOOK ...................................................................................................................... 7 VIII.REFERENCES

................................................................................................................... 8 I.POLICYIt is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to inform employees of the lawsand regulations governing financial disclosure requirements, prevent potential conflicts ofinterest, and resolve actual conflicts of interest.


- Assist individuals who are required to file financial disclosure reports in complying withthe filing requirements.

- Describe the NRC procedures for identifying filers and for distributing, collecting, reviewing, and maintaining custody of financial disclosure reports.

- Describe the NRC procedures for instances when remedial, administrative, or disciplinary actions are necessary because of conflicts of interest.

III.ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY A.General Counsel (GC) 1.Serves as the NRC Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) and counselor wit h overall administrative responsibility for the agency's ethics program.

2.Ensures compliance with the financial disclosure requirements contained in theEthics in Government Act of 1978, as amended, and the Office of Government Ethics(OGE) regulations contained in Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)Part 2634, "Executive Branch Financial Disclosure, Qualified Trusts, and Certificatesof Divestiture."

MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

3 3.After consultation with the appropriate office director or regional administrator, andobtaining any requir ed Executiv e Director for Operations (EDO) approval, updat esand republishes, as nee ded, the list o f positions subject t o t he financial disclosurerequirements as an official agency record in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) and on t he NRC E thics We b sit e at , and may add or del ete positionson that l ist bas ed on a d etermination whether the pos iti on meets t he filingrequirement s sp ecified in O GE regulations.

4.Designates an Alternate DAEO, Office of the General Counsel (OGC) attorneys, andEthics staff in the Division of Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects, andRegional Counsel in each NRC regional office, as deputy ethics counselorsauthorized to review financial disclosure forms and provide advice on ethics laws andregulations and related matters.

5.Makes referrals to the Inspector General of allegations of violations regarding compliance with the financial disclosure requirements or potential conflicts of interest.

B.Inspector General (IG) 1.Investigates allegations of failure to comply with laws or regulations on financialdisclosure and makes appropriate referrals for action.

2.Ensures that employees of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) who arerequired to file a public financial disclosure report are correctly identified in the agency's electronic personnel system. Thes e employees should submit OGE Form 278 e, "Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report."3.Identifies positions within the OIG requiring new entrants, incumbents, or employeesterminating service to file an OGE Form 278e and provides information on all newentrants and terminating employees to OGC.

4.Ensures that OIG employees who are required to file a confidential financialdisclosure report are correctly identified in the agency's electronic personnel system.

Thes e employees should submit OGE Form 450, "Executive Branch ConfidentialFinancial Disclosure Report

."5.Identifies positions requiring new entrants and incumbents to file an OGE Form 450

,and provides information on all new entrants to OGC.6.Identifies and promptly informs OGC of employees within the OIG who are ontemporary assignment for more than 60 days in a calendar year to a position subjectto the public or confidential financial reporting requirement. (See Section I.C.2 ofHandbook 7.6.)

MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

4 C.Executive Director for Operations (EDO)Approves recommendations from office directors reporting to the EDO and from regionaladministrators, after consultation with OGC, for changes to the list of positions subject t o the financial disclosure requirements.D.Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Collects necessary fee for late filing of a public financial disclosure report.

E.Directors, Offices Reporting to the EDO and Regional Administrators 1.Provide the EDO with recommendations of positions at the level of GG

-15 or belowin their respective offices or regions that should be subject to the confidentialfinancial reporting requirement.

2.Identify and promptly inform OGC of employees in their respective offices or regionswho are on temporary assignment for more than 60 days in a calendar year to aposition subject to the public or confidential financial reporting requirement. (S ee Section I.C.2 of Handbook 7.6

.)F.Directors, Offices Reporting Directly to the Commission 1.Identify and inform OGC of the positions at the level of GG-15 or below in theirrespective office that should be subject to the confidential financial reporti ng requirement.

