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#REDIRECT [[NG-17-0235, Duane Arnold Energy Center, Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-006, Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 Uci/Gm Dose Equivalent Iodine]]
| number = ML17363A088
| issue date = 12/15/2017
| title = Duane Arnold Energy Center, Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-006, Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 Uci/Gm Dose Equivalent Iodine
| author name =
| author affiliation = NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000331
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = NG-17-0235
| document report number = Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-006
| package number = ML17363A067
| document type = Calculation
| page count = 33
{{#Wiki_filter:Development of EAL Threshold values from NEE-323-CALC-006 The calculated values provided in Calc-006 were rounded to aid in decision maker use during evaluation of the EALs. The resulting value used in the DAEC Fission Product Barrier chart is shown below:
* Fuel Clad Barrier: o Fuel Clad Barrier LOSS 4.A = Drywell Monitor (9184A/B) reading greater than 200 R/hr.
CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 JJ ENERCON CALCULATION COVER SHEET REV. 0 E,ceflence-Every pro1eci Every doy. PAGE NO. 1 of 17 Title: Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 µCi/gm Client: NEE Dose Equivalent Iodine Project: NEE#DA-00001 Item Cover Sheet Items Yes No 1 Does this calculation contain any open assumptions that require confirmation? (If D [81 YES , Identify the assumptions) 2 Does this calculation serve as an " Alternate Calculation
"? (If YES, Identify the D [81 design verified calculation
.) Design Verified Calculation No. 3 Does this calculation Supersede an existing Calculation? (If YES , identify the D [81 superseded calculation
.) Superseded Calculation No. Scope of Revision:
Initial Issue Revision Impact on Results: N/A Study Calculation D Final Calculation
[81 Safety-Related D Non-Safety Related [81 (Print Name and Sign) Originator:
Blake Holton Date: }d-'/l7> /l~ Reviewer:
Dwayne Blaylock h-A Date: 12 ) 13} Ir -IL /13 / i 7 Approver:
Guy Sp i kes , Ji-Date: f ,
........ 4 2.
.... 4 3. REFERENCES
......................... 6 5. INPUT AND DESIGN CRITERIA ................
....... 8 6. METHODOLOGY
....... 11 7. CALCULATIONS
............. * ..............................
.................................... 12 8 COMPUTER SOFTWARE .............
............................. 17 List of Attachments:
# of Pages Attachment 1: MicroShield Output Files ................................................................
............. 11 CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 F. ENERCON Correlation of Drywell Radiatio n Monitors for 300 µCi/gm Dose REV. 0 f~e//Mce-Every pro}tCL Every dfJ'/. Equivalent I odine PAGE NO. 4 of 1 7 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this calculation is to determine the exposure rates at the Drywell Area Hi-Range Rad Monitors , RE-9184A and RE-9184B , when the dose equivalent iodine concentration in the reactor vessel is equal to the Emergency Action Level (EAL) threshold value of 300 µCi/gm Dose Equivalent Iodine (DEi). With this understanding of the relationship between dose rates and coolant activity , the EAL entry threshold can be refined. On EPIP Form EAL-01 , Table F-1 , " Fission Product Barrier Matr i x" (Reference
: 13) the Fuel Clad Barrier Loss column currently contains the following entry cond i tion: "OR Drywell A r ea Hi Range Rad Mon i to r , RIM-9184A or Bread i ng GREATER T HAN 7 00 Re m/hr" For the current drywell case , the radiation monitor reading is representative of conditions following a line break, per methodology in NEI 99-01 , Rev 4 into the drywell. This calculation determines the exposure rates at the monitors using MicroShield and provides a method to identify fuel damage resulting in 300 µCi/gm DEi without fission products crossing the RCS barrier per methodology in NEI 99-01 , Rev 6. Cases are considered with and without exposure rate contributions from noble gas isotopes. The MicroShield model in this calculation was previously utilized in NextEra Engineering Calculat i on CAL-R04-001 (Reference 14). The focus of that calculation was to demonstrate that the Drywell Area Hi-Range Rad Monitors could be used to identify DEi of 2.0 µCi/gm 8 days after the reactor was shut down. 2.
OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Given the geometry and the source calculated in Sectio n 7 , two MicroShield cases are run. The first includes all isotopes present in the m i x. For the second case , the noble gases are removed. The results are given in Tab l e 1. Table 1 E R t R It xposure ae esu s All Noble Dose Monitor Isotopes Gases Point Removed R/hr R/hr #1 RE-9184A 266.9 231.0 #2 RE-9184B 157.1 136.0 F. Correlation of Drywell Radiat i on CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV.O Exce//ence-E.very pro]<<l Every day. Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 5 of 17 See Attachment 1 for the output from the MicroShield cases. While some of the noble gases are likely to be removed from the mix present in reactor coolant (steaming), it is appropriate to use the dose values that were calculated assuming they were present. The background radiation for each Drywell Area Hi Range Rad Monitor from Assumption 4.8 is then added to determine the EAL threshold value. RE-9184A-266.9 R/hr+14.76 R/hr=281.66 R/hr RE-9184B-157.1 R/hr+ 11.59=168.69 R/hr Reading of these levels on computer points B164.V and B.165.V , respectively , will be indicative that fuel damage has occurred. Recommended wording for the EAL entry condition:
OR Drywell Area Hi Range Rad Monitor reading GREATER THAN 281.66 R/hour on RIM 9184A , OR Drywell Area Hi Range Rad Monitor reading GREATER THAN 168.69 R/hour on RIM 9184B Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 g ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 f<<elltnct-Evtry proJKt. Every day Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 6 of 17 3. REFERENCES 3.1 DAEC Asset Enhancement Program Project Task Report T0802 , " Radiation Sources and Fission Products", GE-NE-A22-00100-58-01 Rev 0 , May 2000. 3.2 Drawing Number BECH-M338 , Rev 21 , " Drywell Piping Drawing Section A-A". 3.3 Drawing Number BECH-M339 , Rev 16 , " Drywel l Piping Drawing Section B-B". 3.4 Drawing Number BECH-M340 , Rev 19 , " Drywell Piping Drawing Section C-C". 3.5 Drawing Number BECH-M341, Rev 14 , " Drywell Piping Drawing Section D-D". 3.6 Drawing Number BECH-M405
<02>, Rev 71 , "I nstrument Points and Lines Diagrams Plan at elevation 757' 6". 3.7 Federal Guidance Report No 11; USEPA-5201/1-88
-020 , " Limiting Values of Radionuclide intake and Air Concentration
& Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation , Submersion and Ingestion"; USEPA September 1 988. 3.8 MicroShield Software Version 10.04 " Gamma Ray Point Kernel Shielding Code", Grove Engineering. 3.9 Regulatory Guide 1.183 , " Alternative Radiolog i cal Source Te r ms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants" USNRC , July 2000. 3.10 Technical Information Document No 14844 " Calculation of D i stance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites", USAEC , March 1962. 3.11 Technical Paper 410 , " Flow of F l uids through Valves , Fittings , and Pipe", Crane Co., 2001. 3.12 BECH-M190<DCA>, Rev. 0 , " Piping Class DCA". 3.13 EPIP FORM EAL-01 , Rev 10 , "Duane Arnold Energy Cente r EAL-01 Emergency Action Level Matrix". 3.14 CAL-R04-001 , Rev. 1 , "Exposure Rate at RE 9184A and 91848 Resulting From A Dose Equivalent Iodine GAP Release of 0.2 micro-Curies/ml". 3.15 NEE-CALC-006 DIT-001 , " Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 &#xb5;ci/gm Dose Equiva l ent Iodine". 4. ASSUMPTIONS 4.1. The most probable event for a loss of the fuel clad barrier leading to a DEi concentration of 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm without fission products cross i ng the RCS barrier (Ref. 3.14) is the perforation of fuel rods rather than the melting of the fuel. Consequently , the core inventory source term in Table 3 of Appendix B of the power uprate Task Report T0802 (Reference
: 1) in conjunction with the Reg. Guide 1.183 (Reference
: 9) re l ease fractions is an appropriate source term for this calculation.
4.2. The isotopes released into the reactor water are assumed to instantaneously mix. 4.3. Due to the proximity of each detector to its corresponding recirc. pump discharge piping , only the source in the vertical discharge piping needs to be considered. The sources in the vessel, the recirc. system ring header , the Correlation of Drywell Radiatio n ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 REV. 0 E.ctllenct-Every project Evtry day. Equivalent I odine PAGE N O. 7 of 1 7 recirculating pump suction , RHR piping and hor i zontal section of the discharge piping were ignored. An increased contribution from these sources is effectively accounted for by adding i n background r adiation (Assumpt i on 4.8). While the majority of the background reading is fr om the discha r ge line due to the proximity to the detector , its addition is intended as a rep r esentative value of the increased contribution from a higher DEi concentration in the RCS. This is appropriate for producing best estimate order of magnitude results to determine EAL thresholds. 4.4. The recirc. pump discharge piping is 22" and i s assumed to be schedule-SO stainless steel (Reference 2 and 12). For purposes of dete r mining the shielding effect of the pip i ng, the material is considered to be iron with a nom i nal density of 7.86 g/cm 3 , consistent with the guidance i n the MicroShield user's manual (Reference 8). 4.5. Because the threshold of 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm is based on a dose equivalent iodine concentration in the vessel , it is not necessary to determine the actual amount of material released into the water. If the relative amounts r eleased into the water are known, these can be scaled appropriately to provide a water concentration for each isotope of interest.
