ML20141G024 | |
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Site: | 07100592 |
Issue date: | 03/20/1986 |
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ML20141F072 | List: |
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NUDOCS 8604230256 | |
Download: ML20141G024 (9) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ S:QA-IR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM Industrial Radiography Radioactive Materials Licenae 22-16537-02
1.0 Purpose and Scope
To comply with CFR Title 10, Part 71 requirements, we are establishing a quality assurance manual for activities involving the procuring, use, repair, and transportation of our radioactive isotopes for our radiographic operations. 2.0 Organization Attached is an outline of our organizational chart. The QA/QC monitoring duties will be the responsibility of the Radiation Safety Officer. Attached to this correspondence are the qualifi-cations of Marvin C. Denne who is the Radiation Safety Officer. The organizational chart outline and qualifications of the Radiation Safety Officer were submitted previously as part of the radioactive materials license application. The Radiation Safety Officer has the responsibility and the authority to perform his QA/QC activities as outlined in this manual. Any unsatisfactory or non-conforming observations revealed while performing his duties will be documented and corrected as required by this manual and our radioactive materials license requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM I. Radiation Detection Instruments As required by our radioactive materials license and radioactive materials application, radiation detection instrumentation will be utilized whenever handling of our radioactive materials. l Please refer to Section I, " Radiation Detection Instruments," Section II, " Instrument Calibration Procedures," Section III, i " Personnel Monitoring Equipment," Section IV, " Operating an 1 Emergency Manual" of our radioactive materials license. II. Quality _ Assurance Program Our quality assurance program is incorporated in our radioactive materials license. In summary, it consists of specific guideli-nes and instructions regarding the following. 8604230256 860320 PDR ADOCK071005j2 C
l l l . l l 1) Radiation detection instruments 1 2) Instrument calibration procedures l 3) Personnel monitoring equipment 4) Operating emergency manual i 5) Training program 6) Internal inspection system f 7) Organizational structure 8) Leak testing procedures ( Each of the above items is discussed in depth in our license l l application. Please refer to this document for specific information. III. Procurement Document Control l Verification of required documentation of the manufacturer's I packages for appropriate certifications verifying that the l ( designated package was manufactured under control of an NRC l approved quality assurance program. Documentation of this cer-l tification verifying these requirements as well as outlines for l required equipment inspection and tests to be completed during l f use and maintenance must be received. These items will be on
- file, f
IV. Instruction, Procedurest_and Drawings Specific procedures regarding changing of a radioactive material from a shipping container to the radiographic camera are outlined in Section IV " Operating and Emergency Manual" of our radioactive j materials license application. Also, please refer to Section V, l " Training Program" of our radioactive materials license applica- } tion for information concerning individual or personnel training prior to such activities. i V. Document Control ( Documentation Control regarding handling, storage, shipping, and inspection, etc., will be the responsibility of the radiographer. ) The QA/QC monitor will assure proper documentation does exist and I that this shall be accomplished through auditing as required by f our Attachment VI, " Internal Inspection System" which is part of our license application. VI. Handling, Storage, and Shipping Specific requirements for
- handling, storage and shipping of radioactive materials is outlined in Sections IV, V,
and VIII of our radioactive materials license application. Please refer to our license application for specific information and procedures which will be followed during such activities.
i I VII. I_nspection d ests, and Operating _ Status f Periodic inspections of equipment will be performed as outlined in Sections IV, VI, and VIII of our radioactive materials license I application. Documentation of each of these above mentioned i' checks are required per the procedures outlined in those sections l identified above. Periodic auditing will be completed to assure J such documentation is being performed. VIII. Quality Assurance Program j l Records regarding procurement documentation, inspection, tests, -and audit results, non-conformances and corrective reports, per-sonnel training and certification, evidence of operational capa-bility and verification of repairs will be kept on file. These i records will be kept in such condition to allow review and to 4 assure no deterioration or loss of these records occurs. These files will be maintained by the Radiation Safety Officer. IX. Audits Audits will be conducted en a periodic basis as required by Section VI " Internal Inspection System" of our radioactive material license. Documentation of audit results will be kept on file for review. Due to the size of our organization at this
- time, separation of the QA/QC and auditing areas are not possible.
We feel that our auditing program will insure the objective evaluation of practices, procedures, and instructions j important to the safety and the effectiveness of their implemen-l tation. If it is apparent that there is a conflict of interest between these two functions, separation of these activities will i ce initiated, f J a i i k i a I l r
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- t'ntil growth of company warrants a separate quality Assurance staff, the President will assume the duties of the Q. A /Q. C.
Manager. The Q. A. /Q. C. mon i t o rs duties will be pe rf ormed by the Lab Supervisor Thelab Supervisor will also assume the duties and responsibility of Radiation Safety Of ficer. i
E. I i i RADIATION TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE i Marvin C. Denne ) f liutchinson Vocational Technical Institute Hutchinson, MN - 1975-1977 414 hours Basic NDT Theory and Lab Advance NDT Theory and Lab Radiation Safety Nuclear Energy Services Division of Conom Inspection Rahway, NJ - 1976 i (. 6 hours Quad Cities (1978 summer employment) l Babcocks and Wilcox Const. Co. y Copley, OH g 6 hours Vermont, Yankee Jackson, Michican - 1977 Consumers Power Co., Jackson, MI 12 hours Big Rock Nuclear Plant 12 hours Palisades Nuclear Plant L } 12 hours Radiographers Radiation Safety Training 24 hours Radiographers training Braun Engineering Testing, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 1980 to present Responsible for subcontracting radiographic activities, especially radiation safety for other construction workers during y construction of a power boiler in Sartell, MN l h 1 1 k w-_m 1
u 40 hours Radiation Safety Operating and Emergency Manuala Presently Radiation Safety Officer for MN license issued for nuclear i density and moisture meter and North Dakota license for industrial radiography I I I I L I l I ! i a i Ia
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- Until growth of company w trrants a separate Quality Assurance staf f, the Prer.ident wil I nssume the duties of the Q.A./Q.C. Man age r.
The Q. A. /Q. C. monitors duties will be performed by the Lab Supervisor 11clah Supervisor will also assume the duties and responsibility of Radiation Safety Officer, i 1 1
f. T._ Radiation Safety 40 hours Operating and Emergency Manuale Presently Radiation Safety Officer for MN license issued for nuclear density and moisture meter and North Dakota license for industrial trilogrnphy e t
r. .~ i 1 RADIATION TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Marvin C. Denne Hutchinson Vocational Technical Institute Hutchinson, MN - 1975-1977 I Basic NDT Theory and Lab 414 hours Advance NDT Theory and Lab Radiation Safety Nuclear Energy Services Division of Conam Inspection Rahway, NJ - 1976 Quad Cities 6 hours (1978 summer employment) Babcocks and Wilcox Const..Co. Copley, OH Vermont, Yankee 6 hours Jackson, Michican - 1977 Consumers Power Co., Jackson, MI Big Rock Nuclear Plant { 12 hours Palisades Nuclear Plant 12 hours Radiographers Radiation Safety f 12 hours Training Radiographers training [ 24 hours Braun Engineering Testing, Inc. Minneapolis, MN (- 1980 to present Responsible for subcontracting radiographic activities, especially radiation safety for other construction workers during construction of a power boiler in Sarte11, MN I - - _ _ _ _. _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _}}