2.Identify and promptly inform OGC of employees in their respective offices who ar e on temporary assignment to a position subject to the public or confidential financialreporting requirement. (See Section I.C.2 of Handbook 7.6.)G.Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO)1.Ensures that NRC employees, except those within the OIG, who are required to file apublic financial disclosure report are correctly identified in the agency's electronic personnel system. These employees should submit OGE Form 278 e.2.Identifies positions requiring new entrants, incumbents, or employees terminati ng service to file an OGE Form 278e and provides new entrants and terminati ngemployees with instructions on how to file the form

.3.Ensures that NRC employees, except those within the OIG, who are required to file aconfidential financial disclosure report are correctly identified in the agency'selectronic personnel system. These employees should submit OGE Form 450.4.Identifies positions requiring new entrants and incumbents to file an OGE Form 450

, and provides new entrants with instructions on how to file the form


MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

5 H.Deputy Ethics Counselo rs (Headquarters) (Division of Legal Counsel, Legislation,and Special Projects, OGC

)1.Review and certify financial disclosure reports as authorized by the General Counsel.

2.Determine whether the financial interests disclosed in the reports present potential oractual conflicts of interest.

3.Inform employees and their supervisors of any potential concerns regarding ethicalmatters that appear on their financial disclosure report and assist employees in resolving these concerns.

I.Deputy Ethics Counselors (Regional Counsels

)Advise employees in their respective regions on matters relating to financial disclosure, in consultation with and under the direction of headquarters deputy ethics counselors.IV.APPLICABILITYThis directive and handbook apply to all NRC employees and special Governmentemployees who are required to file financial disclosure reports

.V.CONFLICT OF INTERESTAll employees, even those who are not required to file a financial disclosure report, ar e subject to the laws and regulations on employee conduct, such as the Governmentwi de standards of conduct regulations (5 CFR Part 2635 , "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch

"), the criminal conflict

-of-interest laws, and the NRCsupplemental ethics regulations. Employees should consult a deputy ethics counselor on any question relating to the ethics laws or regulations. In the event that an employee'sparticipation in an NRC matter could create a conflict of interest, or an appearance of aconflict of interest, the employees should refrain from participation and consult theirsupervisor or a deputy ethics counselor.

A.Prohibited Financial Conflict of InterestAll employees, including those who do not file financial disclosure reports, are prohibit ed by statute, "Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest," (18 U.S.C. 208) from participatingpersonally and substantially in an official capacity in any NRC particular matter that coul d directly and predictably affect their financial interests, unless they receive a written waiveror the financial interest is exempt under 5 CFR Part 2640 as too remote orinconsequential. This prohibition extends to the financial interests of any of the following:

1.Their spouse or minor child; 2.Their general partner; MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

6 3.An organization in which the employee serves as an officer, a director, a trustee, ageneral partner, or an employee; or 4.An organization with which the employee is negotiating or has an arrangement forprospective employment

.B.Appearance of Conflict of InterestAll employees, including those who do not file financial disclosure reports, are requir ed to consider whether their impartiality would be questioned whenever their involvement i n a "particular matter involving specific parties" (including, but not limited to, a specifi c licensing or enforcement action, adjudication, evaluation, grant, contract, inspection, orinvestigation) might affect certain personal or business relationships.

If a particularmatter involving specific parties is likely to have a direct and predictable effect on t he financial interests of a member of the employee's household, or if a person with whomthe employee has a "covered relationship" is or represents a party to such matter, t he employee must consider whether a reasonable person would question the employee'simpartiality in the matter.