Based on this , the source term values in Ci/MWt do not need to be multiplied by the rated thermal power at DAEC. 4.6. In accordance with TIO 14844 (Reference 10), only 1-131 , 1-1 32 , 1-133 , 1-134 , and 1-135 were considered when determining DE i. 4.7. The density of water is assumed to be 1 g/cm 3. This maximizes the total activity calculated in the discharge piping and max i mized the dose rate at the detectors. 4.8 Background Radiation Data from the Drywell Area Hi-Range Rad Mon i tors is determined from Reference 3.15 between 1/1/2015 to 5/1/2016 which is a time frame where the plant was near full power for the entire period. The average radiation values are shown in Table 2 below: Table 2 A veraQe B k ac :Qroun d R d" t" L I f a 1a 10n eves rom 1/1/2015 t 5/1/2016 0 Point Point Description Average R/hr B164.V Drywell Area Hi-Range Rad 14.76 Monitor (A) B165.V Drywell Area Hi-Range Rad 11.59 Monitor (B)
ENERCON facellence-fvtry p101ect Every day. Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose Equivalent Iodine 5. INPUT AND DESIGN CRITERIA 5.1 Release Fraction CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 REV.0 PAGE NO. 8 of 17 Tables 3 and 5 of Reg. Guide 1.183 (Reference
: 9) were used to determine the isotopes of interest (i.e. noble gases , halogens, and alkali metals) and the fraction of the core inventory released into the reactor water , shown in Table 3 below. Table 3 Non-LOCA Fraction of Fission Products in GAP Element or Isotope Fraction 1-131 0.08 Kr-85 0.10 Xe and all other Kr isotopes 0.05 Br and all other I isotopes 0.05 Cs and Rb 0.12 5.2 Core Inventory The core inventory in Table 4 is from Task Report A0802 (Reference 1 ).
Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 Exce//Mct-fvery proJtct Evtry d,;y Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 9 of 17 T bl 4 C t a e ore nven ory Task 802 Task 802 Task 802 Isotope Core Isotope Core Isotope Core Inventory Inventory Inventory (Ci/MWT) (Ci/MWT) (Ci/MWT) Br-82 2.476E+02 1-128 6.063E+02 Rb-86 9.876E+01 Br-82m 9.537E+01 1-129 1.579E-03 Rb-86m 9.394E+OO Br-83 3.220E+03 1-130 1.512E+03 Rb-88 1.824E+04 Br-84 5.520E+03 l-130m 5.898E+02 Rb-89 2.331 E+04 Br-84m 2.087E+02 1-131 2.749E+04 Rb-90 2.252E+04 Br-85 6.609E+03 1-132 3.950E+04 Rb-90m 5.370E+03 Br-86 4.713E+03 1-133 5.496E+04 Rb-91 2.830E+04 Br-86m 4.734E+03 l-133m 1.775E+03 Rb-92 2.487E+04 Br-87 1.074E+04 1-134 6.021 E+04 Rb-93 1.899E+04 Br-88 1.135E+04 l-134m 6.296E+03 Rb-94 1.003E+04 Br-89 7.867E+03 1-135 5.150E+04 Rb-95 4.988E+03 Br-90 4.965E+03 1-136 2.434E+04 Rb-96 1.458E+03 Br-91 1.730E+03 l-136m 1.429E+04 Rb-97 2.791 E+02 Br-92 1.940E+02 1-137 2.363E+04 Rb-98 6.281 E+01 Br-93 3.456E+01 1-138 1.169E+04 Rb-99 6.356E+OO Br-94 2.916E+OO 1-139 5.177E+03 Rb-100 5.665E-01 Br-95 2.436E-01 1-140 1.452E+03 Xe-129m 4.257E-01 Cs-132 1.047E+01 1-141 2.409E+02 Xe-131 m 3.092E+02 Cs-134 1.065E+04 1-142 3.572E+01 Xe-133 5.279E+04 Cs-134m 2.234E+03 1-143 2.411 E+OO Xe-133m 1.735E+03 Cs-135 2.919E-02 1-144 1.984E-01 Xe-134m 4.436E+02 Cs-135m 1.473E+03 Kr-83m 3.230E+03 Xe-135 1.908E+04 Cs-136 2.964E+03 Kr-85 4.501 E+02 Xe-135m 1.106E+04 Cs-137 5.233E+03 Kr-85m 6.702E+03 Xe-137 4.792E+04 Cs-138 4.978E+04 Kr-87 1.274E+04 Xe-138 4.477E+04 Cs-138m 2.419E+03 Kr-88 1.792E+04 Xe-139 3.488E+04 Cs-139 4.713E+04 Kr-89 2.171 E+04 Xe-140 2.264E+04 Cs-140 4.243E+04 Kr-90 2.142E+04 Xe-141 7.971 E+03 Cs-141 3.143E+04 Kr-91 1.595E+04 Xe-142 2.739E+03 Cs-142 1.895E+04 Kr-92 7.941 E+03 Xe-143 4.636E+02 Cs-143 9.225E+03 Kr-93 2.939E+03 Xe-144 8.283E+01 Cs-144 2.691 E+03 Kr-94 1.035E+03 Xe-145 9.440E+OO Cs-145 6.782E+02 Kr-95 1.428E+02 Xe-146 5.994E-01 Cs-146 1.012E+02 Kr-96 2.179E+01 Xe-147 5.358E-02 Cs-147 1.704E+01 Kr-97 1.347E+OO Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 Ex<:r//~rtcr-Every pro/ta Evtry day. Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 10 of 17 5.3 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation.
The inhalation dose correction factors (DCFs) for the thyroid are from Federal Guidance Report (FGR) No. 11 , Table 2.1 (Reference 7), shown below. Table 5 Inhalation Dose Conversion Factors FGR-11 Isotope DCF Sv/Bq 1-131 2.92E-07 1-132 1.74E-09 1-133 4.86E-08 1-134 2.88E-10 1-135 8.46E-09 CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 Correlation of Drywell Radiation ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 Excellrnce-Every project Evtry dfJ'/ Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 11 of 17 6. METHODOLOGY The exposure rate at RE 9184A and 9184B is determined using the MicroShield Version 10.04 software.
Required inputs into the computer program are:
* Length of the discharge piping ,
* radius and thickness of the discharge piping
* composition of the discharge piping
* position of the detector in relationship to the piping , and
* concentration of each isotope in the recirc. pump discharge piping 6.1 Source Scaling The concentration of each isotope in the discharge piping equivalent to 300 &#xb5;Ci/Gm Dose Equivalent Iodine is determined using the following steps. Dose Equivalent Iodine Dose Equivalent Iodine refers to the amount of 1-131 which would produce the same dose to an individual as a mixture containing multiple isotopes of iodine. When determining this value , non-Iodine isotopes are disregarded.
The relationship can be expressed by the following equation: Where: DE!= L Qin x D CF 1 n D C F11 3 1 DEi = Dose Equivalent Iodine 131 (Ci) Otn = Quantity of Iodine isotope " n" (Ci) DCF,n = Dose Conversion Factor for iodine isotope " n" (Sv/Bq) DCF1-131 = Dose Conversion Factor for 1-131 (Sv/Bq). Eq 1 The inputs for equation 1 are the relative abundances of the various iodines which are taken from Power Uprate Task Report T0802 (Reference 1 ), Reg. Guide 1.183 (Reference
: 9) release fractions , and the dose conversion factors are from FGR-11 (Reference 3.7). Scaling Factor Once the Dose Equivalent Iodine is determined for the entire inventory the source to be used as an input into the MicroShield can be determined by scaling each isotope from Task T0802 using the following equation:
Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006
&3 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 E:<<e//enct-&#xa3;very f)r o}ect Every day. Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 12 of 1 7 C = QR C x DEir T DE! Eq 2 Where: C r 0RC DE!r DEi = Concentration of Isotope at the 300 &#xb5;C i/gm threshold
(&#xb5;Ci/gm) = Quantity of isotope available to be released (Ci) = Dose Equivalent Iodine Threshold (300 &#xb5;Ci/gm) = Dose Equivalent Iodine value for the source term (C i). 7. CALCULATIONS 7.1. MicroShield Geometry Length of the Discharge Piping, Per Assumption 3 , only the source from the d i scharge piping is considered in the MicroShield Model. From drawings BECH-M338 , M339 , M340 and M341 (References 2 through 5), the vertical discharge 22" piping from both 1 P-20 1 " A" and " B" extends from elevation 748' 8" to 773' 11", or abou t 25' 5". Radius and Thickness of the Discharge Piping The vertical discharge piping is schedule 80 stainless steel (Refe r ence 12). Thus , the wall thickness is 1.125" and the inside diameter is 19.75" (Re f erence 11 ). Composition of the Discharge Piping Per Assumption 4 , the material of the discharge piping i s considered to be iron with a nominal density of 7.86 g/cm 3. Per Assumption 7 , the water within t he piping is modeled with a density of 1.0 g/cm 3. Position of the Detector in Relationship to the Piping From BECH-M405<02> (Reference 6), RE 9184A is conservatively approximated at a distance of 4' 3" from the center of the vertical section of 1 P201A discharge piping and RE 9184B is conservatively approximated at a distance of 7' from the center of the vertical section of 1 P201 B discharge piping. Figure 1 below shows a portion of Reference 6 with the proximity of the radiation detectors to the vertical discharge piping. 
