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Twra 2011 - Wildlife Management Area Seasons
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/01/2011
State of TN, Wildlife Resources Agency
To: Justin Poole
Watts Bar Special Projects Branch
Poole J, NRR/DORL 415-2048
Download: ML12223A443 (29)


46 2011 Hunting & Trapping MONRO E BLOUNT KNOX SEVIER COCK E JEFFERSON JEFFERSON CAMPBEL L ANDERSON LOUDO LOUDO N CLAIBORNE HA WKIN HA WKIN HA S SULLIV AN SULLIV AN SULLIV JOHNSON CART ER UNICO I GREEN E W ASHINGT W ASHINGT W ON HANCOCK GRAINGER GRAINGER UNION HAMBLEN40140 240240340 44054064074084094141 0 041 14134124141 541 641441740240 2402402402 WMA WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAShere are over 100 WMAs and refuges across Tennessee man-aged by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Varying in size from 53 to 625,000 acres, all WMAs are available to the public for various outdoor activities, although certain regula-tions do apply. GENERAL REGULATIONSActs of disorderly, obnoxious or boisterous conduct, including acts which interfere with the orderly process of hunting, are prohibited. Violators shall be removed from the area and/or prosecuted.Alcoholic beverages: Possession of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic drug, barbiturate or marijuana while hunting within the manage-ment area is prohibited. No individual may be under the in~uence of these substances at any time while within a management area. e use of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited on these areas year round:

Catoosa, Cheatham, Chuck Swan, Forks of the River, Laurel Hill, Pea Ridge and Prentice Cooper, except in designated camping areas.Bag limits: Statewide bag and possession limits apply unless special exception is indicated. Baiting: e placement or depositing of any type of food to feed or at-tract wildlife on WMAs is prohibited.

Dog training: Year round unless otherwise indicated.Firearms: Use, possession or transportation of rearms, bows and ar-rows or other arms and ammunition is expressly prohibited except when authorized. Firearms loaded with ammunition in either the chamber or magazine may not be transported in vehicles. A muzzleloader is con-sidered to be unloaded if the cap or primer is removed. A crossbow is considered to be unloaded if the bolt/arrow is removed from the device.

See page 16 for handgun carry regulations.Horses permitted on roads and trails open to motorized trac and other trails or routes established for their use, except as otherwise indicated. Riding o roads into elds, woods or on foot trails is prohibited unless otherwise provided.Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, turkey, and waterfowl hunters) may not enter prior to one hour before sunrise, and they must be out of the area by one hour after sunset. Raccoon and opossum hunters must be out of the area by one hour after sunrise except on Cherokee WMA. Public access will be prohibited in the subimpoundments of Barkley Unit I, Cheatham Lake, Haynes Bottom, Old Hickory Units I and II, Camden Units I and II, Big Sandy, Gooch Unit A, Tigrett, and West Sandy from two hours after legal waterfowl shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the late duck season(s).Hunting near private dwellings: It is unlawful to hunt, shoot at, chase or kill with or without dogs any wild animal, wild birds or waterfowl on public lands and waters within 100 yards of a visible dwelling house, without the owner's permission, whether or not such a dwelling is on public or private lands.Litter: No litter or sewage may be deposited in the area.Motorized vehicles: All motorized vehicles must be muer equipped to suppress noise and be spark-arrestor equipped to prevent res. Opera-tion of motorized vehicles is conned to roads not designated as closed. O-road vehicles are restricted to roads open to other motorized trac (except where prohibited by state or federal statute) and designated trails only. ORVs may be operated during daylight hours and at other times when participating in authorized activities. Driving o roads into woods, elds or utility right-of-ways is prohibited for all motorized vehicles.

Motorized vehicles may be prohibited on any agency-owned wildlife management area if deemed necessary to protect wildlife, vegetation and/or property. Some exceptions apply. See individual WMAs for specic restrictions.No person shall damage or remove any trees or other plants, dirt, gravel or sod from any wildlife management area or other Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency-controlled lands without specic authorization.No species of wildlife may be harassed except those authorized to be harvested and no animal killed shall be dismembered to the extent that its species and sex cannot be identied before checking out of the area.On WMAs open with statewide seasons, the season dates, bag lim-its, weapon types, and ammunition types that pertain to the county where the WMA is located apply to that WMA. Special regulations listed specically for those WMAs still apply.Overnight camping may be permitted on designated areas by permis-sion from area manager, park ranger, lake manager, park superintendent or national forest supervisor. Such camping is subject to the limitation prescribed in the permit, if required. On areas where overnight camping is allowed, rearms and archery equipment must remain in camp except during legal hunting hours.Pen-raised game birds: e release of pen-raised game birds on WMAs is prohibited unless otherwise specied.