An employee is considered to have a covered relationship withthe following

1.Any person with whom the employee has or seeks a business, contractual, or otherfinancial relationship; 2.Any person who is a member of the employee's household or is a relative with whomthe employee has a close personal relationship
3.Any person for whom the employee's spouse, parent, or dependent child serves orseeks to serve as an officer, director, trustee, general partner, agent, attorney, consultant, contractor, or employee
4.Any person for whom the employee has within the last year served as an officer,director, trustee, general partner, agent, attorney, consultant, contractor, oremployee; or 5.Any organization (other than a political party) in which the employee is an activeparticipant

.C.Waivers 1.An employee who ha s a conflict of interest (or an appearance of a conflict of interest)arising from a financial interest must disqualify him or herself from participation in theNRC particular matter, unless

-(a)The em ployee's financial interest i s di vested o r(b)The employee obtains a written waiver authorizing his or her participation.

MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

7 2.Waiver s must be authorized by a designated official according to the policies andprocedures in Management Directive 7.9, "Ethics Approvals and Waivers."VI.DEFINITIONSEmployeeAn NRC employee, a special Government employee, or an employee of another Government agency assigned or detailed to NRC for more than 30 days.

Special Government Employee An NRC employee who is retained, designated, appointed, or employed to perform temporary duties, with or without compensation, not to exceed 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days, either on a full

-time or intermittent basis. The term includes NRC consultants, experts, and members of advisory committees.

OGE Form 278 e, "Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report" A form published by t he Office of Government Ethics use d by a n employee required t o file a public financial disclosure report.

As use d i n this directiv e and handbook, the term includes any successor forms to t he OGE Form 2 78 e that may be mandated by OGE. All NRC em ployees w ho ar e required t o file an O GE Form 278e must use th e Integrity electronic f iling system developed by O GE, which is ac cessible at h ttps:// OGE Form 450 , "Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report" A form published by t he Offic e o f Government Ethics use d by a n employee required t o file a confidential financial disclosure report.

As used in this directiv e and h andbook, t he term includes any successor forms t o t he OGE Form 450 that m ay be mandated by OGE. All N RC e mployees w ho ar e requir ed t o file an OGE For m 4 50 mus t us e the NRC's e lectronic filing s ys tem, w hich is ac cessible t he NRC Ethics Web sit e . VII.HANDBOOKHandbook 7.6 provides guidance for determining which employees must file financialdisclosure reports

procedures for filing, tracking, reviewing, amending, and maintainingcustody of financial disclosure reports; and procedures for resolving conflicts of interestsarising from information disclosed on the reports.

MD 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

8 VIII.REFERENCESCode of Federal Regulations5 CFR Part 2634, "Executive Branch Financial Disclosure, Qualified Trusts, and Certificates of Divestiture."

5 CFR Part 2635, "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch." 5 CFR Part 2640, "Interpretation, Exemptions, and Waiver Guidance Concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 (Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest)."

NRC Documents NRC Management Directive 7.9, "Ethics Approvals and Waivers."

NRC Ethics Web S ite: . U.S. Office of Government Ethics U.S. Office of Government Ethics Web Site:

. Integrity Public Financial Disclosure Filing Web Site United States Code Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest (18 U.S.C. 208).

Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended (5 U.S.C. App., Section 101 et seq.).

Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012, Pub. Law 112



DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS DT-1 Volume 7: Legal and Ethical Guidelines Approved B y: Stephen G. Burns, Chairman Date Approved: January 15, 2016

Date: Issuing Office:

Office of the General Counsel Contact Name:

Eric Michel 301-415-1177EXECUTIVE


Management Directive and Handbook 7.6 are being revised to reflect editorial changes, update procedures for the identification and notification of public and confidential financial disclosure filers, and update procedures for the distribution, collection, and review of financial disclosure reports. This revision removes Exhibit 1, "NRC Positions That Meet Filing Criteria," from Handbook 7.6. The Office of the General Counsel will publish, as an official agency record in ADAMS and on the NRC Ethics W eb site, the list of NRC positions that meet the filing requirement. This revision also updates Handbook 7.6 to include additional notification and reporting requirements for public financial disclosure filers mandated by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012.