@ ENERCON fi,ce/lenct-Every projtct Every day. ~A C TOR ~CIRC. tP*2 0l B Correla t ion of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose Equivalen t Iodine REACTOR RECIRC. PUMP' C ALC. NO. N EE-323-CALC-006 REV. 0 PAGE NO. 13 of 17 Figure 1: Location of RE9184A/91848 Based on Reference 14 , RE-9184 A/8 are located at elevation 761' which is approximately the midpoint of the vertical discharge piping , therefore the detectors are modeled at the midpoint of the source. Thus , based on discussion above the MicroShield geometry inputs pertaining to RE-9184A and Bare set to: A cylindrical volume with:
* A height of 25' 5" A radius of 9.875", and
* Filled with water with a density of 1.0 g/cm 3
* An iron side shield 1.125" thick with a density of 7.86 g/cm 3
* The dose receptors are located at:X = 4' 3"; Y = 12.7'; and Z = 0 for RE-9184A; and X = 7'; Y = 12.7'; and Z = 0 for RE-91848.
Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 Exce/leoct-Every proj<<l Evtry doy Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 14 of 17 7.2. Sour c e T erm A s pre adsheet is used to determine the isotopic mix present when reactor coolant ha s a DEi co n centration o f 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm. For clarification , formulas are displayed in ro w s 2 and 9. F o r rows 2-7 of the spreadsheet , the concentration of each isotope contributing to the D Ei o f the mix i s determined by multi pl ying the iod i ne value in the column B by t h e D CF f raction f ro m Input 5.3 in column D. For 1-131 the ratio is one. The sum of t he s e DEi va lue s is shown in Cell C7. By using this value , the mix can be normal i zed t o t h e desired DE i value. T h e relative quant i ty of each isotope present in the coolant mix is determined by mul t i p lying the Reg. Guide 1.183 (R e ference 9) r e lease fraction from Input 5.1 by the gi ve n Curies per MWt value from Input 5.2 for each isotope. Cell 09 is an example for Br-82. T o determine total activity present in the pipe , concentration, &#xb5;Ci/gm is multiplied by int erna l volume. That va lu e i s divi d ed by 1 E+06 to obtain units of curies. Curies= &#xb5;C i/gm* (774.7 cm*pi*[25.
0 83 cm]2)/1 E+06. Table 6 MicroSh i e l d Source Term A B C D E F Re l ative Uni tless FGR-11 DCF Quantity DEi DEi Fraction (Sv/Bq) 1-131 =D52 =B2*$D2 =E2/E$2 2.92E-07 1-131 2.20E+03 2.20E+03 1.000 2.92E-0 7 1-132 l.98E+03 l.18E+Ol 0.006 l.74E-09 Targ et DEi: 1-133 2.75E+03 4.57E+0 2 0.166 4.8 6E-08 300 1-134 3.01E+03 2.97E+OO 0.001 2.88E-10 1-135 2.58E+03 7.46E+Ol 0.029 8.46E-09 2.75E+03 Task 802 Reg Guide Relative Isotopic Concentrat i on I s otope C o re Inv entory 1.183 Gap composition for Isotope Assuming 300 R e l ease (Ci/MWT) Fracti o n GA P Release (C i) &#xb5;Ci/gm DEi Br-82 2.476E+02 0.05 =B9*$C9 Br-82 =D9*$F$4/$C$7 B r-82 2.476E+02 0.05 l.24E+Ol Br-82 l.35E+O O Br-82m 9.537E+Ol 0.05 4.77E+OO B r-82m 5.21E-01 Br-83 3.220E+03 0.05 l.61E+02 Br-83 l.76E+Ol Br-84 5.520E+03 0.05 2.76E+02 B r-84 3.02E+Ol Br-84m 2.087E+02 0.05 l.04E+Ol B r-84m l.14E+OO Br-85 6.609E+03 0.05 3.30E+02 B r-85 3.61E+Ol Curies 2.0 711E+OO 7.9773E-01 2.6934E+Ol 4.6173E+Ol l.7457E+OO 5.5282E+Ol Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 faeel/ence
-Evt ry proJtet. Every day Equivalent Iodi ne PAGE NO. 15 of 17 Task 802 Reg Guide Relative Isoto p ic Concentration Isotope Core Inventory 1.183 Gap composition for Isotope Assuming 300 Curies Release (Ci/MWT) Fraction GAP Release (Ci) &#xb5;Ci/gm DEi Br-86 4.713E+03 0.05 2.36E+02 Br-86 2.57E+Ol 3.9422E+Ol Br-86m 4.734E+03 0.05 2.37E+02 Br-86m 2.59E+Ol 3.9598E+Ol Br-87 1.074E+04 0.05 5.37E+02 Br-8 7 5.87E+Ol 8.9836E+Ol Br-88 1.135E+04 0.05 5.68E+02 Br-88 6.20E+Ol 9.4939E+Ol Br-89 7.867E+03 0.05 3.93E+02 Br-89 4.30E+Ol 6.5805E+Ol Br-90 4.965E+03 0.05 2.48E+02 B r-90 2.71E+Ol 4.1530E+Ol Br-91 1.730E+03 0.05 8.65E+Ol Br-91 9.45E+OO 1.4471E+Ol Br-92 1.940E+02 0.05 9.70E+OO Br-92 1.06E+OO 1.6227E+OO Br-93 3.456E+Ol 0.05 1.73E+OO Br-93 1.89E-01 2.8908E-01 Br-94 2.916E+OO 0.05 1.46E-01 Br-94 1.59E-02 2.4391E-02 Br-95 2.436E-01 0.05 1.22E-02 Br-95 1.33E-03 2.0376E-03 Cs-132 1.047E+Ol 0.12 1.26E+OO Cs-132 1.37E-01 2.1019E-01 Cs-134 1.065E+04 0.12 1.28E+03 Cs-134 1.40E+02 2.1380E+02 Cs-134m 2.234E+03 0.12 2.68E+02 Cs-134m 2.93E+Ol 4.4848E+Ol Cs-135 2.919E-02 0.12 3.SOE-03 Cs-135 3.83E-04 5.8599E-04 Cs-135m 1.4 73E+0 3 0.12 1.77E+02 Cs-135m 1.93E+Ol 2.9571E+Ol Cs-136 2.964E+03 0.12 3.56E+02 Cs-136 3.8 9E+Ol 5.9503E+Ol Cs-137 5.2 33E+03 0.12 6.2 8E+02 Cs-137 6.86E+Ol l.0505E+02 Cs-138 4.978E+04 0.12 5.97E+03 Cs-138 6.53E+02 9.9934E+02 Cs-138m 2.419E+03 0.12 2.90E+02 Cs-138m 3.17E+Ol 4.8562E+Ol Cs-139 4.713E+04 0.12 5.66E+03 Cs-139 6.18E+02 9.4614E+02 Cs-140 4.243E+04 0.12 5.09E+03 Cs-140 5.56E+02 8.5179E+02 Cs-141 3.143E+04 0.12 3.77E+03 Cs-141 4.12E+02 6.3096E+02 Cs-142 1.895E+04 0.12 2.27E+03 Cs-142 2.48 E+02 3.8 042E+02 Cs-143 9.22 5E+03 0.12 1.11E+03 Cs-143 l.21E+02 l.8519E+02 Cs-144 2.691E+03 0.12 3.23E+02 Cs-144 3.53E+Ol 5.4022E+Ol Cs-145 6.782E+02 0.12 8.14E+Ol Cs-145 8.89E+OO l.3 615E+Ol Cs-146 l.012E+02 0.12 l.21E+Ol Cs-146 l.33E+OO 2.0316E+OO Cs-147 1.704E+Ol 0.12 2.04E+OO Cs-147 2.23E-01 3.4208E-01 Cs-148 l.119E+OO 0.12 l.34E-01 Cs-148 1.47E-02 2.2464E-02 1-128 6.063E+02 0.05 3.03E+Ol 1-128 3.31E+OO 5.0715E+OO 1-129 l.579E-03 0.05 7.90E-05 1-129 8.63E-06 1.3208E-05 1-130 l.512E+03 0.05 7.56E+Ol 1-130 8.26E+OO l.2647E+Ol l-13 0m 5.898E+02 0.05 2.95E+Ol l-130m 3.22E+OO 4.9335E+OO 52 1-131 