Safety zones: Hunting is prohibited in safety zones except where provided.Target practice is prohibited except on designated ranges. See page 44 for a list of TWRA ring ranges.Unauthorized persons are prohibited from being in the area during big game hunts except when indicated. Unauthorized persons are pro-hibited from being in the wildlife management area during managed turkey hunts, except on the Cherokee, North Cumberland, Tellico Lake and Land Between the Lakes wildlife management areas. Only persons having valid turkey hunt permits for the hunt date are authorized to be on the management area. Exception: A licensed hunter may accompany a hunter with a valid permit to assist him/her in calling. ~e assisting hunter may not have a rearm in his possession at any time and may not harvest a bird. Check with the WMA area manager before the hunt date.Calling or attempting to call wild turkeys using any sound that mimics those made by a wild turkey is prohibited from March 1 to the opening day of the spring turkey hunts on all WMAs. Wanton waste: Hunters are required to retrieve all crippled or dead game if possible and are prohibited from disposing of dead wildlife on WMAs.

Wheelchair-bound hunts, zones, or blinds are open to hunters who are totally and permanently conned to a wheelchair as certied by a physician. On wheelchair-bound big game hunts, each wheelchair-bound hunter must be accompanied by a non-hunting assistant (age 16 years or older), except on Cordell Hull WMA and Yuchi WMA where the as-sistant may also participate in hunting. On wheelchair-bound waterfowl hunts, each wheelchair-bound hunter must be accompanied by at least one, but not more than three assistants (at least one of whom must be age 16 years or older), who may also participate in hunting.






































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-~~łłł~--~ffł~~~œf f-2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 49www.tnwildlife.orgWILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS WMATRAPPING ON WMAsOther TWRA lands not proclaimed as a WMA or refuge are open with statewide seasons unless otherwise indicated.Permits: A WMA small game permit is required to trap on all areas that require a small game hunt permit.USING THE ICONS

Icons indicate that a season is open. If an icon is listed in a WMA, that season is open with possible restrictions that will be listed. If there is no icon listed in the WMA, the season is closed.If the Big Game and/or Small Game icon is listed, then all Big Game and/or Small Game species are open with the statewide season unless otherwise noted. e top line of each WMA is a quick reference guide to see what species are open to hunting during the statewide season. Refer to pages 20-43.e WMA summaries supply hunt dates, bag limits and special regulations. ere are general regulations that may not be listed but apply to all WMAs (pages 46-49). Read ALL regulations before visiting a WMA.If there are special managed hunts or seasons, these will be listed separately underneath each WMA. Specic dates, bag limits, and or restrictions will be listed here. WMA example:FRANKLIN COUNTY
  • 17,000 ACRES WAYNE SANDERS (931) 968-6215
  • SG, BG ATVs and other types of ORVs are prohibited unless otherwise specied. ATVs may be used only on existing roads and only to retrieve harvested deer. No camping or res permitted. Bear Hollow, Poplar Springs, Cave Springs, Keith Springs and Rock House Roads will be open for scouting on Aug. 22. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle or out of camp must wear uorescent orange during the deer gun and muzzleloader seasons. Horseback riders must stay on the designated trail and park their vehicles in designated parking areas at all times. No tying horses to trees during rides. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Big GameSmall GameSame as statewide seasons except as noted. Only one antlerless deer per day. All treestands must be marked with hunter's TWRA ID number. WHITE NOSE SYNDROMEPLEASE HELP!In the spring of 2006 a new wildlife illness was observed in Howes Cave in New York State. The malady is being called "White Nose Syndrome or WNS" due to a white fungus appearing on the snout area of bats (see the attached picture).Since 2006, the occurrence of WNS has spread into Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia. In 2010, it was found for the ~rst time in Tennessee and has been found in additional sites in 2011.Bats with WNS are dying in alarming numbers. It is unclear if this fungal infection is causing their death or if it is a secondary infection due to the bat's weakened condition.

Research is ongoing.Because hunters are in the woods during the winter months, we are asking for your help. If you see bats:* ying during daylight hours (before dusk)* having trouble ying,

  • dead on the ground, or
  • exhibiting a white fungus on the face or wings, please notify the TWRA or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the location, date and circumstances of what you observed.TWRA Of~ces are:Region 1 (Jackson) - (800) 372-3928Region 2 (Nashville) - (800) 624-7406 Region 3 (Crossville) - (800) 262-6704 Region 4 (Morristown) - (800) 332-0900 Central Of~ce (Wildlife Div.) - (615) 781-6610U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cookeville Field Of~ce (931) 528-6481Little brown bats with white-nose syndrome, New YorkPhoto courtesy Nancy Heaslip, New York Department of Environmental to Know On the Go?The 2011 Tennessee Hunting Regulations are now available online through your mobile devices!




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