.......................................................... 2 A.Identifying Employees Required to File PublicFinancial Disclosure Repor ts ........................................................................................ 2 B.Identifying Employees Required to File Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports

........................................................................................ 3 C.Financial Disclosure Requirements While on Temporary Assignments

......................... 4 II.ADMINISTRATION OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS ........................................ 5 A.Accessing and Completing Reports

.............................................................................. 5 B.Filing Instructions

.......................................................................................................... 6 C.Periodic Transaction Reports (OGE Form 278

-T) ......................................................... 9 D.Assistance With Forms

................................................................................................. 9

DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

2 E. Extensions




9 F. Exemptions From Filing



10 G. Authorized Reviewers



. 10 H. Review of Forms



......... 10 I. Timetable and Procedures for Obtaining Clarifications, Addenda, and Errata



.. 11 J. Amending Reports


...... 11 K. Custody of Reports



..... 11 L. Public Access to Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Form 278e)



11 M. Security for Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Forms 450 and 450

-A) ........................................................................ 11 N. Pursuing Administrative or Disciplinary Action



12 O. Remedial Actions To Resolve Conflicts of Interest or Violations of Law, Regulations, or Executive Orders



12 P. Following Up On Delinquent Reports



12 Q. Procedures for Collecting the Late Filing Fee for Public Financial Disclosure Reports


..... 12 R. Notification of Negotiations for Future Employment



12 I. FILERS OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS A. Identifying Employees Required to File Public Financial Disclosure Reports

1. The following NRC employees are in "covered positions" and must file an Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Form 278 e, "Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report

," provided they serve in these covered positions (or in combination with another covered position) for more than 60 days during a calendar year

NRC Commissioners, the Inspector General, Commissioner assistants (excluding those in administrative or support positions), members of the Senior Executive Service or Senior Level positions, full-time Administrative Judges, and special Government employees paid at a rate above GG

-15. 2. The three categories of public report filers are new entrants, incumbents, and termination filers. The procedures for identifying filers follow. (a) New Entrants Except for special Government employees employed by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety (ACRS), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP)

, or DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

3 the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) identifies those employees who will assum e a position that requires the filing of a public financial disclosure report and will inform the employee and the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) ethics team. All NRC offices, excluding OIG, will inform OCHCO and the OGC ethics team of their intent to employ a special Government employee paid at a rate above GG

-15 for more than 60 days during a calendar year. The OIG will notify only the OGC ethics team of this action.

(b) Incumbents OCHCO is responsible for identifying and tracking all OGE Form 278e filers, including special Government employee s, except for those within OIG. All OGE Form 278e filers are designated in OCHCO's personnel system. OCHCO will maintain this information and provide updates to the OGC ethics team on a regular basis. (c) Termination Filers OCHCO will identify appropriate employees, except for those within OIG, who must file an OGE Form 278e within 30 days after terminating service, and notify those employees of the filing requirement. OCHCO will also inform the OGC ethics team of this action.

B. Identifying Employees Required to File Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports 1.Regular Employees(a) All employees at the GG

-15 level or below must file a confidential financialdisclosure report (OGE Form 450, "Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report," or 450

-A, "Confidential Certificate of No New Interests (Executive Branch)

"), if they participate personally and substantially, through decision or the exercise of significant judgment in- (i) Contracting or procurement; (ii) Administering or monitoring grants, subsidies, licenses, or other federally conferred financial or operational benefits; (iii) Regulating or auditing any non

-Federal entity; or (iv) Other activities in which the final decision or action will have a direct and substantial economic effect on the interests of any non

-Federal entity.

DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

4 (b) Employees who meet any of the criteria for filing a confidential financial disclosure report may be excluded from filing the report if there is a substantial degree of supervision or only a remote possibility of a real or apparent conflict of interest. (c) Office directors and regional administrators or their designees will determine which positions in their office or region meet the criteria for filing a confidential financial disclosure report and which of those positions should be excluded from the reporting requirement. The Executive Director for Operations (EDO) will review and approve these determinations for offices reporting to the EDO and the regions, after consultation with OGC. OGC annually will publish a list of employee positions that meet the criteria for filing a confidential financial disclosure as an official agency record and on the NRC Ethics Web site. 2.Special Government EmployeesAll special Government employees must file an OGE Form 450 if they are paid at t he rate of GG-15 or below or are paid above the GG

-15 rate but work 60 days or lessduring a calendar year. Special Government employees cannot file the alternativ e OGE Form 450

-A.C. Financial Disclosure Requirements While on Temporary Assignments 1.Identification of Filers on Temporary AssignmentsOffice directors and regional administrators or their designees will identify employeesin their respective offices or regions who are, or will be, on temporary assignment (e.g., rotations, details, or acting assignments) to positions subject to the public orconfidential financial reporting requirements for more than 60 days total in a calen dar year. Once identified, the office directors and regional administrators or their designees will notify the OGC ethics team of any employees in a position subject t o the public or confidential financial reporting requirements.2.Requirements(a) If, at the outset of a temporary assignment, it is reasonably anticipated that an employee will be performing the duties of a position subject to the public or confidential financial reporting requirements for more than 60 days in a calendar year, then that employee must file a new entrant confidential or public financial disclosure report within 30 days of starting those duties.

(b) In the event that it is not originally anticipated, but an employee actually performs the duties of a position subject to the public or confidential financial reporting requirements for more than 60 days in a calendar year, then that employee must file a new entrant report within 15 days of the sixtieth day in that position.

DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

5 II.ADMINISTRATION OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS A. Accessing and Completing Reports 1.New Entrants(a) Public Financial Disclosure Reports OCHCO will notify an employee, except for those within OIG, of the requirement to file a public financial disclosure report when they are hired, promoted, or converted to a position paid at a rate greater than GG

-15, except for a special Government employee. OCHCO will provide the employee with instructions on where to file the public financial disclosure form. OCHCO also will notify the OGC ethics team of this action. (b) Confidential Reports OCHCO will notify an employee, except for those within OIG, of the requirement to file a confidential financial disclosure report when they are hired, promoted, or converted to a position included on the list of covered positions (published annually as an official agency record), except for a special Government employee. OCHCO will also provide the employee with instructions on where to file the confidential financial disclosure.

OCHCO also will notify the OGC ethics team of this action.

(c) Special Government Employees An office intending to employ a special Government employee will provide that individual with instructions on where to file OGE Form 278e or OGE Form 450, as appropriate (but not the alternative OGE Form 450

-A), and will notify OCHCO and the OGC ethics team of this action. 2.Annual Filers(a) Public ReportsIn the first quarter of each calendar year, the OGC ethics team will notify all employees and special Government employees required to file an annual public financial disclosure report of this filing requirement.

The notification will include instructions for filing the form and obtaining assistance in completing the form, as well as the due date and information on applicable penalties for failure to complete the form on time.

DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

6 (b) Confidential Reports (Regular Employees) (i) By September 15 of each year, the OGC ethics team will send office directors and regional administrators the following:

The nam es o f e mployees i n their res pective offices w ho filed a confidential di sclosure r eport dur ing the previous y ear andThe list of positions subject to the filing requirement.(ii) Office directors and regional administrators or their designees will update the list of positions subject to the reporting requirement and the corresponding list of employees in their respective office or region who are required to file this report, and will send the updated lists to the OGC ethics team by October 15 of each year.

(iii) In early January, the OGC ethics team will inform each employee required to file an annual confidential disclosure report of the filing requirement. OGC will provide instructions on how to access and complete the report.

(c) Confidential Reports (Special Government Employees)

OCHCO or the office employing a special Government employee required to file a confidential financial disclosure report will direct that employee to file an OGE Form 450 annually or upon renewal for an additional year. The office will also notify OCHCO and the OGC ethics team of this action.