2.749E+04 0.08 2.20E+03 1-131 2.40E+02 3.6791E+02 1-132 3.950E+04 0.05 l.98E+03 1-132 2.16E+02 3.3040E+02 1-133 5.496E+04 0.05 2.75E+03 1-133 3.00E+02 4.5972E+02 l-133m l.775E+03 0.05 8.88E+Ol l-133m 9.70E+OO 1.4847E+Ol 1-134 6.021E+0 4 0.05 3.01E+03 1-134 3.29E+02 5.0363E+0 2 l-134m 6.296E+03 0.05 3.15E+02 l-134m 3.44E+Ol 5.2664E+Ol 1-135 5.150E+04 0.05 2.58E+03 1-135 2.81E+02 4.3078E+02 1-136 2.434E+04 0.05 1.22E+03 1-136 1.33E+02 2.0359E+02 l-136m 1.429E+04 0.05 7.15E+02 l-136m 7.81E+Ol l.1953E+02 1-137 2.363E+04 0.05 1.18E+03 1-137 1.29E+02 1.9766E+02 ENERCON Co rrel at i on of O ryw ell Radiat i o n Mon i to r s for 300 &#xb5;C i/gm Dose CALC. NO. N E E-3 2 3-CALC-00 6 REV. 0 fi<c e//ence-Evtry p10Jtct Every day. Equiva l en t Iodi ne PAGE N O. 1 6 of 17 Task 802 Reg Guide Relat ive Is otopic C o ncent r at ion I s otope Core Inven t ory 1.18 3 Gap composi ti on for Is otope A s s u m i ng 3 00 C ur i e s Release (Ci/MWT} Fra c tio n GAP R ele a s e (Ci) &#xb5;Ci/g m D E i 1-138 1.169 E+04 0.05 5.85E+02 1-138 6.39E+Ol 9.7782E+Ol 1-139 5.1 77E+03 0.05 2.59E+02 1-139 2.83E+Ol 4.3304E+Ol 1-140 1.452E+03 0.05 7.26 E+Ol 1-140 7.93E+OO 1.2145E+Ol 1-141 2.409E+02 0.05 1.20E+O l 1-141 1.32E+OO 2.0150E+OO 1-142 3.572E+Ol 0.05 1.79E+O O 1-142 1.95E-01 2.9878E-01 1-1 43 2.411E+OO 0.05 1.21E-01 1-143 1.32E-02 2.0 167E-0 2 1-1 44 1.984E-01 0.05 9.92E-03 1-144 1.08E-03 1.6595E-03 Kr-83m 3.230 E+03 0.05 1.6 2 E+02 Kr-83m 1.76E+O l 2.7018E+Ol Kr-85 4.501 E+0 2 0.1 4.SOE+Ol Kr-85 4.92 E+OO 7.5 2 98E+OO K r-85m 6.7 02 E+03 0.05 3.35E+02 Kr-85m 3.66E+O l 5.6060E+Ol K r-8 7 1.274E+04 0.05 6.37E+02 Kr-87 6.96E+Ol l.0657E+02 K r-88 1.792 E+04 0.0 5 8.96E+02 Kr-88 9.79E+Ol l.4989E+02 K r-89 2.1 7 1E+04 0.05 1.09E+03 Kr-89 1.19E+02 1.8160E+02 K r-90 2.1 42 E+04 0.05 1.07E+03 Kr-90 1.17E+02 1.7917E+02 Kr-9 1 1.59 5E+04 0.05 7.9 8E+0 2 Kr-91 8.71E+Ol 1.3342E+02 Kr-92 7.94 1E+0 3 0.0 5 3.97E+02 Kr-92 4.34E+Ol 6.6423E+Ol Kr-93 2.939E+03 0.05 1.47E+0 2 Kr-93 1.61E+Ol 2.4584E+Ol Kr-94 1.03 5 E+03 0.0 5 5.18E+Ol Kr-94 5.65E+OO 8.6574E+O O K r-95 1.428E+02 0.05 7.14E+OO Kr-95 7.80E-0 1 1.1945E+OO K r-96 2.179E+O l 0.05 1.09E+O O Kr-96 1.19E-01 1.82 27E-0 1 Kr-9 7 1.347E+OO 0.0 5 6.74E-02 Kr-97 7.36E-03 l.1267E-02 Kr-98 1.5 5 3E-01 0.05 7.77E-0 3 Kr-98 8.48E-04 1.2990E-03 Rb-8 6 9.8 7 6 E+Ol 0.12 1.19E+Ol Rb-86 1.29E+O O 1.9826E+OO R b-86 m 9.394 E+OO 0.12 1.13E+OO R b-86m 1.23E-01 1.8859E-01 Rb-88 1.824E+04 0.12 2.19E+03 Rb-88 2.3 9E+02 3.6617E+02 Rb-89 2.331 E+04 0.12 2.80E+03 Rb-89 3.06E+02 4.6 795E+02 Rb-90 2.252 E+04 0.12 2.70E+03 Rb-90 2.95 E+02 4.5209E+0 2 R b-9 0 m 5.3 70E+03 0.12 6.44 E+02 Rb-90m 7.04E+Ol 1.078 0E+02 Rb-91 2.830 E+04 0.1 2 3.40E+03 Rb-91 3.71E+0 2 5.6813E+02 Rb-92 2.487 E+04 0.12 2.98 E+03 Rb-92 3.2 6E+02 4.9 927E+02 R b-93 1.899E+04 0.12 2.28E+03 Rb-93 2.4 9E+02 3.8 123E+0 2 Rb-94 1.0 0 3 E+04 0.12 1.20E+03 Rb-94 1.31 E+02 2.0135E+0 2 Rb-95 4.988 E+03 0.1 2 5.99E+0 2 Rb-95 6.54E+Ol 1.0 013 E+02 R b-96 1.458 E+03 0.12 1.7 5 E+0 2 Rb-96 1.91E+Ol 2.9269 E+Ol R b-9 7 2.791E+02 0.12 3.35E+Ol Rb-97 3.66 E+O O 5.6030E+OO R b-98 6.281E+Ol 0.1 2 7.54 E+OO Rb-98 8.23E-01 1.2609 E+OO Rb-99 6.356 E+OO 0.12 7.63E-01 Rb-99 8.33E-02 1.27 6 0 E-0 1 R B 10 0 5.66 5E-01 0.1 2 6.8 0 E-02 RB100 7.43E-03 1.1373E-02 Xe-12 9m 4.2 5 7E-0 1 0.0 5 2.13E-02 Xe-129m 2.33E-0 3 3.56 0 8E-03 Xe-13 1 m 3.0 92 E+0 2 0.0 5 1.55 E+O l Xe-131 m 1.69 E+O O 2.58 6 3 E+OO Xe-133 5.2 7 9 E+04 0.0 5 2.64E+03 Xe-133 2.88 E+02 4.4 157 E+0 2 Xe-13 3m 1.7 3 5E+03 0.05 8.68 E+Ol Xe-133m 9.48E+O O 1.4513E+Ol Xe-13 4m 4.43 6E+0 2 0.0 5 2.22E+Ol Xe-134 m 2.42E+OO 3.7 10 5E+OO
* ENERCON Eue//enct-Every proftct E v try day. Task 802 Isotope Core Inventory (Ci/MWT) X e-135 l.9 0 8 E+04 Xe-135m l.106E+04 X e-137 4.79 2 E+04 X e-13 8 4.4 77E+04 X e-139 3.4 8 8 E+04 X e-1 40 2.264 E+04 Xe-141 7.971E+0 3 Xe-14 2 2.7 3 9E+0 3 Xe-14 3 4.6 3 6E+0 2 X e-1 44 8.28 3E+O l Xe-14 5 9.440E+OO X e-146 5.99 4 E-0 1 Xe-147 5.3 58E-0 2 Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 &#xb5;C i/gm Dose Equivalent I odine Reg Guide Relative Isotopic 1.183 Gap compos it ion for I sotope Release Fract i on GAP Release (Ci) 0.0 5 9.54 E+02 Xe-13 5 CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 REV. O PAGE NO. 1 7 of 1 7 Co n centration Assuming 300 Curies &#xb5;Ci/gm DEi l.04 E+0 2 l.59 6 0 E+0 2 0.0 5 5.53 E+02 Xe-135 m 6.04 E+Ol 9.2 513E+O l 0.05 2.4 0E+0 3 Xe-13 7 2.62 E+0 2 4.0 0 83 E+0 2 0.05 2.24 E+0 3 Xe-138 2.4 5 E+0 2 3.7 4 4 8 E+0 2 0.05 1.7 4E+03 Xe-139 l.9 1E+0 2 2.917 6 E+0 2 0.0 5 l.13E+03 Xe-140 l.24E+02 l.89 3 8 E+02 0.05 3.99 E+0 2 Xe-14 1 4.3 5 E+Ol 6.6 674E+O l 0.05 l.3 7 E+02 Xe-142 l.50E+Ol 2.29 11 E+O l 0.05 2.32 E+O l Xe-143 2.5 3 E+OO 3.8 77 8 E+OO 0.05 4.14 E+OO Xe-144 4.52 E-01 6.9 284 E-0 1 0.0 5 4.72 E-01 Xe-145 5.16 E-0 2 7.896 2 E-0 2 0.05 3.00 E-0 2 Xe-146 3.27 E-03 5.0 138E-03 0.05 2.6 8E-03 Xe-147 2.9 3 E-04 4.4818 E-0 4 8 COMPUTER SOFTWARE All cases were evaluated using the MicroShield Version 10.04 software (Reference 8). MicroShield is used to analyze shielding and estimate exposure from gamma ray radiation as well as assessing radiation exposure to people and materials (Reference 8). A review of MicroShield error notifications
(" Bug List") for Version 10.04 was performed. The notices are either not applicable or dispositioned as having a minor impact on the model results. MicroShield is maintained under the ENERCON software quality assurance program and is suitable for applications such as this. 
