IR 05000030/1998201

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Insp Repts 50-030/98-201 & 50-185/98-201 on 980128-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint & Radiation Controls
Person / Time
Site: Plum Brook
Issue date: 02/13/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20203D977 List:
50-030-98-201, 50-185-98-201, 50-30-98-201, NUDOCS 9802260225
Download: ML20203D985 (5)


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I j Dockets Nos.: 00 30; 50 185

TR 3; R 93


Licenses Nos.:



1 Licensee:- National Aeronautics and Space Administration i

i Facility Name: Plum Brook Reactor Facility I



! Location: Plum Brook Station, Sandusky, Ohio


l Dates: January 28 through 29,1998


i inspector: M. M. Mendonca I

l i

Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Director, Non Power Reactor and Decommissioning Project Directorate




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5 9002260225 980213 PDR ADOCK 05000030 0 PDR

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Executive Summary Plum Brook Reactor Facility Report No. 50 30/98201,50185/98201(DRPM)

This routine announced inspection included aspects of radiation controls and maintenance (40755).

Radiation Controls (40755)

e The licensee maintained radiation control areas and personnel dosimetry records as (Section 1.0)

Maintenance (40755)

e Selected maintenance activities reviewed by the inspector were complete and timely. (Section 2.0)

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DETAILS Encility Summarv The PBRF licensee submitted a timely license renewal application late in 1996. This year the licensee continued maintenance or replacement of plant structures and systems that they consider essential to sustain an additional period of safe storage. Replacement of building and enclosure roof coatings and footing drain tile sump pumps were complete The new talecommunications system and a new 7200 volt power supply system installation were being installe ,0 Radiation Controls Insoection Scone (40755)

The inspector reviewed requiremente and records for personnel dosimetry, observed employees, interviewed personnel, and observed 'icility condition Observations and Findinas During the f acility tour the inspector observed that barriers and postings were in place to control access to radiation and contamination areas. Portable instruments were calibrated and available in the security gate house along with the dosimetr Personnel dosimetry was accomplished through the use of Landauer thermoluminescent devices. This program holds accreditation from the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program. The Landauer records showed that individual doses were generally below detectible levels with a maximum annual individual dose of 20 millirems in 1996 and no observed dose in 199 The dose values were also accurately recorded on NRC Form 5 for each monitored individua Conclusinns The licensee impi mnted the selected radiation protection program aspects as require .0 Maintenance insoection Scoce (40755)

The inspector observed implementation of the nitrogen purge system to maintain the material condition of the reactor vesael and its internal .. .


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, Observations and Findinas

! The reactor facility rema;ned in the safe storage configuration. The roof repair j and sump pump replacements appear to have been effective, in that the inspector observed no water accumulations. Work was continuing on improved communications and power supply systems. The inspector observed ongoing work on the communications system. The inspector observed the flow of

nitrogen through a bubbler flow indication device. The inspector did not i identify any safety concerns with the generalintegrity of the areas containing

! tadioactive materials, j Conclusikaa 1

The facility was maintained to continue to safely implement the safe storage j configuratio j

' Exit Meetina Summarv

The inspector met with the licensee representative at the conclusion of the

! inspection on January 29,1998. The inspector summarized the scope and results i of the inspection and discussed the likely content of this inspection report. The licensee acknowledged the information and did not indicate that any of the

information disclosed during the inspection could be considered proprietary in


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t Partial List of Persons Contacigd j National Aeronautics and Soace Admininnallon

"R. Korar, Chief, PBM0 ' l


'H. Pfanner, Plum Brook Reactor Facility Manager i * K. Peacook, Chair, PSC

- D. Young, Field Supervisor i


  • Denotes those attending tho exit meeting on January 29,1998  !

I j 4 Procedures Used insoection ,

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IP 40755 Class lil Non Power Reactors i

Items Ooened and Closed i .


! None

List of Documents Reviewed r
Reactor License  ;

! Technical Specifications  ?

l Personnel Dosimetry Records Maintenance Records

L{gt of Acronyms Used l


NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

, PBM0 Plum Brook Management Office i

' PBRF Plum Brook Reactor Facility PSC PBRF Safety Committee



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