3.Termination Filers(a) OCHCO will notify employees, except for those within OIG, of the requirement tofile a public financial disclosure report when they terminate a position paid at a rate greater than GG

-15. OCHCO will provide the employee with instructions on where to file the public financial disclosure form. OCHCO also will notify the OGC ethics team of this action.

(b) Note: An employee required to file a confidential financial disclosure report is not required to file a report when he or she terminates service. B. Filing Instructions 1.Electronic FilingAll NRC employees who are required to file an OGE Form 278e must use theIntegrity electronic filing system developed by OGE. All NRC employees who arerequired to file an OGE Form 450 must use the NRC internal Web-based filingsystem, with the limited exception of certain special Government employees who DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

7 perform temporary duties and lack access to the NRC network during the filing period. These employees will be notified by OGC that they may file an OGE Form 450 in paper format.

2.New Entrants(a) An employee assuming a position that requires the filing of a public or aconfidential financial disclosure report must file the appropriate form within 30 days after commencement of employment or the effective date of their promotion or conversion, or start of their temporary assignment, unless they have been granted an extension by an OGC deputy ethics counselor. Either OCHCO or OGC will provide instructions on how to access and complete the report.

(b) A new employee required to file a confidential financial disclosure report must file the OGE Form 450 and may not file the alternative OGE Form 450

-A. (c) All special Government employees are required to file a public or confidential financial disclosure report (and may not file the OGE Form 450-A) no later than 30 days after the date of their appointment, unless they have been granted an extension by an OGC deputy ethics counselor. However, it is NRC policy that special Government employees file their completed report before the date they actually commence service. 3.Annual Filers(a) Public Filers A public filer must file an OGE Form 278e with OGC by May 15 of each year, unless they have been granted an extension by an OGC deputy ethics counselor. The OGC ethics team will provide instructions on how to access and complete the report.

(b) Confidential Filers (i) Regular Employees A regular employee must file either an OGE Form 450 or an OGE For m 450-A by February 15 of each year, unless they hav e been granted an extension by an OGC deputy ethics counselor. The OGC ethicsteam will provide instructions on how to access and complete the report.The OGE Form 450

-A is a certification that the employee has notacquired any new reportable interests or changed positions or duties since the filing of the employee's most recent OGE Form 450.

A regularemployee must file the OGE Form 450 if they have new interests to report or if they have changed jobs or had a significant change in their duties DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

8 since their last filing. A regular employee may file an OGE Form 450

-A for a maximum of 3 consecutive years before they are required to complete a new OGE Form 450 every fourth year.

Regardless of when an employee has last filed an OGE Form 450, all incumbent filers must file a full OGE Form 450 in each year divisible by four, beginning with 2000.

(ii) Special Government Employees Special Government employees who do not file a public financial disclosure report must file an OGE Form 450 annually. A special Government employee wh o is appointed to a multiple

-year appointment must file within 30 days of their appointment/renewal, and must file by February 15 of each year during the tenure of their appointment.

A special Government employee who is appointed to a single year (or less) appointment, except for a part-time ASLBP judge, must file within 30 days of the date of their appointment/renewal. Part-time ASLBP judges must file by February 15 of each year. Special Government employees are prohibited from filing the alternative OGE Form 450-A. 4.Termination Filers(a) An employee terminating a position that requires the filing of a public financialdisclosure report must file an OGE Form 278e within 30 days after leaving that position unless they transfer to another position that requires the filing of a public report or have been granted an extension by an OGC deputy ethics counselor. The information provided on a termination report must be accurate as of the employee's last day in their position. The earliest the employee can file the termination form is on the employee's last day in the position.

(b) An employee required to file a confidential financial disclosure report is not required to file a report upon termination of their position.

5.Late Fili ng Fee (a) An employee required to file a public financial disclosure report is subject to a late filing fee of $200 if they file their report more than 30 days after the last day the report is required to be filed. If the employee has received an extension of time to file their report, they are subject to this late filing fee if the report is filed more than 30 days after the last day of the extension period.