' L__ ___ _ Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV.O Et<:tlltnce-Every p r o}tci Every doy. Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 1 of 11 Attachment 1 Attachment 1: MicroShield Output Files Figure 2 below shows the geometry of the MicroShield model as described in Section 7.1. The recirc. Discharge piping is the red cylindrical structure along the Y-axis. The two orange dots are representat i ve of RE-9184A and RE-91848 (RE-9184A is the orange dot closer to the source) at the midpoint of the source. * * ----------X Figure 2: MicroShield Model 
-------------* ------Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006
* ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose I REV. 0 E.ctll"'1Ct-Every pro)tet Evtry doy. Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 2 of 11 Attachment 1 MicroShield 10.04 Enercon Services Date B y Checked . File Name Run Date Run Time Duration October 14 , 2017 8:56: 21 AM 00: 00:00 . .. Project Info Case Title Case 1 Description Case 1 Geometry 7 -Cylinder Volume -Side Sh i e ld s Source Dimensions He i g ht 774.802 cm (25 ft 5.0 in) Radius 25.083 cm (9.9 in)
* Dose Points A X y z #I 1 29.54 cm (4 ft 3.0 in) 387.096 cm (12 ft 8.4 in) 0.0 cm (1 in) #2 213.36 cm (7 ft .0 in) 387.096 cm (12 ft 8.4 in) 0.0 cm (1 in) Shield Shield N Dimension Material Density (g/cm 3) Source 54.08 ft 3 Water 1 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Wall C l ad .094 ft Iron 7.86 Top Clad .094 ft Iron 7.86 Source Input: Grouping Method -Standard Indices Number of Groups: 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons< 0.015: Included Library: Grove Nuclide Ci Bq &#xb5;Ci/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 B a-137m 9.9330e+001 3 .6752e+O 12 6.4863e+OO 1 2.3999e+006 Br-82 2.0700e+OOO 7.6590e+Ol0 l.3517e+OOO 5.0014e+004 Br-83 2.6900e+001 9.9530e+Ol l l .7566e+001 6.4994e+005 Br-84 4.6200e+001 l.7094e+Ol2 3.0169e+001 l.l 163e+006 ENERCON Exctlltnct-fvery p r o/tct. Evtry dO'I, Br-85 5.5300e+001 Cs-132 2.1OOOe-001 Cs-134 2. l 400e+00 2 Cs-134m 4.4800e+001 Cs-1 35 5.8600e-004 Cs-136 5.9500e+001 Cs-137 1.0500e+002 Cs-138 9.9900e+002 Cs-139 9 .4600e+002 1-128 5.0700e+OOO 1-129 1.3200e-005 1-130 l .2600e+OO 1 1-131 3.6800e+002 1-132 3.3000e+002 I-133 4.6000e+002 I-134 5.0400e+002 I-135 4.3100e+002 1-136 2.0400e+002 Kr-83m 2.7000e+OOI Kr-85 7.5300e+OOO Kr-85m 5.6100 e+001 Kr-87 l .0700e+002 Kr-88 l .5000e+002 Kr-89 l .8200e+002 Kr-90 l .7900e+002 Rb-86 1.9800e+OOO Rb-88 3.6600e+002 Rb-89 4.6800e+002 Rb-90 4.5200e+002 Rb-9 0 m l .0800e+002 Xe-129m 3.5600e-003 Xe-13 lm 2.5900e+OOO Xe-133 4.4200e+002 Xe-133m I .4500e+00 1 Xe-135 l .6000 e+002 Corre la t i on of Drywell Radia ti on Mon it ors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dos e E qu i valent Iodine A tt ach m en t 1 2.046le+Ol 2 3.6llle+001 7. 7700e+009 l.3713e-OOJ 7.9180e+Ol2 l .3974 e+002 l.6576e+012 2.9255e+001 2. l 682e+007 3.8266e-004 2.2015e+012 3.8854 e+001 3.8850e+Ol2 6.8566 e+001 3.6963e+0 1 3 6.5235e+002 3.5002e+013 6.l 774e+002 l .8759e+O 1 1 3.3107 e+OOO 4.8840 e+005 8.6197e-006 4.6620e+Ol l 8.2279e+OOO l.3616e+Ol3 2.403le+002 1.22 lOe+O 13 2. l 549 e+002 1.7020e+O 13 3.0038e+002 l.8648e+O 13 3.2912e+002 l.5947e+Ol3 2.8145e+002 7.5480e+Ol2 l.332le+002 9.9900e+O l 1 l.76 3 le+001 2.786le+Oll 4.917le+OOO 2.0757e+O 12 3.6634e+001 3.9590e+Ol2 6.9872e+001 5.5500e+O 12 9.795le+001 6.7340e+Ol2 l. l 885e+002 6.6230e+O 12 l. l 689e+002 7.3260e+O 10 l .2930e+OOO l.3542e+013 2.3900e+002 1.73 I 6e+O 13 3.056le+002 l.6724e+Ol3 2.9516e+00 2 3.9960e+Ol2 7 .0525e+OO I 1.3 172e+008 2.3247e-003 9.5830e+0 1 0 1.6913e+OOO l.6354e+Ol3 2.8863e+002 5.3650e+O 11 9 .4686e+OOO 5.9200e+O 12 l .0448 e+002 CALC. NO. NEE-3 23-CA L C-00 6 REV. 0 PAGE NO. 3 of 11 l.336l e+006 5.07 3 9e+003 5.l 705e+006 l .0824e+006 l.4159e+001 1.4376e+006 2.5369e+006 2.4137e+007 2.2857e+007 l .2250e+005 3.1893e-001 3.0443e+005 8.891 3 e+006 7.97 3 2e+006 1.1 I l 4e+007 1.2177 e+007 1. 04 l 4e+007 4.9289e+006 6.5235e+005 l.8193e+005 l .3554e+006 2.5853e+006 3.6242e+006 4.3974e+006 4.3249e+006 4.7839e+004 8.8430e+006 l.1307e+007 1.092 I e+007 2.6094e+006 8.6014e+001 6.2578e+004 l .0679e+007 3.5034e+005 3.8658e+006 Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 F:~ ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 fl('(tl/tnct-fvery p101tct Every do-;. Equivalent Iodine Attachment 1 PAGE NO. 4 of 11 Xe-135m 9.2500e+001 3.4225e+Ol2 6.0403e+001 2.2349e+006 Xe-137 4.0100e+00 2 l.4837e+013 2.6186e+002 9.6887e+006 Xe-138 3.7400e+002 1.3838e+Ol3 2.4422e+002 9.0363e+006 Buildup: The material reference is Source. Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axia l) 20 Results -Dose Po int# 1 -(4.25,12.7 ,0) ft Fluence Fluence Absorbe Absorbe Absorbe Absorbe Energ Rate Rate Ex po s ur Exposur d Dose d Dose d Dose y Activity MeV/cm 2/s MeV/cm 2/s eRate e Rate d Dose (MeV (Photons/se mR/hr mR/hr Rate Rate Rate Rate c) ec ec mrad/hr mrad/hr mG y/hr mGy/hr ) No With No With No With No With Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup 0.015 3.986e+l2 O.OOOe+OO 2.036e-21 O.OOOe+ 1.746e-O.OOOe+ l .524e-O.OOOe+ l .524e-00 22 00 22 00 24 0.03 l.218e+ 1 3 2.134e-75 4.080e-19 2.115e-4.044e-l.8 46e-3.530e-l .846e-3.530e-77 21 77 21 79 23 0.04 2.073e+ 11 3.464e-33 7.048e-20 l.532e-3.l 17e-l.338e-2.72le-l.338e-2.72le-35 22 35 22 37 24 0.06 2.744e+l l l.775e-09 2.950e-06 3.526e-5.859e-3.078e-5.114e-3.078e-5.1 l 4e-12 09 12 09 14 11 0.08 6.497e+l2 5.427e-02 3.720e+Ol 8.588e-5.887e-7.497e-5.139e-7.497e-5.139e-05 02 05 02 07 04 0.1 2.409e+ 12 4.327e+OO l.270e+03 6.620e-l.944e+ 5.779e-1.697e+ 5.779e-1.697e-03 00 03 00 05 02 0.15 4.553e+l2 7.84le+02 6.255e+04 l.29le+ l.030e+ l.127e+ 8.992e+ l.127e-8.992e-00 02 00 01 02 01 0.2 l.197e+l3 9.8lle+03 4.046e+05 l.732e+ 7.142e+ l.512e+ 6.235e+ l.512e-6.23 5e+ 01 02 01 02 01 00 0.3 8.965e+ 12 3.033e+04 6.22 0e+05 5.753e+ l.180e+ 5.022e+ l.030e+ 5.022e-1.030e+ 01 03 01 03 OJ 01 0.4 2.409e+ 13 l.816e+05 2.485e+06 3.538e+ 4.842e+ 3.089e+ 4.227e+ 3.089e+ 4.227e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 0.5 4.810e+ 13 6.433e+05 6.646e+06 l.263e+ l.305e+ 1.102e+ l.139e+ l.102e+ l.139e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 0.6 4.185e+l3 8.783e+05 7.354e+06 l.714e+ l.435e+ l.497e+ l.253e+ l .497e+ l.253e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 0.8 7.476e+l3 3.134e+06 l.932e+07 5.96le+ 3.676e+ 5.204e+ 3.209e+ 5.204e+ 3.209e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 ... ---.
Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006
@ ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 f;<<t/lenct-Every PIO/ta E~ry day. Equivalent Iodine Attachment 1 PAGE NO. 5 of 11 7.806e+ 1.0 5.982e+l3 4.235e+06 2.10 7e+07 3.884e+ 6.814e+ 3.39le+ 6.814e+ 3.39le+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 1.5 6.326e+ 13 1.1 l 7e+07 3.970e+07 l .8 80e+ 6.679e+ l.64le+ 5.83 le+ l.64le+ 5.83 le+ 0 4 04 04 04 02 02 2.0 3.13 le+ 13 l.007e+07 2.952e+07 l .55 7e+ 4.564e+ l.359e+ 3.985e+ 1.359e+ 3.985e+ 0 4 04 04 04 02 02 3.0 l.202e+ 13 8.318e+06 J .949e+07 l.129e+ 2.645e+ 9.852e+ 2.309e+ 9.852e+ 2.309e+ 0 4 04 03 04 01 02 4.0 5.230e+ 12 5.8 97e+06 1 .212e+07 7.296e+ l.500e+ 6.369e+ l.309e+ 6.369e+ 1.309e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 5.0 8.984e+ 11 1.433e+06 2.686e+06 l .642e+ 3.079e+ l.434e+ 2.688e+ l .434e+ 2.688e+ 03 03 03 03 01 01 6.0 3.195e+l0 6.626e+04 l.167e+05 7.195e+ l.267e+ 6.28le+ l.106e+ 6.281 e-l.106e+ 0 1 02 01 02 01 00 Total 4.124e+14 4.607e+07 1.616e+08 7.183e+ 2.669e+ 6.271e+ 2.330e+ 6.271e+ 2.330e+ 04 05 04 05 02 03 Results -Do se Point# 2 -(7,12.7,0) ft Fluence Fluence Abs orbe Absorbe Absorbe Absorbe Energ Activity Rat e Rate Exposur Ex posur d Dose d Dose d Dose eRate eRate d Dose y (Photons/se MeV/cm 2/s MeV/cm 2/s Rate Rate Rate Rate (MeV mR/hr mR/hr c) ec ec mrad/hr mrad/hr mG y/hr mG y/hr ) No With No With No With N o With Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup 0.015 3.986e+ 12 O.OOOe+OO l.054e-21 O.OOOe+ 9.037e-O.OOOe+ 7.889e-O.OOOe+ 7.889e-00 23 00 23 00 25 0.03 l.218e+l3 l.169e-75 2.1 lle-19 1.l 58e-2.093e-1.0 lle-l.827e-l.Olle-l.827e-77 21 77 2 1 79 23 0.04 2.0 73e+ll 2.069e-33 3.647e-20 9.151e-l.613e-7.989e-l .408e-7.989e-1.408e-36 22 36 22 38 24 0.06 2.744e+l 1 l.054e-09 1.76le-06 2.0 94e-3.497e-l.828e-3.053e-l.828e-3.053e-1 2 09 12 09 14 11 0.08 6.497e+ 12 3.257e-02 2.232e+Ol 5.1 54e-3 .533e-4.499e-3.084e-4.499e-3.084e-05 02 05 02 07 04 0.1 2.409e+l2 2.582e+OO 7.59 0e+02 3.95le-1.16le+ 3.449e-l.014e+ 3.449e-1.014e-03 00 03 00 05 02 0.15 4.553e+12 4.671e+02 3.752e+04 7.69le-6. l 78e+ 6.714e-5.394e+ 6.714e-5.394e-01 01 01 01 03 01 0.2 l.197e+l 3 5.855e+03 2.428e+05 I .033e+ 4.285e+ 9.02le+ 3.741 e+ 9.021e-3.74 1e+ 01 02 00 02 02 00 0.3 8.965e+l2 l.813e+04 3.724e+05 3.439e+ 7.064e+ 3.002e+ 6.167e+ 3.002e-6.I67e+ 01 02 01 02 01 00 0.4 2.409e+ 13 l.086e+05 l.485e+06 2. l 16e+ 2.893e+ l.847e+ 2.526e+ l.847e+ 2.526e+ 0 2 03 02 03 00 01 Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 F. ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 EK<tlle~ce-Every project Evtry day, Equivalent Iodine Attachment 1 PAGE NO. 6 of 11 0.5 4.810e+ 13 3.848e+05 3.964e+06 7.553e+ 7.780e+ 6.594e+ 6.792e+ 6.594e+ 6.792e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 0.6 4.185e+l3 5.252e+05 4.378e+06 l .025e+ 8.545e+ 8.949e+ 7.460e+ 8.949e+ 7.460e+ 03 03 02 03 00 01 0.8 7.476e+l3 l.872e+06 1.147e+07 3.560e+ 2.182e+ 3.108e+ 1.905e+ 3.108e+ l .905e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 1.0 5.982e+13 2.526e+06 l .247e+07 4.655e+ 2.299e+ 4.064e+ 2.007e+ 4.064e+ 2.007e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 1.5 6.326e+l3 6.636e+06 2.335e+07 1.l 17e+ 3.928e+ 9.747e+ 3.429e+ 9.747e+ 3.429e+ 04 04 03 04 01 02 2.0 3.13 le+ 13 5.958e+06 1.727e+07 9.214e+ 2.671e+ 8.043e+ 2.332e+ 8.043e+ 2.332e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 3.0 l.202e+l3 4.895e+06 1.133e+07 6.64 le+ 1.537e+ 5.798e+ l.342e+ 5.798e+ l.342e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 4.0 5.230e+12 3.457e+06 7.018e+06 4.276e+ 8.682e+ 3.733e+ 7.580e+ 3.733e+ 7.580e+ 03 03 03 03 01 01 5.0 8.984e+l l 8.373e+05 1.552e+06 9.599e+ l .779e+ 8.380e+ 1.553e+ 8.380e+ 1.553e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 6.0 3.195e+10 3.865e+04 6.728e+04 4.197e+ 7.306e+ 3.664e+ 6.378e+ 3.664e-6.378e-01 01 01 01 01 01 Total 4.I24e+l4 2.726e+07 9.501e+07 4.255e+ l.57le+ 3.715e+ l.372e+ 3.715e+ l.372e+ 04 05 04 05 02 03 Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 r r ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 E.<<tlltl\Ct-f v er y P I O)<<( Evtry day, Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 7 of 11 Attachment 1 MicroShield 10.04 Enercon Services Date By Checked --File Name Run Date Run Time Duration 17-004-C October 14 , 2017 9:01:08 AM 00:00: 00 Project Info Case Title Case 1 Description Case 1 Geometry 7 -Cy linder Volume -Side Shie ld s -**--*-* Source Dimensions Height 774.497 cm (25 ft 4.9 in) Radius 25.083 cm (9.9 in) Dose Points A X y z #1 1 29.54 cm (4 ft 3.0 in) 387.096 cm (12 ft 8.4 in) 0.0 cm (I in) #2 213.36 cm (7 ft .0 in) 387.096 cm (12 ft 8.4 in) 0.0 cm (I in) Shield Shield N Dimension Material Density (g/cm 3) Source l .53e+06 cm 3 Water 1 Trans ition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 ,-Wall Clad 2.858 cm Iron 7.86 -Top Clad 2.858 cm Iron 7.86 Source Input: Grouping Method -Standard Indices Number of Groups: 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons< 0.015: Included Library: Grove Nuclide Ci Bq &#xb5;Ci/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Ba-137m 9.9376e+001 3.6769e+Ol2 6.4919e+001 2.402 0e+006 Br-82 2.0 71 Oe+OOO 7.6627e+010 1.3 529e+OOO 5.0058e+004 Br-83 2.6933e+001 9.9652e+Ol l l.7594 e+00 1 6.5099e+005 Br-84 4.617le+001 l.7083e+Ol2 3.0162e+001 1. I l 60e+006 -Br-85 5 .5280e+OO 1 2.0454e+O 12 3.6112e+001 l .3362e+006 Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006
@ ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 fi<<t/lence-E v e r y p roject Every do~ Equivalent Iodine PAGE NO. 8 of 11 Attachm ent 1 Cs-132 2.1018e-001 7.7766e+009 1.3 73Oe-001 5.0802e+003 Cs-134 2.1379e+002 7.9103e+O l 2 1.3966e+002 5.J 675e+006 Cs-134m 4.4846e+001 l.6593e+012 2.9296e+OO 1 1.0840e+006 Cs-135 5.8597e-004 2.1681 e+007 3.8279e-004 1.4163e+001 Cs-136 5.9500e+001 2.2015e+012 3.8869e+001 l .4382e+006 Cs-137 l .0505e+002 3.8868e+Ol2 6.8625e+001 2.539le+006 Cs-1 38 9.9930e+002 3.6974 e+Ol3 6.528le+002 2.4 l 54e+007 Cs-139 9 .461 Oe+002 3.5006e+013 6.1806e+002 2.2868e+007 I-128 5.0713e+OOO l.8764e+Ol l 3.3129e+OOO 1.2258e+005 1-129 l.3207e-005 4.8867e+005 8.6278e-006 3.1923e-001 1-130 1.2647e+OOJ 4.6793e+O 11 8.2617e+OOO 3.0568e+005 I-131 3.6790e+00 2 l.361 2 e+Ol3 2.4033e+002 8.8923e+006 1-132 3.3039e+002 l .2224e+O 13 2. l 583e+002 7.9858e+006 1-133 4.5970e+002 l.7009e+013 3 .0031 e+002 1.1111 e+007 1-134 5.0362e+002 l.8634e+Ol3 3.2899e+002 l .2 l 73e+007 1-135 4.3076e+002 l.5938e+013 2.8140e+002 l.0412e+007 1-136 2.0359e+002 7.5327e+Ol2 l .3300e+002 4.9209e+006 Rb-86 l .9825e+OOO 7.3354e+Ol0 1.2951 e+OOO 4.79 20e+004 Rb-88 3 .66 l 6e+002 l.3&deg;548e+O 13 2.3920e+002 8.8503e+006 Rb-89 4.6793e+002 l.7314e+013 3.0568e+002 1.131 Oe+007 Rb-90 4.5207e+002 l.6727e+013 2.9532e+002 1.0927e+007 Rb-90m l .0780e+002 3.9886e+0 1 2 7 .0421 e+OO l 2.6056e+006 Buildup: The material reference is Source. Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results -Dose Point# 1 -(129.54,387.096,0) cm F lu ence F lu ence Exposur Exposur Absorbe Absorbe Absorbe Absorbe Energ Rate Rate d Dose d Dose d Dose d Dose Activity MeV/cm 2/s MeV/cm 2/s eRate e Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate y (Photons/se mR/hr mR/hr (MeV c) ec ec No With mrad/hr mrad/hr mGy/hr mGy/hr ) No W ith Buildup Buildup No With No With Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup 0.015 6.2 l 6e+ 11 O.OOOe+OO 3.l 76e-22 O.OOOe+ 2.724e-O.OOOe+ 2.378e-O.OOOe+ 2.378e-00 23 00 23 00 25 0.03 2.55le+l2 4.47 le-76 8.55le-20 4.432e-8.475e-3.869e-7.398e-3.869e-7.398e-78 22 78 22 80 24 -. . . . --***-***