(b) An employee may request a waiver of the late filing fee from an OGC deputy ethics counselor in writing with supporting documentation. An OGC deputy ethics counselor may waive the late filing fee only upon a determination, in writing, that the delay in filing was caused by extraordinary circumstances that made the DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

9 delay reasonably necessary.

A copy of the OGC deputy ethics counselor's determination must be placed in the employee's public financial disclosure report file. The OGC deputy ethics counselor may consult with the Office of Government Ethics before approving any waiver of the late filing fee. C. Periodic Transaction Reports (OGE Form 278

-T) 1.Under the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, employees required to file a public financial disclosure report (OGE Form 278 e), also arerequired to report throughout the year any purchase, sale, or exchange bythemselves, their spouse, or their dependent child of stocks, bonds, commodityfutures, and other securities if the amount of the transaction exceeded $1,000. Anycovered transactions must be reported within 30 days of receiving notification of thetransaction, but no later than 45 days after the date of the transaction.

2.Transactions involving the following do not need to be reported on the OGE Form 278-T , "Periodic Transaction Report

": (1) mutual funds and otherexcepted investment funds; (2) certificates of deposit, savings or checking accounts,and money market accounts; (3) U.S.

Treasury bills, notes, and bonds; (4) ThriftSavings Plan accounts; (5) real property; and (6) transactions that are solely by andbetween the filer, their spouse, or their dependent child. The annual transaction reporting requirements do apply to these transactions, and these transactions mus tappear on the annual OGE Form 278e filed for the relevant calendar year.

3.To report the covered transactions, the public financial disclosure filer must file aperiodic transaction report (OGE Form 278

-T) through the Integrity electronic filingsystem. Upon request, the OGC ethics team will provide the instructions on how toaccess and complete the OGE Form 278

-T.D. Assistance With Forms Any questions concerni ng filling ou t o r submitti ng any financial disclosure form should be directed t o an O GC deputy ethics counselor, a regional c ounsel, or ot her d esignated OGC em ployees. A l ist o f depu ty et hics couns elors i s av ailable on the thics Web s ite at . E. Extensions 1.Public Filers(a) On request, an OGC deputy ethics counselor can grant an extension, for goodcause, to any filer or class of filers of the public OGE Form 278e of up to 45 days to file the form. An OGC deputy ethics counselor can grant an additional extension of up to 45 days for good cause.

DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

10 (b) All extension requests must be made in writing before the due date, and the filer must specify the reasons why an extension is necessary. The OGC deputy ethics counselor will approve or deny the request in writing on a case-by-case basis. Documents relating to these requests will be placed in the requestor's public financial disclosure file.

2.Confidential FilersOn request, an OGC deputy ethics counselor can grant an extension, for good cause, to any filer or class of filers of the confidential OGE Form 450 or 450

-A not t o exceed 90 days.

A filer must submit an extension request by the due dat e and specify the reasons why an extension is necessary.

F. Exemptions From Filing 1.Commissioners' support staff who do not contribute substantively to the policymaki ng process are not required to file public financial disclosure reports.2.An OGC deputy ethics counselor may request an exemption from OGE that woul d permit the agency to withhold from the public copies of the OGE Form 278e filed by a special Government employee who works for the NRC for less than 130 days percalendar year.

G. Authorized Reviewers All public and confidential reports may be reviewed and certified only by the General Counsel, who is the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO), the Alternate DAEO, or deputy ethics counselors designated by the DAEO. The DAEO makes the final certification of the forms submitted by all Presidential appointees. The Chairman makes the final certification of the form submitted by the DAEO. H. Review of Forms 1.Each form is reviewed by a deputy ethics counselor who ensures that the form iscomplete with no apparent conflicts of interest, and that the filer is in compliance wit h applicable laws and regulations. The reviewer will contact the filer if there is anyadditional information required.