ENERCON fi<<:t/lence-fvery project Eve1y day, 0.04 2.074e+I I 3.466e-33 0.06 2.7 44e+ 11 l.776e-09 0.08 4.947e+ 11 4.134e-03
: 0. I 6.545e+IO l.176e-Ol 0.15 l.969e+ 12 3.392e+02 0.2 2.257e+l 2 l.850e+03 0.3 4.054e+l2 1.372e+04 0.4 l.704e+13 l.284e+05 0.5 3.797 e+l3 5.080e+05 0.6 3.923e+ 13 8.235e+05 0.8 7.215e+l3 3.026e+06 1.0 5.430e+ 13 3.845e+06 1.5 5.858e+13 1.035e+07 2.0 2.029e+l3 6.528e+06 3.0 l.071 e+ 13 7.4 20e+06 4.0 4.920e+l2 5.550e+06 5.0 8.984e+ 11 1.433e+06 6.0 3.189e+ 10 6.615e+04 Tota l 3.286e+14 3.969e+07 Correlation of Drywell Radiation Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose Equivalent Iodine Attachment 1 7.050e-20 l .533e-3.118e-l .338e-35 22 35 2.95le-06 3.5 28e-5.86 1e-3.080e-1 2 09 12 2.834e+OO 6.54le-4.484e-5.71 le-06 03 06 3.453e+OI l.799e-5.282e-1.57le-04 02 04 2.706e+04 5.586e-4.456e+ 4.876e-01 01 01 7.632e+04 3.266e+ l.347e+ 2.85le+ 00 02 00 2.814e+05 2.602e+ 5.337e+ 2.272e+ 01 02 01 l.758e+06 2.502e+ 3.425e+ 2.185e+ 02 03 02 5.248e+06 9.97le+ I .030e+ 8.705e+ 02 04 02 6.895e+06 1.607e+ 1.346e+ 1.403e+ 03 04 03 l.866e+07 5.756e+ 3.549e+ 5.025e+ 03 04 03 l.913 e+07 7.087e+ 3.526e+ 6. I 87e+ 03 04 03 3.677e+07 1.741e+ 6.187e+ l.520e+ 04 04 04 l.914e+07 1.009e+ 2.960e+ 8.813e+ 04 04 03 I.739e+07 l.007 e+ 2.359e+ 8.788e+ 04 04 03 l.141e+07 6.866e+ 1.41 le+ 5.994e+ 03 04 03 2.688e+06 l.643e+ 3.08le+ l.434e+ 03 03 03 l.165e+05 7.18 3e+ l .265e+ 6.27le+ 01 02 01 1.396e+08 6.188e+ 2.310e+ 5.402e+ 04 05 04 Results -Dose Point# 2 -(213.36,387.096,0) cm Ene r g Activity Fluence F lu ence Exposur Expos ur Absorbe y {P hoton s/se Rate Rate e Rate e Rate d Dose c) MeV/cm 2/s MeV/cm 2/s mR/hr mR/hr Rate CALC. NO. NEE-323-C ALC-006 REV. 0 PAGE NO. 9 of 11 2.722e-l .338e-2.72 2e-22 37 24 5.117e-3.080e-5.117e-09 14 11 3.915e-5.71 le-3.915e-03 08 05 4.61le-l.57le-4.61 le-02 06 04 3.890e+ 4.876e-3.890e-01 03 01 l.l 76e+ 2.85Ie-l.176e+ 02 02 00 4.659e+ 2.272e-4.659e+ 02 01 00 2.990e+ 2.185e+ 2.990e+ 03 00 01 8.993e+ 8.705e+ 8.993e+ 03 00 01 l.l 75e+ l.403e+ l.175e+ 04 01 02 3.098e+ 5.025e+ 3.098e+ 04 01 02 3.079e+ 6.l 87e+ 3.079e+ 04 01 02 5.40le+ l.520e+ 5.401e+ 04 02 02 2.584e+ 8.813e+ 2.584e+ 04 01 02 2.060e+ 8.788e+ 2.060e+ 04 01 02 l .232e+ 5.994e+ 1.232e+ 04 01 02 2.690e+ 1.434e+ 2.690e+ 03 01 01 l.104e+ 6.27le-1.104e+ 02 01 00 2.017e+ 5.402e+ 2.017e+ 05 02 03 Absorbe Absorbe Absorbe d Dose d Dose d Dose Rate Rate Rate Correlation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC
-006 F.. ENERCON Monitors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV. 0 f,:ct/lena-fve ry pr o/eci Evtry day. Equivalent Iodine Attachment 1 PAGE NO. 10 of 11 (MeV ec ec No With mrad/hr mrad/hr mGy/hr mGy/hr ) No With Bu ildu p Bui ldup No With No With Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup Buildup 0.015 6.216e+ll O.OOOe+OO l.643e-22 O.OOOe+ l .409e-O.OOOe+ l .230e-O.OOOe+ l .230e-00 23 00 23 00 25 0.03 2.55le+l2 2.450e-76 4.425e-20 2.428e-4.385e-2.120e-3.828e-2.120e-3.828e-78 22 78 22 80 24 0.04 2.074e+l l 2.070e-33 3.648e-20 9.156e-l.614e-7.993e-l .409e-7.993e-l .409e-36 22 36 22 38 24 0.06 2.744e+ 11 1.055e-09 1.762e-06 2.095e-3.499e-l .829e-3.054e-l.829e-3.054e-1 2 09 12 09 14 11 0.08 4.947e+l 1 2.48le-03 l.700e+OO 3.926e-2.691 e-3.427e-2.349e-3.427e-2.349e-06 03 06 03 08 05 0.1 6.545e+l0 7.018e-02 2.063e+Ol J .074e-3. J 56e-9.373e-2.755e-9.373e-2.755e-04 02 05 02 07 04 0.15 l.969e+l2 2.02le+02 l.623e+04 3.327e-2.673e+ 2.905e-2.333e+ 2.905e-2.333e-01 OJ 01 01 03 01 0.2 2.25 7 e+ 12 l.104e+03 4.579e+04 l.9 49e+ 8.082e+ 1.70le+ 7.055e+ J.70le-7.055e-00 OJ 00 01 02 01 0.3 4.054e+l2 8.202e+03 1.685e+05 1.556e+ 3.196 e+ l.358e+ 2.790e+ 1.358e-2.790 e+ 01 02 01 02 01 00 0.4 1.704e+l3 7.682e+04 l.050e+06 1.497e+ 2.046e+ l.307e+ 1.786e+ 1.307e+ 1.786e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 0.5 3.797e+ 13 3.038e+05 3.130e+06 5.964e+ 6.143e+ 5.207e+ 5.363e+ 5.207e+ 5.363e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 0.6 3.923e+13 4.924e+05 4.105e+06 9.6J l e+ 8.012e+ 8.39le+ 6.995e+ 8.39le+ 6.995e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 --0.8 7.215e+ 13 1.807e+06 J .107 e+07 3.438e+ 2.106e+ 3.00le+ 1.839e+ 3.00 l e+ l .839e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 1.0 5.430e+ 13 2.293e+06 1.J32e+07 4.2 2 7e+ 2.087e+ 3.690e+ l.822e+ 3.690e+ l .822e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 1.5 5.858e+l3 6.147e+06 2.162e+07 J.034e+ 3.638e+ 9.029e+ 3.176e+ 9.029e+ 3.176e+ 04 04 03 04 01 02 2.0 2.029e+l 3 3.863e+06 l.120e+07 5.974e+ l .732e+ 5.216e+ l.512e+ 5.216e+ l.512e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 3.0 l .071e+ 13 4.366e+06 1.01 le+07 5.924e+ l.371e+ 5.l 71e+ l .197e+ 5.17le+ l.197e+ 03 04 03 04 01 02 4.0 4.920e+J2 3.253e+06 6.604e+06 4.024e+ 8.17le+ 3.5 1 3e+ 7.133e+ 3.513e+ 7.133e+ 03 03 03 03 01 01 5.0 8.984e+ 11 8.377e+05 l.552e+06 9.603e+ l.779e+ 8.384e+ 1.553e+ 8.384e+ l.553e+ 02 03 02 03 00 01 Co rr elation of Drywell Radiation CALC. NO. NEE-323-CALC-006 I\". ENERCON Mon i tors for 300 &#xb5;Ci/gm Dose REV.O E.ctllMce-Ever y p10Je c t Every doy, Equivalent Iodine Attach m e nt 1 PAGE NO. 11 of 1 1 6.0 3.189e+l0 3.859e+0 4 6.716e+04 4.190e+ 7.294e+ 3.658e+ 6.367e+ 3.658e-6.36 7 e-01 01 01 01 01 01 To t a l 3.286e+14 2.349e+07 8.207e+07 3.666e+ 1.360e+ 3.200e+ l.187e+ 3.200 e+ l.18 7 e+ 0 4 05 04 05 0 2 03 CALC NO. N EE-323-C A LC-CALCULAT I ON PREPARATION 006 I ENERCON .. CHECKLIST Exce ll ence-Every pro j ecr. Every d ay. REV. 0 CHECKLIST ITEMS1 YES NO N/A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
: 1. If the calculation is b e ing performed to a client procedure , is the procedure being used D D [8J the latest revision?