2.After certification, the form and any appropriate related materials will be retained forthe appropriate amount of time, as specified in the general records schedul e and applicable Federal regulation


DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

11 I. Timetable and Procedures for Obtaining Clarifications, Addenda, and Errata An OGC deputy ethics counselor will review each report within 60 days after filing. In the event that additional or clarifying information is required, the OGC deputy ethics counselor will contact the filer.

J. Amending Reports The filer, or the OGC reviewer with the filer's consent, may amend information on the form after submission. The OGC reviewer will not certify the form until the reviewer has verified that all information on the form, including amendments or additions, is accurate and complete, and that there are no apparent conflicts of interest. If significant changes are made, the filer may be asked to recertify that the submitted form is accurate and complete.

K. Custody of Reports The OGC ethics team maintains custody of all reports.

OGC will maintain a report for a period of six years after receipt. After the six

-year period, OGC will destroy the report unless it is needed in connection with an ongoing investigation.

These records will be retained until OGC is informed they are no longer needed in the investigation.

L. Public Access to Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Form 278e) 1.An OGE Form 278e filed by an NRC employee is available to the public up on r equest. Anyone wishing to view an OGE Form 278e must submit an OGE Form 201, "Request to Inspect or Receive Copies of Executive Branc h Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Reports or Other Covered Records," tha t states the legal restrictions on the use of the report.

2.A ny OGE Form 278e filed by a Presidential appointee is available on the OGE Website. Anyone wishing to obtain a Presidential appointee's OGE Form 278e mus t complete an automated OGE Form 201 on OGE's Web site.

M. Security for Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Forms 450 and 450

-A) As required by the Ethics in Government Act, the information contained in a confidential financial disclosure report filed by an NRC employee will not be disclosed to the public and is exempt from release under the Freedom of Information Act.

DH 7.6 PUBLIC AND CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTS Date Approved: 01/15/2016 For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

12 N. Pursuing Administrative or Disciplinary Action If an employee fails to file a financial disclosure report, refuses to provide necessary information, or provides false or incomplete information, the General Counsel or designee will refer the matter to the Inspector General (IG). The IG will examine the matter, make any necessary referrals to the Department of Justice, and, when appropriate, report its findings to agency management for appropriate disciplinary action.

O. Remedial Actions To Resolve Conflicts of Interest or Violations of Law, Regulations, or Executive Orders The General Counsel or designee will refer violations of law, regulations, or Executive orders to the IG. As appropriate, an OGC deputy ethics counselor will advise the filer, the office director, the regional administrator, or the supervisor of an appropriate action to resolve a conflict of interest disclosed on a financial disclosure report, such as divestiture, recusal from particular matters, or obtaining a waiver pursuant to Management Directive 7.9, "Ethics Approvals and Waivers."

P. Following Up On Delinquent Reports An OGC deputy ethics counselor will contact delinquent filers of public or confidential financial disclosure reports. If necessary, an OGC deputy ethics counselor also will contact office directors and regional administrators, or their deputies, concerning delinquent employees in their office or region.

Q. Procedures for Collecting the Late Filing Fee for Public Financial Disclosure Reports The General Counsel or designee will notify the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to take the necessary steps to collect the $200 late filing fee, which is imposed by the Ethics in Government Act for late filing of a public financial disclosure report. R. Notification of Negotiations for Future Employment 1.Under the STOCK Act, employees required to file OGE Form 278e are also requiredto file a signed notification statement with an OGC deputy ethics counselor within 3business days after commencing negotiations or entering into an agreement with a

non-Federal entity to accept post

-Government employment or compensation.

2.Public financial disclosur e filers who commence negotiations for post-governmentemployment should consult an OGC deputy et hics counselor concerning these requirements as s oon as possible. The notification and recusal form i s av ailable on t he thics W eb site, a s w ell as on the O GE public W eb site at