: 2. Are the prope r forms being used and are they the latest revision?
[8J D D 3. Have th e appropriate cl i ent review forms/checklists been completed?
D D [8J 4. Are all pages properly identified with a calculation number , ca l culation revision and [8J D D page number consistent with the requirements of the client's procedure?
: 5. Is all information legible and reproducible?
[8J D D 6. Is the calculation presented in a logical and orderly manner? [8J D D 7. Is there an existing calculat i on that should be revised or voided? D [8J D 8. Is it possible to a l ter an existing calculation instead of preparing a new calculation for D [8J D this situation?
: 9. If an existing ca l culation is being used for design inputs , are the key design inputs , assumptions and engineering judgments used in that calculation valid and do they [8J D D apply to the calculation revision being performed. 10. I s the format of the calculation consistent with applicable procedures and expectations?
[8J D D 11. Were design inpuUoutput d ocuments properly updated to reference this calculation?
D D [8J 12. Can the calculation logic , methodology and presentation be properly understood
[8J D D without referring back to the originator for clarification?
OB J ECTI V E AND S C O PE 13. Does the calculation provide a clear concise statement of the problem and objective of [8J D D the calculat i on? 14. Does the calculation provide a clear statement of quality classification?
[8J D D 15. Is the reason for performing and the end use of the calcu l ation understood?
[8J D D 16. Does the ca l culation provide the basis for information found in the plant's license basis? D D [8J 17. I f so, is th i s d o cumented in the calculation?
D D [8J 18. Does the ca l cu l ation provide the basis for information found in the plant's design basis D D [8J documentation?
: 19. If so , is this documented in the calculation?
D D [8J 20. Does the calculation otherwise support information found in the plant's design basis D D [8J documentation?
CS P 3.0 3 Attac hm ent C Page 1 of 4 Rev. 1 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-CALCULATION PREPARATION 006 I ENERCON ' CHECKLIST Excellence-Every pro}ecr. Every da y. REV. 0 CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 YES NO N/A 21. If so , is this documented in the calculation?
D D 22. Has the app ropriate design or license basis documentation been revised , or has the D D change notice or change request documents being prepared for submittal?
DESIGN INPUTS 23. Are design inputs clearly identified? D D 24. Are design inputs retrievable or have they been added as attachments? D D 25. If Attachments are us e d as design inputs or assumptions are the Attachments traceable D D and verifiable?
: 26. Are design inputs clearly distinguished from assumpt i ons? D D 27. Does the calculation rely on Attachments for design inputs or assumptions?
If yes , are D D the attachments properly referenced in the calculation?
: 28. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) appropriately selected and D D are they consistent with the quality classification and objective of the calcu lation? 29. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) consistent with the plant's D D design and license basis? 30. If applicable , do design inputs adequately address actual plant conditions? D D 31. Are input values reasonable and correctly applied? D D 32. Are design input sources approved? D D 33. Does th e calculation reference the latest revision of the design input source? D D 34. Were all applicable plant operating modes considered? D D ASSUMPTIONS
: 35. Are assumptions reasonable/appropriate to the objective? D D 36. Is adequate justification/basis for all assumptions provided? D D 37. Are any engineering judgments used? D D 38. Are engineering judgments clearly identified as such? D D 39. If engineering judgments are utilized as design inputs , are they reasonable and can they be quantified or substantiated by reference to site or industry standards, D D engineering principles , physical laws or other appropriate criteria? METHODOLOGY
: 40. Is the methodology used in the calculation described or implied in the plant's licensing D D basis? CSP 3.03 Attachment C Page 2 of 4 Rev. 1 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-CALCULATION PREPARATION 006 \ ENERCON CHECKLIST Excellence-Every projecr. Every da y. REV. 0 CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 YES NO N/A 41. If the methodo l ogy used differs from that described in the plant's licensing basis , has D D IZI the appropriate lic e nse do c ument change notice been initiated?
: 42. Is the methodo l ogy used consistent with the stated objective?
IZI D D 43. Is the m e thodology used appropriate when considering the quality classification of the IZI D D ca l culation and intended use of the results? BODY OF CALCULAT I ON 44. Are equat i ons used in the calcu l ation consistent with re c ogn i zed engineering practice IZI D D and the plant's design and license basis? 4 5. Is th e r e r e asonable justi fi cation provided for the use of equations not in common use? D D IZI 46. Are the mathematical operat i ons performed properly and documented in a logical IZI D D fashion? 47. I s the math perf o rmed correctly?
IZI D D 48. Have adjustment factors , uncertainties and empirical correlations used in the analysis IZI D D been correctly applied? 49. Has proper considerat i on been given to results that may be overly sensitive to very IZI D D small changes in input? SOFTWARE/COMPU T ER CODES 50. Are computer codes or software languages used in the preparation of the ca l culation?
IZI D D 51. Have the requirements of CSP 3.09 for use of computer codes or software languages , IZI D D including verification of accurac y and app l icab i lity been met? 52. Are the codes properly identified along with source vendor , organization , and revision IZI D D level? 53. Is th e computer code applicab l e for the anal y sis being performed?
IZI D D 54. I f applicable , does the computer model adequately consider actual plant conditions?
IZI D D 55. Are the inputs to the computer code clear l y ide n tified and consistent with the inputs and IZI D D assumptions documented in the calculation?
: 56. I s the compu t er output clearl y identified?
IZI D D 57. Does the computer output c l ear ly identify the appropriate units? IZI D D 58. Are the computer outputs reasonable when compared to t h e inputs and what was IZI D D expected?
: 59. W as the comp u ter output re v iewed for ERROR or WARNING messages that could I IZI D D in v alidate the re s ults? CS P 3.0 3 Attac hm ent C Page 3 of 4 Rev. 1 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-CALCULAT I ON PREPA R ATION 006 .ii ENERCON CHECKLIST txce f~n c e-Evtry pro;<<t Evtry day. REV. 0 CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 I YES I NO I N/A RESULTS A ND C ON CL U SIONS I I I 60. Is adequate acceptance criteria spec i fied? I D I D I [8J 61. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the purpose of the calculation, and I D I D I [8J intended use? 62. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the plant's design basis , applicable I D I D I [8J licensing commitments and industry codes, and standards?
: 63. Do the calculation results and conclusions meet the stated acceptance criteria?
I D I D I [8J 64. Are the results represented in the proper units with an appropriate tolerance, if I [8J I D I D appl i cable? 65. Are the calculation results and conclusions reasonable when considered against the I [8J I D I D stated inputs and objectives?
: 66. Is sufficient conservatism applied to the outputs and conclusions?
I [8J I D I D 67. Do the calc u lation results and conclusions affect any other calculations?
I D I [8J I D 68. If so, have the affected calculations been revised? I D I D I [8J 69. Does the calculation contain any conceptual, unconfirmed or open assumptions I D I [8J I D requiring later confirmation?
: 70. If so, are they properly identified?
I D I D I [8J DE S I GN R EVIEW I I I 71. Have alternate calculation methods been used to verify calculation results? I D I [8J I D Note: 1. Where required, provide clarification/justification for answers to the questions in the space provided below each question. An explanation is required for any questions answered as " No' or " NIA". O r iginat o r: BlakeHolton v~/1&deg;>/l?-
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Revision as of 03:40, 19 July 2018